What is a hexagon jungler?

567: Crushing potential!

The first game of the LPL division is scheduled for the opening game, and the opponent is the NA division.

It is worth mentioning that there are a total of 8 major regions participating in the All-Stars this time. The seed pool is divided according to the results of international competitions in the past year, and finally the 8 representative teams are divided into two groups AB to ensure relatively balanced strength. Not seeing the king, so as to avoid the embarrassing situation where China and South Korea meet in the group stage.

Among them, LPL is in Group A, which is in the same group as North America, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia; while LCK is in the same group as Europe, Brazil, and Turkey.

Each group will take the top two in single round BO1, and then compete according to the system of A1 vs. B2, B1 vs. A2 semi-final BO3 and final BO5, until the championship is won.

LPL was able to get the opening game with higher ratings in the All-Star Game held in Los Angeles, one is because the opponent is the North American host, and the other is because of Gu Xing.

His popularity is indeed frighteningly high.

Compared to Lee Sang Hyuk's explosive reputation outside the competition area after winning the second S championship of his career in S5, Gu Xing is even worse!

When taking the bus provided by Riot to the LCS studio in North America where the venue will be held, Gu Xing just got off the bus, and he was greeted warmly with long guns and short guns, and the flashing lights didn't stop.

At first, Xiaohu thought he was welcoming him, and just raised the corners of his mouth, ready to smile at the fans who came to support him, when he heard this group of local North American onlookers shouting Gu Xing's ID.

His face changed at the speed of light, and his smile disappeared without a trace.

The reporter didn't pay attention to Xiaohu at all, and rushed to find Gu Xing.

"Virtue player, how do you comment on the restructuring of this All-Star Game?" In the end, a North American reporter with an E+ black and red logo on the microphone grabbed the priority to speak.

Gu Xing pondered for two seconds.

In all fairness, he felt that it was unreasonable to cancel the entertainment nature of the All-Star Game.

Everyone has been busy for a whole year, and after finally waiting for the end of the season, they want to relax. Playing in the All-Star game is a reward for the fans' support over the past year, which is really reasonable.

But what's the deal with a boring main game?

However, after thinking about it, Gu Xing still didn't squirt at his fist, but gave a reasonable answer against his will.

"This year's competition system is very similar to S3. The audience in the competition area voted for 5 players to participate, and then competed for the championship through the main competition mode... To be honest, I came into contact with the League of Legends competition after the All-Star Game that year. , so after hearing about the change in the competition system, I think it is quite retro, and it can bring me back to the memories of the year."

The Shanghai All-Star Game in the S3 season is the first time that Riot has held a similar event in its history.

But inadvertently created a tournament with the largest number of explosions.

Before there was Guijiaqi's "I will prove who is the world's number one jungler on this stage" to help Insec establish a position, and then Shy bombarded PDD indiscriminately, and Insec also created LOL on the field The first roundhouse kick in the history of e-sports, and PDD Rambo playing Li Mei barbecue, Ambison won the title of "Anti-China Warrior" and so on.

A small All-Star, which is full of famous stalks with high popularity!

It was also the first time that the mainland was responsible for hosting an international League of Legends event, and its domestic influence was unprecedented!

Gu Xing only became a die-hard game fan after watching the All-Stars.

"Of course, I don't think the excitement level of this year's All-Stars is too good," Gu Xing said in a joking tone, "The main reason is the shortcoming."

"The reward mechanism of the S3 All-Star Game is very scientific!"

When the All-Stars were playing in the main match, Riot specially provided an incentive plan in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the players.

The champion can get an extra place to participate in the S game, and the All-Star semi-finals can ensure that they will have the seed seat for the quarter-finals in the S game.

The rewards are quite attractive, so everyone is working hard and wants to add luster to the competition area.

The all-stars formed by the LPL are even the champions!

At that time, everyone didn't realize how terrifying OGN was. They only thought that they won the runner-up in the S2 World Championship.

Little did they know that this region, which will dominate the League of Legends for several years in the future, has already made all preparations. It is easy to tear apart all the enemies who commit crimes by showing its fangs. In the finals, it crushed LPL and won the championship, bringing OGN the third place in the S3 World Championship. places!

Of course, the most ridiculous thing is that among the ten players in the All-Star Final LPL vs. OGN that year, only Rat King Pray entered the World Championship that year.

