What is a hexagon jungler?

772: It’s unprecedented and probably unprecedented.

"Wuhu!" Jack happily hugged his teammates and kept repeating the same sentence.


"we are the champion!"

He initially wanted to be the most handsome guy in the soundproof room, but soon found that he was inconspicuous at all.

Too short.

Chaowei, Gu Xing and Song Jinghao were all over 1.8 meters tall and formed a great wall to cover him.

Even Duan Deliang from Shandong is much taller than him!

Yu Wenbo found that in the end, only his big and eye-catching head could be exposed.

He had no choice but to raise his arms to attract everyone's attention, and just said, "All eyes are on me."

But still no one pays attention to him.

This reaction was nothing in the room, because everyone was shouting wantonly.

Gu Xing's smile was extremely bright.

Even though he had won two Summoner's Trophies in succession before, he still felt so excited after winning this championship that he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

He was relieved to have successfully achieved his ultimate career goal.

However, an indescribable feeling of emptiness soon emerged.

Gu Xing feels very unreal so far and has no real feelings about winning the championship.

The soundproof room was extremely effective, completely isolating all the noise from the outside world, so that Gu Xing could not hear the cheers created by the 50,000 spectators in Wenhe Stadium.

He could only see the dry ice mist rising in front of the stage and the fireworks shooting out, forming a gorgeous picture under the colorful spotlights.

Gu Xing lowered his head and stared at the monitor screen.

On the ruins of IG's broken main crystal, the blue word "Victory" proves the rewards of his previous hard work.

Clicking the mouse to exit the game interface, he came to the client interface, and for the first time his eyes were not focused on the data settlement panel.

Instead, move it to the upper right corner.

The nickname of the summoner wearing the S7 season VG championship icon is 'VG Virtue', which is no different from usual. However, in Gu Xing's view, this ID seems to be inadvertently reflected by the dome spotlight during the flashing process, making it shine brightly.

His eyes lingered on his nickname for a long time, and he used his fingertips to scratch Qianjue's tiny painted horns on the mouse.

At this time, the narrow door of the soundproof room was pushed open violently, and the VG management members, who had already been deeply in the passion of winning the championship and could not extricate themselves, rushed to rush forward. The first target of the embrace was Gu Xing!

"Shu Gu!" Kuro rushed to the front, his round face almost bursting into laughter, and you could feel the ecstasy in his heart through his words, "You are great too! So ruthless The sword demon!"

Li Ruixing heartily congratulated, "Three consecutive championships! No one is more deserving of the championship than you, Gu Gu!"

After the management pushed the door open, the sound insulation effect of the room was greatly reduced. The vast sound from the stands on all sides finally reached Gu Xing's ears, adding a heavy weight to the feeling of winning the championship.

The slight melancholy that had just emerged in him due to sentimentality was washed away in the blink of an eye by the deafening cheers.

"Thanks to you too, Rui Xing," Gu Xing responded sincerely, "Fortunately you have Galio here, otherwise it would be really difficult to win the final!"

It was difficult to win every small point against IG. In the hard-won victory in the three games, Li Ruixing definitely made a great contribution in the game of Galio!

Gu Xing is very lucky now. Fortunately, Kuro asked to be rotated to the water fountain in the summer split. He still maintains his status through replays or Korean server rankings, and did not directly announce his retirement and leave the game.

Otherwise, given the speed at which Li Ruixing's competitive level declined at the end of his peak, he would not have been able to appear on such a high-intensity stage in the finals.

Kuro smiled and waved his hands, turning up the volume in an attempt to suppress the restlessness coming from the stands in the distance, "No matter where you are, I'd better ignore your command..."

"And Blue Cat, you are so fierce. Syndra said you can get it with practice," he looked at Zheng Zhixun with a bit of envy in his eyes, "Young people are really good, they are so malleable."

In front of talented monsters, the speed of practicing heroes is faster than that of ordinary players.

Kuro had to admire him.

In the past, he would still be sour, and it was inevitable that he would feel a little envious, jealous, and hateful.

After all, Lee Sang Hyuk, who was overpowering him back then, was the most powerful talent monster in the middle. At that time, he almost broke Kuro's heart by giving him various forehand and backhand lessons.

But now, Li Ruixing is relieved.

Some people are far more talented in e-sports than themselves. They can do nothing but complain and can only choose to accept it calmly.

Then go find other ways to realize your self-worth.

Kuro proved successful.

He took a different path as a mid laner and gave this position a whole new look!

Chaowei grinned even more innocently when he heard Big Brother's compliment.

Syndra performed well in the two games, and he lived up to the hundreds of hard practices he put in during his one-month journey to the World Championships.

Jin Wenhe put the team flag on Gu Xing and warned the team members.

"Everyone goes to the opposite party to shake hands first, and then go to hold the trophy!"

The VG team members who celebrated heartily woke up from a dream and realized that they still had something serious to do.

With smiles on their faces, they opened the door to the soundproof room and headed to the IG player seats.

Chaowei finally felt what the earth was shaking.

The sound created by fifty thousand people made his feet shake slightly!

Zheng Zhixun, who had just won the first S crown of his career, was so carried away that his feet felt as soft as cotton under his feet, so he felt the cheers of the audience very clearly.

He looked down the stage and saw his relatives and friends sitting in a row in the family area in the front row to support him, and he waved to them excitedly.

Being crowned the king in his hometown, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has returned home in glory. He proudly held his head high and enjoyed the cheers from countless fellow villagers at the scene!

Today, I am the king of Incheon!

As we all know, people's joys and sorrows are not the same.

