What is a hexagon jungler?

623: Fierce fighting, extremely anxious situation!

Chapter 623 623: Fierce fighting, extremely anxious situation!

There were several hisses in the VG team's voice.

"Hey," Kuro frowned, "Shouldn't this bowl be beaten?"

It seems that they only lost one head, but fattening Uzi is undoubtedly the result they don't want to see.

"Both of us couldn't keep up the first time!" Jack muttered.

After Gu Xing counterattacked the wild monster, he had been observing the battle situation in the bottom lane. At this moment, he pointed out the problem clearly, "You really shouldn't fight. Your formation is divided. It would be better to wait for the opponent to teleport to the ground and pull down the river first."

Originally, VG's mid-top teleported to attack the enemy's bottom lane with two flanks. However, the Royal Family's two TP support landed, and instead, it turned into four RNG people to attack VG's mid-top from behind!

Jack basically didn't contribute any damage in the early stages of the battle because he kept following the RNG duo to eat exhaust and had no chance to deal damage!

It was possible to make a 4-for-3 fight because VG's personal operation was so top-notch. Song Jinghao's Q [Cruel Slam] was cast at just the right time. He always waited until the enemy's control skill was in a vacuum before taking action in order to accumulate power and cause more damage.

"It's okay," Gu Xing reassured his teammates, "I can handle Uzi."

Kuro immediately became energetic, "Shu Gu is right! Just believe him and it will be over!"

Although this sentence is suspected of licking, it is actually a reassurance for the VG members.

Qian Jue, our own jungler, is definitely trustworthy!

With Big Daddy in charge, everyone looked much more relaxed.

Jack still had time to make a joke, "Lao Li, if you want to say that, I will act boldly. If I die suddenly, Nicole can't scold me..."

Laughter comes and goes in the voice.

In the VG backstage lounge, the management members were also smiling, showing no trace of the tension that should have arisen due to the stalemate.

Within the LPL division, they are second to none. After winning consecutive championships, their confidence has already expanded to an unbearable level.

Just as the famous GIF last year expressed - do you still need to watch VG’s games? Woke up to another victory!

The team has been on a winning streak, so much so that management members have concluded that winning games and championships is commonplace, and now they don't care about sporadic setbacks.

What are you afraid of?

It's all over when Gu Xing carries it!

This time the script of 'people's joys and sorrows are not the same' was not staged.

RNG members were also smiling.

When Sun Dayong saw his team narrowly winning the battle in the bottom lane, he couldn't help clenching his fists and looking excited. He high-fived Heart next to him, and his suit and tie were torn apart in the process.

Contestant Sineuz was even red-faced and let out two meaningless shouts.

"The puppy is amazing!" Li Yuanhao praised with a smile, "This dog's walking and hiding skills are so good!"

Uzi is very useful.

His Kai'Sa just now was really like a knife-edge licking blood, dodging all the dodgeable skills, doing his best to ensure the output time, and leading the team to win the team battle.

Xiang Guo let out a few echoing laughs, and then looked towards the wild area with a slightly worried look.

After the team battle, his teammates became the advantage, but his life was still difficult!

Qian Jue is so fat!

Not to mention that after Liu Shiyu was countered, he was one step further away from level 6!

Without dodge or big nightmare, it’s basically like pure Five in the jungle!

Xiangguo couldn't help but feel anxious when he thought of this.

Uzi knew that his jungler was in a difficult situation at the moment. Having just received the double kill, he felt refreshed and hurriedly offered help measures.

"Don't be afraid, Xiang Guo. Now that you have the line rights, Shi Senming and I can also help you look after the jungle!" He looked righteous and wanted to support his subordinate, "Next, just tell me Qian Jue Wherever the mark is, if Gu Xing dares to come, I will go and catch him!"

Liu Shiyu marked the signal on the river below, "It should be a river crab. In half a minute there will be a mark."

Kind Jue currently holds 3 layers of passives, and the next imprint range will still be the previous three groups of camps. Among them, the River Crab and the Demon Marsh Frog have just been brushed out, so they can be eliminated directly.

And since the River Crab currently has a reset interval of 3 minutes, compared to the Sharpbill which is only 30 seconds slower, Xiangguo knows that the River Crab will be born first by just calculating the time.

"彳亍," Uzi geared up. After resurrecting, he bought a pickaxe, straw sandals and a dagger, along with a real eye, and left the spring and went straight to the lane. "I'll push the bottom lane and help you control it." River crab!”

