What is a hexagon jungler?

771: The ultimate battle!

After a short delay, the entire process of the First Blood outbreak was presented to millions of viewers around the world.

Seeing Gu Xing get the first blood economy, the Wenhe Stadium was filled with people and cheers could not be heard!

"Virtue's Sword Demon jungler has made great achievements at the beginning," Vedius expressed heartfelt praise in the English commentary booth. "In just two minutes after the game started, he took the lead in launching an offensive to help the team gain first blood!"

Drakos shook his head slightly, and also noticed that Gu Xing's speed of clearing the jungle was a bit strange, "The sword demon's speed of leveling up to level 2 is too fast. Ning only finished the blue buff not long ago, and he couldn't even kill the crabs in the river. Damn it, the sword demon has actually successfully beheaded someone!"

Although the Lee Sin's early jungle clearing efficiency is not one of the best, but as an evergreen tree in the jungle, it can still rank above average.

However, he was crushed by the Sword Demon in this ability!

"It seems that Aatrox is very adaptable to his new position... Is it possible that Virtue is really allowed to play the role of inventor in the jungle again?" Vedius joked, "In the third game, I made a dark harvest blind Monk, Ning has been secretly learned from it, but it seems that Ning has not learned the essence!"

"In terms of Blind Sin's performance alone, it cannot be compared with Virtue's outstanding performance in the third game!"

When Gu Xing entered the game at the beginning of 2 minutes, he already had three heads in hand. Not only did he lead the first-level team to defend his own jungle area, he also completed a single kill in the river!

But now King Ning has no harvest, and even the Dark Harvest is only 4 levels!

There is also a gap between blind monks!

"Ning can't stay in the lower half of the area after getting the lower river crab. He has to cross the entire canyon to get to the upper road," Drakos analyzed carefully, "otherwise TheShy wouldn't dare to TP back to get the line!"

After Jiang Chenglu died in battle, the IG soldier pushing forward got stuck in front of the VG tower.

It must be teleported as soon as possible to unlock it, otherwise TheShy will lose a lot of troops!

Losing dodge and then losing troops in the early stage is basically equivalent to announcing that this person is unavailable during the laning stage!

But the problem is that the position of the military line is too awkward.

Jiang Chenglu was only level 1, so he couldn't defeat the level 2 crabs by teleporting there. And if Gu Xing came back to catch them again, TheShy would definitely die!

He had no choice but to send someone to help.

Prince Ning is the only choice at the moment.

In order to prevent his top laner from falling into a collapse situation, Gao Zhenning did not even care about rising to level 3, and rushed to the road to escort him.

At this time, Gu Xing, who had taken Dao Mei's first blood, had already eaten the swift crabs in the upper river.

Relying on the experience provided by kills, he is currently only one step away from level 3.

Gu Xing naturally knew what the commentators could understand, and knew that King Ning would definitely come to the top lane to provide shelter for TheShy to clear the line of troops.

Therefore, he did not continue to stay in the upper half - if he went to the top lane to engage in counter-crouching, he could basically ensure that there would be a 2v2 fight between the top and jungle, but it would be difficult to determine the winner in the early battle between the two sides, and IG also had the advantage in the number of troops. , Gu Xing estimated that the chance of winning was not high.

After all, it was the decisive game. He wanted to win more steadily, so after much deliberation, he simply left a ward next to his own Demon Swamp Frog camp, and then went to the bottom of the map to help King Ning secure the remaining camps in the lower jungle area of ​​​​IG.

When Gu Xing came to the middle lane, Chaowei was constantly pushing the lane.

In the early stage, Syndra was still too overbearing and unsolvable. After being strengthened several times, she became like a numerical monster among the mid-lane mage. Moreover, the opponent's Enchantress did not have the ability to recover. As long as the ball girl's Q hits the opponent once, she can create a lot of damage. line pressure.

Song Yijin's LeBlanc can only try to relieve the pressure on the line by twisting back and forth in the middle.

The Enchantress is definitely not strong in the current version. Don’t look at the power of W [Shadow’s Shadow] to trample troops. But who in LeBlanc would use W to trample troops exclusively in the early laning?

The cooldown of level one W is 16 seconds, which is enough for Syndra to cast four Qs!

Due to the different peak curves of the heroes themselves, even if Song Yijin has better laning power, now he can only stay in front of the tower to connect and take advantage.

Seeing this, Gu Xing became concerned and when leaving the grass above the middle road, he deliberately moved close to the wall close to VG.

In this way, the Enchantress in front of the IG Tower will not be able to capture his movements!

The sword demon rushed into the lower river without anyone noticing, and within two steps he saw the enemy's Swift Crab Altar.

Gu Xing didn't want to alert the enemy, so he took a detour from the grass in the lower river to the wall behind the enemy's blue buff camp, and used E [Shadow Rush] to cross the wall and reach the blue zone.

He knew that King Ning was going to go on the road to protect TheShy, and the opponent must have only cleared two groups of camps. Since the river crabs had been dealt with by Gao Zhenning, at most one group of blue buffs would be eaten in IG's lower jungle area, and the remaining three wolves and demons The two groups of swamp frog camps were safe and sound.

Gu Xingneng looted them all!

Aatrox swung his heavy sword, using the high additional damage of the darkin's blade to chop the health of the wild monsters.

The hero's own rogueness is clearly visible. The three stages of Q are all range output, and each time is more painful than the last.

For Sword Demon players, the most difficult thing about this hero is how to ensure that the sword's edge hits the enemy. As long as it can deal outer edge damage, there is no shortage of damage at all.

