What is a hexagon jungler?

668: Besieged on all sides, a breakout under desperate circumstances!

"I'll go," Gao Zhenning, who heard the news of the death of his top laner teammate, couldn't help but spit out the fragrance, "The other side has a big brain, right? Jiang Zi caught the top laner?"

Due to his frequent raids on Chaowei at the beginning, his own development is very limited. In addition, his Qinggang Shadow's jungle clearing speed is very slow. Now he is still clearing his second-round camp and can only follow the jungle clearing route to the next level. Use anti-crouching protection on the road.

I thought that Gu Xing might use Shen's ultimate move to raid the IG duo to earn more profits - after all, Xiangsong has not yet reached level 6, and Xia and the Tauren's self-protection abilities are not very good. If VG With a four-pack of two, it would be easy to kill them all in no time.

Gao Zhenning came to crouch. If VG chose to freeze his hands, he would rely on his own presence and Captain Jiang Chenglu's long-range ultimate to counterattack, and he might be able to win a big victory!

Unexpectedly, Gu Xing actually chose the lowest-yield playstyle, handing over two ultimate moves worth thousands of gold and a cautious flash to catch the captain!

Even if Jiang Chenglu dies in battle, what additional benefits can VG get besides the kill economy?

The answer is nothing!

TheShy handed over R [Cannon Barrage] when he was captured. The artillery fire not only covered him, but also the VG minions. The continuous shells killed most of the wave of minions.

VG loses the help of soldiers in the jungle and can't even threaten IG to climb the tower!

Moreover, it is still more than three minutes before the vanguard in the top half is refreshed. As for the wild monsters in the top half, Gao Zhenning has already cleaned them up. VG’s harvest from arresting TheShy this time can definitely be regarded as a "very dry head"!

Gao Zhenning couldn't understand why the other party did this.

Only the victim, Jiang Chenglu, pursed his lips and the corners of his lips were smoothed with force.

In his opinion, VG came to the jungle to capture the top lane just because they wanted to use themselves as a breakthrough in this game!

I really look down on people!

Thinking of this, TheShy looked serious and focused.

You like to catch the road, right?

Wait for me!

In the VG player booth, Song Jinghao breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Shen can crush the captain in terms of basic numbers in the early stage, Jiang Chenglu's laning skills are really outrageous. Even though Gangplank's Q [Gunfire Negotiation] was increased beyond the mana consumption, TheShy's powder keg is top-notch, and every time You can threaten him through tangent barrels.

It would have been okay if Smeb had long hands, but Shen happened to have short hands. Around 7 minutes into the laning, he was harassed mentally and physically by the captain's exquisite powder keg placement skills!

Gu Xing came to the road to arrest TheShy this time, which really helped him breathe a sigh of relief.

After making Tiamat, Song Jinghao, who has the leading equipment, can suppress the opponent to his heart's content!

But even so, Smeb was not satisfied.

"Sui Gu, you come here often," he reminded his jungler, "If the captain doesn't flash, come here to make a steady withdrawal!"

"I'll try my best," Gu Xing responded, "but when I get better with my next big move, I'll probably have to fight the vanguard. Let's talk about it then."

"Chaowei, come here and get a blue buff before going back to the line," he turned to Zheng Zhixun and said, "The jungler on the opposite side is about to reach level six, so be careful."

Chovy nodded solemnly and agreed.

He also knows that the environment in the middle lane he is in is very serious.

Without flash, it would be easy for the IG Nakano Ryze + Qinggang Shadow combination to kill him!

For this reason, Chaowei was very cautious. Although his own economy was not very good, he still spent a huge sum of 75 yuan to buy a real eye. With the accessory eye, he could also block the gank route near the middle road.

When the game reached 8 minutes, he saw that Broiler slightly showed his intention to press forward. Chaowei, who had an extremely sensitive sense of smell, stepped back without saying a word.

Sure enough, a moment later the Qinggang Shadow appeared within the detection range of his True Eye.

Chovy breathed a sigh of relief. With the blue BUFF provided by Gu Xing, he could use the flying star to finish the damage without any scruples. Although he did not dare to release R [return jump] at will to extend the attack range of the flying star, which would miss some long-range Soldiers, but it is better than being killed in a surprise attack by the opponent!

IG couldn't find a chance in the middle and jungle. Gao Zhenning was still a little impatient and muttered, "This guy is really stable. No wonder the KDA is so high..."

"There's no need to worry," Song Yijin was very calm, "I have a way to cure him."