The plan was executed very smoothly.

Uzi was originally fierce in the line, but after accumulating equipment advantages, he became even more fierce. He easily pushed the line of troops through, and then pulled Shi Senming and rushed down the river.

The moment the Swift Crab spawned, the hungry wolf spirit marked it with a mark on its head!

Gu Xing also knew that the mark was on He Crab, but when he saw the blatant support actions of the RNG duo, he thought about it for a while and finally decided not to go.

After all, the middle and lower lanes currently have no lane rights, making it difficult for teammates to come to help.

Moreover, Gu Xing himself did not show up and rashly went to the river to grab the mark. If he was controlled by RNG, he would definitely pay a heavy price!

However, he did not leave the lower river, and had been hiding in a remote area away from RNG's lower field, allowing Xiang Guo to get the river crab.

After the royal duo returned to the bottom lane, Gu Xing resumed action.

Crossing the lower river channel, the spearhead is directed at the RNG sharp-beak bird that is about to spawn!

Xiangguo detected Gu Xing's movements through his eyes in the grass along the lower river, and his heart that had just been relieved suddenly became tense.

"Li Yuanhao, come and help me!" He knew that Qian Jue was no match for him alone, so he quickly called for support.

The F6 camp is not close to the bottom lane, not to mention that the ninth wave of artillery lines have already connected. Xiangguo knows very well that with Uzi's character, it is impossible to abandon a large wave of artillery lines and then run back to build up momentum.

At this point, he can only hope that Xiaohu can provide some help.

Li Yuanhao did not refuse.

The Sharp-Beaked Bird is separated from the center by a wall, so it's just a simple matter for him to help.

The partition wall used his telekinesis to grab the big bird, and then threw it hard to the incense pot on the edge.

Liu Shiyu used punishment to take down the main wild monster, but he was unable to do anything about the remaining birds!

Although Xiaohu used the two range damage skills of QE to snatch two birds from Gu Xing, it had nothing to do with the incense pot.

Liu Shiyu could only watch helplessly as his sharp-beaked bird was divided up by Li Yuanhao and Gu Xing!

You must know that the main wild monsters in the six-bird camp do not have much experience points, and most of the resources are concentrated on the little birds.

This resulted in Xiang Guo, although he was punished and grabbed the big bird, but he still suffered a serious loss!

Every time a group of wild monsters is countered, he is one step further away from level 6!

Looking at the back of Qian Jue Shi Shi Ran leaving RNG's lower jungle area, Liu Shiyu felt itchy with hatred.

Disgusting, right? !

Cheap or not!

But there is nothing that can be done to the other party.

Gu Xing returned to his jungle area to continue clearing and developing, while secretly planning the next round of offensive in his mind.

In this anti-wild invasion, his real purpose is not to disgust the incense pot.

As long as RNG can be forced to take the initiative to deal with the Sharp Beak through its anti-jungle tendency, it will be fine.

It was definitely an unexpected surprise to be able to harvest 3 little birds!

Now, RNG's F6 has been cleared, and Gu Xing can once again control the wolf spirit's passive mark as he pleases!

The lower river crabs and blue square-billed birds have all been cleared away, and the hunting scope has been reduced to the upper river swift crabs and magic swamp frogs.

All in the top half!

Gu Xing deliberately controlled the mark to the upper half of the map because he was afraid of the RNG duo who had the advantage and was afraid that the opponent would use lane rights to harass him.

Now that the wolf spirit can only hunt in the upper jungle area, it is difficult for Uzi and Shi Senming to radiate to areas so far away from the bottom lane, and Gu Xing can invade unscrupulously!

Nearly seven minutes into the game, the upper river crabs had just been refreshed when they were marked as prey by the impatient Wolf Spirit, urging the Sheep Spirit to hunt them down.

"Hurry up, lamb, hurry up..." the wolf whispered in his ear.

Gu Xing was not in a hurry to go up the river. He first went to the middle lane and repeated his old tricks to help Kuro clear the line of troops.

The familiar script plays out again.

Xiaohu knew that Gu Xing wanted to grab the middle line first and then go up the river to eat crabs. He tried his best to stop it, but VG Zhongye was not afraid at all.

All of Syndra's skills, except for her ultimate, cannot guarantee a hit rate, especially when facing Kindred, as she is easily outplayed by the opponent.

