What is a hexagon jungler?

667: The leader of the Kua Kua group is online!

Seeing the nightmare being born in the spring, Gu Xing quickly bought equipment and waited for the door to open, not forgetting to turn around and communicate with Chaowei.

"How about Blue Cat, are you nervous?"

Chaowei tightened his grip on the mouse, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, "...it's okay."

Having said that, despite his poor Chinese pronunciation, you can hear his trembling voice.

Although this is not the first time Chaowei has competed in the LPL, the enemies they faced before were only the Snakes team on the edge of the playoffs, and the mid laner was Guoguo, who is also a newcomer.

How to compare with IG?

The opposing mid laner is Rookie!

I was just in the first grade of junior high school in 2014, and Song Yijin had already won the OGN championship!

Four years have passed in the blink of an eye, and Rookie has become more and more powerful, becoming a world-class mid laner!

If Chaowei is not nervous at all, then he probably can't do it if he eats the bear's heart and leopard's guts raw.

Moreover, he was not a player with a good mentality to begin with, and now his heartbeat is racing crazily after entering the game.

Gu Xing also saw that the other party was strong on the outside and smart on the inside, so he quickly encouraged him and gave him reassurance, "Aren't you very good at laning? In this game, you just need not to have any problems on the laning side. Follow my instructions for the rest, and I will be able to protect you." You win!"

This sentence was quite complicated, and Chaowei had to use Song Jinghao as a translator to understand the general meaning.

After listening to Gu Xing's comfort, a trace of color returned to Chaowei's slightly pale face.

Just because my jungler mentioned ‘laning’.

This is a trump card that I am proud of!

On the laning side, he never thinks that he is inferior to anyone!

"I'll start from the top half," Gu Xing spoke faster and told his teammates his plan, "You guys keep your wards in the bottom lane first, and when you're about to go online, insert an ward into the Xiaolongkeng Pass!"

He didn't explain the specific strategy because the team members can think and know it well. There is no need for Gu Xing to tell all the causes and consequences in detail.

Starting from the upper half, the target must be the upper river crab that refreshes in 2 minutes.

The combat intensity of VG's top, middle and junglers at that time was definitely stronger than that of IG - although it was difficult for Gu Xing's nightmare to take advantage of Qinggang Ying, the top laner Shen and the mid laner Zoe were not vegetarians, and the two of them would definitely be able to work together. Help control the swift crabs!

In Gu Xing's opinion, King Ning should not want to get involved with the crab on the upper river. So based on the current jungle environment, if the opponent wants to avoid collapse, he must go down the river to eat another crab.

That's why he asked the duo to keep their wards in the middle of the lower river before going online.

With the survival time of the jewelry eye, it is completely able to detect the movement information of Prince Ning coming down the river to catch river crabs!

Gu Xing didn't want the other party to easily plunder the swift crabs, he planned to 'I want them all'.

VG's Lucian + Morgana in the bottom lane will undoubtedly be able to gain a lane advantage in the early stage. After seeing King Ning's hand against Xiahe Crab, they can quickly support and double team!

At that time, Gu Xing will have a high probability of getting the Tianhu of Shuanghe Crab to start.

Even if I can't control the crab, I can at least peel off Gao Zhenning's skin!

At the same time, the five players in the IG player bench were also communicating.

"We probably can't win at level one," Broiler suggested in Mandarin with a barbecue flavor. "Why don't we take a defensive position along the river..."

"There's no need to be particularly afraid. I think we can invade and make a ward to see what the opponent's jungler is doing!" Lin Weixiang was eager to give it a try and couldn't restrain his impatience.

After all, there were two old acquaintances in the VG team, Gu Xing and Jack, and he wanted to cause trouble for these two people.

Gao Zhenning thought for a moment, carefully weighing and analyzing the lineups of both sides.

After thinking about it, he felt that his new coach was really a genius.

