What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 770 770: The last card!

This scene was accurately captured by the director, who used the camera to present it to all audiences around the world.

Seeing the smiles on every VG team member's face, the commentator in the English live broadcast room was very puzzled.

"What's so funny about this?" Drakos looked confused.

Vedius was also confused about the situation, "Logically speaking, VG should be very anxious... This one-handed sword demon seemed very embarrassing after IG selected Sword Girl. It is difficult to ensure that Aatrox's line can develop smoothly and transition." To the mid-term!”

The European and American audiences in the Mouse Channel were confused and expressed their opinions in the chat channel.

[Because Virtue is the god of League of Legends, it is normal for him to lol twice.]

[I laugh too, I have the championship point in my hand, I will win three consecutive championships soon. What’s wrong with Le Yile? 】

[Speaking of which, people like VG don’t know how to imitate Piglet. Just smile and win the championship, right? That’s probably the e-sports scene]

[It’s really hard to say. I asked my younger brother who is in elementary school to come over and win the line when Sword Girl fights Sword Demon. If VG loses in the fourth game and IG goes to the blue side in the final game, it’s hard to say who will lose and who will win! 】

[Here comes a strange pattern. The red side won the previous four rounds. Will this round be the same? 】

Regardless of whether it is flattering or pessimistic, everyone from the audience to the commentators believe that if VG chooses Sword Demon, he will definitely be caught by Sword Girl.

But what if...

Why doesn't Sword Demon go solo?

"You're fooled," Jack smiled, "The other person is too innocent, isn't he?"

Gu Xing thought it was reasonable, "It's normal. IG has never seen this trick before... Besides, their personality is so easy to deceive."

As soon as these words came out, the laughter in the VG soundproof room amplified several times.

The main character of Team Ji is a simple and kind person.

Compared with some teams that are full of bad intentions and dig holes in the field to trick their opponents into jumping, IG has never bothered to use such machinations.

They had done the most ingenious ambush in their lives, which was to secretly hide a single crab in their hand to restrain the Sword Demon before this summer's finals. Apart from that, they had no other achievements. They had always used real swords and guns to fight with real strength. .

IG members' eyes are full of clear stupidity, they don't play dirty tactics, and they think others are as innocent as themselves.

"Shall we continue to use Syndra?" Hongmi turned to look for Chaowei, "It performed well in the last game, so you can continue to use it."

The opponent's second choice was Kai'Sa, and they deliberately reserved another position for the single-line hero. It was clear that they wanted to catch the Sword Demon's matchup through swinging.

Yin Chengrong knew that the opponent held the counter position, so he could wait until he saw the full picture of VG's lineup before making the final decision to lock in the last hero.

In this case, he simply grabbed the mid laner first to create an illusion for the opponent, making the enemy think that the sword demon was going to attack the unit.

After all, after the ban block, there are only two most powerful mid laners left - Enchantress and Syndra.

VG grabs one first, leaving only one other hero for Song Yijin, forcing IG to choose it in the third round, otherwise Redmi will definitely ban him in the second round of BP!

In this way, the top and middle single lanes of the Extreme Team are equal to their bright cards, leaving VG with much more room for subsequent lineup matching!

Zheng Zhixun felt very happy when he saw that he could still choose Syndra, who performed well in the previous game, and quickly nodded and agreed.

For the remaining position, Hongmi assigned it to Duan Deliang and selected the Tauren.

Sure enough, when IG saw the ball girl, they decided that VG had surrendered with the French military salute in selecting the swing position of the Sword Demon, and quickly grabbed the remaining enchantress.

For the Extreme Team, the crucial mid lane matchup has not lost in hero selection.

Song Yijin's enchantress has a unique skill, and she is absolutely confident in arresting Chaowei!

In the second round of BP, Jin Jingzhu contributed the banned position to Jack, and sent the Bomb Monster and Lu Xi's Security Department to the ban position.

He released Xayah. Although this hero is considered strong in the current version, without Luo's support and cooperation, the strength will undoubtedly drop by several levels. And paired with the tauren, he will be in jail in the bottom lane!

Jin Jingzhu put the option of Xia in front of VG, hoping that the other party would choose it.