Broiler's own plan was revealed, and Gao Zhenning's eyes immediately lit up.

A minute later, Song Yijin stood forward again.

The strings in Chaowei's heart that had just soothed tightened again.

"The opponent's jungler is in the middle!" He reported to his teammates in half-baked Mandarin.

Although the real eye that was previously inserted into the grass was eliminated when the last wave of Qinggang Shadow came, Chaowei still believed that the reason why the broiler pressed forward was because he shook King Ning over and wanted to freeze his hands.

Jack believed it was true and continued to suppress the bottom lane, taking full advantage of Lucian's strengths. Xia, who was also short-handed, would be grabbed and beaten by him as long as he caught up to finish the damage.

Just when Yu Wenbo was so rampant that he did whatever he wanted, the next second, he saw a green steel shadow emerging from the side shadow view!

"Squeeze mom and give me a kiss!" Jack's face suddenly turned white, "Shield, give me a shield!"

Duan Deliang had just thrown his Q skill Imprisonment towards Lin Weixiang, when he saw Liu Qingsong's Tauren W horns hitting Jack, he quickly used Morgana to set E [Dark Shield] to his AD.

Although Yu Wenbo has purification, this skill cannot remove the knockback. If the control chain catches up, he will definitely die.

However, after he handed over his only protective skills to the shooter, Liu Qingsong immediately changed his goal.

W [Savage Crash] suddenly handed over the flash on the way to Lucian and came to Morgana!

At the same time, the tauren had already raised his muscular fists and struck the ground beneath him hard!

Q【Earth Shattered】!

Duan Deliang didn't react in time and was beaten into the air on the spot.

Without thinking, King Ning changed his target at the same time, and directly knocked Morgana unconscious with the hook hook and the second stage E wall return.

In the follow-up, Qinggang Shadow didn't even need to use his ultimate move. After Lin Weixiang used purification to remove Morgana's control, he used the feather basic attack attached to W [Lethal Feather Clothes] and then used QE to successfully break the imprisonment. The connection of control allowed Duan Deliang to move throughout the process. No!

In the end, Lin Weixiang took away the head with a basic attack.

"No, isn't Qinggang Shadow in the middle?" Duan Deliang couldn't help complaining.

Chaowei broke into a cold sweat and hurriedly apologized to his teammates, "My, my, my..."

"Ritz on the other side is so treacherous!"

Song Yijin and Nicole are so hot!

Just now, I deliberately moved forward, making me mistakenly think that King Ning was still near the middle. In fact, it was a misdirection, giving Gao Zhenning an opportunity to shoot and absorb the bottom lane!

Chaowei couldn't help but grit his teeth.

He misses the good old days of LDL very much. The players there are all innocent and innocent, and they never use any intrigues and tricks. They fight head-on with real swords and guns.

But today IG really taught him a lesson, allowing the simple Chaowei to see the sinister nature of LPL people.

Duan Deliang sighed briefly.

Even though Jack was not killed in this battle, the opposing Lin Weixiang picked up a head worth 300 gold coins. The economic gap caused by the VG duo's early suppression of the opponent's last hit disappeared instantly!

He missed Kuro's time so much.

There may be some flaws in the operation and reaction of the old youtiao, but there are basically no problems in obtaining similar information, and it is rare to harm teammates.

"It's okay." Gu Xing saw that Duan Deliang was a little frustrated and quickly calmed down his teammates, "Focus on the game first!"

"The bull head on the opposite side has stopped flashing. We will have an advantage against the vanguard group later!"

VG only needs to arrange the eye position near the Canyon Pioneer, and it is impossible for the Minotaur to start the group first without dodging.

In this way, only Qinggangying is left in the IG lineup with the ability to start a team from a distance, and VG can protect the back row C position with Morgana alone!

"The opponent should be planning to push back the 9-and-a-half-minute short-term before returning to the city to replenish supplies." Gu Xing saw that Gao Zhenning was still staying in the bottom lane, so he quickly increased his speaking speed and gave advice, "Brother Duan, don't worry about Jack. After resurrecting, you can directly Come to the vanguard, we can be the first to block the view!"

"That's right," Jack agreed, "If you have flash and purify, you'll be fine alone in the bottom lane..."

Moreover, Song Jinghao's ultimate move has improved. If IG comes out of the jungle and plans to launch an offensive against him, Jack will not be afraid of being killed instantly due to Shen's huge shield.

After hearing this, Duan Deliang no longer hesitated and set off for the upper half.

