What is a hexagon jungler?

624: He thinks he can defeat us. This is called

Chapter 624 624: He thinks he can defeat us. This is called self-deception...

"Brother Xing is running towards the middle with the Eye of Vanguard," Miller knew that his first task now was to keep an eye on Gu Xing's every move, focusing on Qian Jue, "Does he want to feed Kuro the Vanguard?"

"The idea is indeed good. If Kuro's Galio can be released, VG's offensive space will be extremely wide..." I remember thinking that I could figure out Gu Xing's strategy, "But the problem is that Royal Nosuke also predicted the enemy in advance. According to Fang’s movements, he is crouching near the middle road at this time!”

After Liu Shiyu finished slaying the wild monsters, he huddled behind Xiaohu as a bodyguard.

Relying on the assist economy earned from the previous offensive in the bottom lane, Xiangguo finally took out the Warrior jungle knife around 11 minutes.

Nowadays, the nightmare has begun to have combat effectiveness. If the control of the teammate is properly connected, and combined with the damage of the mid-level auxiliary, Gu Xing can't even activate R [Sheep Spirit Breathing]!

And there is an advantage to Nightmare staying in the middle - with his ultimate, he can support the three lanes almost effortlessly, preventing VG from using Rift Herald to make small moves on the side lanes.

And Shi Senming, who had just pushed down the first tower in the bottom lane with Uzi, returned to the city to change lanes and came to the middle lane to hang out with the jungler for a while.

"Brother Xing is really here?!" Seeing Gu Xing getting closer and closer to the front, Wawa couldn't help but feel deeply worried. "Although he has the leading equipment, he can't withstand RNG Nakano's control and burst!"

Amid the urgent admonitions from the VC at the scene, Qian Jue swaggered and was exposed to the royal family's sight.

Xiang Guo was suspicious.

Is this guy crazy?

You come to the middle lane blatantly and pretend I don’t exist, right?

"Should we take action?" Li Yuanhao asked Xiangguo's opinion.

He doesn't have any opinions now - after all, there are two commanders in the team, Liu Shiyu and Uzi, and Xiaohu only needs to do things according to the opinions of his teammates.

Liu Shiyu, who was huddled in the shadow corner, licked his lips and whispered his thoughts, "Wait a minute... As long as Qian Jue dares to cross the center line, I will turn on the lights!"

Li Yuanhao patiently moved a little further back, as if he simply released his line as there were no teammates behind him.

Gu Xing was indeed fooled, and manipulated Qian Jue to cross the center line to deal with the soldiers without thinking.

"Yan Junze, please restrict Thain and don't let him go to the middle!" After Xiangguo said these words, he immediately activated R [Ghosts]!

The sky in the canyon darkened, and with soft whispers, the nightmare swung its double blades to kill Gu Xing!

At the same time, Li Yuanhao's Syndra used the cover of night to bully forward and cast Weak Retreat!

However, at the moment when the dark magic ball was about to hit Gu Xing, Qian Jue suddenly moved 400 yards backward, away from the weak man's retreating casting range!

It's a flash!

The nightmare that was tracking Kind Jue was affected, and he was forced to extend the flight of his ultimate move by 400 yards to put distance between him and his mid-level teammates behind him!

Xiang Guo shouted loudly, "Shi Senming, hurry up and follow me!"

Xiao Ming gritted his teeth, "It's too far, I really can't follow you!"

His ultimate move was previously used when encircling Jack in the bottom lane, and is now on cooldown!

Leona's embarrassment is clearly visible.

Although her hands were flashing, her ultimate control distance was only a little over a thousand yards!

Now there is no way to control Qian Jue who is far away!

Shi Senming could only rush forward first, hoping that the incense pot could hold Gu Xing down until his help arrived.

However, after Gu Xing retreated in a flash, the formations of the two teams changed.

Currently, Kindred and Nightmare are at the back near the VG side, Kuro's Galio stands in the middle, and RNG's mid-level assistant is in the area closer to the royal family's control.

In other words, Li Ruixing stood in the way of Xiaohu and Shi Senming approaching Gu Xing!

The Colossus of Justice charges up W [Dulang Shield], like a mountain standing in front of RNG's midfielder!

As mentioned before, the current version of Galio's W has no skills that can interrupt it.