But enemy players can deliberately move to avoid it, but wild monsters can't!

Just be careful, it's not difficult to hit wild monsters with all three blades, and the damage is quite explosive!

Thanks to this, Gu Xing's anti-wild efficiency is extremely high!

At the same time, Gao Zhenning was also covering Dao Mei near the top road to push forward the entire third wave of artillery troops.

He was worried at first, worried that Gu Xing would be squatting nearby, ready to start a fight at any time.

But until all the troops were cleared, the sword demon was nowhere to be seen.

Gao Zhenning guessed that Gu Xing might have gone to counter his lower jungle area, but neither Song Yijin in the middle nor the Swift Crab Altar in the lower river saw any sign of Aatrox.

He didn't dare to make any assumptions.

Maybe Sword Demon has no intention of going against the jungle at all, and has been clearing and developing in the upper jungle area of ​​​​VG?

It was precisely because of this that King Ning did not dare to set foot alone in the enemy's wild area.

At present, the blind monk is still only at level 2. He has only cleared two sets of camps in total, and is still half an experience away from level 3. When Gao Zhenning came to the road to help clear the line, he did not deliberately mess with TheShy's minions. It is impossible to get half a level of experience points.

But he concluded that Gu Xing, who had been developing steadily all the way, must have reached level 3. Once he was caught by the sword demon while resisting the wild invasion alone, he would definitely not be Gu Xing's opponent due to the disadvantage of level difference!

Gao Zhenning didn't want to travel thousands of miles across the entire canyon but get nothing. After thinking for a moment, he decided to take advantage of TheShy's ability to push the top lane to coordinate with him, and the two formed a team to rush into the Sword Demon wild area.

Hearing this, Jiang Chenglu had no objections and was even impatient.

Sword Demon, you guys like to catch me at level 2, right?

I have to give you a boost in the jungle today!

IG Ueno was full of interest and rushed towards the VG jungle area.

Although the Upper River Crab Altar can provide eye position detection, it does have some false vision. The two of them can avoid being captured by the altar by sticking close to the wall and going around the enemy jungle area.

However, Gu Xing took precautions and set up a ward next to the Demon Swamp Frog camp before leaving the Ueno area. At this moment, he accurately saw IG's invasion of Ueno.

"Just hold on," he killed the Shadow Wolf with a sword in the lower jungle area of ​​IG, and then sent a signal to his teammates, "Blue Cat, just go over there, the Sword Girl won't be able to kill you if you don't dodge!"

The blind monk is blue in the lower half and doesn't even have a red buff at hand. Level 2 Li Qing has very limited stickiness and has no ability to retain people at all.

Gu Xing first stated the objective facts, and then fed him a piece of cake.

"It'll take a while. Maibo will be able to help you later!"

Song Jinghao was driving W [Purge] to clear the line of troops under the tower. He relied on the minion kill weapon to kill the artillery cart instantly. It didn't take long for him to go to the wild area to support.

After listening to Gu Xing's words, Chaowei felt reassured. He used Q [Dark Sphere] to deal with the remaining forward-pushing minions, turned around and rushed towards the upper jungle area with confidence.

Since he was roaming offline in front of the Broiler, IG Ueno was prepared in advance. King Ning specially held Q [Tian Yin Wave] in his hand when he was countering the Demon Marsh Frog, intending to have a linkage with TheShy and try to attack Chaowei. .

Syndra went over and used W [Driving Telekinesis] to capture the Demon Swamp Frog, hoping to protect her own wild monsters for Gu Xing, and let Gao Zhenning return in vain.

As a result, King Ning stepped forward decisively and closed the distance to ensure that Q hit. He didn't rush to deliver the second echo attack. He pressed S to pause on the spot and wanted to trick Chaowei into using E [Weak Retreat] first.

As long as Chovy hands over his only control, he can easily achieve facial recognition!

However, all the way to the finals, Zheng Zhixun is now in a hot state, reaching the highest peak of his personal competitive state in his career.

He was smart enough to hold on to the weak ones and keep them away, using key skills with knockback + stun control effects as talismans.

"We'll be there soon!" Song Jinghao cleared away all the Binxuan under the tower, shouted in his voice that he wanted to use this method to embolden Chaowei, and moved his crab legs towards the wild area.

Seeing that the opponent didn't hand over his skills hurriedly, King Ning had no choice but to trigger the second stage of Q and fly up.

As expected, Syndra intercepted the second batch of QE midway!

But at the same time, TheShy, who had been huddled on the side, launched an offensive.

Originally, the target of the weak retreat was Sword Girl. After all, the jungle pass was too narrow, and Syndra's push was able to include all IG's upper and jungle players.

However, Jiang Chenglu was not King Ning who was flying in the air involuntarily. He gave full play to his positioning skills. He moved in small steps, twisted to avoid the weak ones and retreated, and at the same time handed over E [Double Blade]!

It is worth mentioning that Syndra's own mechanism is the most superior among the algorithmists, and some of her skills can be cast on the move.

But only in QW.

E [The Weak Retreat] cannot do this, and the casting process will be slightly lagging.

What TheShy grasps is the moment when the super powerful weakling retreats and stops his movements. He first puts a blade at Syndra's feet, and then puts a second sharp blade next to himself. The speed of light E is used to ensure that the double-winged blades can hit!

The operation is smooth and smooth, and no flaws can be found.

But Chaowei is also very cautious.

He knew that if he caught Sword Girl's Dual Blade, he would definitely be dealt a blow by TheShy.