How on earth did you choose this lineup for those of us who like to attack, in which all three lanes have no lane rights in the early stage, but the jungler alone has the hero matchup advantage?

Even though the lineup will be very strong in the mid-term, with the help of Captain and Ryze, they can split push from the side, or they can use their own Qinggang Shadow to initiate a front-on team fight... But how to make the transition in the early stage?

Especially the two-minute river crab is now a battleground for military strategists. Gu Xing may have to use the three-way right to try to capture all two river crabs!

Prince Ning feels extremely uncomfortable just thinking about it now!


Gao Zhenning's eyes suddenly lit up.

If the opposing jungler wants to control the Twin River Crab, he will have to spend a lot of time moving up and down the river.

In this way, I can have a certain time difference advantage!

The ship's new tactics instantly emerged in his mind.

"Don't worry, do the eye surgery," Gao Zhenning said urgently, "so as not to scare the enemy!"

If you want to place the eye position in the enemy's wild area, it will be difficult to avoid the enemy's vision detection during the process.

Judging from the current situation, if Gao Zhenning wants to fight for the river crab, he must keep his punishment and avoid the open half area where Gu Xing is, so as to have a chance to get the other river crab before the opponent comes.

In the plan that King Ning just came up with, the red BUFF is a necessity, which means that he must open the field from the top half.

If IG now goes to the enemy's jungle to be a ward, VG will definitely counterattack, and it is normal to send people to IG's jungle to lay out vision.

At that time, the junglers of both sides will be the open cards. If Gu Xing starts from the upper jungle area and sees himself starting from the upper jungle area, how can he not feel suspicious?

Therefore, Gao Zhenning simply rejected Lin Weixiang's suggestion to go to the VG jungle area to do eye work. Everyone simply started the game blind, and he had an opportunity to take advantage of it!

Gu Xing opened blue alone, relying on the attack power bonus provided by Nightmare's own Q [Nightmare's Dream Path], he killed the blue BUFF at about 1 minute and 50 seconds, and successfully upgraded to level 2.

Then he headed straight to the upper river without stopping to show off his skills towards the newly born river crabs!

The Swift Crab wouldn't resist, so Gu Xing simply didn't point the camera at himself and chose to cut the screen to observe other information on the map.

All three teammates need to focus on the lane, and the task of collecting information naturally falls on him.

Among them, what Gu Xing is most concerned about is the performance of newcomer Chaowei.

Cut to the middle and take a look, and he felt at ease.

Chovy is good at facing Queshi alone. After getting the already strong Zoe, he can suppress the broiler in the early stage and gain a slight upper hand in terms of blood volume.

Rookie was even forced to stand back, huddled behind the ranged soldiers to avoid Zoe's precise flying stars.


Where did Prince Ning go?

Gu Xing frowned.

The duo's previously deployed eye position in the lower river channel still failed to capture any trace of Gao Zhenning.

He has almost finished killing the river crabs. Logically speaking, no matter how slowly the Qinggang Shadow brushes, it won't still be in position, right?

Gu Xing was confused at first, but then he remembered a possibility that he had ignored before.

Could it be that Gao Zhenning didn't intend to control the river crabs?

If he fails to control the crab and uses Qinggang Shadow to emphasize the heroic characteristics of Gank, King Ning will definitely not sit still and wait for death!

So where will the opponent's raid destination be?

Gu Xing's brain worked quickly and he immediately guessed the most likely path Gao Zhenning would attack.

"Retreat, Chaowei, run back quickly!" He reminded loudly.

It's just too late.

Chovy was immersed in the joy of being able to suppress the broiler for a short time when he saw the opponent's first melee soldier in the second wave of soldiers flash forward when A reached level 2, and the EW Rune Confinement restricted him in place. !

A green steel shadow suddenly jumped out from the narrow path between the grass above the middle road and the IG Sharpbill Camp!

"Fuck!" Chaowei was frightened half to death by the elusive Camille, and spoke the most standard Mandarin in his life.