The 2IG3WE lineup composed of Shy, Insec, Ambition, Madlife, and LPL has never entered the global finals in the S3 season!

Although Rat King Pray entered the World Championship as the No. 1 seed, he fought fiercely in five rounds in the S3 semi-finals and was defeated by a supernova team!

That team was called SKT.

And what the devil took was the third seed of OGN that Pray worked so hard to win in the All-Star Game.

This boomerang directly pierced the mouse king's career!

If Pray hadn't led the team to win the All-Star Game, then SKT would have taken away KTA's wonderful record of "the champion of the summer split but not able to enter the World Championship" a season earlier!

And the opponent that Shu King met in the semi-finals was definitely not SKT. With Najin Heijian showing the hard power that he could fight 5 rounds with the peak barbecue stall that year, he might be able to win the world championship in one fell swoop!

But now, Pray can only guard the honors of the two World Championship semi-finalists, crushing the young shooters in the same competition area by voting based on age and qualifications, and winning another chance for himself to participate in the All-Star.

All I can say is, fate is beyond words.

Gu Xing is sometimes very interested in the grievances and grievances of different players in professional leagues connected by various chances and coincidences, and always feels that there is a sense of fate in the dark.

If this year's All-Star can also get some prizes such as a place in the S game, he will probably go to compete for the championship with an extremely strong desire to win.

It's a pity that Fist is very stingy now, he only wants the horses to work, but he doesn't even give them grass.

The reporter insisted on asking again, but Gu Xing was afraid that he would be forced to answer something against his will, so he rushed to the backstage of the studio.

Facts have proved that North American journalists are not as fast as Hong Kong journalists.

Without any effort, Gu Xing left them far behind with two long legs, and arrived at the dressing room one step ahead of his teammates.

While looking at his mobile phone to pay close attention to the public opinion on the post bar, Casa rushed in.

Followed by four other LMS players.

"Long time no see!" Gu Xing raised his hand in greeting.

Limited by the restraint effect imposed by the makeup artist, he couldn't stand up and greet him.

Kasa's eyes lit up, and he immediately posted over and began to whisper.

Relying on the make-up artist's inability to speak Chinese, the two played encrypted calls in a daze.

"How is the transfer period going?" Gu Xing asked.

"The contract has been signed," Kasa responded excitedly, "The price is quite fair, and we are still fellow villagers, no one can bully ducks!"

The answer immediately appeared in Gu Xing's mind.

Kingdom of players.

At present, only the club created by this ASUS sub-brand is in operation in LPL.

According to the news disclosed by the league, they will be active on the court under another name.


"Okay," Gu Xing sincerely sent his congratulations, "Speaking of which, there is still some connection between our two teams!"

At that time, the country of players bought the LPL quota from the VGP, and the two families were more or less blood related.

"Hey hey," Casa started rubbing his hands, "We will have a very strong lineup next season, Nicole should be careful."

Gu Xing habitually spread his hands, "To be honest, my ears are almost callused when I hear this kind of argument. When will you really teach me a lesson?"

"Each time, after being beaten up, he utters harsh words, and then we push him to the ground and beat him up...the cycle never stops, right?"

Cass puffed his mouth.

He remembered Ming Kai's famous saying that was passed down to the island.

Although I was very upset in my heart, I couldn't find any reason to refute.

"Wait," Casa said harshly, "Starting from this All-Star session, you don't even want to win even a small game!"

"It's so scary," Gu Xing said in a tone of embarrassment, "With your teammates, it's considered a success if you win a small game against us in the LPL!"

Casa stopped talking, turned around and went to actively prepare for the game, ready to speak with strength on the field.

In fact, the strength of the teams sent by the LMS Division for this All-Star Game is really not weak.

Put all the effort in the competition area and connect Ziv, Casa, FoFo, Bebe, and Snake to form a team-it can be seen that they really like duplication.

In terms of strength, except that Bebe, the king of smirks, won the championship with the assassination star, they are all the strongest players in their respective positions, not much weaker than LPL and LCK!

Gu Xing uttered big words, but he definitely wouldn't take it lightly in terms of tactical preparations.

After putting on makeup, he went back to the backstage lounge arranged by the fist to calm down and look through the materials.