Redmi's ban selection is more unpretentious, banning Leona and Titan, two hard support laners, and denying Liu Qingsong a bottom lane duo that can perfectly coordinate with Kai'Sa.

Seeing that there were not many strong auxiliary heroes left, Jin Jingzhu quickly took out Shen in the fourth selection, trying to imitate VG's bottom lane combination in the previous game. Although the laning strength is not very high, it is extremely functional and can be done. Quick support arrives on the battlefield in a short time.

"Maibo, what do you think is more suitable for beating a knife girl?" Hongmi asked Song Jinghao's opinion in a friendly tone.

Smeb was still stunned for a moment.

It turns out that Yin Chengrong never hesitates to give the players hero choices. He often gives two or three characters for you to choose from. Occasionally, he will also designate heroes for the players. Everything he does is to ensure that the team can strictly follow the coach's instructions. Pre-game planning to start the game.

The right to freely choose heroes is often only in the hands of the absolute core like Gu Xing.

Why is it my turn this time?

Song Jinghao thought for a moment, and if he had put it aside, he would definitely ask to play Sword Girl, trying to completely crush Sword Girl from the laning to the single-band end.

But facing the upcoming Summoner's Trophy, Song Jinghao decided to play it safe and provide a little help to the team.

"Crab, okay?" Smeb rubbed his chin.

"No problem," Hongmi agreed happily, and then went to find the bottom shooter, "Jie Kuo, are you holding me back?"

"Hey, I still have a share?" Yu Wenbo's face was full of shock.

"That's for sure," Yin Chengrong smiled, "Now that things have happened, it doesn't seem like a bad thing to give everyone a little more freedom of choice."

This sentence caused the originally joyful VG soundproof room to fall into silence, and the atmosphere became somewhat depressed.

After winning the championship point, every subsequent duel may be the last cooperation of VG, the galactic battleship.

When everyone thought about parting, they naturally felt a little depressed.

"Hey, what are you doing..." Yu Wenbo interrupted with a laugh, "Winning the championship is the top priority now. Don't be so sentimental. If we disband without winning the championship, it will be a loss!"

"Old Duan comes with a hand of embers!"

He turned to his assistant and shouted, "Dude, I want to use Pupu's champion skin!"

With Jhin's selection, the VG lineup has officially taken shape!

And all this caused an unparalleled uproar in all live broadcast rooms around the world!

The noise generated by as many as 50,000 people in Wenhe Arena alone was enough to shake the earth!

Sword Demon, Syndra and Urgot, who among the three heroes will hang out in the jungle? !

The same question is swirling in the minds of countless people.

"Did VG make the wrong choice?" Watanabe frowned, "There is no jungler in the team!"

Miller recalled the smile of the VG player just a moment ago, and felt something was wrong.

Is there something wrong?

The clear and stupid IG members are even more confused.

"What the hell is holding a crab in the fourth hand... Maybe they forgot that they had chosen the Sword Demon!" Song Yijin felt confused and decided that VG had chosen the wrong person. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes to rest, waiting for the referee to announce the restart.

Although Rookie is at the peak of his personal competitive status, Rookie is still exhausted mentally and physically after three consecutive fierce battles with the powerful VG.

Seeing that the big brother in the team said that VG had chosen the wrong hero, the other IG members also relaxed and moved their bodies. They all picked up paper cups and drank a sip of ice water to calm themselves down.

As a result, five seconds passed, and the referees wearing suits with the fist logo behind them remained silent.

King Ning didn't know why, so he looked back and found that the referees were looking at him with the same unclear eyes.

"What's going on?" He muttered in confusion, "Aren't you going to reopen?"

Song Yijin opened his eyes and finally realized something was wrong.

Damn it!

Now that the appeal period has passed, it is unrealistic for VG to reopen!

Logically speaking, as long as it is reported to the referee in time, the reason is sufficient, and the subsequent schedule is not affected, the restart approval can be obtained.

Then there is only one possibility.

VG never thought about reopening from the beginning to the end!

The upper midfielder is the combination of Syndra + Sword Demon + Urgot!