Therefore, even if Shi Senming has two control skills, QE, he cannot stop the charging bar of Durang Shield!

After Galio finished guiding his skills, the RNG mid-level assistant who moved forward to support was restrained in place by taunts!

Although Shi Senming deliberately handed over Q [Shield of Dawn] before Kuro Durang's shield was cast, and used the basic attack after being taunted to immobilize it, preventing Galio from directly opening R to protect his teammates.

But even so, the junglers on both sides still have a short 1v1 duel environment!

Kindred's equipment is here, coupled with the real damage provided by Challenge Punishment, and the two arrows combined with the wolf spirit bite, the nightmare's health bar has dropped a lot!

But Gu Xing himself didn't feel well either.

The damage of the Nightmare of the Warrior jungle knife is really top-notch, but Kindred's fragile body is a bit hard to withstand.

Seeing that the E [Silent Fear] cast after the incense pot fell to the ground was about to take effect, Gu Xing decisively activated R [Sheep Spirit Breathing]!

You must know that Shi Senming just recovered from the taunting state and rushed over with eager eyes. Gu Xing was afraid that the opponent would connect to the control chain and kill him, so he handed over his ultimate move in advance.

"Retreat, retreat!" Xiangguo wanted to retreat when he saw the sheep spirit breathing.

Because the flash that Gu Xing handed over before stretched the distance, the first wave of damage from RNG's secondary assistant failed to keep up.

Nowadays, it is extremely difficult to kill the enemy with Qian Jue’s ultimate move!

What's more, Kuro's R [Hard Bear Appearance] has not yet been handed over.

In this case, it’s better to just leave it as soon as possible!

Xiangguo turned around and retreated, handing over Deep Cold Punishment to decelerate Gu Xing to increase his own movement speed. According to the concept of canyon relativity, it was equivalent to imposing a restraint on Kind Jue!

Then use the movement speed bonus provided by Q [Nightmare Path] just now to quickly escape Kindred's basic attack range.

Gu Xing did not pursue him any further, and used basic attacks to detonate the fearful third ring. After crippling the nightmare, he let the opponent leave.

Miller finally let go of his anxiety, "VG's midfielder responded very well. They did not lose their lives when faced with RNG Nosuke's double crouch!"

"But VG is still losing blood," I remember sighing, "Brother Xing has lost all his flash and ultimate moves, and only replaced Nightmare's R!"

But this is exactly what Gu Xing wants.

Before he came to the middle this time, he knew that the fragrant pot would most likely be near the middle.

His arrogant clearing stance just now was just to lure Xiang Guo into making a big show of his face!

As long as the Nightmare R skill is handed over, the subsequent skill vacuum period will be Pure Five!

Gu Xing can take the opportunity to launch a vanguard offensive and firmly hold the initiative in his hands!

For this he paid the price of flash + ultimate move, but Gu Xing still thought it was worth the money!

After crippling the nightmare, Gu Xing used the milk of the sheep spirit to restore his health to about half, and immediately ran towards the road without stopping!

The first blood tower collapsed, and both teams switched their duos to the top lane.

Gu Xing's move was to feed Canyon Pioneer to Jack to make up for his teammate's appalling growth!

Rushing to the grass connecting the upper road and the river, Qian Jue's body began to twitch.

After a short period of guidance, purple-skinned garlic appears again!

The Pioneer swayed towards the upper tower of RNG.

Uzi was anxious.

At the moment, there was only Leona beside him, who had just returned to the top lane and didn't even have a big move.

No matter how confident Jian Proud is, he still knows that he and Shi Senming alone will not be able to take advantage of the enemy in the field!

As a last resort, Uzi quickly frantically called for reinforcements via voicemail.

Xiang Guo was dumbfounded.

Only then did he understand why Gu Xing just showed up in the middle without taking any precautions!


After being crippled, Liu Shiyu chose to return to the city to resupply. He has not yet left the high ground and is thousands of yards away from the previous tower!

Without his ultimate move, he is beyond reach!

"Brother Xing's timing of releasing the vanguard is very clever!" Miller's eyes shone brightly. "The incense pot can't catch up, and the same goes for Xiaohu. He only used teleportation to defend the middle tower a minute and a half ago. If he wants to rush on the road, You have to rely on one pair of legs and it takes a lot of time..."

