What is a hexagon jungler?

574: Time is running out for IG!

"Birth of First Blood!"

The baby shouted loudly on the commentary stage, "TheShy never expected that Brother Xing hadn't left yet, and he was on the road to catch him once!"

"As a hunter, Qinggangying is really patient. He started squatting in less than 3 minutes, and he just waited for nearly 4 minutes before freezing his hands!" Miller also expressed emotion.

"And brother Xing is very confident in his operation. He firmly believes that the E flash E can be hit without vision. Otherwise, if TheShy can hand over the blood pool or flash when Camille kicks back from the second section of the wall, the situation will be completely different. !"

The camera was shown to the IG player seat, and TheShy was very depressed.

He deeply felt that Gu Xing did not play his cards according to common sense.

Which jungler would squat for so long?

Shanglu is your home? !

The only thing he can comfort himself is that this death will not lose the line.

The crossing point of the pawn line is stuck in the middle of the top road. Even if VG Ueno kills himself and advances quickly, he cannot push all the pawn lines into the tower before he is resurrected.

It is worth mentioning that TheShy carries the Summoner skill set of Flash + Ignite in this round. With [Unsealed Cheats], you can have a fragment in exchange for Summoner skills in 2 minutes.

He replaced the cooling flash with teleportation to achieve the effect of returning to the line quickly.

Jiang Chenglu felt that he hadn't lost much. Thinking about Gu Xing who was elusive, he could still grin, and felt that the next game would be very challenging.

However, his usual serious face suddenly laughed, and his expression looked strange.

The broiler is ridiculous.

He sacrificed himself, handed over the teleportation and then returned to the city and rushed to the middle road on foot, losing a large wave of soldiers, just to ensure the safety of TheShy.

So now you tell me that vampires are still doomed?

Then I am not helping in vain!

Jess, who was behind in rank, lost his composure when facing the yellow chicken, and was flustered when he was stabbed by Kuro.

Everyone is a first-line professional player, the gap in strength is not as exaggerated as imagined, and the ability to seize opportunities is quite strong. Of course, Li Ruixing will not let go of the advantage that Gu Xing has worked so hard to help him build, and is constantly consuming Rookie's blood volume.

Kuro's heart blossomed when he saw Jace utterly flummoxed by the pricks from the soldiers.

"It has to be you, Gu Gu," he praised without hesitation, "How do you say that in a hot idiom? Kill two birds with one stone, kill the top lane and destroy the middle lane by the way!"

Song Jinghao also has a tendency to evolve towards Kuro now. After earning 200 gold coins for assists, he smiled, "This bowl E flash E highlights a smoothness. Gu Gu, Qinggangying, your proficiency is not inferior to the top laner!"

"Basic practice, don't be six..." Gu Xingdu muttered, operating Qinggangying to brush the crabs in the upper river, and then went to the grass on the middle road to place an ornament eye to help Kuro beware of the pig girl's surprise attack, and then returned to his home in the Ueno area Continue to grow wild, while searching for the next target.

It is impossible for him and Zhumei to develop smoothly, and it must be Camille who suffers that way—the roles of the two junglers in the balance group are very different, and they are not at the same level at all.

The key to playing the jungler Qinggangying well is the never-ending Gank, allowing the influence to continuously radiate to the three lines, giving the opponent unparalleled pressure, and thus being established by the team.

Cut the screen to observe the three lanes, and found that Song Jinghao just finished pushing the line and chose to return to the city to make up for Yaoguang. Although the captain before level 6 did good damage, his ability to cooperate with the jungler was too poor. It was difficult for Gu Xing to catch TheShy with blood in the pool. .

Kuro is still pressing the line in the middle, but it is difficult for Qinggangying to arrest the broiler without flashing.

The only option in the short term is to go down the lane - Xiangsong and the two have pushed the line of soldiers across the river since the beginning of the line, giving full play to the strength advantage of their combination, which instead gave Gu Xing a chance to raid and arrest.

However, the duos of the two teams have been calm since the beginning of the match.

Under the guidance of Duan Deliang, Jack abides by the principle of the half district. Before that, he knew that Gu Xing was making troubles in the upper half of the district, while King Ning was in the lower wild district, so he didn't try to exchange blood with the opponent.

I would rather lose a little pawn line but also preserve my own blood volume, so as not to be killed by IG jumping over the tower.

As a result, the opposite Xiangsong duo is also in good condition.

Gu Xing felt that if he rushed over, he would definitely not be able to kill the enemy's Calista + Bron with the bottom lane combination of Verus + Tamm!