The four brothers of the Ji team also came to their senses. This time they were no longer as carefree as before, but at a loss.

"A bunch of lunatics..." Liu Qingsong cursed in a low voice, "What kind of plane is VG going to do again?"

Lin Weixiang's state of mind was broken. In his excitement, he almost spilled the ice water in the paper cup on the keyboard, and hurriedly took out a piece of paper to wipe the tabletop.

He wanted to cry but had no tears.

"No, where did VG get so many trump cards?!"

"You play Card Master, right? You just pull one out when you have nothing to do and feel disgusted?"

Lin Weixiang had a sense of humor when he spoke, but at this moment no one in the IG team wanted to scream, they were all silent and looked serious.

So far, they don’t know what kind of medicine VG Gourd sells.

Prince Ning was obviously so angry that he entered a defense-breaking state and shouted at a loud voice.

"VG has the ability to confront us head-on. What kind of real ability does it have to do such weird tricks all the time?"

Gao Zhenning expressed the thoughts of everyone in the Ji team.

It’s frustrating, so frustrating.

Before the game, IG wanted to have a fist-to-pound showdown with VG to compete for the Summoner's Trophy.

Who would have thought that the other party would not play according to the routine at all!

In the first game, Galio used outrageous hidden moves to restrain Akali, and now he is forming a weird lineup with no one knowing who is the jungler.

Even in the third game, Gu Xing was an extremely unpopular Dark Reaping Blind Monk!

Is there a normal game?

A shameless person who plots against gods, demons, heroes, and heroes?

Bullshit double lap grand slam!

Everyone in the Ji team was in a panic, and even their breathing became disordered.

Hole card means poor information.

VG must have mastered information that IG didn't know before they dared to select it on the World Championship finals stage!

With calculated calculations but no intention, VG has a slight chance of winning!

Except for Song Yijin, all IG members have reached the global finals for the first time, let alone such a high stage as the finals.

The Summoner's Trophy was just around the corner, but when he saw VG pulling out hidden moves one after another, it was understandable that the young man would be upset!

"Calm down," Jin Jingzhu, as the team's body figure calmer, reassured the players, "Don't worry about what hidden tricks the opponent has, let's attack our own first!"

"Pay attention to linkage, pay attention to team battle positioning, and don't give the opponent a chance too easily!" He emphasized, "Remember how we almost came back in the last game, and play according to that pattern!"

Having said that, the frustration in Jin Jingzhu's words could hardly be concealed.

He is not very optimistic about his own team.

IG has grown by leaps and bounds in the past year, but it is still not as good as VG in terms of operations and team chemistry.

Even if the current version operation is not very important, it does not mean that it is useless.

In top competitions, just a few details can cumulatively lead to failure in team battles.

It is not impossible for IG to reverse the game in the third game, but under Gu Xing's superb command, VG used clever line handling and position selection to make the Extreme Team anxious. They started a team battle at an inopportune time, and the result was a collision. Just break!

After all, Jin Jingzhu learned from the top coach Edgar, and he has a very sharp vision. Through the competition between the two sides in the first three games, he also knew where IG was lacking.

But knowing where the problem lies doesn't mean it can be improved in time.

In terms of operation alone, IG has been following VG for nearly a month and has only scratched the surface!

In such a short time between finals, how can we repair all the flaws exposed in operations and positioning in a two-pronged manner?

Not realistic at all!

What's more, the two sides are still facing an exaggerated tactical gap. VG has obviously experienced many battles and knows that the true meaning of the World Championship is to delve into the depth of the version. During the one-month journey, they have never given up on the study of the version, and they still don't know their cards. how many!

how to spell?

All Jin Jingzhu can do is give some feeble words of comfort. In addition, he has to hope that the players will have an epiphany on the court and undergo super evolution like they did in the semi-final against KT, so that they can show their trump cards in VG. win under the premise.

"...Choose the blind monk for me."

Gao Zhenning's voice rarely deepened, and his tone was extremely determined.

"I'll also try using Dark Harvest to see if I can give VG some color!"

Song Yijin pressed the knuckles of his fingers, making a crunching sound, and even his eyes became extremely determined.