"On the other hand, Kuro was running up one step ahead. The middle line of troops was dealt with by Brother Xing not long ago, and he was able to take them all away with just his Q skill." I remember getting more and more excited as he talked, "Everything is going on. Push forward in the direction that is beneficial to VG!”

Although Letme in the bottom lane has teleportation, he is helpless and cannot find a suitable TP opportunity in a short time - Song Jinghao keeps an eye on him. Faced with Thain who can interrupt teleportation with both QR skills, Yan Junze does not dare to act rashly. !

"VG created a short four-to-two time difference on the top lane, intending to flatten the opponent's last tower in one go!"

The baby's voice was loud and clear, "The RNG duo did not dare to act recklessly without the support of teammates, so they had to abandon the defense tower!"

The purple-skinned garlic attacked him head-on, and the tower was on the verge of collapse!

Gu Xing saw that the collapse of the defensive tower was inevitable, so he did not stay on the top lane, but cut into the RNG jungle area.

The game has reached early 12 minutes, and there is a fresh set of blue BUFF waiting for you!

More importantly, the wild monsters bear the mark of Kindred!

After the passive level reaches level 4, the wolf spirit's hunting range changes to double buffs + three wolves + stone beetles. This is also the reason why Gu Xing has not improved on his mark recently.

The double buffs are only refreshed once every five minutes, and RNG will definitely send heavy troops to guard it. It is difficult for Gu Xing to counterattack; the Three Wolf camp is located deep in the enemy jungle, and it is normally difficult to counterattack; the stone beetles on the blue side are close to the bottom. On the road, before the lane change period, the RNG duo, who had gone from fat to oily, guarded the road. Gu Xing did not want to go and ask for trouble.

After being passively stagnant for several minutes, now that he finally saw an opportunity to seize the mark, Gu Xing naturally wouldn't let it pass!

Relying on the pressure created by the vanguard on the top lane, he became unscrupulous when he invaded!

Liu Shiyu wanted to protect the blue BUFF, but the Canyon Pioneer rushed straight to the second tower after knocking off the first tower.

If he goes to the jungle, his duo will definitely not be able to deal with the vanguard, and he will be hit head-on when he gets to the second tower!

Moreover, even if he enters the jungle, can he really snatch the blue buff from Gu Xing and the potential Galio?

After thinking about it, Xiang Guo decided to stay on the road and hand over the punishment to the Canyon Pioneer.

"In this way, VG not only got the previous tower to withdraw money for Jack, but also obtained the 6th level mark for Brother Xing!" Wawa was extremely excited, "The situation was instantly revitalized!"

"Looking back, it seems that Brother Xingcai's clearing move in the middle was not a coincidence, but a careful design that VG had planned for a long time!" I remember finally reacting.

In the player's seat, Uzi, who was still lamenting that "it has never been such a wonderful start" when he bulldozed the bottom lane, changed his face at the speed of light. Now he pursed his lips and looked worried.

Earlier, there were two consecutive waves against Jack. He thought that the opponent was going to become completely transparent this round. Unexpectedly, VG actually used a wave of operations to allow Xia to reconnect!

"Xiangguo, wait until your ultimate move is ready, then Feixia," Uzi began to control his teammates, "He's in average shape this round and is easy to kill!"

Xiangguo doesn’t quite agree with Uzi’s point of view.

After the previous tower is leveled, the two teams will enter the final form of the lane transition period, and the double lane will move to the middle to develop smoothly.

As we all know, the middle line of troops is very short.

As long as Xayah has R [Storm Feather Blade], it will be difficult for Nightmare to kill her!

But before Xiangguo voiced his objections, Letme acted as a pawn, "No problem, come and catch me when I find an opportunity. When the time comes, Liu Shiyu, you turn off the lights first, and I will use my ultimate move from a distance. He can't hide!" "

After hearing that the order was coming, Xiangguo finally said nothing.

With the combined efforts of four people, killing a small Xia is not easy?

After clearing the wild area, Xiangguo returned to the city to replenish the second-level shoes, and the ultimate move was improved.

Now everything is ready, all we need is the east wind.

Just wait for Letme to find an opportunity to break away from the bottom lane, join in the middle lane and prepare to freeze your hands!

As a result, the wait lasted for 18 minutes.

Letme is miserable.

He wanted to leave the line, but he had no chance.

