What is a hexagon jungler?

625: The factory director’s unique skills!

"VG stopped the decline and made another victory, winning the battle of Tianwang Mountain with a strong attitude, taking the lead in winning the championship point with a score of 2-1!!"

Wawa's heart was surging, and his voice became extremely excited because of this, "Their ability to adjust after losing the second game was terrifying, and they quickly found their familiar rhythm!"

His partner Miller, who was standing next to him, deeply agreed with this, "Whether it was the command flag or the forced opening system, RNG's proud winner in the previous game had no room to play in this game!"

I remember also putting forward my own opinion, "I think in the final analysis it is Qian Jue's problem. Brother Xing's reverse version of the unique skill is too restrained for RNG. We have seen more than once that the royal family tried to kill VG members with all their resources, but they were defeated. Brother Xing can easily resolve it with his ultimate move!"

"It is unrealistic to set the target of instant kill on Qian Jue so that he cannot use his ultimate move... RNG's entire lineup lacks extremely stable hard control. It is simply difficult to stun Qian Jue with remote bonuses such as Syndra. "Dengtian," he shook his head repeatedly, "Judging from the performance in the game, Brother Xing didn't pay attention to the opponent's control skills at all, and he didn't even make mercury to prevent it before the end of the game!"

Looking at the frustrated members of the royal family, Miller couldn't help but say, "Now RNG is standing on the edge of the cliff, with no way out. After the winning method of the second game is cracked, it depends on whether they can come up with something in the next game." New tactics to fight back!"

Uzi stood up and left the table, annoyance written all over his fat face.

His mind was filled with the scene of being pulled by Gu Xing Qianjue in the last team battle in the Dragon Pit.

The more Uzi thought about it, the angrier he became. He used to use his range advantage to pull others away. How had he ever been so humiliated by his opponent?

Immediately afterwards, there was deep self-blame and shame.

After Uzi started the match in Tianhu, he vowed to his teammates that he could carry the game in this set.

However, despite harvesting enough economy, he failed to play his due role at all. Either he made a mistake in judgment and led Xiao Ming to send Bo Da, or he was dragged to the point of numbness by Gu Xing's range advantage.

Not at all like a big brother in the team should behave!

Look at Gu Xing on the opposite side, he can do everything from protecting the layout, outputting, and controlling the map!

If you are the eldest brother, then who do you think you are?

Big Brother?

Uzi's heart was full of mixed emotions.

He has played an undoubted dominant performance in this playoffs and considers himself to be at his peak.

Who would have thought that VG almost targeted Super Ghost in the first game, and finally won a game in the second game, only to be beaten back to his original form not long after he was so proud!

Losing two games undoubtedly dealt a huge blow to his self-confidence!

Uzi's mood became worse and worse, and he walked quickly backstage with a slight bow.

Seeing Uzi's melancholy figure as he left, netizens in the online live broadcast room laughed and commented in the comments.

[Come on, come on, HZ, talk to me! 】

[I won a game just now and caused trouble for you. Brother Xing just gave up one game mercifully. You don’t really think that the two teams are on the same level, do you? 】

[Let me tell you a number - 5 minutes, I want to see the GIF of Uzi being dragged to death by Xing Ge in the counter bar! 】

[This is what Gouchi calls the ‘puppy’s innate sense of distance’! I didn’t expect that I couldn’t show my A in front of Brother Xing]

[Let’s talk about the school beauty, Uzi’s Kai’Sa has a 100% winning rate, but it turns out that it’s not worth mentioning in front of Xing’s Qian Jue! 】

[Virtue: What champion skin of your Kai’Sa is worthy of being compared to mine? 】

Uzi's performance in all the games before the finals was impeccable.

Many black men were waiting impatiently, and now that they finally got the chance, they naturally wanted to make fun of them.

The three commentators were completely unaware of this and were still analyzing it on stage.

"Look at the damage data of this game... Wow, Jack's output is as high as ever. His early start was almost as good as a puppy," I remember thinking to myself, "Brother Xing is even more outrageous, better than both C positions." Much higher!"

"He is truly a star player who emerged from the wild core version back then," Miller praised. "In terms of damage-causing ability, Brother Xing is not inferior to the ADC who focuses on output. It can be said that as long as he is given sufficient economy, It will definitely reward the team!”