King Ning's E [Hook Rope] hit the wall, and the second section of the E wall kicked back towards Zoe!

Chaowei, who was imprisoned in place, could only watch the green steel shadow kicking him!

It is worth mentioning that since this version of Zoe's W [Spell Stealing Hand] has a spell strength bonus of 75% and the early damage is ridiculously high, most players are accustomed to clicking a W at level 2 to increase the suppression power. .

If the blood exchange is done well enough, level 2 can trigger the additional damage of Magic Stealing Hand by igniting it, and there is even a chance to complete the Cinnabar!

But precisely because of this, Chaowei didn't even learn E [Hypnosis Bubble]. Without any control ability, he had no power to fight back when faced with IG's midfield encirclement and suppression!

Camille's basic attack was followed by Q [Precision Etiquette], and then she added an A to trigger a strong attack. Zoe's HP dropped a lot in an instant!

And the burning damage and slowing effect of the red BUFF are still threatening her!

"Can Xingguo come to save the nest?" Chaowei sent out a distress signal.

"No, hurry up and get out of the way!" Gu Xing knew that he couldn't make it in a short time.

Even in the past, how could he, a level 2 nightmare, do anything to IG's midfielder?

Chaowei gritted his teeth, knowing that it would be difficult for him to escape the pursuit of Camille with the red BUFF just by walking, so he had no choice but to surrender his flash and retreat as soon as the confinement state ended.

Triggering the passive movement speed bonus of Magic Stealing Hands, Zoe jumped quickly on her short legs and successfully retreated to her own tower in the blink of an eye.

Gao Zhenning saw this and didn't pursue anymore - even though the real damage of the second stage Q was ready, the Broiler who surrendered all skills had lost the means of pursuit. The damage of the Qinggang Shadow alone could not kill Zoe instantly, and as long as he could not be killed If you drop the opponent, the little girl picking up trash can use her movement speed to distance herself, and maybe she can pick up the flash he dropped to make up for her lack of summoner skills.

Thinking that his intention had been achieved anyway, he let the opponent leave, and he accompanied the broiler to start pushing the middle line of troops.

Even so, Chaowei's condition is not optimistic either.

Qinggang Shadow's early damage was extremely high. Even though Broiler's Ryze only made up one EW+ basic attack in the whole process, Zoe's health bar still bottomed out!

"I have to go back to the city..." Chaowei had just finished his shock and had to press B under the tower to return to the spring water to replenish a wave of health. His tone was full of apology, "It's hard for me to help you fight for the other crab."

Zoe's main focus now is to suppress the line with one hand. The super high damage of W [Spell Stealing Hand] makes her line kill rate far ahead. Chaowei originally wanted to make a name for herself on the line end, so she brought Ignite instead. Teleport, now after returning to the city to resupply, I can only walk back to the middle with one pair of legs.

"It's okay, you can still get the Twin River Crabs," Gu Xing, who had just finished brushing the Upper River Crabs, said with relief, "I can go to the middle and fill in the lines and I can level up to 3!"

Now the river crab's experience is too exaggerated. Gu Xing now has two camps in hand. The experience value has reached the two-and-a-half-level mark. He can divide the 4 minions in the push tower by himself, just enough to reach level 3!

At that time, the nightmare's combat effectiveness will usher in a small leap!

"Brother Duan, accompany Jack and quickly send the troops in, and then come down to the river!" Gu Xing gave the order, urging his duo.

As expected, VG had control of the early lane in the bottom lane, and now it was the second wave of minions handing over online. Jack, who had succeeded in grabbing second place, was quickly pushing the lane. Xiangsong and Xiangsong were unable to even fight back because they were behind in levels.

As long as they push the line of troops out, the VG duo can be several steps ahead of IG's bottom lane and arrive at the river for support.

The level 3 nightmare + double 2 bottom lane combination is here. Even if the super powerful Zoe cannot come to join the battle, this river crab is still in Gu Xing's bag!