You must know that Song Yijin has cleared the middle line of troops at this time and is heading towards the upper jungle area. If he is disabled in his super power state, it will be easy to chase him and kill him with the flexibility of the enchantress!

Zheng Zhixun didn't have time to think too much. He cautiously asked for permission and simply dodged to avoid the closing of the blade!

"Do you want to fight? Do you want to fight?" Song Jinghao emerged from the grass behind the previous tower and got closer and closer to Gao Zhenning.

Before Chaowei could say anything, Gu Xing spoke first, "Don't!"

"Just force a flash, don't fight to the end!"

Song Yijin is about to arrive on the battlefield. By then, the two sides will become a 3v2 situation, and VG will not have the advantage.

What's more important is that Blind Sin carries Dark Harvest.

If Li Qing, who has flashes, cannot be killed in the first second, Gao Zhenning's combat capabilities will only become stronger as the battle progresses and the number of personnel is reduced!

Gu Xing was well aware of the power that the current version of Dark Harvest could bring in a highly bloody arena. He did not want to provide King Ning with the treatment he received in the previous game, and tried his best to reduce the number of battles centered around the blind monk.

"OK..." Song Jinghao agreed, and E [Contempt] went towards the blind monk and killed him.

King Ning had just recovered from the weak retreat. Without Q or W, it was difficult for him to avoid the crab's shoulder throw without cross-dodge.

Urgot carried Li Sin behind him and activated his machine gun. The blind monk's already low health instantly dropped to the dangerous level!

Chaowei's approach was even more amazing. He had previously picked up the Demon Swamp Frog and threw the wild monster in the opposite direction, causing it to meet up with the Shadow Wolf, thus achieving the effect of staying away from the blind monk!

Now there are no wild monsters within a thousand yards of King Ning, so he cannot use punishment to restore his health!

The amount of punishment milk is 70 + 10% of the hero's maximum health. The treatment amount alone is a bit higher than the output of a single skill W [Driving Psychopower], and if Gao Zhenning punishes the Demon Swamp Frog, the blind monk can rise to 3 Level up and then improve the basic attributes.

It can only be said that Chaowei has become more and more courageous after experiencing the defeat in the second game. He vowed to prove himself in front of his hometown elders. There are only a few flaws exposed at the operational level!

Gao Zhenning hissed lightly.

The Demon Swamp Frog's patience was exhausted, and he was about to embark on the road back home. However, without a few seconds, he was destined to be unable to return to the camp.

The wild monsters themselves are also constantly recovering their health. Even if the blind monk drags the frog back to the Demon Swamp, it is impossible to kill it with punishment to increase its level.

As a last resort, King Ning had to hand over Flash to distance himself.

The VG middle and upper players who did not dodge followed Gu Xing's previous advice and did not choose to pursue deeply. They each left the jungle to do their own things.

"Okay, okay," Gu Xing said in high spirits, "We won't lose anything on this bowl!"

Calculated, the battle surrounding VG's upper jungle area is equivalent to a flash exchange between Chaowei and King Ning.

Don't look at the flash of the mid laner as more important, but don't forget that Gu Xing directly went to IG to counterattack in the jungle!

The income earned from the two camps resulted in a 9:5 first-round camp start, not to mention that Gu Xing also had the first-blood economy and was far ahead in terms of development!

It is no exaggeration to say that Gu Xing's jungle advantage will be completely established with this blind monk's unsuccessful invasion!

"Brother Duan, after you push this wave of troops for Jack, hurry back to the city and bring a real eye to help Blue Cat lay out his vision!"

Gu Xing made a decision.

He didn't think about jumping over the tower.

Even though IG's bottom lane is empty and undefended, Gu Xing can complete the encirclement as long as he wants to come.

But Liu Qingsong was cautious here. Unless the blood volume was too low, Gu Xing would not find any chance to encircle and suppress him.

He simply found another way to come up with new tricks, and after clearing the wild monsters in the enemy camp, he read the article and returned to the city.

Duan Deliang responded quickly.

There is no doubt about Jhin's ability to push the line. Jack's Double Lotus Trap combined with Q [Man Dance Grenade] can easily push the short line to the enemy's next tower.

Kai'Sa, who has not evolved Icathia's Rainstorm, has a worrying ability to clear the line. She cannot quickly deal with the tower's line of troops, which will naturally cause the line of troops to push back.

The next wave is the artillery line again, and the pushback speed will be slower, creating sufficient space for Duan Deliang to roam offline.

After returning to the city, he bought straw sandals and real eyes, and set out for the middle road. He inserted his two real eyes and one false eye into the grass below the middle road. During this period, he used his holy shield effect to help Chaowei control the cannon truck. The soldiers were cleared.

After finishing all this, Duan Deliang returned to the bottom lane and protected Jack to eat the cannon truck and push back the line.

The assistant's preemptive roaming this time made Song Yijin very unhappy.

Rookie knew that in the last wave of jungle battles, Chaowei had already given away his flash, which was undoubtedly a period of weakness for Syndra's combat power.

Therefore, he wanted to grab level 5 and upgrade to level 3 W [Shadow Trace] to go forward and consume the opponent, trying to combine with Phantom Chain to create a threat to the opponent.

If done properly, hanging a ignition device may be able to achieve cinnabar!

But Duan Deliang's timely movement made Song Yijin's desire to attack disappear.

The Minotaur used the Shield of the Sacred Artifact to take down the artillery cart, but it allowed Chaowei to advance to level 5 first!

Rookie clicked his tongue in frustration.