Moreover, Kuro was eager to protect his father and took the lead in standing in front of Gu Xing, using Galio's majestic body to protect Qian Jue from the wind and rain!

As a last resort, Li Yuanhao hit Galio with mercury shoes in a combo, lowering the opponent's health bar by a small amount. Then he could only let the enemy midfielder push the line and leave in style!

Xiangguo didn't come to help in the confrontation - his fighting power at this moment was very little. Without the means of escape, it was difficult for the little short-handed nightmare to seize the line in front of Gu Xing and Kuro.

Liu Shiyu thought for a moment, then simply gave up the river crab and rushed to the lower half to brush the dragon.

Anyway, his camp had been cleared, so he had nothing to do.

On the way to Xiaolong Pit, Xiangguo also sent a warning signal to Letme, "Hurry and retreat. The Nakano on the opposite side may come to the tower to kill you after taking the river crabs."

Yan Junze also realized the seriousness of the problem and immediately retreated to the rear without even daring to repair the remaining health soldiers.

The next second, the mark woven by the sheep spirit appeared above his head.

Letme suddenly looked tense.

Qian Jue's passive position obviously confirmed Xiang Guo's judgment - VG wanted to freeze his hands!

Before he could make the next move, he heard a roar!

The iconic sound is none other than veteran driver Thain’s R [Rage] sound effect!

Thain, who had just reached level 6, rushed towards Letme along the upper road!

Yan Junze's Flash was used in the previous team battle, but now it is cooling down. He is helpless in the face of Thain's Barbarian King's Crash!

After the big tree was knocked away, a circular formation with Thain as the center appeared!

R【Hard Bear Appears】!

"The control chain on VG is too strong, Letme can't move!" The doll whined, "The ID of this big tree is called 'Knock Up' for gods and demons?"

After the knock-up effect of Thane's ultimate move ended, Galio fell from the sky, stirring up dust everywhere and knocking Yan Junze away!

Immediately afterwards, Thane charged up Q [Cruel Slam] and knocked it away!

A total of three stages of knock-up were carried out, and the big trees were all filled up, so that the ID above the hero's head from the viewing perspective was completely covered by the name of the control effect!

"If the control time is full, Brother Xing, who just finished swiping river crabs, can come over on foot without any hurry!" Miller pronounced a death sentence for Dashu in his heart. "Currently, the teleportation of all RNG team members has entered the cooldown, and the tree spirit is isolated on the top lane. There is no help, no one can save him!”

Gu Xing drove Qian Jue to follow the residual blood tree, and followed Yan Junze to retreat to the foot of the tower.

He is not in a hurry to withdraw money, he still wants to wait for the sheep spirit mark to take effect.

In the 8 seconds just after marking, killing the target hero did not count. Gu Xing knew that Letme would definitely die, so he simply waited a little longer.

But for Yan Junze, this is tantamount to the ultimate humiliation!

Qian Jue in the canyon didn't know which tendon was wrong, and inexplicably triggered the voice, "They know we will come, but they are always unable to prepare..."

Pure sarcasm, perfect for the occasion!

Letme's face turned red, and she had a tendency to look like Uzi.

Seeing the three heroes of VG, the upper, middle and wilder escorting him back to the tower, Yan Junze wished he could find a wall and hit his tree to death to avoid being tortured by the opponent.

He fought hard, trying to reduce the enemy's health as much as possible to force the opponent to kill him quickly.

But the pitiful damage caused by the big tree was like scratching an itch on Qian Jue!

The tree's feeble counterattack only highlighted its helplessness and despair, causing a large number of spectators in the audience to scream unbearably, feeling aggrieved for Letme.

Due to the delay, the VG players did not hear the faint noise coming from the outside world until the sheep spirit mark was fully effective.

Just scream, no one will come to save you even if your throat is broken!

Kuro said viciously in his mind.

"Brother Xing killed a person with a basic attack. This time he received two layers of marks in a row. After being upgraded to the 5th layer of passive, he already got the 75-yard range reward!"

I remember being full of praise, "I have to say that Brother Xing's control rhythm is really pleasing to the eye. I have seen many professional players often fail to raise the 4th level of passive until 20 minutes, but Brother Xing can almost every time before 10 minutes." Dieman!"