Xiaohu and Meiko who entered later were still laughing and playing, seeing Gu Xing's rigorous and serious appearance, they quickly stopped smiling and were also reviewing the version knowledge that they had not yet grasped.

Uzi deeply agrees with Gu Xing's setting an example, his expression is almost like saying "look at him" to Zhongfu.

As for Song Jinghao... His old god was still there, he took out his blindfold and closed his eyes to rest his mind and began to rest, as if the non-stop bleating of sheep from last night was still echoing in his ears.

It wasn't until Vincent knocked on the door and came in to inform the players that they were ready to enter that everyone in the LPL got up and prepared to enter.

"Brothers, let's cheer up," Gu Xingyi took up the leadership role of this temporary team, and called on everyone to form a circle and fold their palms together, "Although the running-in time is not particularly long, the opponent is the same. We don’t need to feel impatient when our communication is not going our way, the enemy will not be any stronger than us!”

"Calm down, listen to my command, and win the game," Gu Xing said in three steps, his tone full of reason, "With me here, the variables are all controllable, and everything is logical!"

His proud resume and excellent strength have long made the LPL United Team regard Gu Xing as the backbone. Waiting channel, ready to go to the battlefield.

The LCS studio is where the regular season of the North American division is held, and photos of previous league champions holding cups are hung on the surrounding walls.

On the way, Gu Xing saw different versions of the makeup photo of the big brother grinning brightly at himself, as if he wanted to advertise for Crest for free.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the North American phantom god, and its dominance is terrifying!

But netizens all over the world know that it is useless for you to be a phantom god of the league. As long as the World Championship is over, no matter how good your impression is, it will be instantly shattered!

Peng Yiliang was unable to participate in this World Championship, so he could only watch the excitement at the English stream commentary stand, and EAKY took over the big brother's stick.

Even if they were all eliminated in the group stage, there was still a gap!

The top 9 is definitely better than the top 16.

Gu Xing used the mouse pad to roll the keyboard and mouse together and put them in the storage box of the waiting aisle and the stage connecting aisle. Later, the staff will take advantage of the labels attached to the keyboard and mouse to put them in the storage box during the opening ceremony. in the position of the master.

The slogan of this All-Star Game is also pasted at the entrance of the passage-abandon all entertainment and return to the purest confrontation.

"After the North American Division, let us invite you next--LPL All Stars!"

The host, who looks like a fat walrus, has an amazing lung capacity, as if singing a tenor voice, dragging his tone desperately to exaggerate the atmosphere of watching the game.

The North American audience at the scene was full of enthusiasm and beat the cheering sticks desperately to welcome the team to the stage.

"TOP, Smeb!" The host waved his palm and pointed to Song Jinghao's location.

Smeb showed a familiar sunny smile and waved his hands to greet the audience warmly.

After the Grand Slam, his fame and prestige was second only to Gu Xing.

Relying on the outstanding performance of S5 and S6, which is almost like a hero, it has attracted a large number of fans in the outer competition area.


"The host suddenly raised his voice and roared with all his strength.

The audience in the stands immediately made a huge noise, cheering for the new king of LOL!

The huge momentum of the opening ceremony was fully included in the official LPL live broadcast room, which immediately aroused heated discussions in the barrage.

[Hey, can you get so many cheers in North America? This is Brother Xing's card! 】

[What is the world's number one jungler (international fallback), just ask who else you have? ! 】

[Shi Yiye? He is clearly the number one LOL player in the world! 】

[Lee Sang Hyuk took two and a half years (S3 World Championships-S6 Mid-Season Championships) to complete the journey, Brother Xing can solve it in just one year! 】

If you compare it with the meager applause when Xiaohu appeared on the stage, you can find that Gu Xing's reputation is really outrageous.

In the follow-up, Uzi has already been regarded as a well-known shooter in the LPL on the external network, but the cheers he enjoyed cannot be compared with Gu Xing!

In the follow-up to BP, North American audiences brought the meaning of the word 'discriminatory treatment' into full play.

Gu Xing just showed Qian Jue, and the scene was full of excitement!

The effect of the sound-proof earphones was not very good, so Gu Xing held back his laughter and finally chose the blind monk.

After the incense burner was cut in the middle, Qian Jue's status returned to the half-dead status of the original S7 summer split.