Sure enough, after King Ning pushed the middle lane, he saw that the VG bottom lane looked like it was going to swim in the river. He also knew that it would be difficult for him to fight for the river crab with the broiler chickens who had not dodged when the level was lagging behind, so he immediately chose to give up. Give it to Nightmare.

Gu Xing used a knife in the middle to passively cooperate with Q [Nightmare's Dream Trail]. The double range damage easily dealt with all 4 minions under the tower. He immediately rushed to the lower river and killed the crabs under the cover of the duo's teammates.

"It doesn't matter, overall we won't lose," Gu Xing saw that Chaowei was a little depressed and quickly added, "If the mid laner flashes instead of flashing, I have two more junglers to face."

"After all, I have a problem too. I wish I had warned you earlier..."

Gu Xing played from the Asian Games qualifiers to the summer regular season, and played so many training matches and main matches sporadically, but he didn't see any junglers who couldn't compete!

As a result, he fell into inertial thinking, and all his tactical ideas were based on the premise that King Ning would definitely come to fight the Swift Crab.

Who would have thought that Gao Zhenning would not take the ordinary path, but find a new way to play Renaissance, using Qinggang Shadow to reproduce the ancient routine of level 2 capture!

But this comforting effect was only average. Chaowei's heart beat uneasily in his chest, making him even more flustered.

Zheng Zhixun couldn't figure out whether the move that Broiler just retreated to the back of the line and gave up the line control during the laning phase was because he had no choice but to retreat because he couldn't win the laning, or whether it was intentional, deliberately showing weakness and deceiving him. Continue to press forward and create gank opportunities for Gao Zhenning!

Chaowei is in a state of confusion.

Moreover, what Gu Xing just said about Ting, the mid laner flashed the swap, and he only lost 4 minions in name.

This is not the case!

Chovy knows very well that as Zoe is the attacker, he has a particularly urgent need for summoner skills. Whether Zoe flashes or not determines whether Zoe can pose a sufficient fatal threat to the opponent online!

Now that he lacks flash, he doesn't even dare to cross the river. Once the Qinggang Shadow comes again, he can kill him on the spot!

In this way, the broiler on the defensive side can easily and comfortably develop the last hit.

Song Yijin is still holding Purification in his hand, so there is no need to worry about Zoe. Even if Gu Xing's nightmare arises, it will be difficult to threaten him!

In short, this battle initiated by IG's midfielder is equivalent to cutting Chovy's laning suppression power by more than half!

How could Zheng Zhixun not be impatient?

"I'll kill the wild monsters first, and then I'll come to the middle to help you counter-crouch. Chaowei, you need to be steady for a while, and then you can push the lane after I'm in position!" Gu Xing made arrangements.

He could detect Gao Zhenning's ambition to use the middle as a breakthrough in this game.

Qinggangying gave up the fight for the Twin River Crabs, just to gank in the middle and force Zoe's flash out?

Absolutely impossible!

Gu Xing was sure that King Ning would do it again, so he took advantage of the super power flash to enter the cooldown gap and forced a gank to try to kill him.

After clearing the river crabs in the lower half of the area, he circled back to his lower jungle area. He planned to clean up all three groups of camps from bottom to top, wipe out all six members of the Sharpbill family, and then squat in the middle to protect Chaowei.

In this way, he can be the first to reach level 4. Even if a conflict breaks out between the two sides, Gu Xing will still have a combat advantage.

However, Gao Zhenning's main focus is to play cards that don't follow the routine.

"King Ning is here again!" The doll on the commentary desk raised his voice, "He returned to his jungle area and only wiped out a set of blue buffs before rushing to the middle again!"

"Is he crazy?!" Miller was dumbfounded. "The game is about to reach three minutes, and King Ning is still only at level two. He doesn't even farm his own wild monsters, he just wants to launch an offensive against Chaowei!"