"MVP selection... there is no suspense, I will give Brother Xing's Qian Jue!" Wawa was full of energy, "The battle loss ratio is 8/0/6, the team damage ratio is 8%, the average output is as high as 711, and the damage conversion rate is even better It’s a full 130%!”

He received the additional data provided by the in-ear director, and his voice went up an octave, "As of today's game, Brother Xing's Qianjue winning rate in the professional arena is still 100%, and what's even more amazing is that the MVP rate is also as high as 100%. %!"

"In short, as long as you are selected to be the most carrying person in the team, you can lead the team to victory steadily. There is no other outcome!"

Miller took a breath, "To be honest, this is a bit exaggerated..."

He knew only too well how frequently Gu Xing's Qian Jue was used - this spring was an exception.

Against the background of extremely high pick rates, it is already very difficult to maintain a 100% winning rate. The first thing Miller could think of was Faker. It was not until the 2015 MSI that the Fat General broke her undefeated streak.

What is the concept of 100% MVP rate?

It’s so outrageous that his mother opened the door for him, it’s so outrageous!

In the makeup photo, Gu Xing has one hand in his pocket and the other hand caressing the two gold stars on his chest. Different from his daily warm and warm style, his face in the photo is stern, with a sense of solemnity.

To be fair, the act of pretending to be cool doesn't go well with Gu Xing, and it looks quite divorced from his usual style of painting, which is full of contradictions.

But from the scene to the live broadcast room, many fans miss him deeply.

In 2016, Gu Xing, who was not yet famous at the time, embarked on the journey to the global finals for the first time. Naturally, he would not receive any special treatment in the makeup photo shoot. It is even more wishful thinking to expect that the photo style should be determined based on his realistic personality.

So much so that during the entire MVP selection process of the World Championship, every time Qian Jue appeared with explosive statistics, he would always have a cool face, which left a very deep impression on many fans.

Nowadays, there is a group of netizens talking about it in the live broadcast room.

【At that time, at this moment? 】

[Guigui, I got up early in the morning to watch the North American World Championship. Sometimes when I opened my eyes and opened the live broadcast room, I saw this determined and ruthless makeup photo of Brother Xing. Now that I think about it, I feel so safe.]

[I watched the video of the S6 World Championship again. Brother Xing’s actions are exactly the same as they were back then. The only thing that changed was the team uniform and the number of gold stars. The LPL director’s gesture was not a deliberate tribute, I’ll say whatever you want.]

[Check the director carefully, is this guy B a strong VC? I saw Brother Xing choose another hero to win the MVP, and the director showed the normal makeup photos. This time he chose Kindred and immediately switched to S6 retro mode? 】

[Isn’t this normal? The entire LPL, from directors to broadcasters, are all my VC people. How can you, RNG, compete with us? 】

[Woo woo woo, Brother Xing, please take us to rush again]

Seeing the grand barrage, many RNG fans are still envious of VC.

Why can this group of people become fans of such a powerful and stable professional player?

We also want to experience it!

But just 5 minutes later, Royal fans saw the team's star players also come to show them that 'that moment is exactly like this moment'.

The performer is Uzi.

When Uzi came on stage in the fourth game, his expression was uglier than when he lost the previous game. His face was rosy, which was his normal behavior. This time he didn't even chew his fingers, and held his chin without saying a word.

"I'd like to emphasize again that we are on the red side in this game, and the strategy we use is to double open Xayah and Kai'Sa. The opponent has a high probability of taking the latter. Our bottom lane combination is tentatively decided to be Xayah Luo. I believe that the puppy can give the team reveal all the details……"

The translator translated Heart's words to the team members. Seeing Uzi's autistic look, he subconsciously asked, "Puppy, are you listening?"

Uzi responded weakly, "Listen."

Heart had long seen that something was wrong with his absolute core emotions, but in the critical game on the cliff, he didn't have the energy to comfort Uzi.

The BP dilemma he faced was too severe.

If you were originally on the red side, you would suffer a loss during the ban phase.

After the first three rounds, VG made frequent strange moves, which made Heart very anxious!

The rock bird must be banned.

Should Qianjue, who broke RNG's forced opening system in the previous game, be banned?

There is still one Qinggang Shadow swing position left, which the royal family cannot deal with on the red side and must be blocked!