VG's operational skills are undoubtedly revealed. The other party's commander always seems to be able to guess all his thoughts and make arrangements one step ahead.

Song Yijin felt that he couldn't use his fists and kicks, and his fighting style was very frustrating!

Not only him, Gao Zhenning also knew that the situation he was facing was very serious. His expression was stiff and his Adam's apple was rolling up and down restlessly.

He had just gone to the enemy's upper jungle area, and the moment he saw that the two camps of VG Demon Marsh Frog and Shadow Wolf were all alive, King Ning knew that Gu Xing must have gone to attack his lower half.

He didn't even plan to go to the lower half of the canyon. After clearing the remaining three groups of camps in his upper jungle area, he chose to return to the city to resupply.

So far, King Ning has farmed a total of 5 groups of wild monsters. Even including the salary bonus issued by the system, he can only buy a combination of a red jungle knife + a real eye.

This set of equipment is very limited in improving the combat effectiveness of the blind monk.

And if he continues to develop steadily, Li Qing will live in the shadow of the Sword Demon for the rest of his life!

Because he carries the Dark Harvest.

Gao Zhenning has not even participated in a single kill since the start, and has no chance to collect souls. He only accumulated 10 layers by stealing monster corpses.

Gu Xing is almost at level 30 after finishing the first level group in the last game!

There is also a gap between the Dark Harvest blind monks!

Prince Ning also knew that the trick Gu Xing had used to show off his power in Shangpan had not achieved the expected results on him, and now he was extremely anxious.

He urgently needs to open up the situation through gank.

Only by getting the kill can you reverse the situation in the jungle!

Of the three lanes, the bottom lane is obviously unrealistic.

The only control the Xiangsong duo had was Shen's taunt. Gao Zhenning, a blind monk who didn't flash, had difficulty cooperating in the past.

If you can catch it, just hit the top two lanes. VG's single-player heroes happen to flash and are all on cooldown, so the success rate of Lee Sin's gank is much higher.

King Ning initially wanted to gank in the middle. After all, the line of troops was closer to the IG defense tower, and he was more accustomed to opening up the situation through mid-field linkage first and then radiating to the side lanes.

But after taking only two steps, he heard the reminder from the broiler.

"Don't come, there are eyes all around!" Song Yijin marked the general area where the enemy's auxiliary had set eyes.

Prince Ning pursed his lips and had no choice but to set out on the road to look for opportunities for a surprise attack.

He had many concerns along the way.

Because Gao Zhenning was worried about being squatted by Gu Xing.

But just as King Ning frowned, the figure of the Sword Demon was exposed within IG's field of vision!

That was when a conflict broke out in the upper jungle area of ​​​​VG. When I touched my eyes and got close to Chaowei, I accidentally set up the eye position to detect Gu Xing!

His eyes lit up and he quickly cut the screen to observe.

Aatrox has just returned to the city to update a round of equipment, making a combination of Deep Cold Punishment + Long Sword.

Looking at the number of last hits displayed on the data panel, King Ning quickly judged that Gu Xing just reversed his jungle area and then chose to return to the city to resupply. There should be five groups of camps in the VG jungle now!

Sword Demon can be refreshed from top to bottom!

Sure enough, just like Gao Zhenning's inner thoughts, Gu Xing moved down after swiping the magic swamp frog, clearly going to find the three wolves to play with.


Gao Zhenning's face, which looked like the surface of the moon, burst into a smile as he sped up to hit the road.

The current top lane situation is that Song Jinghao is unilaterally ravaging TheShy.

This was a side effect of King Ning’s original forced invasion of VG’s upper jungle area.

If it weren't for accompanying the jungler to cause trouble, Jiang Chenglu would be able to return to the city after the third wave of artillery troops were pushed out, and adding a long sword would also appropriately enhance his combat effectiveness.

But after King Ning's failed jungle invasion, the sword girl who had not teleported no longer had time to return to the city, so she had no choice but to go on the road and continue the laning.

Song Jinghao, on the other hand, spared his energy to return to the city, using first blood assists to make up for the red crystal + long sword economically, crushing the sword girl at the equipment level, and naturally controlling the lane.

However, the troops pushing forward did not dodge the crabs, but instead exposed their flaws!

If Prince Ning comes directly to the road, he is very likely to succeed!

"TheShy, please pay attention to my position," he spoke faster and told the orderer the specific plan, "wait for the crab to turn E and then control!"

"You understand!" Jiang Chenglu was full of expectations.

When he saw King Ning take a position near the triangular grass on the top road, he first hit the melee soldier with A to reduce it to residual health, and then quickly handed over Q [Blade Impact] to kill the bloodline backline soldier, and by the way, he got close to the crab and performed a basic attack. .

Immediately predict that the opponent will turn in E [Despise] to counterattack, and then use Q to move to the melee soldier who was beaten to low health by his normal attack.

TheShy has a very keen sense of laning. Stupid Urgot really used his E and threw a ball of air over his shoulder!

"Frozen hands!" Prince Ning's heart jumped into his throat, and his voice became extremely high-pitched and loud.

Needless to say, TheShy's sword girl has once again used the light speed double E, controlling the crab in place with the extremely precise wing-to-wing double blades!

Gao Zhenning's Blind Monk fired the Sky Sound Wave from a long distance, and after hitting it, he followed up decisively!

This Urgot Biss!

"Here's your head..." Prince Ning even opened the champagne in advance to discuss the head allocation.

However, just when the sword girl Q hit the marked Urgot, a blade suddenly shot out of the line grass behind Smeb!