Even now, he still doesn't think he will lose.

Rookie firmly believes that there is power in the dark to protect him from winning the final!

"Everyone, please work harder. This game can be a C!" He took a deep breath to adjust his mentality and tried to concentrate. "The opponent is definitely not my opponent!"

To be honest, Syndra, who was so powerful in the first game, performed very well and could contribute to the team in both the early and mid-game.

But Song Yijin believes that he will only be stronger than Chovy!

After all the heroes of both sides were finalized, VG finally revealed the full lineup to the world after a brief role exchange.

Aatrox's fierce and cruel avatar was moved to the top of the row of IDs of 'VG Virtue' on the second floor.

"Sword Demon jungler!" Wawa exclaimed in disbelief, "Brother Xing, are you serious?!"

"Ah this..." I remember taking a breath, "Can the Sword Demon be used to fight in the wild?"

Even though he is well-informed, he has never seen such a weird jungle choice.

The commentators reacted this way, not to mention the audience.

The number of comments in the live broadcast room has doubled, even causing the stream to freeze!

[Guigui, Gian’s trump card! 】

[Can I kill the Sword Demon to fight in the jungle? Brother Xing is stunned, right?]

[It’s broken, VG is really here to close the game. Every time I work hard, I know that VG will definitely win]

[I didn’t expect to do scientific research in the finals. VG’s ability to survive is pure and unique. This gameplay is the charm of League of Legends. Other teams have no taste at all! 】

[Brother Xing, fly bravely, rush, rush, and then it’s done! 】

In addition to the millions of netizens in the major live broadcast rooms, Wenhe Arena was instantly filled with noise, and the wave created by 50,000 people swept the entire venue in just a few seconds!

The audience had never seen the Sword Demon's jungle gameplay at all, and the shock contained in the sound spread wantonly!

Gu Pan, who was sitting in the family area in the front row, stared wide-eyed. Without thinking too much, he pushed his elbow against Shen Guanshan again. He couldn't help but raise his voice, "Gu Yiquan actually still has a ruthless job?"

"Of course," Shen Guanshan didn't care, his eyes narrowed into crescent shapes, "I've said it before, just wait for Gu Xing to finish the game!"

"He can definitely win!"

Ding Jun, who was further ahead, was also happy and glanced at Wang Sicong, who was sitting next to him, "What do you say now?"

"This is our VG superstar. Do you have such a star on IG?" He was so sullen.

Wang Sicong snorted coldly and had no intention of talking to Ding Jun. He stared at the big screen intently.

The lineups of both sides are officially determined.

Blue side VG: top laner Urgot, jungler Sword Demon, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane Jhin + Tauren.

Red side IG: top laner Dao Mei, jungler blind monk, mid laner Enchantress, bottom lane Kai'Sa + Shen.

The loading interface was presented to everyone again, and the director pulled up the live footage to include the panoramic view of the stadium.

The buzzing sound of the VG team flag in the wind and the dull noise caused by the tapping of the support sticks gradually disappeared as the camera moved up.

The continuous lights of Incheon's main city in the distance complement each other with the light of stars all over the night sky, witnessing this showdown that can change the world!

The ultimate battle has officially begun!

Gu Xing's slender fingers danced nimbly on the keyboard and mouse, and he quickly bought the equipment and walked to the spring door.

The Shit King mouse printed with his signature in cursive script shines with RGB light effects, lighting up the pair of horns on Qian Jue’s painting.

"The opponent definitely wants to fight with us in a first-level group fight," he reminded his teammates. "Try not to collide with them. This blind monk has also started to lead Dark Harvest. We won't be able to take advantage in the fight."

If both sides really want to talk about the strength of the first-level team, they should be among the brothers. There are big brothers and a few who are holding back.

In this case, Dark Harvest is definitely a spoiler.

As the top rune in a first-level group, its existence is enough to tilt the balance of victory for both sides!

Gu Xing didn't want to get into the embarrassing situation that IG had in the previous game, so he wanted to avoid the battle quickly at the beginning.

"It's okay." Zheng Zhixun, perhaps because of his wonderful performance in the previous game, is much more cheerful now, and he can still talk and laugh with his teammates, "How do you say that Chinese idiom?"