In addition, Luo, who Duan Deliang won the MVP in the first game, is also very threatening, but because there are not enough ban seats, he can only be placed outside...

Heart gets a headache just thinking about it.

Is this a BP hammer?

Emulating VG's Kai'Sa + Xayah double-opening mode in the previous game is already the best choice that Heart can think of in a short period of time.

But at that time, VG's BP was outstanding, and the royal family was in a hurry!

There was nothing wrong with Heart's BP deduction. As expected, VG picked Kai'Sa first.

The royal family successfully took out Luo and Thain.

Shi Senming's Luo is very average, barely playable among first-line support players, and there is a big gap between him and Liu Qingsong Baolan's level.

But it's impossible not to grab it. We can't let VG easily choose the unsolvable bottom lane combination of Kai'Sa + Rakan. In that case, as long as the Royal Family doesn't defeat the opponent during the laning period, they won't be able to play in the mid-to-late stage team battles!

Without thinking, Hongmi quickly decided to choose - the prince + Galio.

Heart took deep breaths and tried to calm down.

I have to say that the pressure on the lineup given by VG is too strong.

In these first three moves, it is clear that we are going to play a strong open. Every position has a way to enter the market, and we will implement RNG's previous strong open gameplay to the extreme!

Moreover, VG basically doesn’t think about it during the selection stage. It locks the hero and gets it in seconds.

This makes Heart very uncomfortable.

He is the side that is under more pressure from BP and needs more time to think about how to select people.

Hongmi's instant lock made it impossible for him to think carefully about BP, and he could only rush to select a hero before the countdown ended!

Heart's third choice was to supplement Xia, hoping to let Uzi get the advantageous role, and at the same time form the Phoenix Legend to ensure the strength of the line.

In the second round of BP, the royal family targeted Song Jinghao, and banned both Gnar and Ryze; Hongmi took care of Xiang Guo and blocked both Nightmare and Pig Girl.

"Can you choose the wine barrel for the fragrant pot?" Heart asked Liu Shiyu, "If VG drives in by force, you can use R to blow them away!"

"To be honest, I think Olaf would be better..." Xiangguo had his own opinion.

It's easy for the Berserker to beat the Prince against him.

Don't look at the fact that in team battles, Jarvan can use R [Heavenfall] to confine Olaf in the circle.

But this is not the S6 season.

Now that sprinting has been weakened, Olaf's mainstream gameplay is to use flash.

Coupled with the reduced summoner skills of [Boots of Brightness], he can basically flash every wave of resource groups. Relatively speaking, the prince's restrictions on him will be greatly reduced.

In terms of jungle matchups in the early and mid-term, Olaf took the absolute initiative, and even the incense pot couldn't figure out how to lose to the prince!

As long as they are face to face, Jarvan IV will definitely turn around and run away in a panic!

Of course, there are drawbacks to electing Olaf.

During the laning phase, the rhythm will be at a disadvantage.

Compared with the prince, Olaf's ganking method is too predatory. The shoe acceleration is fashionable and cannot guarantee the success rate of the raid, not to mention the embarrassing situation of the shoe acceleration being on cooldown. Olaf was a pure person during that period. Wild area brush!

Xiangguo thought about it again and again, and finally decided to compromise and sacrifice himself to contribute to the team. "Let the wine barrel be the wine barrel. I will try to gank more times in the early stage."

VG revealed the remaining two positions in the fourth and fifth selections, assisting Leona + top laner Captain!

Letme immediately turned into a bitter face.

Before the game, he hoped that the top laners on both sides could engage in head-to-tank combat to brush each other off with integrity.

However, Song Jinghao undoubtedly wanted to put pressure on him in this game!

Yan Junze couldn't help but start shaking his hands again.

And Uzi, who used to like to give advice to the team, also stopped talking. There was a dead silence in the team's voice, and the atmosphere was very solemn.

This made Letme very uncomfortable, and her hand tremors worsened for a while.

"Should we use vampires?" Heart asked Xiaohu for his opinion in a friendly manner.

Li Yuanhao looked normal and communicated normally with the team members, "No, it's better for Syndra."

Although vampires are his signature, the loss in the first game made Xiaohu a little doubtful of Vladimir's performance against VG.

The opponent's pace is too fast, can the team really delay until its equipment is ready?