Chovy was already very stable. He huddled in the area close to his own turret and used only the tail knife to control the line transfer point in his own half as much as possible.

However, Qinggangying's jungler's gank method was unstoppable.

The green steel shadow once again hit the wall with a hook rope from the grass. The second E rushed towards Zoe, and a golden light flashed in the air!

"E Flash!" Baby blurted out, "King Ning relied on flash to extend the charging distance and successfully knocked out Chaowei!"

The duration of the red BUFF has not yet ended, Gao Zhenning repeated his old tricks, AQA attached a deceleration effect, chasing and slashing all the way!

"Chaowei hasn't reached level 3 yet, so it will be difficult for him to escape from this situation!" Miller felt extremely regretful.

Chovy missed most of the experience of the second wave of minions, and even missed two bins in the third wave of soldiers. Now he is still only a short amount of experience points short of level 3!

There is no hypnotic bubble, which means that Chaowei has no other way to face the forward pressure of IG's midfielder!

"The broiler detonated the runes on the minion to trigger the passive movement speed bonus and chased after him, and then used the rune to imprison Zoe in place!"

Song Yijin was very detailed. Before Gao Zhenning was about to come to the middle and freeze his hands, he first used E [Spell Surge] on the minion, so that when combined with EQ, he could instantly explode two layers of runes to speed up the pursuit.

Now Chaowei seems to him to be unable to fly!

However, Zheng Zhixun has a strong desire to survive.

Although IG Nakano deliberately blocked the passage between himself and the IG soldiers during the pursuit, his Zoe proficiency was really not low. A flying star suddenly got out of the gap and successfully killed the enemy. A melee soldier with residual health.

With the added experience, his body lights up with an upgraded light!

The super powerful E [Hypnosis Bubble] was instantly learned, and it was smashed towards the green steel shadow that did the most damage in front of him. At the same time, he set a ignition on Ryze, triggering the magic-stealing skill to accelerate and retreat to the tower.

"Eh?" The doll was extremely surprised, "Chaowei seems to be able to run!"

"It's crucial for him to be able to rise to the third level in times of crisis!"

The upgrade gave Zoe a mouthful of blood, and Zheng Zhixun has been taking pill bottles since the beginning of the battle, and now he is temporarily out of danger!

There were bursts of exclamations in the audience.

But at this moment, King Ning took action.

Zoe relied on her movement speed advantage to escape from his normal attack range, but Q [Precision Etiquette] is an enhanced basic attack skill that can increase the range by 50 yards!

Relying on this mechanism, Gao Zhenning successfully kicked and pulled up at the extreme distance, and the real damage lowered Zoe's newly recovered health bar again!

Immediately afterwards, Prince Ning turned around and handed over the punishment!

The lightning struck, the VG long-range soldier was killed, and Qinggangying's body also lit up with an upgraded rotating light!

Although Gao Zhenning only killed two groups of wild monsters from beginning to end, he had gained the experience of having six minions in the second wave of troops, and he was just one step away from level three.

Just now, in order to detonate the rune to trigger the acceleration, the broiler used double E+Q to kill a melee soldier, bringing King Ning's experience bar to nearly full level 2. This gave him the opportunity to upgrade to level 3 in punishment!

The same skill can be learned in seconds.

W [tactical sweep]!

Qinggangying officially broke into the attack range of the VG turret, jumped high and raised his leg blade to sweep towards Zoe.

Even after a 5-second delay, the hypnotic bubble took effect, making her drowsy in place.

But the slowing effect of the outer circle still hits Zoe!

The broiler leaned forward and hit Chaowei with Q [Overload] from a long distance!

Zoe twisted her slender waist and tried to avoid the skill by moving.

Unfortunately, Song Yijin's skill casting was very precise, and he couldn't dodge it due to the slow speed, and his health bar was emptied!

"The birth of first blood!" Wawa exclaimed in admiration, "Both sides pushed their operations to the limit. Zoe's upgrade to level 3 once added variables to IG's surprise attack, but in the end it was King Ning who had the last laugh..."