The reason is that you can't win the laning match.

In the early stage of the game, Dashu can indeed gain the upper hand over Thane due to his recovery ability.

But after both parties made their first big deal, the situation took a turn!

In order to give the team room to develop, Letme still chose the Flag of Command.

As it stands, this prop is a blue-collar light.

It is right to flag the non-single-banded top laner. The minion buffed by the BUFF will also count the last hit after it makes up for the enemy's line of troops, which can fully free the hero to leave the lane!

But the flag of command is not Yan Junze’s exclusive prop.

Song Jinghao also did it.

It was this flag that allowed Thain to press the tree and punch him hard!

The Banner of Command can provide magic immunity BUFF to the minions, but the big trees mostly deal AP damage!

Letme can't defeat the enhanced artillery soldiers at all!

Yan Junze's scalp goes numb every time he sees the thick-skinned and powerful cannon truck!

He can only rely on basic attacks to chip away at the health of the magic weapon cart. Coupled with the tree's extremely high basic attack speed, it looks like a masseur doing scraping!

Since the cooldown of the Banner of Command is only 120 seconds, Letme often takes out a cannon truck, and Thane immediately puts a BUFF on a cannon truck!

Yan Junze has been fighting against artillery vehicles during this period, and his life has been very difficult.

Looking at Sion again, Q [Cruel Slam] is pure physical damage. Although it cannot cause a fatal blow to the Flag of Command artillery soldiers in one go, the clearing speed is still much faster than the big tree!

In his spare time, Smeb also protected Gu Xing from invading the stone beetles that defeated the royal family, and searched for the seventh-level mark on them, increasing Kind Jue's range to 600 yards!

Letme was tortured for five minutes, and finally realized that it was unrealistic to delay it any longer.

Now it's because Kindred's Mark is nearby that Thain doesn't wander offline.

If no mark is generated near the bottom lane later, Smeb will definitely go to the front after clearing out the Flag of Command artillery soldiers!

At that time, Yan Junze's big tree is still dealing with the cannon truck, and VG will have the opportunity to force the front...

Letme thought about it carefully.

Isn't this the script used by RNG in the last game?

Do you really want Murong Fu VG to use the trick of retaliating against him to deal with him?

Yan Junze believes that this cannot continue.

After he dealt with the remaining health cannon truck, he decided not to worry about Thain's next Flag of Command BUFF, and ran a long distance to the front to try to open up the situation!

"Letme is very hardworking," Miller was quite surprised by his choice. "A large number of troops gathered in the lower tower, and Thane has already begun to dismantle the next tower with the cooperation of the new Flag of Command gun truck!"

"RNG wants to launch a surprise attack on the VG duo guarding the middle lane!" Remember to judge the royal family's intentions based on the personnel distribution in the mini-map.

As soon as he finished speaking, Nightmare activated his ultimate move!

The sky suddenly darkened, and the R tree realm of the big tree descended in the night and slowly advanced from behind!

When Yu Wenbo saw Nightmare using his ultimate move, he instinctively stepped back.

But the timely retreat did not dispel RNG's obsession with taking action!

"The incense pot flew to Jack's face. He put on his E skill and started to scratch and attack!" The doll looked excited. "Prince Duan tried to push away the nightmare with his horns from the side, but the incense pot used a shield to evade it, and instead went further. Increase your attack speed and use blue punishment to quickly lower Xayah's HP!"

Although Duan Deliang turned in Q [Earth Shatter] to knock the nightmare away the moment the horn was knocked off, Liu Shiyu's E [Silent Fear] still successfully hit.

Jack had an early warning this time, purified and instantly relieved his fear, and continued to pull down the tower.

But the top of the head has been hung with plasma.

"Uzi flies in!"

As Miller screamed, a purple phantom cut through the sky and appeared behind Zhixia!

In the air, Uzi throws out W [Void Seeking Enemy], using RW to ensure the skill hits, and when it lands, it is an AQ!

"Jack used his ultimate move to avoid Icathia's heavy rain projectiles, and at the same time laid down his feathers to prepare for the barb..."

Uzi anticipated the opponent's thoughts and deliberately moved at a right angle, diagonally 90° to try to avoid the area where the feathers connected with Xia.

