What is a hexagon jungler?

612: Flash for next time!

Chapter 612 612: Save the flash for next time!

"Two to zero!" Zeyuan's voice was loud, "VG won another victory and took the lead in getting the match point of this BO5 game!"

“The midfielder combination of Kled + Scorpion chosen by RW in this game is very unpopular, but it didn’t show much strength in the whole game.” I remember feeling extremely regretful, “The way they were most proud of entering the game in the team battle was eliminated by Brother Xing. Easily cracked with just one big move!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room were talking a lot.

[That’s right, it made me really nervous during BP, but I didn’t expect it to be a silver pewter gun tip]

[To be honest, don’t blame the lineup for playing like this. After Rift Pioneer pushed the first-blood tower, RW operated like a rice field and was played like a toy by VG. How many defense towers and Binxuan did they lose? 】

[The culprit is this P-Sa, who is both a troll and a scorpion. The two games have purely side effects, and they are like a relief in front of Brother Xing]

[The two games are less than 50 minutes old, can VG play slower? Kiss me, my takeout hasn’t arrived yet, but RW will send it soon? 】

Jin Taixiang stood up, shook his head helplessly and sighed, feeling full of melancholy.

Who can you blame?

Before the game, it was clearly stated that the midfielder would link up, but the execution turned out to be completely different from the expected plan!

Before Doinb left, he glanced at the jungler next to him.

Kasa almost buried his head in the table and acted like an ostrich.

After taking off his headphones, he could still hear the commentator chattering on stage.

"Now that I think back to that wave of dragons, is there any question about Casa's target selection for his ultimate move?" Zeyuan said eloquently, "It's useless for Scorpion to pull VG on the mid-range support, but it can pull Brother Xing's wine barrel!"

"If you use your ultimate move to pull Brother Xing out, Kasa will definitely not be blown away from his teammates by Beer Man's barrel," he explained his reason. "If we don't reduce the number of people in the front, RW might still be able to fight in a team battle." beat!"

Casa believes that he will not bear the blame.

There is a reason why he did not choose Gu Xing as the R [Crystal Stinger] target in the Dalong Pit team battle.

The key is that RW's output was insufficient at that time.

The total control of Scorpion's ultimate move is 5 seconds, and Gu Xing's wine barrel has about 2,200 HP.

This means that RW must deal nearly 1,000 points of damage per second on Gu Xing!

Judging from RW's poor economic conditions at the time and its lineup that lacked damage, it was tantamount to wishful thinking to achieve such a high burst of output and drop barrels in seconds!

If Gragas can survive, all QER can be thrown out in just 1 second.

For AP beer guys, this is definitely mission accomplished!

Wouldn't the Scorpion's ultimate move be in vain?

Therefore, Casa can only gamble that he can pull Jack back who has not yet made mercury and kill him instantly.

This is RW's only chance to comeback and win!

Now Casa finally understood why Gu Xing would unbelievably make way for him to get close to Yu Wenbo in the team battle.

At first I thought it was Gu Xingkai who was cowardly, but when I looked back, I suddenly realized that the other party had actually done this deliberately, tricking him into controlling Jack, with R [Exploding Barrel] in his hand ready to counterattack at any time!

Karsa shook his head, trying to forget everything that happened in the previous game, and followed his teammates to the backstage lounge.

I remember witnessing the leaving figures of RW players on the stage, and I still couldn’t stop mumbling, “Currently, it seems that there is a gap between the two sides in all aspects. Although RW makes frequent moves, it has not created many substantive problems for VG. trouble……"

Zeyuan took over the topic, "Yes, it can be seen from VG's BP stage. They did not reveal any trump cards in this BO5 game, and all the choices were regular version heroes."

"This is the confidence of a double champion. VG firmly believes that it can defeat its opponents with a regular lineup, and there is no need to use hidden moves!" Zeyuan held his head high, as if he was proud of himself.

He was sure that VG had a trump card.

Gu Xing's words "Start studying the opponents in the playoffs" were shouted out a long time ago, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that VG is almost in trouble at the end of the regular season, and will focus on playing as they please.