"Chaowei, remember to come," Gu Xing still remembered the incredible support speed of Chovy when he was partnered with him in the Spring Split, so he reminded him specifically, "We can't pick up the team unless you come!"

There is no doubt about Zoe's role in team fights in narrow terrain. Even if her super power is currently underdeveloped, as long as the garbage collector stops in the river, she will be able to block the way!

After hearing the instructions from the big brother in the team, Chaowei naturally did not dare to neglect and immediately expressed his attitude, "Don't worry, I will definitely be here in time!"

He made up his mind to make up for his previous mistakes.

Chaowei was imagining a plan in his mind.

He has a minion remover that can kill minion instantly and change the situation of the mid lane troop line.

The vanguard refreshes in 10 minutes, and a wave of artillery soldiers will arrive at 9 minutes and 57 seconds...

You can use the dematerializer to get rid of the IG gun truck yourself, and then go to the upper river to fight in a group. If the broiler chickens are not dealt with by then, this wave of gun truck lines will obviously be dominated by VG.

The minions will slowly push into the enemy's middle tower, causing Song Yijin to suffer heavy losses!

If Broiler chooses to stay and deal with it, Ryze's line clearing speed will definitely be a step slower than his own, so he can rush to the upper river first!

No matter how you calculate it, you win!

Chaowei confirmed the plan and was still secretly happy.

If it had been left to chance, he would never have adopted a similar strategy!

Because since he came into contact with the League of Legends, his purpose has been to get the most CS as much as possible. After all, fighting cannot guarantee profits, and CS can be a real economic improvement.

He is so mad that if there are enemy soldiers on the sideline before the resource team battle, he will never leave before the treatment is completed!

But when he replaced Kuro for one regular season game in the spring split, Chaowei's fatal problem was exposed.

Later, in order to train him, Hongmi specifically asked Zhu Xiaolong to upload the training game video to the first-team coaching staff. During the review, he immediately corrected the flaws in his playing style after discovering them during the review.

After three months of reform, Chaowei finally got rid of the bad habit of coveting troop lines in front of the resource group. Now he even actively hoards slow-pushing lines to try to make his opponents suffer more losses!

From the original 'Chovy makes a small profit, but the enemy does not suffer a loss' to 'Chovy makes no profit, but the enemy suffers a small loss', overall the relative development of the matchup has not changed much, but it can free up time to make timely decisions. Support teammates!

Hey, I'm such a genius!

The more Chaowei thought about it, the more complacent he became.

The troop line arrived as expected, and he quickly stepped forward to clear out the artillery troopers with the minion remover.

Looking forward, he found that Ruiz didn't care about Bob Binxuan at all, and turned around to move up the river.

Okay, do you like to skip the number in advance?

Just wait and lose troops!

After the soldier killed the artillery truck with his deplasmer, Chaowei controlled Zoe to jump to the river by waving the skipping rope.

However, as soon as he got into the grass above the middle road, he realized that something was not right.

Ryze did not head towards the dragon pit, but stopped near the middle and waited for him!

You must know that Broiler has a blood bounty in hand, and now he even took out the time stick.

On the other hand, the super powerful Zoe, not only died once, but also lost two waves of troops before and after. Now she only has [Lost Chapter] + Unable to wear shoes!

Therefore, even though Girl A is stronger in terms of hero attributes at the moment, due to the equipment gap, Chaowei is no match for Broiler if she really wants to fight alone!

The upper river channel is such a narrow passage. Once Ryze stops in the middle, it will be difficult for Chovy to squeeze through!

"Can Xingguo keep an eye on me?" He quickly called for support from his teammates, "Rize is stuck!"

VG Nosuke has finished arranging the surrounding field of vision and is now at the Dalongkeng Pass. Gu Xing frowned when he saw that Chaowei's position was stuck in the grass above the middle road and could not pass.

"No, I don't know how many people are behind the other party!"

He and Duan Deliang's vision only extended to the vicinity of the dragon pit and did not go deep into the enemy's upper and jungle areas.

Duan Deliang died once in 9 minutes. The salary equipment stack is not full yet, and there are no extra eye slots available. The field of vision control depends entirely on real eyes and accessories.

The same goes for Gu Xing.

The eye positions of the two people's whole bodies are only enough to support and cover the surroundings of the Dalong Pit, and no amount of area can be taken care of.

So much so that it’s now dark inside the IG Ueno area!

Seeing the confident and arrogant look on Broiler's face, Gu Xing was unsure of the number of reinforcements behind the enemy.