And now it's still a damage overflow version. Crispy skin generally can't handle the damage. In the early confrontation, Qian Jue is easily arrested and killed by the enemy.

What's more, Qian Jue needs teammates to cooperate in the professional arena.

When Gu Xing was in VG, Kuro cared for him and provided him with meticulous care so that Qian Jue could survive the difficult mid-term and quickly develop into shape.

But Xiaohu couldn't play this trick, so he had to give up in the end, and chose a blind monk who was better at producing kills.

Then I didn't know where the excitement of the audience was touched, and I continued to howl in the stands.

Miller on the commentary stage was also confused, so it had to be Wang Duoduo, who was more familiar with various information, to explain the confusion.

"Since arriving in Los Angeles, Brother Xing has started a frenzied journey to score points on the US server. Every time a blind monk is selected, he can score points wildly. He can do all kinds of extreme operations at his fingertips. He is a master in the US server!"

Only then did Baby understand the reason, and by the way, he added a compliment, "I can only say that you are worthy of Brother Xing. Isn't it reasonable for gods to block and kill gods and Buddhas to block and kill Buddhas in qualifying?"

On the other hand, Li Yuanhao showed his signature Enchantress and Yellow Chicken for a long time, and the whole audience refused to even give sporadic applause!

In the end, I had to lock down the strong version of the yellow chicken, intending to pay tribute to the translator Hou Ye who was behind me.

Uzi chose the little yellow-haired Yin Zerai.

This hero has not appeared in the bottom lane ecological environment for a long time.

In the S7 summer game and the world stage, which emphasized the selection of big core shooters, no one cares about it. EZ is a pure bottom lane unpopular hero, and it is only suitable for rolling snowballs in the jungle position.

But now it can be on the stage.

There are many reasons. The first is the revision of the rune system. The Stealing Omen talent is very compatible with EZ, which can increase the speed of Xiao Huangmao's equipment formation.

The other is the attribute improvement of the Mozong series - the mana value of each stack is increased from 4 points to 5 points, which can greatly speed up the progress of EZ's magic cut and reach the strong stage as soon as possible!

Uzi seemed to grasp at straws.

He really doesn't understand what the female gun is all about, it's not as easy as the little yellow hair!

"Try to delay this game," Hongmi told his teammates before leaving after finishing the BP, "There are yellow chickens and little yellow hairs, so let's avoid the battle during the laning phase, and it's okay to win by teaming up in the mid-term. "

However, he is still too idealistic, relying only on the strength of the BP lineup to consider the overall style of play.

Or a little underestimated Gu Xing's ability to break the game when facing weaker opponents.

The fact is that Gu Xing only used 4 minutes to beat the NA division team into a sieve!

What I have to say is that during the preseason of S7, Riot deliberately shortened the waiting time before the start of the game to speed up the pace of the game appropriately. It's one and a half minutes, so Gu Xing's speed three will be faster than before.

He rose to level 3 in two and a half minutes, and then directly invaded the NA wild area, aiming at the opponent's prince was a brutal beating!

After hitting the enemy with the Q sky sound wave, he immediately triggered the second echo attack and kicked him up.

The enemy prince also wanted to use the EQ second company to interrupt the blind monk's displacement, and by the way, Gu Xing was lifted into the air.

The outcome of this field matchup is easy to distinguish. In the case of small differences in equipment and status, as long as the prince can interrupt the second-stage Q of the blind monk and ensure that his EQ second-company can pick up the enemy, he can guarantee the opponent Fight to win!

But Gu Xing also understood very well.

All the combat power of the prince in the early stage is concentrated on the two skills of EQ. Once the opponent uses a combination skill to control and damage, he will fall into a desperate situation!

As long as he dodged the prince's EQ second company, Gu Xing couldn't figure out how to lose!

Gu Xing touched his eyes in the middle and forcibly canceled the second stage of Q, and moved a short distance in the air, narrowly avoiding the impact of the prince's giant dragon!

And he also guaranteed that he was not far from Jarvan IV!


First attack the opponent twice, seeing that the enemy is about to open the distance, and then use the second-stage E to break the tendons and bones and successfully keep the prince slowly. Heavy punches kept hammering each other!