Who would believe that I haven't developed a few tricks during this free time?

"Let's take a look at the damage panel for this game given by the director..." I remember hissing and beginning to doubt my life, "What the hell is Jack doing? Can he hit 8W of output in 23 minutes?"

To be fair, Sima Lao Thief's output performance is really good, with damage approaching the 20,000 mark, which is worthy of the huge amount of economy RW poured into him.

But it was still eclipsed in front of Yu Wenbo.

Jack's damage-causing ability is truly incredible, and it is the most outrageous existence in the history of league e-sports!

There were many exclamations in the audience, and netizens even teased Yu Wenbo by posting the words "The Hurt King" on the chat channel.

"The MVP award for the second round went to Jack," I remember praising him. "He chose Kai'Sa for two games in a row, and his performance was remarkable. It can be seen that he is extremely proficient!"

KDA of 11/1/3, 3% team output ratio, 5% damage conversion rate...

All the data are extremely luxurious!

“Especially in the use of R [Hunter Instinct], Jack has reached the perfection level,” Zeyuan boasted. “Every time Jack uses his ultimate move, he can avoid risks while finding the perfect output position, helping him to be more effective. The good ones do damage.”

"This hero fits his style very well, he was simply born for him!"

Yu Wenbo's strongest talent is his sense of smell. He knows where to deal the highest damage.

But he doesn't know how to protect himself, and he is often killed suddenly by the enemy when he is caught in a flaw and targeted while seeking the ultimate output position.

Kai'Sa, who has the ability to become invisible after using her ultimate move and evolving E [Extreme Overload], can just make up for Yu Wenbo's shortcomings in his playing style!

In the backstage lounge, Jack had just returned from the toilet and was showing off an egg tart in his mouth when he saw the MVP selection results on the TV screen.

In the makeup photo, he is smiling broadly, making a victorious scissor gesture towards the camera with one hand, while the other hand is clenched into a fist and raised high.

"Hey, who is this?" Yu Wenbo said happily, "You look so handsome!"

"Can you please stop barking when you eat..." Duan Deliang said quietly, "The egg tart crumbs are about to spit out."

Jack quickly closed his mouth, but the corners of his mouth still couldn't help but raise upwards, and his expression looked very strange.

He was very satisfied with his performance today, especially the team battle when he encountered the RW midfielder gank in the bottom lane. Using Kai'Sa's own mobility, with the cooperation and assistance of Duan Deliang, he walked Karsa like a dog, making the opponent unable to even use his ultimate move. Not released!

Looking back now, Yu Wenbo is still excited!

"By the way, why did you suddenly start eating egg tarts?" Gu Xing wondered, "We haven't won yet."

The carbohydrate content of egg tarts is quite high, comparable to that of Xiaoyang Shengjian. Almost no contestants will eat this stuff during game breaks.

"It's over!" Yu Wenbo waved his hand indifferently, "The opponent was almost beaten to the point of despair by my friend Kai'Sa, is it possible that two can still chase three?"

When Hongmi came to the LPL and heard that he was being asked to chase three from two, he immediately became alert like a conditioned reflex, and couldn't help but remind the players, "Don't be careless, maybe RW has other cards in hand!"

Facts have proved that Jack's judgment was very correct.

RW has no cards in his hand.

Kled's mid laner is their last ripple!

In the third round, when VG chose to actively choose the blue side, Steak BP was very limited.

Previously, the three first-round ban positions of Qinggangying, Olaf + Gnar were forced to adjust, and Dinosaur Bobby was released. The free position was dedicated to Kuro's disgusting mid laner Thain.

Even the MVP-level Kai'Sa in the previous game was not in position to be banned, so she was forced to give it to VG again!

Hongmi didn't even think about it and urged Smeb to grab it quickly.

Jack is feeling hot, so there is no reason not to let him continue to maintain a super high BP priority!

The moment Steak saw Kasha being locked down by VG, he almost made the famous face-covering emoticon on the Internet.