"Across the street is Dong Shi Xiaoqian!"

"When it comes to the Dark Harvest Blind Monk, he is not even as good as Brother Xing!"

Jack looked shocked, "Good guy, do you even know this idiom?"

It has only been a year since I came to China, and Chaowei’s Chinese has improved by leaps and bounds!

I don’t know how much higher the Chinese proficiency is than some Korean players!

"That's right," Zheng Zhixun was very proud, "I usually study very seriously, okay?"

Duan Deliang silently added next to him, "It's because your licking behavior is becoming more and more like Rui Xing..."

That dog-legged attitude of only following the horse's lead has been fully inherited in VG.

"That's almost it." When Gu Xing saw the spring gate open, he quickly stopped his teammates' chat and marked the specific route with a signal, "Let's go to the Ueno area!"

Jack was stunned, "Lao Gu, didn't you say you wanted to avoid fighting?"

In his opinion, if the opponent wants to invade the team, they must choose the upper jungle area!

It is obviously difficult for the two teams to clash in the early stage of the bottom lane. Even if King Ning's blind monk comes to help, it is not easy to get a kill.

The early focus of both junglers must be tilted towards the upper half.

It can be said that IG's invasion of VG's upper jungle area is the best choice!

Gu Xing sighed softly when he heard this, "I can only say that I understand everything I know, and there is nothing I can do if I don't understand..."

He didn't have time to explain any more and immediately ran towards the jungle area.

The success of the first-level team in the game made the teammates' already high level of trust in Gu Xing instantly reach its peak. Everyone rushed to the upper river together to stay in good position and hug each other for warmth.

The five of them were wandering in a safe area, but no trace of the enemy hero was caught in the grass on the upper river.

"Eh?" Duan Deliang was very surprised, "IG really didn't come?"

Gu Xing's face was calm, "I knew that those guys over there didn't have any plans."

On the surface, IG's entry into the Ueno area is an excellent plan.

But don’t ignore a premise.

In the third game that just ended, a first-level team conflict broke out between the two sides in the Ueno area.

So from IG's perspective, will Gu Xing lead his teammates to continue to stand in the upper jungle area when facing the Dark Harvest Lee Sin?

Most likely not!

In the same situation, there was a collision in the upper jungle area in the third game. In the fourth game, it was a reasonable strategy for VG to run to the lower jungle area to avoid the battle!

However, Gu Xing did the opposite and led his team to the upper jungle area to defend and crouch!

It can be said that IG’s ideas are on the second level and VG’s calculations are on the third level!

Lao Thousand Layer Pancake imagines that the simple members of the extreme team can be played at the palm of their hands!

Gao Zhenning was circling back and forth in the lower jungle area of ​​​​VG at this moment. He was irritable by nature and wandered around for a long time without seeing any trace of the enemy. He immediately pursed his lips and looked extremely angry.

Since Riot has modified the time for dispatching troops, now the troops and wild monsters will basically appear one after another in about a minute and a half, which also announces the official start of the laning period.

Due to this factor, it is impossible for King Ning to take four teammates to the upper jungle area after harvesting nothing in the lower jungle area. Time simply does not allow him to do this!

Gao Zhenning was full of enthusiasm but couldn't help but feel frustrated.

He doesn't even want VG's lower jungle area.

As mentioned before, the top half is the most important part of this game. If King Ning counterattacks the enemy's bottom half, Gu Xing will definitely replace resources, and then all the upper half of the canyon will fall. into the hands of the sword demon.

At that time, Gao Zhenning could only watch TheShy stand alone under the tower and endure the pressure!

As a last resort, he chose to return to his own camp, preparing to start from the blue BUFF in the lower jungle area and work his way up, striving to protect Jiang Chenglu at level three.

Gu Xing chose to start brushing the blue BUFF from the upper half on the spot.

"Maibo, please be cowardly when you go online," he said, instructing his teammates. "If the opponent presses too far forward, I can come at Level 2."