Although IG went to the jungle after dealing with the 9 minutes and 37 seconds of short-term bot lane before returning to the city for supplies.

But now it has been more than 20 seconds since the enemy disappeared from the jungle. Even if the 8 seconds of returning to the city are deducted, these three people should still be in the IG upper jungle area now.

If Liu Qingsong buys a pair of five-speed shoes, his traveling efficiency will be greatly accelerated, and Gu Xing will not be able to estimate the opponent's support speed at all!

Moreover, you must know that Jack has just cleared the enemy's troops from the field and advanced to the lower tower of VG not long ago, and he is still on his way to the river.

Once a battle breaks out between the two sides at this time, VG will inevitably be in a dilemma of being short of major generals!

4v5, if you want to win with fewer hits and more without the shooter, it is simply impossible to achieve success!

Gu Xing didn't want to take risks and came up with his own solution, "Chaowei, please go around in a circle and come through our jungle area!"

"There are fruits here, you can save some time!" He marked the area between his three wolf and blue buff camps.

Chaowei hesitated to speak.

But even with exploding cones, it would take him a long time to circle around!

IG will be the first to settle in Dalongkeng!

But Chaowei really had no shame in asking his teammates to help him out.

Zheng Zhixun couldn't help but blush when he recalled the promise he had made earlier.

In the end, I was included in the calculation!

Instead, Song Yijin was stuck in his position, making him look like Xiaochou!

Chovy had no choice but to take a detour from his own jungle area to the Dragon Pit.

But if the area in the middle road near the river is lost, the impact will go far beyond that.

Jack had just arrived from the bottom lane after a long journey to the middle lane. If Chaowei had been able to hold down the pass leading to the upper river, Yu Wenbo could have gone straight to the vanguard.

Fortunately now, after his position was stuck, Jack did not dare to rush in alone. He also had to go around the wild area and then get in from the VG blue zone to the pass of the upper river.

Not only was the speed of the journey slow, but the formation was also forced to a narrow strip of land just above the upper river!

VG's double C's will all enter the river through the narrow pass later. This is a big taboo!

Gu Xing couldn't help but feel worried, always feeling that the crispy C's would be exposed if they were squeezed together.

At this moment, announcing the withdrawal of troops and giving up Purple Garlic seems to be the best choice.

But in Gu Xing's view, this pioneer must never be released to IG!

Not to mention how much energy they put into this, they came over half a minute early to lay out the vision, and also let Jack run a long distance from the bottom road to the upper river road.

Just talk about the lineups of both sides.

VG made it clear that it was going to work hard in the early and mid-term, and there was no one who could take the lead in the later stage.

On the contrary, it is IG. After the four cores are dragged into the equipment, they all have output!

If VG, which emphasizes early attack, gives up the vanguard, then how about a hammer? !

The situation was grim, so Gu Xing had no choice but to act according to the original plan, pulling the vanguard to the pass of Dalongkeng and slowly reducing its health.

During this period, I kept cutting the screen to observe the reactions of the IG players.

When the two Cs of our side reached the VG blue zone and reached the pass of the upper river, what Gu Xing had been worried about finally happened.

With the sound of a gunshot, the cannon barrage covered the entire narrow passage, and dense shells bombarded it, making VG's double C difficult to move!

At the same time, the prosthetic eye that Gu Xing had previously placed in the grass on the upper river saw the cock Ritz slapping the floor hard.

The azure blue teleportation array is formed, it is R [winding path jump]!

The one standing in the teleportation array was not Ryze, but Qinggangying and Niutou!

"Quickly find the spot for Ryze's ultimate move!" Gu Xing shouted loudly, while he racked his brains to think of countermeasures.

"At the back!" Duan Deliang reported quickly, "They Nosuke wants to block our retreat!"

According to the direction he marked, you can see that the destination of Ryze's teleportation array is the VG blue BUFF camp!

The formations of both sides are now very simple. VG Uenosuke beats the vanguard at the Dalongkeng Pass. Double C was bombarded by the captain and got stuck at the pass before entering the river.

Except for TheShy's captain who is on the top road, all IG members are near the grass in the upper river.

If IG Nosuke successfully reaches the VG blue zone through Ryze's ultimate move, then they will form a three-sided encirclement, trapping all VG members in the middle area from the Dalong Pit to the blue zone!

Moreover, VG Double C will not have any protective measures in front of IG Nosuke. They are completely lambs to be slaughtered and can threaten the control at will!

At this point, IG’s intentions are clear.

I can give you a vanguard, but no one from VG can escape!

They vowed to surround and kill Gu Xing and others!