With no choice, he had no choice but to continue using Luo, which Baolan was good at, and then adjust the priority of jungler Karsa upwards, giving him the tanky pig girl who is good in the current version first.

"If I choose Pig Girl first, I would be a bit inferior, right?" Zeyuan joked, "If Brother Xing takes out the Troll, how will Casa respond?"

The results proved prophetic.

Gu Xing took out the troll Trundle with his backhand!

I remember a look of admiration on my face, "Your judgment is very accurate!"

Zeyuan, on the other hand, looked horrified, "Brother, I'm just kidding!"

"Brother Xing, do you really want to choose?"

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was relaxed and pleasant.

[Ze Yuan, please change your name to Prophet from now on]

[Enter the classic session "Teaching You How to Play", watch and learn from Casa]

[Look up, don’t see me, look down, brother Xing, don’t be too harsh]

[It’s no use. Little Peanut has a better relationship with Brother Xing. Back then, he was pushed by a big pillar and had doubts about his life. How can you, P Sa, still make money? 】

Gu Xingque wanted to kill him.

No one can stop him from going to Paris, and he will eliminate all obstacles!

It's just that he made all the plans to fight the enemy, but he didn't expect that there was a mole in the team.

Smeb played Gnar against Mouse's crocodile in this game. At 3 minutes and 20 seconds into the game, Kasa rushed to the road on a pig, trying to arrest the dinosaur Bobby who was pushing the lane.

Regarding the information about possible ganks in the jungle, Gu Xing had already given hints.

Therefore, Song Jinghao didn't panic at first. He threw the boomerang to slow down the opponent, then turned to E [light jump] to use his own line of troops to make a second shift and fled towards the bottom of his own tower.

As a result, Casa Q Pig rushed over. Seeing that the displacement was almost over, he suddenly handed over the flash and forcibly extended the sprint distance!

This time the Q flash was extremely extreme, and the pig's head almost hit Gnar's waist from the side!

Smeb did not expect that this position could also be hit by the pig girl's flash. He no longer had the calm and calm expression before, and frantically pressed flash, hoping to retreat as soon as he was out of control.

But it was too late.

It is worth mentioning that the sudden advance of the pig was accompanied by a small forced displacement, and it also knocked Song Jinghao away from the previous tower on VG!

Mouse originally handed over the second stage of E and followed closely behind his teammates. When he saw his teammates knocking Gnar away, he handed over Flash without saying a word. W [Cold Prey] successfully followed up the control!

After the stun was lifted, Piggy piled layers of frost on Gnar's body, triggered the stun, and then used basic attacks to break the ice.

RW Ueno and Jungle had enough control over their output, and they easily took Smeb's blood!

"My, my..." Song Jinghao regretted, "I was careless and didn't dodge!"

If the flash can be handed over, at least this Bo's life can be saved!

When Kuro saw Kassa appear on the top lane, he went offline and wanted to roam the top lane - he couldn't pick Sion in this game, so he took out a snake girl to face Doinb Ryze. He relied on restraint in the early stage to win it steadily. Once you reach the line, you won't miss many troops if you go to support.

But halfway through, the murder had already occurred.

Li Ruixing pursed his lips, not wanting to say anything more. On the way back to the middle road, he said a few words of comfort, "It's okay, I'll save it for next time."

Smeb just agreed, but soon he came back to his senses.

Why does this kid have such a strange feeling in his words?

Gu Xing shook his head. Song Jinghao's death in battle brought him a lot of trouble.

The combination of Crocodile + Pig Girl Ueno that RW took out was already strong, but after getting the first blood economy, it became even more unscrupulous, trying to control the entire upper half of the area!

Even if Gu Xing chose Counter Zhumei's troll, he couldn't regain the dominance of the upper jungle area after the top laner sent first blood!

It has to be said that RW unexpectedly decided to shift its tactical focus to the top half and caught VG off guard.

Originally, Casa would not take the initiative to help the top order open up the situation in the early stage. In most cases, he would help stop losses.

However, he took an unusual path in this game!