He decided to play it safe and choose a ball girl to control the center lane.

The lineups of both sides were once again confirmed.

Blue side VG: top laner Captain, jungler prince, mid laner Galio, bottom laner Kai'Sa + Leona.

Red square RNG: top laner Thain, jungler Barrel, mid laner Syndra, and bottom lane Xia Luo combination.

"Be sure to hold the line steady," Heart told the players before leaving. "Don't let the opponent take the opportunity. As long as you wait until the later stages, those people will have short hands and it will be very difficult to even defend the tower!"

Uzi was still holding his chin absent-mindedly, not sure whether he heard it or not.

Heart finally thought about caring about his own ADC, but before he could say anything, he was persuaded to leave by the referee.

As a last resort, he had to hand back the headphones and leave the players' stand. Now he can only rely on the players' ability to adjust on the spot.

In the backstage lounge, Sun Dayong crossed his arms and looked ugly.

He knows Uzi well.

Now looking at the other party's expression in the camera, you know something is going to happen!

What kind of side effects will a C position who doesn't communicate effectively with his teammates have on the team?

Sun Dayong didn't dare to think about it carefully.

Looking back at the VG player seats, everyone was smiling, which was in sharp contrast to the stressed-out RNG members!

Among them, Gu Xing smiled the most happily.

Sun Dayong wondered, did these people think of something happy?

"Sell Gu, sell Gu, please help me win this game!" Kuro closed his eyes and clasped his hands together, still muttering in his mouth.

"Guigui, Lao Li, do you still know how to single-bet?" Jack's voice was still loud, "Your current level of Chinese is pretty impressive!"

"That's natural. Our target is Brother Zhixun. I can even play Landlord now, and my level is definitely better than that of Inkui. That guy was able to keep a pair of three in his hand back then!" Kuro said proudly, then turned around and became nervous. He looked at Gu Xing anxiously, "Sui Gu, we will definitely win this game, right?"

Gu Xing was amused by him and knew what the other party was thinking, "Don't worry, I will definitely win, and I won't let you be tortured!"

Li Ruixing finally felt relieved and said, "That's good. I'll rest assured when you talk to me!"

The voices in the VG team are full of joy.

Jack, the youngest, looked curious, "What does it feel like to be an old man?"

Kuro's expression suddenly changed, and his body began to tremble, "I just feel like my body has been hollowed out..."

"Get out of here!" Yu Wenbo said angrily, "Where are you filming the Shenbao film commercial?"

Li Ruixing shook his head and said nothing.

He was talking about his true feelings. He now trains sixteen hours a day and is basically in this state before going to bed.

My mind goes blank and it's hard to stay focused.

Although daily training can last for a long time, serious formal competitions require more energy!

It was only the fourth game of the high-intensity main match, and Kuro was already a little unable to sit still. He quickly poured two more sips of coffee into his mouth in an attempt to stay in good condition.

After descending into the canyon, Li Ruixing straightened his back and prepared for the key battle.

"The opponent is very strong at level one," Gu Xing analyzed the opponent's thoughts, "Maybe he will come directly to the jungle to find us..."

RNG has Thain + Xia Luo, and the first-level team is much stronger than VG's opponent character.

Just as Gu Xing thought, the royal family did not want to be stable in the game facing the enemy's championship point, and immediately came as a group to invade the lower jungle area of ​​​​VG, hoping to force Gu Xing to the top of the map.

"Give way," Gu Xing gave the retreat signal, "Don't fight head-on. I'll go to the upper half to open up."

He chose to replace the BUFF and ran to the upper red zone of RNG to brush the jungle.

"Mai Bo, before you go online, please help me take a look at our jungle area," Gu Xing gave the command calmly, "Sain may want to counter the jungle."

One of the advantages of a veteran player is that he can be in the jungle on the opposite side of the game at the beginning. As long as he can make good use of the passive zombies, he can often plunder the opponent's jungle area!

However, this move has been used too many times now, and many teams will take precautions against it.

Song Jinghao ran to investigate and found Thain's figure in the grass in his blue zone!

Although Yan Junze's charged Q hit the captain, the anti-jungle plan was destroyed. He also knew that Gu Xing was in the upper jungle area, so he did not dare to fight, and left after knocking his opponent away.