The situation suddenly became tense.

Chaowei squeezed the mouse tightly, feeling like he was falling into an ice cave.

In his opinion, the defeat of this team battle is already certain.

Under the siege of IG, VG's too bad formation will be divided one by one, and it will be surrounded by enemies from both sides!

The main cause of the collapse of the VG formation is the war criminal himself!

Can the gap between me and a top mid laner like Song Yijin be so big now?

They were both seducers and deceivers, and now their handling in the resource group is flawless...

Looking back on myself, in front of the broiler, I am as immature as a blank piece of paper!

Chaowei's confidence was almost worn away.

Just as he was blaming himself and feeling guilty, he heard the rapid exchanges between his teammates.

"Gu Gu, can you go to the spaceship captain? This guy is alone. If we can kill him, we can move up and break out!"

Song Jinghao made suggestions.

The strength of IG's three encirclement points is allocated to 221. Only TheShy is guarding the upper position, which is considered the weak point of the encirclement.

"No, that guy won't show up at all!" Gu Xing objected immediately.

Jiang Chenglu is very smart. He knows that VG has Shen + Nightmare, which can fly to his face remotely, and use the short 2v1 opportunity to kill him, waiting for an opportunity to tear open the encirclement.

Therefore, TheShy simply does not reveal his specific identity!

Are all VG’s eyes in the upper river?

I stay on the top road and don't enter the river. Anyway, your field of vision is not clear. If you can't see my nightmare, you can't fly. What can you VG do to me?

Although the road leading to the upper road is smooth, due to the map structure problem, the blue party needs to go through a bend and walk for a while to go back to the upper tower from the upper river.

If TheShy huddles on the top road, it can also arrange powder barrels in advance. If Gu Xing seeks to retreat from the top road to a safe area, Jiang Chenglu can pick up the barrels and detonate them, which will cause heavy losses to VG!

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more urgent, IG Nosuke had already landed in the VG blue zone through Ryze's ultimate move. Gu Xing knew that he could no longer hesitate and made a decisive decision.

"Old Duan, give me the black shield, Maibo, keep your ultimate move to protect the back row," Gu Xing spoke faster, "I'll go find the opponent's double C!"

After IG Nosuke left, only the enemy Ryze + Kasumi were left in the grass on the upper river.

Gu Xing was targeting them both!

"I'll hold them two while you try to deal with Nosuke. Don't run away after killing the people!" Gu Xing gave the order, handed over the punishment and accepted the purple-skinned garlic. He didn't bother to pick up the Eye of the Pioneer and quickly turned off the light. He rushed towards Xia without hesitation!

"Morgana put a shield on Nightmare," the doll said simultaneously, speaking faster, "Brother Xing wants to open a gap in the enemy's double C defense and lead his teammates to break through the encirclement!"

"But Shen didn't give me a big move. How can Brother Xing break through IG's defense line alone?" Miller was worried.

Even though Gu Xing has two heads that are growing ahead of schedule, the broiler is not inferior at all!

The nightmare is like a moth flying to the flame, killing the enemy's double C!

Gu Xing also knew that Ryze had dual summons and a light staff, and he was so fleshy that it would be difficult to kill him by himself.

Therefore, he simply targeted Xia with his ultimate move.

Lin Weixiang's reaction was also very fast. When he saw the nightmare flying towards him, he immediately pressed the R button.

Feathers fill the sky!

Xia jumped into the air, using R [Storm Feather Blade] to spread feathers and avoid the damage from Nightmare's ultimate move.

During this period, Broiler threw out his skills at Gu Xing, hoping to quickly break the black shield and then use control to hold the nightmare in place.

But Gu Xing was well prepared. Seeing that Ryze was a standard Q-initiator, he immediately handed over W [Dark Asylum] to block the overload of damage.

Morgana's Black Shield is saved!

After the broiler was overloaded, he immediately used the E skill.

Ryze's damage has not yet fully taken shape at this time, and his E [Spell Surge] is only level two. The damage of a single skill alone cannot break Morgana's black shield!

Broiler was stunned for a moment.

He thought that Nightmare would squeeze the life-saving W to death, using it to avoid key controls or damaging skills.

As a result, Gu Xing drove it out directly, and he couldn't even fix it!

Broiler originally thought that the two small skills of QE would definitely break the magic shield on the enemy, and then use W [Rune Confinement] to achieve control.

However, now Q is blocked, E skill has not penetrated the black shield, and the rune imprisonment handed over by Song Yijin cannot control the nightmare!