Now that he thinks about it, Gu Xing can compare to Sister Li. After RW lost the first two games, they were already standing on the edge of the cliff.

If we don't change our playing style, we are destined to be swept away by VG!

In this case, it is better to use the dead horse as a living horse doctor and change the tactics of the soldiers to come up with unexpected moves!

Gu Xing had no choice but to turn around and help the bottom half of the area, which was about to fall.

The old thief Sima still chooses Xia in this game, and forms a Phoenix Legend partner with Baolan, which is not very easy to catch.

Gu Xing spent a lot of effort and surrendered 3 flashes with his own duo, and then managed to catch Sapphire Luo to death and feed Jack the bounty.

But it took too long.

It didn't take long for RW to return the favor.

Kasa grabbed a wave and returned to the city to replenish supplies ahead of Gu Xing. After leaving the house, he decisively went to the middle to accompany Doinb to seize the line of troops, then turned around and headed straight for the top road!

At this moment, the game has entered about six and a half minutes. Ryze holds the big move and drives Piggy directly from the river to the back of the tower on VG, blocking Smeb's retreat path!

Although Song Jinghao showed up, he had no room to escape when faced with the encirclement and suppression by three people!

After thinking for a moment, he decided to continue evading, huddled under the tower and tried his best to collect the front row of soldiers, and then calmly died.

【Maibo, are you starting again? 】

[This Gnar is simply sick, and his skin is also a joke. ‘The Last Dinosaur’ bought a pink color. I think everyone who wears this outfit in the professional arena is just a cheat.]

[Awkward, who can stand up to the three-man lane in the top lane? Whoever you choose will be dead! 】

[Laughing, why can the top laner play a three-man lane? Aren't you easy to catch? 】

[Rem’s family, it must be a VG player who heard that my takeout hadn’t arrived yet, so he lost a game to give us some time]

All viewers and commentators believe that Song Jinghao will start developing O-series chips and will probably be defeated during the laning period.

As a result, when the Pioneer Group arrived, the situation changed dramatically!

"Casa first took his position in the Dalong Pit and used the flail to wake up the vanguard... Will VG come to pick up the group?!" Zeyuan felt incredible, "Brother Xing is still moving closer to the upper river!"

"Jack and Prince Duan returned to the city to resupply after pushing back the military line, and now they are also on their way to the upper river!"

I remember that I disagreed with the decision made by Gu Xing, and expressed my inner doubts loudly, "You must know that VG is currently in a collapse situation in the first half of the region, and Maibo's equipment level cannot keep up with Mouse. If you really want to take on the big dragon group, How to deal with this crocodile?”

RW thinks so too.

At what level is the opponent in the upper half of the area, would he still dare to join me in a team battle with Rift Herald?

Do you deserve it?

Kasa was furious and pulled the vanguard out of the dragon pit to adjust his position.

The RW Phoenix Legend and VG duo returned to the city almost simultaneously, and are still some distance away from the Dalong Pit.

Both sides know this very well. The one currently facing off in the upper river is the upper middle field.

Kasa wanted to quickly start the team and use the strength of his upper, middle and jungle to end the battle quickly.

But VG doesn’t give any loopholes!

Under Gu Xing's command and arrangement, the players' positions were relatively conservative.

It's clear that he wants to be the overseer, watching RW take the vanguard, dragging his own duo to the scene, and then engage in a large 5v5 frontal team battle!

"Mouse uses his ultimate move first, hoping to increase his health and accumulate anger to prepare for the battle later..." Zeyuan raised his eyebrows and noticed something strange in the hero status bar on the left, "Maibo is here I used the Demon Swamp Frog in A's own jungle area to gain wrath, and now it's almost red wrath, and its location is very tricky!"

The director's camera switched and he saw Gnar in the grass behind the first tower on VG.

Even though the exploding cones in this area had been clicked earlier, there was still a wall blocking the way to the upper river.

But Smeb has E and flashes!

Zeyuan was in a happy mood. When he saw the angry Nal coming to a place separated from the upper river by a wall, he immediately roared, "Nar seems to want to start a group directly!"