Upon seeing this, Yu Wenbo threw Q [Double Blade], decisively pulled out the barb midway, and before the feather flew back to Xia's body, he suddenly flashed to the side and behind!

He wants to use E flash to achieve the dual purpose of escape + control!

However, the next moment Jack handed over the flash to change the flight trajectory of the feather, another golden light appeared!

Kai'Sa moved in the opposite direction again and broke away from the dense web woven by feathers!

"Oh my god!" Miller blurted out, "The puppy used dodge to avoid Kasumi's E-dodge!"

"Is this a reaction that a person can make on the spot?!" I remember the tone was full of disbelief.

There were also bursts of exclamations from the auditorium!

If you use flash to dodge Kasumi's barb, it is a routine operation for professional players who have the skills to do it - there is no one who can't dodge even with flash, right?

But dodging the E dodge requires several levels of difficulty!

The requirements for reaction speed are extremely exaggerated!

Even though he is a professional player, not many people dare to say that they can avoid the intense and exciting competition!

Under the camera, Uzi was fully focused and devoted all his energy to the current battle.

Kasha stacked up the mutton knives and started shaking her head wildly to add plasma to Xia's body!

"All the control skills on Jack's body have been surrendered, and there is currently nothing he can do against Kai'Sa's face-to-face!" I remember yelling, "Letme's ultimate move came over, and Prince Duan wanted to help block Jack's position behind him. Sheltered from the wind and rain... But Xiao Ming's EQ twice stunned the tauren on the spot, causing Prince Duan to fail to block a few tree roots from the morning glow!"

Jack was imprisoned in place, and even though he still had the resilience benefits of purification and blessing, the control lasted not long.

But for Crispy, this short moment of confinement is enough to send him back to the spring!

"The puppy is too fat and the output is non-stop. Jack doesn't even have the ability to fight back after being punched in the face!"

Miller was already prepared for Jack's death, and he planned to talk about the pros and cons of RNG's frozen hands this time.

But at this moment, a hero suddenly appeared on the edge of the screen.

She holds a long bow with gorgeous patterns, and is surrounded by evil wolves!

Before Miller could recover and organize his words, another golden light bloomed and shone in front of his eyes!

Kindred flashed through Q+, moved past the wall of the Sharpbill camp, and successfully arrived at the first tower in the middle.

At the same time, R with the VG team logo [Sheep Spirit Life] unfolds, protecting all creatures in the field from being robbed of life by the God of Death!

And Kasumi is among them!

"Brother Xing is here!" Wawa roared angrily, "He flashed his ultimate move very decisively and almost saved Jack!"

The RNG players felt their hearts go cold.

Sheep Spirit Breathing can provide 4 seconds of invincibility to units with remaining health, and there will be a lot of numerical recovery later.

If you wait until the end of the ultimate move, no one can imagine how many variables will happen!

Xiangguo wanted to direct his teammates to retreat, but Uzi rushed too far forward, and his position was quite separated from the rest of the RNG members!

Shi Senming also wanted to take two steps forward and use R [Solar Flare] to cover Uzi's retreat.

But the duration of the nightmare ultimate move ended, and the sunny sky returned to the canyon with clear skies. Then another circular field opened, and two hurricanes gathered from the edge...

It's clearly R [Hard Bear Appears]!

The destination selected by Galio was Duan Deliang's Tauren.

Now the RNG duo who were standing at the front were all included!

Xiangguo knew that the two of them could not be saved, so he pulled Yan Junze and ran to a safe location far away without looking back.

"Brother Xing put E [Fear] on the puppy, and launched two basic attacks first, and then detonated the three rings of the E skill after the healing amount of Sheep's Breath was restored, and used the killing damage to completely cripple Kai'Sa. !" The doll's voice was impassioned, "In the end, Jack's flat A took away his life!"

"It's hard for the remaining Xiao Ming to survive. Kuro connected with the control chain after landing. Brother Xing smiled and accepted the head!"

"Zero for two, VG kills the RNG duo without anyone dying, it's a huge harvest!" Miller sighed with emotion, "And the economy of the two kills was allocated to the VG double shooters, which is a big win for them. It is undoubtedly the best result!”

"The effect of choosing Kindred is really reflected," I remember shaking my head and sighing, "The ability to resist strong attacks is really terrible. RNG handed over all its skills, but it just couldn't kill Jack!"