If you want to kill, you must first reduce the blood volume of the IG duo.

However, VG laned for 4 minutes in the bottom lane, and suddenly stepped forward and started to exchange blood, which is bound to arouse the suspicion of the opponent!

What if King Ning came over and squatted back?

The power of the enemy pig girl + Bron, the Freljord Nosuke, in small-scale team battles cannot be underestimated!

Specify that there is no VG good juice to eat!

Gu Xing fell into a dead end for a while.

Then suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind.


"Old Duan, take Jack to exchange blood first," Gu Xing commanded, and by the way, reminded, "Remember not to play with your life..."

Duan Deliang agreed, changed his original Gota style, stepped forward and began to use Q [Great Tongue Lash] to invite the IG duo to exchange blood.

Liu Qingsong frowned, and immediately sensed that something was wrong. After smelling out the potential danger to his life, he quickly called the jungler to come down the road and perform a back squat.

King Ning had observed the sudden change in the laning situation in the bottom lane, and he did not suspect him. He thought that Gu Xing showed signs of freezing his hands against his duo, so he rushed to the bottom lane without stopping.

After all, in his opinion, Gu Xing has nowhere to go, and the only way out can provide him with a surprise attack environment!

Driving the steel bristles from behind the IG duo into the lower route grass, Gao Zhenning lurks in it, like an old fisherman eagerly waiting for the fish to take the bait.

It's just that King Ning waited until the flowers were all withered, and the pig's legs were bitten out by grass mosquitoes, but he didn't see Qing Gangying!

At first, he thought that his whereabouts were captured by VG, but then he thought about it, the enemy duo has been in the game until now, and the pawn line has not pushed out across the river, how could it be possible to insert eyes into the area controlled by IG?

But the fact is that Gu Xing never showed up!

Gao Zhenning has a quick temper, and he can't hold back at the moment.

But after thinking about it, Gu Xing had caught TheShy once before, and wasted nearly a minute near the top road.

The other party can afford to wait, why can't I?

The stubbornness in King Ning's heart came up, and he was willing to leave only if he got something!

On the commentary stage, the Haier brothers followed the director's lens and saw the motionless pig girl in the grass.

"Ning Wang, Li Zaigan God?!" Puzzling, the baby said in a teasing tone, "Staying in the grass for nearly a minute, could it be that he is playing a big game of chess?"

"He's squatting back in the air, VG has no intention of attacking the bottom lane at all!" Miller was also confused, "Plus, the level 4 pig girl has too little ability to initiate, and it's impossible to control people in such a back position! "

The audience was laughing and laughing, and the arena was filled with a happy atmosphere.

The netizens in the live broadcast room spoke even more unscrupulously across a network cable.

[Classic chess game, Gao Zhenning, you are called the "king" for no reason, your level is almost on par with the wild king]

[LWX: Report to the referee, someone in the team hangs up! 】

[What on earth is Pig Girl going to do, share the experience of the bot lane teammates, right? 】

[Squat, just squat hard, without any consciousness, I can do it! 】

Gao Zhenning looked left and right, but he didn't wait to come to Gu Xing.

He finally panicked.

Gu Xing, you are not on the road at all, where did you go? !

In the end, a partition wall of broiler was placed in the eye position of F6 in the Ueno area of ​​IG to answer Ning Wang's question.

Gu Xing, who has updated his equipment, is in the other half of the canyon, swinging his leg blade to harvest the lives of the Raptor family!

Gao Zhenning was furious, deeply feeling that his IQ was insulted by the other party.

After fighting fiercely in the bottom lane for a long time, it was clear that it was to create conditions for Gank, but you ran to fight my wild monsters?

How unreasonable!

King Ning is angry now, but he has nothing to do with Gu Xing.

He couldn't teleport and fly to the upper half to prevent Qing Gangying from going against the wild.

If you walk to the raptor camp, it will take 25 seconds at least!

When King Ning rushes over, I'm afraid the day lily will be cold!

What's more, the combat power of the upper middle field and the middle field of the two teams is completely unequal now, and it is impossible for Gao Zhenning to hold the field.

King Ning, who wasted a lot of time waiting for a minute on the next road, urgently needs to make up for his own development.

In the end, he chose to continue changing the wild area like the beginning - the camp in the lower half of VG just happened to be refreshed, and Gao Zhenning went to replace the resources, and he could also get the two camps of the Raptor and the Stone Beetle.

King Ning felt that the calculation would not be a loss, so he breathed a sigh of relief and went to clean up the wild monsters.

It's just that he immediately realized the new problem.