Wawa deeply felt the same, and nodded hurriedly, "Brother Xing's use of the mark mechanism is extremely proficient... This is also the reason why he can use Qian Jue as a unique skill in the bottom of the box. As we all know, the sooner Qian Jue releases 4 layers of passive, the stronger the period. The sooner you come!"

If Kindred takes 20 minutes to unlock the 75-yard range reward, it is at best a normal development and does not drag the team back.

But Gu Xing can have a 575-yard basic attack range in less than 10 minutes, which means that he will enter the strong period early and crush the enemy heroes with combat power, thereby speeding up the rhythm and snowballing the advantage!

Seeing that the adjectives of his two partners were becoming more and more exaggerated, Miller quickly poured a basin of cold water on them to cool down, "The only flaw in VG's tower-crossing attack on RNG's top laner was that they lost all of their long-range support skills, Thain and Galio. Later, when the incense pot reaches level 6, it may not have enough energy to deal with the nightmare raid..."

A prophecy.

At 8 minutes into the game, Liu Shiyu finally reached level six.

He knew very well that VG's middle and top players currently did not have the support capability, so after clearing the red buff camp, he ran non-stop to the bottom road.

Halfway through the journey, I turned on R [Ghost Shadow], turned off the lights to block the enemy's sight, and flew towards Jack's Xia!

Turn on the W [Dark Asylum] magic shield midway to prevent the VG duo from controlling themselves after they land.

"Nightmare rushed towards Xia's face and used the E skill to try to control it, but Prince Duan reacted quickly. After Jack broke the shield with his double-edged feathers, he immediately pushed him out with his horns!"

After Jack opened W, he first hit Nightmare with A, triggering the movement speed bonus effect of [Lethal Feather Clothes]. He also cast Barb while doing basic attacks, trying to keep Nightmare in place.

However, Shi Senming handed over R [Solar Flare] and tried to stun Yu Wenbo.

"Kasumi used her ultimate move to avoid Leona's flare, but she was hit by the Zenith Blade as soon as she landed!"

Upon seeing this, Duan Deliang decisively cast Q [Earth Shatter] and launched an air hijack against Sunshine Girl!

Leona's skills were interrupted and she did not go to Xia's side!

"The operation of the VG duo is exquisite!" Wawa shouted selflessly, "They tried their best and were able to evade all the control of RNG in the jungle!"

But just when Jack used his ultimate move, Uzi handed over W [Void Seek Enemy] and aimed at Xayah's landing point!

The skill hit accurately, and Uzi opened R and flew up without saying a word!

Now that all the control skills of the VG duo have been handed over, facing Kai'Sa who gets slapped in the face, they can only rely on damage to persuade them to retreat.

But Uzi wasn't afraid at all. He relied on the acceleration effect of E [Extreme Overload] to start pulling from a small position to ensure that he would only be attacked by Xiapu.

With the last AQ shot, Jack, who didn't dodge, became another trophy for Kai'Sa!

"Alas..." The doll shook his head with deep regret, "Jack and Prince Duan have done everything they can, but it's still useless. They are too easy to target without flashing!"

Eight and a half minutes into the game, Liu Shiyu finally successfully launched his first Gank to celebrate with a fist pump, and the emotions he had been squeezing for a long time burst out!

The Grand Cube Performing Arts Center was packed with people. Fans of the Royal Family banged the light sticks in their hands to cheer for the home team!

Netizens in the live broadcast room kept commenting to express their opinions.

[Oops, why does the head belong to Uzi again? 】

[3/1 Kai’Sa, won’t it really make Uzi C rise? 】

[All I can say is that I understand Uzi’s advantage game this year, and I don’t even know how to lose in a team fight! 】

[This B-Nightmare is really a scumbag. He specializes in catching the C-position that doesn’t dodge. He can’t even deal with the full range of operations.]

[It’s okay, it’ll be over when Brother Xing performs! 】

"RNG is now facing the same problem as VG two minutes ago." Miller looked at the hero status bar and couldn't help but frown. "They spent three big moves to kill Jack, including the cooldown time of shooting. It’s very long, only Leona’s ultimate moves faster.”

"But VG did not have key neutral resources at that time, and RNG now has to face the Rift Herald that refreshed in 10 minutes. Is the decision to capture it open to question?"

The idea of ​​the incense pot is simple.

He came to catch Jack mainly to speed up his growth and make up for it.