The huge momentum in the venue has not stopped since the beginning of the team battle, and it has even reached an even higher level after VG's victory!

The number of barrages in the live broadcast room also increased dramatically!

[Brother Xing, this is too cruel, are you really just flashing your ultimate move to save your teammates? 】

[Jack is not allowed to treat his brother to a bungalow when he returns? If it weren’t for Qian Jue’s ultimate move, Xia’s fourth death in this game would have happened]

[One thing to say, Puppy's E-dodge to dodge the clouds has already filled up the operation. It's a pity that the damage is just a little bit worse. That Q was dodged by Jack's ultimate move, otherwise he could have at least replaced it with another one]

[What's the use of the operation show? You lead the team to win the game! 】

[JackeyLove: Show off your skills here, right? Come and fight, whoever is a coward is the puppy! 】

Jack in the VG player booth looked up to the sky and roared.

"Hohoho, do you like to catch buddies?" Yu Wenbo wanted to stand up and taunt the good brothers across from him, "Just daydream!"

"You really don't know how fierce my teammates are, do you?"

Jack's capture of Uzi's head also came with a bounty, which was really a huge sum of money.

After he returns to the city, he can further catch up with the equipment gap between the shooters on both sides!

Uzi, who was facing off, was extremely irritable and kept wiping sweat from his forehead.

The failure of this raid is absolutely unacceptable to RNG!

Not only the loss of two heads, but also a large amount of resources had to be given up!

Among them is a tower among the royal family, and an earth dragon!

To describe it as a heavy loss is not an exaggeration at all!

"It is worth mentioning that Brother Xing just received the 8th level mark of this game when he assisted his teammates to kill the puppy. The wolf spirit began to change the hunting target to neutral resources in the large and small dragon pits!" Remember to talk about it, " At present, the vanguard is dead and the big dragon has not been refreshed, so the mark can only be refreshed on the little dragon!"

"The middle and lower three of VG advanced to the middle tower. Brother Xing soloed Tulong. There was no problem. Qian Jue passively came to the 9th floor!"

Miller paid attention to the small map and explained clearly the movements of other players during the battle. "Maibo has been leading the lane. At this time, he has leveled the next tower and is carrying the flag of command to the artillery soldiers towards the second." The tower moved forward, while Xiaohu pushed down a tower on the top lane to withdraw some money to his teammates..."

Li Yuanhao had previously thought that if his team had four packs of two, they would definitely be able to kill Jack, so he didn't even think about moving to the middle, and even let Galio leave.

Unexpectedly, the opponent managed to survive under the protection of Gu Xing, and waited until the end of the nightmare ultimate move, allowing Kuro to use the ultimate move to support him from a distance!

Li Yuanhao regretted it too much. With nothing to do, he could only take away the first tower on the road.

"RNG has turned from an advantage to a disadvantage. Among all their current lanes, only Syndra can hold a certain degree of lead, but it is difficult for the hero Ball Girl to break through a Galio with Mercury Shoes + Time Staff during the transition period!"

I remember telling the truth in one sentence, "It is difficult for the side lanes to replicate the miracle of the Flag of Command, but it is quite uncomfortable to be pulled by Mai Bo... If you continue to drag it on, Brother Xing's development will only get better and better, and RNG's winning rate will be Keep going lower!”

Forced to have no choice, the royal family simply resorted to the last resort.

The dragon forces the group.

At 28 minutes, after dealing with the Flag of Command artillery truck that fell down the road, the five team members gathered in the Dalong Pit to attack Baron Nash!

Gu Xing was not afraid at all.

Being on the red side, it would have been easier to fight for the Baron.

Although the exploding cones in the red zone were clicked by RNG members in advance, Kindred still easily entered the dragon pit through Q [Dance of Arrows]!

R [Sheep Spirit Breathing] protects the dragon that is in a state of residual health!

"The royal family has nothing to do with Qian Jue who is in an invincible state. They don't want to give up on this big dragon yet. They stay in the dragon pit and don't want to leave..."

Before the baby could finish his words, a roar resounded throughout the canyon!

The mecha chariot is speeding from the middle!

"Maibo's Sion used his ultimate move to seal the Dragon Pit Pass, while Kuro used R [Hero Appearance] to use Brother Xing as an anchor point. The two group controls directly sealed the entire narrow Dragon Pit!"