His compliments stopped abruptly.

"It's Brother Xing!" Miller's eyes lit up, and he saw an illusory and vicious figure from the edge of the screen, "The Nightmare has arrived in the middle!"

Another golden light.

Nightmare emerged from the VG Sharpbill camp, and hit Qinggangying with a Q [Nightmare's Dream Trail]!

Gao Zhenning had just recovered from his comatose state after being bombarded by a defense tower. Without any movement skills, he had no means to dissuade the nightmare!

However, Song Yijin's W [Rune Imprisonment] was also cooling down. Even though he tried his best to attack Gu Xing, he still couldn't stop the nightmare's progress!

After resisting the tower twice and taking full damage from the hypnotic bubble, Qinggangying was extremely fragile!

Naturally, Gu Xing would not let the enemy leave. E [Silent Fear] planted a nightmare in Qinggang Ying's mind. After the fear took effect, he quickly closed the distance and sent the opponent away happily with his two claws!

"1 for 1!" Miller breathed a sigh of relief, "After all, VG seems to be able to accept it!"

Most of the people who came to watch the game were VG fans. At first they were quite anxious when they saw Chaowei being targeted frequently, but now when they saw Gu Xing patting him on the back and rushing to collect the heads, they immediately burst into deafening cheers!

[Good guys, it would be outrageous for the two parties to promote each other to three. If the calculation is wrong, the outcome will be different! 】

[All I can say is that the operational ideas are all perfect. Is LPL so strong now? 】

[Chaowei is really ruthless, I feel like Zoe is really better at playing than Kuro]

[Prince Ning is ruthless enough, you started, right? Imitate Xiangguo and transform into Gank Machine, specializing in hunger strike style? 】

[It’s really disgusting. You know how to pick on weaklings. Why don’t you catch others if you have the ability? Chaowei just came up from the LDL, so he has to see how dangerous the LPL is, right?]

[Ning: Welcome to the LPL, Chaowei! Listen to my brother’s advice, you can’t grasp this overwhelming wealth...]

"Well done, Chaowei!" Gu Xing praised him by name, "If you hadn't dragged Qinggang Ying into the tower, it would have been really difficult to stop the loss of this bowl!"

In his opinion, Chaowei's manipulation of Que's was exquisite, and the key upgrade to three made Zoe die at least three seconds late.

Gu Xing had just finished defeating his own Stone Beetle camp. The moment he saw the battle breaking out in the middle, he moved to the middle. He used this three-second gap to cover an extra thousand yards before he successfully rushed to the battlefield and replaced Qinggang. Shadow's life!

"Gu Gu, you can't hold back your compliments!" Song Jinghao, who acted as a translator, was very dissatisfied. "It takes a lot of effort for me to just translate your compliments!"

Gu Xing laughed sheepishly.

Since the beginning of the game, he has become the leader of the group, eager to boast his super power to the sky.

The main reason is that he discovered in the training matches of the first two days that this kid has a really average mentality, and his state is very susceptible to emotional fluctuations. If he really gets into trouble, he can show you any low-energy operation.

The basic skills of last-hitting are extremely solid, the ability to find money is outstanding, one person can kill three lanes, the laning strength is strong, and the mentality is extremely unstable...

Isn't this the Uzi of the middle unit?

Of course, the biggest advantage of Chaowei is that he is not autistic and does not communicate, and he rarely complains about his teammates.

He just keeps his emotions inside, and you can only see Chaowei's mentality from his deformed operations to a ridiculous degree.

Gu Xing has also played many games with Uzi sporadically. He was a teammate in the Asian Games qualifiers not long ago, and he has rich experience in playing with such players.

He summed it up with one purpose - to coax and play.

If you praise this kind of player more and draw a bigger picture, they will be able to play happily and normally.

The plan was quite successful, and Chaowei, who was praised, finally grinned.