Otherwise, Nightmare would not have this assist and would not be able to get the jungle knife before the Rift Herald was born. RNG would still have to let go of Purple Garlic in the end.

Anyway, there is no way to pick up the Pioneer Group, so why not come down and kill Jack once!

"Brother Xing got the vanguard and used the enhanced return to the city to go to the spring to make attack speed shoes. We plan to use the vanguard's eye in the long term..." I remember catching a glimpse of something strange in the mini-map. "Xiaohu pushed the center line and pretended to return. City, in fact, wait for the VG soldiers to disappear and then move to the bottom lane!"

"Brother Xing hasn't been to the bottom lane for a while. VG doesn't have many wards nearby and can't detect Syndra's movements!" Miller raised his voice, "Xiaohu's target is Jack, whose ultimate move is still cooling down! "

Li Yuanhao's fake return to the city really deceived the VG members.

Syndra, who was hiding in the shadow corner, launched a second QE attack. The dark sphere crossed the wall and hit Jack right by the wall!

"Shi Senming directly threw out the newly converted ultimate move to connect the control. Jack's purification was a little slow, but he was still controlled by the solar flare for a moment. It was too late to retreat, and the puppy followed up to deal damage!" Wawa's voice was urgent.

Duan Deliang also wanted to use W to push Kai'Sa away.

But at the moment when the horns were about to touch Kasha, golden light flashed in the canyon.

Uzi crossed the body of the bull's head and got closer to Jack!

"Beautiful!" I remember exclaiming in admiration. "The puppy was very focused and avoided the bull-headed W with flash!"

At this moment, Jack wanted to hand over the cooled flash, but it was too late.

Li Yuanhao flashed over the wall, R [Energy Pour] took the head!

"You're so slow!" Miller jumped up and down anxiously. "The response to the gank was so fast in the last wave, why is it so slow this time?"

"As long as you solve it quickly, you will have a chance to escape!"

Netizens argued endlessly in the chat channel.

[This B Purification really made me laugh. Why don’t you pay more slowly? 】

[Oh, if you go slower, I guess the control time will be almost over]

[Hee hee, it’s just Brother Rough! 】

[This time alone, I’m really good at fucking me! This purification can definitely be handed over]

[It’s really bad, what on earth is Jack doing? Sleepy, right? 】

[Hold it up and give it away. If you feed RNG Double C a few more heads, Brother Xing won’t be able to carry it away]

Yu Wenbo scratched his head helplessly.

It's not just his slow reaction, it's a matter of his playing style.

All of Jack's movements and skills are full of anticipation.

Maybe it has something to do with being proficient in Draven.

After all, playing Draven requires you to control the axe, and roughly control the landing point of the ax through movement. Over time, you will develop similar habits.

And this style of play has always been the style of the elderly in e-sports - it was like this with Mr. Hou back then. Before fighting, he would think about what skills he wanted to avoid, and then operate them step by step, so he would not panic if he knew what he was doing.

The advantage is that he is really ruthless in downwind situations, taking everything into account through the difference in vision and equipment. Therefore, Jack often improves his skills very quickly when charging forward. This is because he has made a good judgment before the battle and knows what to do. Chasing people.

But the disadvantage is that when encountering variables, the brain will shut down directly!

Such as this wave.

My sister told Jack before that there was Syndra in the side corner!

Yu Wenbo was only thinking about the 2V2 battle, but was caught off guard by the sudden retreat of the weak!

His mind went blank and his reaction was a step slower.

When he reacted and wanted to cross-dodge, the opponent's control skills were blocked!

Yu Wenbo clicked his tongue. He also knew that there were problems with his playing style, but it was really difficult to change the habits accumulated over a long period of time.

"After RNG forced back Prince Duan, the duo wanted to directly bulldoze the next tower of VG. Xiaohu handed over the teleport and rushed back to the middle to defend." I remember hissing, "The situation does not seem to be very favorable to VG. RNG passed Not only can this offensive take the lead in knocking down the first-blood tower, but it can also wait until the ultimate moves of the puppy and the incense pot are better."

"If Brother Xing wants to use the vanguard to launch an offensive, he must be careful, otherwise he may be caught and killed!"

Gu Xing also understood the seriousness of the situation.

He repaired his equipment and left the spring. On the way, he was still thinking about ways to break the situation.

Suddenly an idea came to me.

Got it!

Viper's sudden death ability is not bad at all. He learned from EDG's signature Verus, right?

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