Uzi was smart. He lit a layer of plasma on Thain with his basic attack, and then used R displacement to leave the dragon pit.

But all four of his teammates were trapped in the Dragon Pit!

"Gario hit the ground and hit three people, Prince Duan flashed into the field, WQ followed up and knocked them away... RNG is full of control!"

I remember shouting impassionedly, "Brother Xing has no pressure to deal damage. He jumps up to the dragon pit with a dance of arrows and relies on his excellent range to deal damage to the enemy heroes in the dragon pit!"

The incense pot opened up and flew into Gu Xing's face. Before he could launch his basic attack, Qian Jue flashed and rushed into the dragon pit again!

Repeatedly jump horizontally!

Liu Shiyu felt his blood pressure rise. Unable to restrain his murderous intent, Liu Shiyu followed Gu Xing and tried to limit Gu Xing's output environment.

Then he was taunted by Galio's fully charged W flash, and before he even had time to activate his W [Dark Asylum] shield, Gu Xing used his E to kill and damage him with fear and sent him away!

"Syndra was pulled by Jack with the RE barb, and she was killed with three feathered basic attacks, but before she died, Xiaohu still used QR to replace Xia!"

Wawa shouted loudly, "The only threat to RNG is the puppy. He is still trying his best to deal Maibo. Although the damage is quite high, Thain's physical body is pushing forward to create output for his teammates in the dragon pit." space!"

At this moment, Gu Xing saw that the big dragon had been crippled again by everyone's ranged damage. He raised his knife and struck out with a punishment, which made Baron Nash laugh. Then he danced in the direction of Uzi with a dance of arrows!

Uzi's eyes lit up.

Even though Qian Jue handed over Punishment, his blood volume was still low.

If I can replace him, I might be able to keep RNG's last hope!

Without further ado, Wuzi quickly moved in front of Gu Xing.

But as soon as he took a step, Gu Xing suddenly turned around and retreated.

Since Gu Xing had a black cut that could provide movement speed, Uzi could not catch up with his opponent and did not bring Kindred into his normal attack range.

Seeing that his basic attack point could not reach Gu Xing, he wanted to turn around and deal with Thain.

However, the next moment, Gu Xing turned around and hit a flat A!

The damage is quite significant, just one arrow reduces Uzi's health bar by 1/5!

Uzi clicked on the floor subconsciously, wanting to turn around and continue trying to output Kindred.

However, Gu Xing repeated his old trick. After hitting with his basic attack, he turned around and opened the distance again. He used the movement speed after the black cut was triggered to keep himself outside the enemy's level A range!

When Uzi turned around, he turned around and fired another arrow!

"In the absolute core battle between the two sides, it seems that Brother Xing, who has lower HP, has the upper hand!" Miller raised his voice, "Brother Xing got Uzi in vain and scored at least two flat aces!"

Uzi blushed like Guan Gong.

I can’t come out!

Kai'Sa's basic attack only has 525 yards, but Gu Xing's Kindred now has 10 layers of passive, and its range is 100 yards ahead!

Including the advantage of movement speed, Gu Xing has already pulled two of the three elements together!

Therefore, even if his attack speed can't keep up with Kaisha's, he can still use his skillful skills to pull Uzi into a state of ecstasy!

In order to get A to Gu Xing, Uzi made a lot of meaningless moves back and forth, giving other VG players a chance to get close.

Song Jinghao used Thain's E to kick the ball to Uzi.

Gu Xing's pulling effect has reached a new level!

One more basic attack for nothing, combined with the damage inflicted by his teammates, will send Kai'Sa directly back to the spring!

Throughout the whole process, Gu Xing hit A to Uzi three times in vain, and suffered 0 attacks from the opponent!


In the canyon, the sheep spirit quickly stepped over Kasha's body, still whispering softly, "He thinks he can defeat us. This is called self-deception..."

"Not only was the RNG dragon taken over, but the team was also destroyed. VG can drive straight in from the middle and bulldoze the enemy's main crystal in one wave!"

Amidst the loud shouts of the commentators, everyone in VG pushed forward and continuously pulled out the defense towers with overwhelming force. Finally, the game duration was fixed at 29 minutes and 22 seconds!

Baolv sent it, let’s watch the battle between EDG’s two husbands tomorrow

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