Everything happened in a flash, and he didn't even have time to change his combo and insert a refreshed overload before the imprisonment.

The three QEW buttons have been tapped by fingers, and Broiler can only watch the rune imprisonment hit the remaining black shield on Nightmare's body, but it does not restrict the opponent's movements!

Gu Xing ignored Ryze after activating his shield. He pursued forward with Q [Nightmare Path], and paired it with E [Silent Fear] to implant nightmares into Xia's mind.

When Lin Weixiang saw that his teammate in the mid lane could not control Gu Xing, he immediately complained in his heart.

He had no choice but to use barbs to trap the nightmare, and then flashed to escape the opponent's silent fear.

But just when the barb was about to pull back with the feathers and penetrate the Nightmare's body, golden light flashed, and the Nightmare moved 400 yards laterally to the side, and was stunned to avoid Xia's feather penetration!

"Oh my God!" Watana blurted out, his voice extremely excited, "Brother Xing is showing off, he's playing flash to the extreme!"

Gu Xing's timing was so stuck that he handed over the flash just a moment before the barb hit.

If the flash is delayed for a moment, the nightmare will be imprisoned!

Because of this, Lin Weixiang didn't even have a chance to make up for the flash!

He thought Gu Xing had no intention of cross-dodging, but who would have thought that this guy was just playing with his heartbeat and didn't give himself any time to react!

"Kasumi tries to run away, but Nightmare uses the acceleration effect to keep Kasumi in a constant fear range!"

After 2 seconds, the fear effect is officially triggered.

Kasumi's movement is severely restricted!

"Lin Weixiang's purification is still cooling down, he seems to be in serious trouble!"

The doll stared at the screen and shouted.

Duan Deliang saw Xia being controlled by his own jungler, flashed forward and threw Q [Dark Imprisonment], trying to keep up with the control chain!

Although the flying speed of the skill is very slow, Xayah cannot move independently after all, so hitting is not a problem.

At the critical moment, the same golden light flashed in the canyon.

Ryze, a broiler, came to the only way to the prison of darkness and blocked Morgana's fatal control with his body!

He immediately handed over Purification to remove the imprisonment effect, and prevented Morgana from pursuing him before opening R. He used the movement speed bonus triggered by Phase Rush to follow Lin Weixiang, hoping to assist his teammates.

It's just that Ryze, who is imprisoned by runes and is on cooldown, can't protect anyone.

Gu Xing knew that it would be difficult to escape after losing all his skills, so he didn't even think about running away. He was all determined to kill Lin Weixiang!

Even though he was bombarded by Ryze's skills, he relied on the equipment he had accumulated due to his outstanding development, and he still pursued Kasumi with a single blow before he died!

"Brother Xing's operation is really scary. It's a one-for-one fight..." Miller marveled, and cast his eyes to the other end of the battle, "The frontal battlefield doesn't seem to be right either. VG's double C is under the protection of Shen. Launch a counter-encirclement and suppression campaign against IG Nosuke!"

"IG's damage isn't enough. TheShy won't be able to overcome it in a short time. On the contrary, VG has the advantage in numbers and combat power!" Watanabe couldn't believe his eyes. "VG can't win in this case?!"

Jack poured bullets towards IG Nosuke in front of him.

As soon as King Ning sealed Hex's ultimatum, he was taunted by Shen, followed immediately by Zoe's hypnotic bubble...

He didn't even get two kicks before he was killed by Lucian's double guns!

Liu Qingsong was left alone, using his ultimate move to reduce damage and trying to escape.

But Jack didn't agree and slid forward to pursue!

In the state of level one ultimate move, the tankiness of the bull's head is not very high at all.

Lucian succeeded in eating the beef without any effort!

"TheShy came over and only made up for two consecutive barrels, but he didn't dare to chase anymore. After all, VG currently has the numerical advantage!"

Duan Deliang even had time to pick up the Pioneer Eye and then retreat!

"1 for 3, VG only killed Xing Ge, but replaced three generals from the enemy field. By the way, the vanguard was also included in the bag, making a lot of money!" Wawa was full of praise, "Xing Ge's idea of ​​​​breakout battle It’s very clear. One person managed to hold down all the double C’s on the opposite side through operation, but he didn’t let Xayah and Ryze touch his own C position!”

"IG, who originally wanted to cut the VG formation, was divided and broken!"

The case was solved. It turned out that the second seed in the Vietnam competition was fierce.

Europe is an old Vietnamese prisoner of war, and BDS is fiercely out!

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