Even though Gu Xing didn't create the damage of the second-stage Q, the price the prince paid was to lose the EQ!

Relying on the attack speed of the German flag alone, the prince is no match for the blind monk!

Jiawen knew that he was invincible, and the red BUFF on the opponent's body also had a slowing effect, so it was difficult for him to open the distance by walking alone, so he had to hand over the flash to escape over the wall.

"Brother Xing is not forgiving, he flashed across the wall at the same time, and continued to attack the prince with basic attacks!" The baby looked excited, "It feels like cinnabar is about to come out!"

As mentioned before, when the S7 World Championship version came, Riot had adjusted the prince's armor attributes, and slightly limited the hero's strength by increasing the cost of clearing the jungle.

After the change of the rune system, the princes are all charged with electrocution, and there is no way to even obtain armor!

Originally, it was enough to hurt the wild, but now he was ambushed by Gu Xing, he was as fragile as a piece of paper in front of the blind monk who was electrocuted!

Gu Xing sent his joy away with his last punch!

The NA jungler put his hand on his forehead and showed a regretful expression, obviously not satisfied with his handling of the Banye area.

This year's TSM collapsed in the S7 group stage, not only the big brothers were affected, but the jungler race knights were also wildly sprayed by North American audiences.

Especially after the VG documentary spread to the Internet, North American netizens were extremely angry at the game where the race knight was captured by EZ one after another.

You can't even recognize the traps that others set up casually, and you are trampled by Gu Xing as a toy, you don't even want your face!

Therefore, in the voting session, they made unanimous efforts to make the race knights miss this year's All-Star.

In the end, the Chinese player MikeYeung was voted out. He was the best rookie in the North American Division of the S7 Summer Split.

More importantly, he will join the veteran giants TSM after the transfer period.

This is enough.

There are a large number of TSM fans, and they want to bring him up to see the world, and test the quality of the new jungler by the way.

Unexpectedly, within 3 minutes of the start of the game, MikeYeung was beaten by Gu Xingdansha!

There was a commotion in the rat table.

[WTF, the prince is dead now? What kind of B damage is a blind monk?]

[TSM: Return! I say it's too late now? 】

[Don't quit, besides MikeYeung, can you find any reliable junglers in North America? Don’t be in the midst of blessings and don’t know your blessings]

[That is, being cinnabar by Virtue is not something difficult to accept. Others have no chance to be cinnabar! 】

Gu Xing had no time to pay attention to the psychological activities of the enemy players and spectators, and immediately went on the road without stopping.

Song Jinghao's Shen made a decisive move, and E flashed to taunt Hauntzer's Gnar.

Gu Xing made a precise hit with Tianyinbo from a long distance!

He didn't rush to turn in the second Q, but waited for the opponent to dodge and escape back to the tower before catching up with the Echo Shot, relying on high burst damage to take him away!

Little Gnar's body is fragile, but in this damage overflow version, the fault tolerance rate is extremely low!

Shen + Blind Monk's Ueno is unreasonable, and it is easy to send it back to the spring!

Gu Xing resisted the tower twice and turned into residual blood, and the W golden bell quickly moved out with the help of Song Jinghao as a springboard, and returned to a safe position.

After just a moment of effort in the start, the NA situation collapsed!

Next, Gu Xing is to train the enemy Ueno non-stop. After making a warrior jungler, he is still not satisfied with the damage, so he synthesized the black cut to maximize the damage.

The blind monk with damage equipment is definitely one of the jungle heroes with the strongest snowball ability.

Gu Xing didn't give the opponent a chance to operate after holding the advantage of the equipment. He touched the R and kicked out, followed the Q and then followed the basic attack and Tianleipo. The last two Qs ended and he could easily complete the solo kill!

VG Ueno scored a total of 10 kills in just 15 minutes, completely breaking through the defense of the NA division!

Uzi didn't even make the magic cut three-phase two-piece suit, so he was pulled by Gu Xing to do it!

The time node of the last wave was 22 minutes and 15 seconds. Gu Xing cut in from the flanks, and R flashed and kicked up the three enemies, cutting the NA formation into pieces with the posture of wearing candied haws!

The high amount of damage caused all the audience to scream!

The LPL United team swarmed up, wiped out the enemy's base, and took the first victory of the All-Stars!

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