All IG players in the jungle were briefly knocked into the air!

King Ning's breathing stopped for a moment.

He knew the identity of the visitor very clearly.

The frightening scarlet eyes, paired with the bloody heavy sword in his hand...


After wielding the sword for the first time, the sword demon showed no mercy and decisively handed over the second stage of QE!

Hitting Ning and TheShy with high extra damage, Song Jinghao fired two more shots with Crab Legs and supplemented it with Q [Corrosive Charge], already suppressing the enemy's jungler to half health!

"Begone and sell out!!" Prince Ning's eyes were about to burst.

With the current damage done by the two of them, it is absolutely impossible to kill Urgot with the red crystal before he is killed!

At this point, the only option is to run away with the bucket!

TheShy wanted to retreat, but even though he used W [Dance of Distance Break] to help block some of the damage and try to save his health, he still handed over E without flashing, losing all means of escape!

All he can do is use Q [Blade Impact] to clear out as many minions as possible, trying to control the loss of the soldier line after death.

Prince Ning escaped alone, touching his eyes and looking back to leave quickly.

But Gu Xing didn't want to let him go. Seeing that Dao Mei was determined to die and didn't want to escape, he handed TheShy over to Crab, and he used his long-cherished Flash to bind the blind monk with W [Evil Fire Chain]. Then take Q3 and knock it back!

Li Qing landed from the air and stubbornly ran backwards despite the slowing effect, but with just one pair of legs, he couldn't leave in time before the chains closed in!

The evil fire chain dragged King Ning back, and Gu Xing stabbed him passively.

Give death sword energy!

The blood bar of the level 3 blind monk was cleared instantly!

Not far away, the battle between the two top laners also decided the winner.

Song Jinghao relied on his dual lead in equipment and health, and finally used a passive fire to send Dao Mei to the spring.

Zero for two, VG’s anti-crouching campaign was declared successful!

"Ah..." Jiang Chenglu, who was usually optimistic, could not hide the disappointment in his expression at this moment, complaining in a low voice in broken Chinese, "The sword demon is a god and demon in Zhejiang!"

Prince Ning put his hand on his forehead and looked annoyed, "Oh my God, this guy Gu Xing is really disgusting!"

After a brief review, he knew that Gu Xing was using a simple deception.

Previously, he was deliberately exposed within IG's field of vision and moved downwards, causing King Ning to misunderstand that the sword demon had gone to the bottom of the map and induced the blind monk to come and try to arrest Song Jinghao. In fact, Aatrox turned around and came Hit the road and do reverse squats!

It was not that Gao Zhenning didn't think about Gu Xing's trick at first. After all, this was the opponent's special skill.

But from his perspective, the Sword Demon's movement of clearing the field from top to bottom was extremely reasonable.

At that time, all the Crabs pushed their army line in front of the IG tower. Even if the Sword Demon came to the upper jungle area, he could not launch a gank sneak attack. He first brushed all the way down and waited for the army line to push back to the front of the VG tower. Gu Xing was able to clear it just in time. The scientific choice is to return the wild monsters to the top and then launch Gank!

It was based on the above considerations that Gao Zhenning decided to attack on the top lane.

Of course, the embarrassing dilemma in which he was forced into a desperate situation was also the reason why King Ning decided to fight to the death and go on the road.

Who would have thought that Gu Xing, a kid who doesn't play by the rules, would actually be able to pull off a trick!

King Ning regretted it too late.

If he is given another chance to choose again, Gao Zhenning will definitely not come to the road to seek death!

It's a pity that there is no if.

After a short delay, all the viewers at the scene and around the world witnessed the whole process of Gu Xing relying on counter-crouching to kill the enemy's jungler.

In an instant, the roar of cheers in Wenhe Stadium soared into the sky!

VG has gained trophies one after another and is about to take full control of the battle!

"Guigui, Brother Xing's reverse squat!" Miller yelled at the top of his lungs in an exaggerated tone, "IG Ueno was caught off guard, and they both died and became VG's nourishment!"

Wawa was filled with emotion, "I have to say that Brother Xing's awareness is so amazing. He can actually accurately determine Prince Ning's target for the raid without any vision!"

"This is completely killing the other party!"

"His deception trick is really tried and true!" I remember being so excited that my face was red, "If I remember correctly, when Brother Xing first entered the professional arena two and a half years ago, he repeatedly used deception tricks to gain an advantage for himself. This has already happened. Evolved into his own signature tactical play!"

"From the first battle of his career to the third Summoner's Trophy, Brother Xing's blinding methods can always give the opponent a fatal blow!"

The LPL live broadcast room was filled with barrages.

【Virtue, forever a god! 】

[King Ning is really abstract, he specializes in bringing down his teammates, right? 】

[Brother Xing’s blind monk has been killing people everywhere since the early stage. Why does King Ning’s Li Qing look different?]

[I’m the only one who noticed that Sword Demon’s jungle damage is very high, and IG’s jungle can’t handle the output at all! 】

[Don’t use it to learn from the qualifying matches, okay? Qiuqiu! Just because Brother Xing understands how to play doesn't mean that you can also understand how to play. What will happen to Prince Ning? You don't have a clue in your mind, do you? 】

[Brother Xing, rush, rush, wait for the Triple Crown winner to be crowned gloriously! 】

[IG is still smart. In order not to offend these crazy VCs in China, they directly asked King Ning to give it away openly, for fear that they would be criticized by VG fans for winning a championship they shouldn’t win]

[Alas, LPL; alas, capital, everyone understands the tacit understanding]

[Haha, son of a bitch, can you please stop putting money on your face? Why don't you talk about the fact that Xia Jue was also beaten to pieces and captured? If you win, it means you are really strong. If you lose, it means you have a tacit understanding, right? 】

I remember that I was not aware of the dispute that had arisen in the chat channel. I was still counting the gains and losses of both parties in detail.