Song Jinghao agreed and acted very cowardly after officially opening the line. He didn't even use the anti-sword girl's Noble Phantasm to draw the three melee soldiers on the opponent's side at the beginning. He just stood beside his own ranged soldiers and waited for the line to be pushed over.

Jiang Chenglu was not polite. He blocked the melee soldiers and turned into a neutral position with residual health almost at the same time. He hit the Q [Blade Impact] continuously, superimposed the passive, and then used the fourth Q to rush into the crab's face!

Urgot did not dodge or dodge, and activated E [Despise] to carry the Sword Girl back, knocked down the corruption potion to restore her status, and relied on the help of her own ranged soldiers to hit the Sword Girl twice with her passive crab legs.

After a round of blood rotation, although Song Jinghao had the help of soldiers, he was still no match for the passive and superimposed Sword Girl. In the end of the fight, he probably lost about 100 points of health.

But the good news is that the army line was pushed to the area close to the VG side, and the sword girl had to cross the center line.

Song Jinghao was thinking about how to deal with these three long-range minions whose health was constantly declining, when he suddenly heard Gu Xing's cry.

"I'm here, get ready to freeze your hands!"

Even though he had witnessed the power of the Sword Demon in the internal battle before the game, Song Jinghao couldn't help but take a breath at this time.

too fast.

In just 1 minute and 55 seconds, the Sword Demon killed the blue buff and was promoted to level 2, about to hit the road!

The speed is unreasonable!

Even the insider Smeb was shocked, let alone Jiang Chenglu.

TheShy has never seen how powerful Sword Demon's jungler is. He knows that the army line is located in the front, so his response is just to wait for the blind monk to come to help counter-crouch.

As a result, Gu Xing came on the road and launched a surprise attack in less than 2 minutes, catching Jiang Chenglu off guard!

Now he is alone!

King Ning's blind monk is still clearing the jungle, heading towards level 3 wholeheartedly. After all, Li Qing didn't have much anti-crouching ability before this, and Gao Zhenning couldn't launch a surprise attack on the lane.

TheShy can only rely on himself without the help of his teammates!

For a level 1 sword girl, it is obviously unrealistic to fight back on the spot; if she wants to escape, she only has the Q [Blade Impact] skill, and she lacks the means!

No matter how you look at it, the chance of survival is slim!

"Slow down and turn E, I'll cheat first..." Gu Xing did not rush, Q1E rushed to get close to Dao Mei first.

TheShy's instinctive desire to survive prompted him to flash backward to avoid it.

But Song Jinghao was well prepared after hearing Gu Xing's instructions. He dodged the sword girl with a decisive E and threw her over his shoulder!

"Give me the head!" Gu Xing signaled to Song Jinghao not to be like Kobe. He used his second-level sword edge to passively attack, and then knocked him away with Q3!

The sword demon used a set of combos to coordinate with the crab's output, sending the sword girl back to the spring to recuperate!

First blood is born!

TheShy, who always loves to laugh, looked solemn.

Something is wrong.

Why does Sword Demon clear the wild so fast?

Before he became a professional player, he was also a Leopard female player. It is no exaggeration to say that the Sword Demon clearing efficiency shown by Gu Xing is simply terrifying, no less than Nidalee!

The corners of Gu Xing's mouth in the VG soundproof room raised slightly.


At first, he studied the Sword Demon jungler, in order to limit TheShy's Aatrox with grabs instead of bans, and at the same time find ways to resist the enemy's offensive in the upper jungle area, and then he came up with this trick to kill two birds with one stone.

Before the finals started, it was only when Gu Xing started practicing that he realized that Aatrox was a treasure in the jungle!

His Q [Darkin Blade] has a very mindless buff in the current version.

Adds an extra 1 attack damage to wild monsters.

You know, this version of Sword Demon is not efficient in recruiting troops in the early stage and cannot grab the line rights. This is largely due to the core skill Q [Darkborn Blade] which has a damage reduction BUFF on the minions!

But it does increase damage to wild monsters, and the difference between this time and again is self-evident!

Gu Xing's third stage Q wiped out the blue BUFF extremely fast, and he was able to launch the Throw and Suction before TheShy could react!

And next, he will use this information gap to bring destruction to IG!

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