I completely lost control over the road!

From the beginning of the game to the present, Gao Zhenning has never been on the road!

He thumped in his heart, feeling that something was wrong.

King Ning felt that he was stepping into the trap carefully woven by Gu Xing step by step, and his heart became more and more flustered.

Before he finished brainstorming, VG started to move.

Relying on the advantages of combat power established in the early stage and the consumption ability of Comet + Scorch, Kuro stabbed the unrecoverable Jess, sent all the cannon lanes that arrived in the middle of the road in 5 minutes and 27 seconds into the IG tower, and then turned his head and went to the IG tower. Run up!

The intention is obvious, that is, the sword points to the road!

Song Yijin knew something was wrong, so he quickly issued a warning to Jiang Chenglu, telling him to take the time to retreat.

His teleportation hasn't improved yet, so he can't cover his teammates!

This time TheShy didn't dare to make a big deal. If VG Ueno came to catch him, he would dare to try to fight back against the defensive tower.

If the three of them came to arrest him, Jiang Chenglu wouldn't even have the slightest intention to resist!

The opponent doesn't even need to stack control, just relying on damage can send him back to the spring for recuperation!

However, as soon as TheShy ran under the tower, a green steel shadow emerged from behind, blocking his retreat.

Jiang Chenglu bit the bullet and continued to retreat, trying to withstand Camille's damage and forcefully ran back into the second tower.

But there was a loud noise in the sky, and shells began to rain down in a huge area centered on the vampire!

It's Captain R [Cannon Barrage]!

Relying on the experience of the 9th wave of soldiers, Song Jinghao successfully rose to level 6 earlier than the vampire!

Now use the big move to cover Jiang Chenglu's body mercilessly.

The severe slowing effect makes it difficult for vampires to move!

Gu Xing bullied himself forward, and hung [Challenge and Punishment] on the opponent first.

Most of the junglers now use green jungle knives, providing the team with two more eye positions to ensure vision.

But Qinggangying is undoubtedly an exception.

She puts a lot of emphasis on the one-on-one ability in the jungle, and she must ensure that she can beat the opponent's jungler in order to be effective.

Challenging punishment is the absolute core!

The victim's damage to Qinggang Shadow is reduced by 20%, and Camille can also obtain additional output of real damage.

According to the theory of canyon relativity, one back and one back is equal to the invincibility of Qinggangying!

Gu Xing still started with a basic attack followed by a Q with precise etiquette, and first lowered the opponent's blood volume.

After Jiang Chenglu left the range of the captain's long move, he used a tactical sweep to slow down.

Then A picked up and cut a lot of vampires' health with real damage!

TheShy was burned by the additional output of the challenge punishment. Seeing that he had not much HP left, he knew that if he didn't hand in the life-saving skills, he might be killed by Gu Xing.

As a last resort, he had to hand over E and Xuechi first to try to escape, and wanted to use the advantage of moving speed to get rid of Qinggangying.

Gu Xing hung the hook on the wall, and the second section of the wall was perfectly pressed against the vampire the moment he stood up, knocking him out!

He was not tempted by TheShy, who was left with blood, but followed closely behind him.

Jiang Chenglu was not overjoyed when he saw this scene.

On the contrary, it was hopeless.

Gu Xing obviously did it on purpose, the purpose is to get people's heads!

Song Jinghao's captain is far away in the sky, so the player who can laugh at 300 gold coins is ready to appear.


The yellow chicken drifted into the arena from the side, and the EQ second company drove the sand soldiers through the wall to the second tower to take the vampire's life!

TheShy had no ability to resist, and was easily emptied of the remaining blood bars by the yellow chicken!

"Brother Xing of the good team!" Wawa was not stingy with compliments, "Isn't this head a K? I just want to give it to the mid laner!"

"It makes sense," Miller said excitedly, "The role of the yellow chicken in the later stage can definitely crush all the heroes on the field. It can give Azir the economy to promote his development and formation as soon as possible. For VG All benefits and no harm!"

Song Yijin under the camera was dumbfounded.

I admit that you will repay your kindness with revenge, right?

In less than 3 minutes, brother teleported to the road to help you once, and then you repay me like this?

The economy of the yellow chicken level is all ahead, and I, Jess, even hit the hammer!

On the other hand, Kuro's mouth is almost crooked.

"Hey, you are such a good person!" He said cheerfully, "Words can't describe your selfless dedication!"

"Great, needless to say!"

Jack shivered suddenly when he heard this, and felt a chill coming from his back.