"Brother Xing takes another head. It is estimated that he is not far from the warrior jungle knife. Maibo can also make a net loss to increase the ability to pull the line. If he adds a pair of cloth armor shoes later, he will have the ability to exchange blood. She will be far ahead of Dao Girl. After all, TheShy’s death in battle is a real heavy loss..."

Even though TheShy tried his best to clear the line of troops before dying, he couldn't bear the fact that he didn't teleport. It took more than half a minute to resurrect and get to the line. It was inevitable to lose a wave of troops!

Scoring twice and dying in a row will also affect his own level. Now that Jiang Chenglu has been separated by Song Jinghao by a whole level of experience, it can be said that the balance of the road is completely tilted towards Song Jinghao!

Gu Xing was not satisfied with this.

Before completing the counter-crouching and returning to his own lower jungle area, he specifically went to the enemy's upper jungle area and made a ward position in the grass next to the Sharpbill camp.

Then he went to the jungle to replenish development, sent groups of camps to be reset, returned to the city to update Caulfield's war hammer, and headed towards the enemy's jungle area again!

Although Gu Xing didn't know the specific time when Gao Zhenning wiped out this group of sharp-beaked birds, he could guess a vague range based on speculation.

He's going to arrest the blind monk!

Gu Xing first used E [Shadow Rush] to move from the Dalong Pit to the enemy's red zone, then circled around and waited in the grass directly opposite the red buff.

As time passed, the blind monk still disappeared.

As soon as Wawa watched another wave of blood changes in the middle, he noticed that the director had switched the camera to the Ueno area, and Sword Demon was crouching in the grass silently enduring mosquito bites.

"Brother Xing, what are you doing?!" He couldn't understand Gu Xing's gameplay, so he could only judge it in a joking tone, "Is it possible that we are playing a big game of chess?"

Miller glanced at the small map, and immediately took a breath, realizing Gu Xing's goal, "Brother Xing wants to squat with Prince Ning again!"

"He wants to eat the blind monk alone!"

I remember also speaking faster at the same time, "King Ning has just finished defeating the three wolves and is moving towards the upper jungle area to brush his second round of wild monsters..."

"The Blind Monk didn't seem to notice that the Sword Demon was crouching in his jungle area. He kicked F6 with his Tianyin Wave, then moved over and started clearing the jungle!"

Gu Xing crawled all the way, and his movements were indeed quite hidden.

The previous frequent confrontations in the upper half allowed VG to completely control the upper river, without even a single ward for the Extreme Team.

The broiler is in a state of pressure, and can only place the jewelry eye at the pass connecting the upper river channel to our F6 camp.

Gu Xing came over the wall from Dalong Pit, perfectly avoiding IG's only visual field of view!

And he can be regarded as a patient hunter. Even though he did not get the exact refresh time of F6, Gu Xing could sit still and squatted in the grass for nearly half a minute, just to help the blind monk cover the coffin board!

Seeing Li Qing starting to clear the jungle at this time, Gu Xing made a circle from the grass facing the enemy's red buff, hugging the wall, and launched a surprise attack from behind with his heavy sword!

The blind monk was unaware of the crisis coming from behind, and still punched and kicked the six members of the Sharpbill family.

In order to maintain a good blood volume and improve the efficiency of clearing the jungle, he also handed over W [Golden Bell].

"It's broken!" From a God's perspective, Miller knew that Prince Ning's bowl was extremely dangerous when he saw this scene.

The few dog boys at the scene even let out a cry of sorrow. Even Wang Sicong in the front row didn't bother to taste the hot dog and looked nervously at the big screen, hoping that King Ning would show his domineering attitude at the critical moment. Anticipate dangers in advance.

But Gao Zhenning is neither a character in One Piece nor Peter Parker.

Gu Xing also obtained important information about the W handed over by the blind monk through the previously arranged eye positions.

Without saying anything, Q1E started to slash at him!

At this time, Aatrox's figure appeared in IG's field of vision. Gao Zhenning was shocked and the mouse almost flew away!

Prince Ning cursed in a low voice and was about to escape but found that he did not have any means!

QW is all on cooldown, and the blind monk has no flash, so he is no different from a minion!

"The Sword Demon follows up with the Evil Fire Chain, and then adds a second Q..." I remember being filled with praise, "What a handsome angled Q!"

Aatrox's Q2 is shorter than Q1. After the evil fire chain hits, Sword Demon players often use the principle of beveling Q2's "the hypotenuse of the trapezoid is greater than the height" to extend the sword's edge for a certain distance.

The use of the oblique Q is usually the top priority in testing the sword demon's proficiency.

If the top laner can hit an angled Q, the commentator will basically just mention it and not show much shock.

But Gu Xing is a jungler!

What do you want to do if you are so proficient in playing Sword Demon Angled Q?

In the canyon, Gu Xing's mouse pointer was close to the corner of the evil fire beam chain, and he used this to swing out the oblique second Q, using the edge of the oblique sword to accurately hit the blind monk!

The electrocution was triggered, and Li Qing's blood volume had dropped by more than half!

After the chain dragged Li Qing back, Gu Xing followed up with a basic attack and added three Qs!

Empty the blind monk's health bar with one sword strike!