"There should be eyes here," Song Jinghao marked between the blue zone and the Demon Swamp Frog camp, "Please be careful!"

Gu Xing understood the idea, lit the German military flag and started clearing the jungle.

Since the prince's basic armor has been reduced by 4 points, it is still quite painful for a single player to start the jungle in the early stage.

After carefully pulling wild monsters to level 2, Gu Xing was finally able to concentrate on thinking about the situation.

"Rui Xing, can you make an eye on our F6?" he requested. "I want to see the position of the wine barrel."

Without saying anything, Kuro poked an eye through the wall and saw that F6 was intact.

"They helped clear the jungle in the early stage of the bot lane!" Duan Deliang provided another piece of information.

Gu Xing understood.

Relying on the help provided by his teammates, Xiangguo's jungle clearing speed is bound to be faster than his own.

At present, he has finished the first set of BUFFs, but Liu Shiyu, who is one step faster, has not appeared in his F6 camp, so it is easy to guess his movements!

Gu Xing marked the signal on his stone beetle, "The wine barrel should be here..."

"The bottom lane on the other side is very aggressive," Jack frowned, "Do you want to hoard lanes and wait until level 3 to jump over the tower and kill your buddies and Lao Duan?"

Gu Xing cut the screen and looked down the road.

Just like what Jack said, Uzi's positioning is very radical, and he doesn't even want Jack to hear his army experience!

Yu Wenbo also had a bad temper and insisted on using Icathia Heavy Rain to finish off the damage. As a result, Shi Senming directly stepped onto the stage with W to lift the enemy. However, although the first-level combination of VG's bottom lane was not strong, it was better because there were many friendly soldiers around.

After a round of fighting between the two sides, their blood volume was about half.

Gu Xing thought about it and returned to the city.

"Eh?" Miller noticed Gu Xing's bizarre choice, "Brother Xing returned to the city at level 2. He only has enough money to buy a real eye. What is he going to do?"

"The prince is walking down the bottom lane along the army line..." I remember letting out a slight hiss, "Does it mean he wants to go directly to the bottom lane to gank?"

"It seems like we can really succeed!" Wawa tried his best to lower his voice, as if he was afraid of being heard by the RNG members on the stage, "The puppy is still pressing the line, and he has no idea that the danger is not far ahead!"

"After the incense pot has defeated the stone beetles, go up and look for trouble with F6," Miller raised his eyebrows and shouted in a loud voice, "The location information is exposed within VG's field of vision. VG is very likely to freeze his hands!"

At this time, the game only reached 2 minutes and 25 seconds.

There were still 12 seconds left before the handover of the lower artillery line, and Liu Shiyu took his time to clean up the sharp beak.

In this version, it would definitely take 3 waves of soldiers to accumulate lanes and jump over the tower, so he was not in a hurry, so he chose the slightly tortuous movement route of red buff-stone beetle-sharp beak.

Anyway, when the artillery line arrives, he can clear three groups of fields and advance to level three. Taking a long detour may confuse the opponent who is detecting his whereabouts, making the enemy think that he will not launch an encirclement and suppression on the bottom lane!

Liu Shiyu was enjoying the big bird when he suddenly heard Shi Senming's panicked cry for help coming from the headset.

"The prince is on the bottom lane, can you come to rescue him?"

Xiangguo's heart skipped a beat and he quickly cut the screen to take a look.

As a result, the RNG duo at the front of the line were challenged by Gu Xing's EQ!

Judging from the landing point of the German flag, it is not difficult to guess that Gu Xing caught the royal family off guard with his EQ+ flash forward move.

Although the EQ flash will not directly cause damage, the RNG duo fought too frequently in the early stage, and there was not much blood left!

Moreover, Uzi specially carried purification in order to deal with the control of opponents such as Leona and Galio.

Without the milk supply of the healing technique, Xia's situation immediately became precarious!

"I can't get through!" Xiang Guo shouted loudly, "Hurry up and dodge quickly!"

He noticed that the flash in the status bar of Uzi was still on, and he didn't know why he didn't hand over the prince's EQ as soon as he saw it to distance himself...

But before Uzi could use Flash after landing, Kai'Sa detonated the plasma and sent him away!

First blood is born!

The showmen gather! HLE is totally wrong. After spending so much money, they can’t even enter the World Championship.

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