Just when he thought someone was cursing him behind his back, he saw the furious Sejuani riding a pig out of the grass behind the next tower of VG, blocking his and Duan Deliang's retreat route!

Gritting his teeth, King Ning finally saw through Gu Xing's strategy.

The opponent had apparently deliberately asked the VG duo to start a duel, in order to coax himself into the bottom lane. Gu Xing took the opportunity to take over the upper field area, thereby cutting off the connection between the rest of the IG players and the top lane, and went to Kuro to arrest TheShy again!

Every link is extremely meticulous, and Gao Zhenning unknowingly stepped into the trap arranged by Gu Xing!

King Ning was furious at this moment, and vowed to kill the VG duo to vent his hatred.

"Teammates, teammates," Jack yelled in a panic, "save me!"

"Don't be afraid, brother is coming!" Li Ruixing immediately handed over the transmission, and came straight from the top road to the bottom road!

King Ning's blood pressure rose steadily.

The VG group of hanging people are disgusting and stupefied!

He was afraid to attack.

In case Duan Deliang swallowed Jack into his stomach and waited for the yellow chicken to fall to the ground, Duan Deliang will be the one who will suffer the most!

After all, Kuro didn't even use his ultimate move when he went to the top lane to kill the vampire!

"Rookie, can you send in the middle lane?" Gao Zhenning said urgently, "Whatever happens, the opponent must pay a price!"

Song Yijin replied with a helpless tone, "I can't do it!"

He was poked into blood by Kuro's yellow chicken earlier, and finally dealt with the artillery line under the tower. If he dared to send the line of soldiers across the river, Gu Xing would be able to fly out from the wild area to pick up the next second. Take his life!

King Ning frowned, seeing the yellow chicken landed on the ground, he had no choice but to give up jumping the tower.

"Come and help me make up the line, this Qinggang Shadow is here!" Song Yijin called the jungler.

The yellow chicken ran to the bottom of the map, and the pawn line in the middle naturally had to be handled by someone.

Gu Xing's sense of smell is very sensitive, and he decisively chose to come to the middle to clear the line of soldiers.

Song Yijin, who had less than 300 health points, didn't even have the qualifications to look at him, and if he was a little careless, he might be caught and killed by Gu Xing.

In desperation, Broiler had no choice but to send someone over to help deal with the pawn line.

After Gu Xing finished pushing the short line in the middle, he saw Gao Zhenning rushing over.

He immediately gave up his plan to kill chickens by jumping over the tower, and instead went down the river to put pressure on Xiangsong and the other two, and by the way started the first little dragon!

"The rhythm of VG is a bit suffocated," Miller exclaimed, "I don't leave a bit of breathing space for IG, and the offensive is wave after wave!"

IG's residual blood Jess does not have the ability to teleport support, so he is doomed to be powerless to fight for the dragon.

King Ning was so aggrieved that he was dying, but in the end he could only watch Gu Xing easily take the fire dragon into his pocket with a punishment!

After Gu Xing finished collecting the neutral resources, he was satisfied and returned to the city for supplies.

After buying Caulfield's Warhammer, go to the Ueno area to clear the camp, and go straight to the middle after upgrading to level six.

E hits the wall, and the second section of the wall flies back towards Jess!

In all fairness, Song Yijin's position is quite cautious, and he has tried his best to stick to the side where he has vision.

Even Qing Gangying couldn't come directly to Jess with this wall return.

But Gu Xing still has a big move!

R [Hex ultimatum]!

During the flight, Qinggangying made up for another displacement, and framed Jess in the barrier!

"The broiler switched to the hammer form, trying to knock Brother Xing away with a thunderous blow..." Wawa was heartbroken, "It's a pity that the forced displacement distance is not far enough!"

Camille has not been knocked out of the enchantment domain, and the scope of Hex's ultimatum will not disappear.

Jess can only move within the barrier!

Kuro, who uses the skin of Lord Hou's champion, commanded the sand soldiers to move over, and knocked them into the air with the wall of the forbidden army!

"There is no suspense, VG Nakano's burst damage is frighteningly high, and the broiler was taken away by Brother Xing with one kick and two kicks as soon as he landed!"

Miller sighed, "IG's not-so-solid line of defense is now torn to pieces by Brother Xing!"

He carefully analyzed, "Originally, in terms of the confrontation between the middle and the wild, the combination of IG Jess + Zhumei should have the advantage, but Xingge's repeated Gank transfers have successfully created space for Kuro to develop. Now the yellow chicken is getting closer and closer to the formation of equipment. It's getting closer, there is not much time left for IG!"

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