The RW players were defenseless.

Although they didn't see Gnar's figure, VG's midfielder and jungler were all huddled far away, obviously not looking like they were about to start a team!

Now, it was RW's turn to be caught off guard!

Song Jinghao was afraid that his E jump would give the enemy time to react, so he simply handed over his long-cherished Flash and crossed the wall to the upper river channel!

The muscular giant Gnar suddenly flashed in front of him, causing the RW players to panic for a while.

But before they could react, VG's offensive was already coming indiscriminately!

The moment before Naal was about to cross, Gu Xing also did it.

He used the flash that had just finished cooling down and rushed forward, and a pillar rose into the sky beside the RW midfield formation!

After Song Jinghao flashed down, he decisively slapped the three RW people against the icicles!

Pillars can also be regarded as buildings. They will immediately cause high damage to enemy heroes and knock them unconscious in place!

"Can this be linked together?" I remember being in disbelief, "VG played a wave of exquisite coordination in the jungle, and the group control kept the opponent!"

"Martial soul fusion skills!" Zeyuan blurted out, "VG's style of play is unconstrained!"

"...Kasha enters the stage!"

Ze Yuan shouted in broken voice.

The purple phantom arrived behind Doinb instantly!

Kai'Sa used R [Hunter Instinct] to reach the upper river first!

Although the level 1 ultimate move cannot fly very far, it can still be four or five seconds faster than Sima Lao Thief walking.

It is these few seconds that will determine the trend of the entire team battle!

"Kuro stepped forward to give the binding ground. The opponent couldn't even flash, and was trapped next to the icicles and let the mermaid eat!" Remember to speed up your speech and enter the tongue-bright lotus stage. "The slowing effect is significant, RW went to the middle and jungle and even walked. It’s very difficult to get out of the earth-bound poisonous fog!”

"Nar gave W [beat] again, and Maibo made atonement, maxing out his control in one wave, creating output space for Jack!"

Gu Xing used his ultimate move to steal the crocodile's health and resistance, turning Renekton's R skill into a squishy one!

Jack had just converted the heads he had obtained with Gu Xing's help into economy, and now his equipment was not bad. After his teammates provided sufficient control, he started to use plasma like crazy!

As soon as Kim Tae-sang stepped out of the ground-binding range, without even handing over his flash, Kaisha detonated the plasma and sent him to the spring!

"Sapphire's Luo activated his ultimate and wanted to rush to the battlefield, but it was too late!" I remember feeling sad, "RW's key output point was killed, and the remaining heroes were simply not enough to clean up the battlefield!"

Rao Sapphire's set of controls combined with Crocodile's high-volume burst eliminated Jack instantly, and Kuro could also take over the game!

From beginning to end, his output environment was quite safe.

When the fangs were exposed, RW's frontal situation completely collapsed!

The noise in the auditorium suddenly surged!

"1 for 3, all RW top, middle and junglers were killed, only Baolan returned to the old thief Sima through Qingwu in pairs..." Zeyuan yelled, "VG wiped out all the previous disadvantages with one wave, and by the way We can also take down the Canyon Pioneer!”

Everyone in RW has doubts about life.

They never expected that such a wonderful start could lead to losing the vanguard team battle!

Doinb was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, but it was difficult to restore the atmosphere in the team that had dropped to freezing point!

RW's morale has collapsed and they have no intention of fighting!

On the other hand, VG, after a short period of disadvantage in the early stage, successfully played a game that perfectly demonstrated the game of wanting to advance but then suppressing.

After Song Jinghao recovered his economic disadvantage, he was able to maintain the situation when facing the crocodiles on the side road, preventing Mouse from easily breaking through.

The five of them became more courageous as they fought, and after spending 37 minutes to collect the double BUFFs of Baron + Ancient Dragon, they flattened the enemy base in one wave!

So powerful, this rock bird really makes him have fun.

Little Lu Bu still dared to choose VN. Judging from the performance, it seems that he hired the wrong god this time.

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