Aatrox smelled the blood and was extremely excited. The magic sword in his hand seemed to be beating with his heart.

The arrogant voice content and the ferocious laughter spread throughout Wenhe Stadium, echoing in the ears of audiences around the world!

"I'm going to cut your filthy body off! Cut it open! Chop it into pieces!"

On the commentary stage, Wawa stood up and his excitement was clearly visible.

"Cinsha!" He shouted selflessly, "Brother Xing used the unique move Sword Demon at the championship point and completely dominated the entire wild area!"

"Prince Ning has never seen the Sword Demon jungler before. It was difficult to adapt to it for a while, and he was beaten to the point where he had no ability to resist!"

"The two Ueno brothers that IG is proud of have both fallen into a miserable record of 0/2. This is not good news for the team. Their early rhythm has been completely suppressed!"

Gao Zhenning, who has always been fearless, also started to chew his hands redly.

As the commentary said, King Ning had never encountered the Sword Demon jungler before, and he had no idea that this guy could actually play Jiang Zi.

The patience shown by Gu Xing made him shudder even more.

Gao Zhenning knew that it was impossible for the opponent to accurately know the refresh time of his own Sharp Beak Bird, so how long had the Sword Demon been squatting in his jungle area?

He didn't dare to think about it.

At this point, King Ning could only accept his own collapse.

"Stay steady, bro!" Broiler saw the frequent reports of good news in the wild, and suddenly became anxious. "Push the wild more often, and don't fight with the opponent again!"

Before he reaches his strong stage, his teammates have completely collapsed. How can he still play this?

Can you wait for me C?

Prince Ning's energy and energy were drained by Gu Xing's outrageous cinnabar, so he agreed in a low voice.

In the following time, he could only sneakily get some wild monsters to eat in the wild area.

This resulted in the blind monk who had not participated in the killing until 9 minutes into the game, and the Dark Harvest was only at level 26!


Jack was so happy.

"Hey, have you seen the Dark Harvest stacks of this blind monk?" Yu Wenbo laughed heartily and quite devilishly, "Oh my God, the stacks Lao Gu has after finishing the first level group in the last game is almost as cool as him! "

He has a stable lane in the bottom lane, and all the noise in the upper half of the canyon has nothing to do with it.

The two teams were fighting lively at the top, while the bottom lane was as quiet as a paradise, clearing each other's lines.

But Jack is in no hurry!

He watched Gu Xing and Song Jinghao stir up a bloody storm in the first half, and Xianxin used Jin to perform a nuo dance, and the emoticons of VG from the 2017 and 2018 World Championships lit up above his head.

Among them, the S7 version is still the golden championship special edition.

Lin Weixiang, are you angry?

If you guys mess around in the bottom lane, you will win the championship!

This kind of ridicule for typing on a public screen made Xiangsong and his two men really uncontrollable.

Cheap or not?

Both of them were young people entering the World Championship for the first time. The passionate Fang Gang could not hold back his composure and rashly stepped forward to start a fight.

Liu Qingsong's E flash controlled Yu Wenbo!

Jack was startled by Shen's E flash, but Duan Deliang's Tauren completed the protection task conscientiously and pushed Kai'Sa out at once, preventing Lin Weixiang from catching up with the output immediately.

But Big Eyebrow's eyes were obviously red, and he flew up with R and wanted to kill him by force!

However, the next moment, the tauren poked an eye behind Lin Weixiang, and the teleportation light shone on it!

The person coming is none other than the top order Crab!

The moment Lin Weixiang saw the teleportation swirling light, he first wanted to shake TheShy over.

But as soon as Jiang Chenglu handed over the teleport, Gu Xing rushed up the road from the side and used Q1 Blade to interrupt the TP guide!

Seeing that his top laner was unable to teleport to the bottom lane, Da Mei had an idea in his mind.


He quickly flashed to escape.

But after the crab landed, the R [Beyond the Fear of Death] alchemical drill still hit accurately!

Kai'Sa was given a huge amount of slowdown, and Jack handed over W [Deadly Brilliance] without haste, and then activated his ultimate move!

Jhin's super bullets penetrated Kai'Sa's Void Armor one after another!

"Hit!" Jack roared, and the fourth shot tore through the air, reducing Lin Weixiang's health to only 20%!

"Come back here!" Song Jinghao's voice also increased, and he tightened the chain and dragged Ka'Sa to his side to complete the execution!

"Nice!" Jack clenched his fists, rarely exposing the veins on his forehead, "It's so cooperative, Maibo!"

The two reached an unexpected linkage through their ultimate moves and strangled Kai'Sa remotely!

Gu Xing's signal mark was at Dalongkeng, "Come and get the vanguard!"

"Don't take it lightly, everyone, play it steady and win this game!" He reminded his teammates, "Don't let down your guard until the base is leveled!"

IG no longer has the ability to compete for the Canyon Pioneer, and they don't even have the intention to come and watch. They simply let it go and went to replace the dragon with resources.

However, Gu Xing showed no mercy and quickly rolled up the economic snowball, putting the vanguard on the top lane, and together with the duo who had switched lanes, they flattened the previous tower to withdraw money!

"Be careful, Enchantress, Rookie's equipment is pretty good," Gu Xing frantically cut the screen, paying attention to all the factors that might cause variables, "Blue Cat, don't give me a chance!"

Chaowei saw that his teammates were all advantageous, so he simply curled up and developed steadily.

But Song Yijin couldn't restrain his restless heart.

He knew that if he continued to delay and replenish troops with Chaowei, victory would definitely belong to VG!