He also felt that his death in battle was barely acceptable, at least it was much better than the last time he was forced to switch.

It would have been difficult for him to fight in the lane after being replaced. King Ning came over to catch him again. At most, it would only further worsen the situation in the middle...

But the price paid was that Qinggang Shadow was about to collapse!

King Ning didn't eat any of the two groups of river crabs in the early stage. Now he gave up his development time and handed over the flash to forcefully kill him. In the meantime, he also handed over the punishment...

Even Chaowei doesn't know how this Qinggang Ying can play!

Everyone knows how slow it is for Camille to clear the jungle without Tiamat!

But Gao Zhenning felt that he was not at a loss.

Because the broiler chicken is so fat.

With first blood in hand, Ryze's development cycle will be greatly shortened!

By the middle stage, the broiler will definitely make a loud noise!

"Song Yijin will rely on you to be hot next!" Gao Zhenning urged.

"Don't worry," Rookie said confidently, "Lay back and wait for me to C in this round!"

Song Yijin has now entered the peak period of his personal strength, and his understanding of the game has reached an advanced level. He is confident that he can carry everyone in the game with advanced development!

Gao Zhenning, who received the assurance from his teammates, was reassured.

However, he was indeed very injured after his own death. It was difficult for Camille to continue the offensive without dodge. King Ning simply immersed himself in the jungle and planned to wait for the dodge to improve.

Gu Xing considered that his flash was also on CD, and the competition for mid-lane rights was not optimistic, so he did not want to invade by force, but honestly cleared the jungle to increase his level.

When the time came to 6 minutes and 30 seconds, Gu Xing successfully reached level 6 by relying on the Shuanghe Crab in the early stage and the troops in the middle!

IG did give a warning.

"Nightmare levels up very quickly," Gao Zhenning reminded his teammates, "Be careful and try not to let him hit anything with his first big move!"

As we all know, for long-cooling abilities such as Nightmare and Cards, it is crucial to gain benefits when using them for the first time.

Otherwise, we will enter a long window of combat power!

"...Where will he attack from?" TheShy asked in a low voice in Korean.

Song Yijin relayed this to King Ning and asked the jungler to make suggestions.

"It should be the middle lane or the bottom lane," Gao Zhenning guessed. "Nightmare didn't dodge. If you want to ensure the success rate, you either need to catch someone who also didn't dodge, or you have to use Shen's ultimate move to support..."

After listening to his teammates' analysis, Jiang Chenglu felt that it made sense.

As a result, King Ning also fell into inertial thinking this time.

Gu Xing follows what others have learned and doesn't play by the rules.

According to common sense, it is not appropriate to catch him.

Because TheShy not only has flash, but also orange.

If you want to capture the captain, you must ask Song Jinghao to activate R to assist.

But if you let Smeb's Shen use his first ultimate move on the top lane instead of leading the rhythm on other lanes, is it too wasteful?

But Gu Xing took advantage of IG's mentality and decisively faced off against top laner TheShy!

After turning off the lights, he flew directly to Jiang Chenglu's face with Shen's ultimate move, put on his E [Silent Fear] and started slashing like crazy!

TheShy's heart skipped a beat.

He first handed over R [Cannon Barrage] with himself as the center of the circle, waited for the fear effect to appear, and then released the control with Orange within seconds, and moved towards the bottom of the tower with meteoric strides.

It's just that Nightmare relied on the acceleration of Q [Nightmare's Dream Path], but it never allowed TheShy to distance itself.

After Song Jinghao landed, he handed over E to taunt and charged towards the captain!

Jiang Chenglu had no choice but to hand over the flash when he saw that the enemy was about to get in his face.

But Smeb decisively followed and taunted the captain to keep him!

Q pulled the soul blade to slow him down, slashing three times in a row to reduce a large amount of TheShy's health!

Gu Xing followed up with two sword blows and took away the captain's head!

This GAM is really good. The question is, how did the Asian Games play?

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