Rookie was helpless and had no choice but to try to launch an attack forcefully.

Enchantress R copies the Phantom Shadow, and then steps forward with the original W to simultaneously give out the phantom chain!

I chose this RW method of trampling people mainly because my level is not high enough, and the damage of the copied ultimate move is far less than the damage of the original Shadow Shadow.

When Syndra handed over the second company of QE in order to protect herself, Song Yijin triggered the second stage of W to return to the original place, narrowly avoiding the weak and retreating, and then added the Q magic seal!

The phantom chain was officially generated, and Song Yijin set it on fire, reducing Syndra's health bar to less than 20%!

This version of Enchantress's mid-term burst is rogue, unreasonable at all, and rushes for a solo kill in just a moment!

"Come and help me!" Chaowei quickly called for help.

He had quick hands and first used W [Driving Telekinesis] to smash the ball and hit the enchantress. Then he waited for the dark ball to turn around and added a QR combo to maximize the damage.

LeBlanc was passively beaten, but the Broiler was chasing after it, and still wanted to use Cinnabar to retaliate and open up the situation.

Chaowei kept retreating back, flashing to distance himself, and at the end of the ignition, he gave himself a mouthful of healing milk to ensure that he was not killed by the next Q of the Enchantress!

"Well done, Blue Cat, I can kill the Enchantress!" When Gu Xing saw this, he knew that Song Yijin would definitely die.

While he was on his way, he used E [Shadow Rush] to pass through the wall and was not far from the battlefield!

Broiler's murderous intention has been determined, and he can only complete the single kill after waiting for the shadow to get better and then adding W to step on it!

But in this case, the flexible enchantress will also lose all means of escape!

Song Yijin's front step finally got the kill for IG, but Gu Xing drove and flashed over to punish Shenhan. After slowing down, he stabbed up with a knife, and then used his Q [Darkborn Blade] to slash towards the mark of the enemy's shadow. go!

Rookie happened to trigger the second stage of W and went back to escape, but was sent away directly by the sword demon!

Under the camera, Song Yijin held his head in his hands, his eyes dull.

The sword demon predicts Q very hard!

As the only remaining eldest brother in the team, although he got the headshots and made money, it didn't help at all!

If killed once, IG will be unable to stop the enemy's advance from the front, and can only retreat and surrender the defense tower!

After one of the towers in the team collapsed, everyone knew that IG had completely collapsed.

The balance of victory and defeat for both sides was completely tilted.

VG’s third consecutive championship is just around the corner!

"Let's go together as a group. Don't give us a chance. When you find a chance to control your vision later, just open the baron!" Gu Xing was in a very happy mood. "If the other side comes to pick up the group, hit them first!"

At 25 minutes, VG started Baron Nash with an economic advantage of 7K.

Even though the lineup of Rush Baron is not fast, IG can only discredit its progress due to its extreme lack of vision.

As a result, Duan Deliang's Tauren hid in the grass, flashed WQ and Syndra's QE second company, and instantly stunned the three IG!

"Kill with all power, don't let anyone go!" Gu Xing shouted loudly, turning on the acceleration of the great destruction, E went to the dragon pit and handed over the sword edge!

The dazed IG front row was unable to resist, and was struck by Aatrox from the Warrior Jungler + Youmu + Curb Blade, causing the health bar to drop a lot!

The output ability of the Tianfei Sword Demon caused the enemy's front row, which was not very frank, to be instantly chopped into pieces!

The damage was so exaggerated that it caused an explosion, which immediately aroused the exclamations of 50,000 people at the scene!

The IG members hurriedly handed over the flash and retreated, but Jhin's long-range sniper and Crab's ultimate move made it difficult for them to move!

Gu Xingka had a good time, Q3E rushed forward, raised his epee and slashed towards the IG formation!

The sword blade was as powerful as splitting the Huashan Mountain, killing Shen and the Blind Monk instantly!

"Go, go, go!" Song Jinghao blushed and his neck was thick. He flashed and carried Lin Weixiang back on his back, and knocked out Kasa with two crab-leg shots!

A super bullet from Jin sent away the daughter of the void!

The teamfight between the two sides is not at the same level at all!

Gu Xing's last death-giving sword energy killed the enchantress, and the announcer's cold and ruthless voice echoed through the canyon!


The group is destroyed!

"Good to kill!" Jack shouted, "Push, push!"

"Brothers are going to win!!" He danced and couldn't wait to throw off his headphones immediately to celebrate.

"Nais!" Chaowei's thin body burst out with a high-spirited and powerful shout.

Duan Deliang, who has a reserved personality, hammered the armrest of the chair to vent his turbulent emotions.

Gu Xing's palms trembled violently due to excessive excitement, and he felt his heart pounding in his chest. The long command made his lips slightly dry.

"Push, push, push, protect the military line!" His voice became extremely thin.

"I'll do it!" After Song Jinghao returned to the city, he transferred TP to the soldiers to ensure that the health of the soldiers would not be killed by the IG highland tower!

Everyone in VG stepped onto the enemy's high ground with great courage!

Pushing all the way, no enemy can stop them!

The two incisor towers fell to the ground, leaving only the exposed main crystal!

All VG members defaulted to the hero to automatically attack, jumped up from their seats, and hugged each other excitedly!

The main IG crystal was destroyed at 25 minutes and 34 seconds, collapsing and scattering fireworks in the sky!

Sorry for the delay.

PS: Lin Weixiang and Shi Senming are really good at it now, and they can’t keep up with the pace of the game at all.

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