At this moment, in the IG soundproof room, all five members collapsed on their chairs in frustration, with no energy in their eyes.

Even TheShy, who has always been optimistic, couldn't laugh anymore.

The trigger for the defeat in the fourth game came from him.

Sword Demon extracted the first pot of gold on the road to entrepreneurship, which later led to the explosion of IG Ueno!

Jiang Chenglu couldn't blame him. From the corner of his eye, he saw the corners of Gao Zhenning's mouth drooping down, feeling guilty.

It wouldn't be a big deal if it was just Prince Ning who was crying.

The problem is that TheShy's idol Song Yijin, who he has always regarded as his closest brother, also looks lost now!

Jiang Chenglu didn't know what to do, so he just sighed.

There was silence in the soundproof room, and all the restless sounds outside had nothing to do with them. Even a pin dropping on the ground could be clearly heard, let alone TheShy's long sigh.

Song Yijin was originally looking up at the fireworks in front of the stage that were not for him. Jiang Chenglu's sigh seemed to open the gate of his tears, and unknowingly, his face was filled with tears.

He instinctively lowered his head to wipe it, but then the scarlet 'failure' word on the monitor in front of him stung his heart.

how could be?

Rookie still refuses to accept the reality of defeat.

In the previous month, he always believed that the journey to the World Championships from Haeundae, Busan, was a hint that he would be crowned the champion in this World Championship.

Who would have imagined that they would actually go through all the hard work to defeat 3 LCK teams and then go to the finals stage to become the backdrop for VG to achieve their grand hegemony!

Throughout the entire final, Song Yijin felt a deep sense of powerlessness sweeping through his body.

The bottom lane is full of chaos, and both sides are basically unable to have a decisive impact on the battle situation-this is consistent with the version.

The gap between Ueno and Jungle is too big.

It's not about personal strength.

On the operational level, neither TheShy nor Ning Wang have any problems, and IG is even better in the top lane position.

But once the linkage starts, the gap becomes obvious!

Gu Xingneng's role is too terrifying, his offense is as fast as fire, his defense is watertight, and everything from operation to overall view is impeccable!

Moreover, as a veteran, Song Jinghao also knows how to play a role in the World Championship. He will not easily compete with TheShy. Knowing that he cannot win, he simply lives on and waits for Gu Xing to come to help.

The result is that the IG team is counting on Song Yijin to stand up and carry the game!

Akali started to show signs of success in the first game. Rookie had to go forward and cause damage, otherwise IG would not be able to open a gap!

He is indeed at his peak, and in terms of laning strength alone, no one in the world can match him.

However, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. VG moved Kuro and Chaowei back and forth, and only one hand of three heroes was needed to fight Lu Bu, vowing to restrain Song Yijin!

In this case, how can Rookie help the team?

He reluctantly wiped his tears with his sleeves.

At this time, five VG players came into the room with a beaming and happy atmosphere, temporarily dispelling the pervasive sad atmosphere.

Jack wanted to laugh when he saw the p-faces of Xiangsong and Song. He planned to make a sarcastic comment, but in the end he couldn't say something too offensive.

After all, he was a group friend for many years, but fell one step away from the Summoner's Trophy. It is estimated that the mentality of the entire IG team has collapsed, and Yu Wenbo cannot bear to open the wound again.

"Come on, keep up the good work..." He tried his best to comfort his good brothers in the same division.

When Gu Xing saw that Song Yijin was about to cry into rabbit eyes, he couldn't help but comfort him, "It's okay, you still have a chance to win the championship."

Rookie looked up at him and said with a thick nasal voice, "Are you serious?"

"Of course," Gu Xing simply hugged the other person, "IG is very young. As long as you are young, you have hope."

This extreme team can be called a future warrior per capita in terms of age configuration.

The largest broiler chicken was also born in 1997 and is only 21 years old now!

The window left for IG to win is very generous. The five players have hope of staying at their peak in the next few years. All they have to do is wait for a suitable version.

"I hope so..." Song Yijin just thought that Gu Xing was just looking for an excuse to comfort himself, and chose to change the topic and reached out to shake his hand, "Congratulations, triple crown champion."

Gu Xing smiled happily, patted Song Yijin on the shoulder, shook hands with the remaining IG members one after another, and then turned around and left the soundproof room.

Now, he can finally celebrate his third Summoner's Trophy!

"Come on, come on," Gu Xingbu forgot to greet his teammates, "I'll call a countdown and let's all hold the cup together!"

"Ruixing Hongmi, you guys are coming too!" he urged, while he tied the VG war flag in a knot in front of his neck.

"Here we come!" Li Ruixing smiled broadly and stood next to the trophy with the head coach.

Members of the VG training department each placed a hand on the shining silver summoner trophy.

"Three, two, one..." Gu Xing raised his palms vigorously and raised the Summoner's Trophy high with his teammates!

The cheers in Wenhe Arena soared into the sky, and 50,000 spectators witnessed the birth of the strongest dynasty in the history of League of Legends!

Countless flash lights formed a continuous film at this moment, like stars shining in the night sky!

Shen Guanshan raised his mobile phone and recorded the process of holding the cup with his boyfriend. He was still showing off to his sister-in-law, "How was it?"

"I said Gu Xing can definitely end the battle within four rounds!"

Gu Pan was also filled with a bright smile, and he didn't care to compete with Shen Guanshan, "Okay, okay, are you right?"

She put her hands together in front of her mouth and loudly tried to interact with her brother on the stage, "Gu Wei, you did a good job!"

The noise in the audience was too loud, and everyone in the audience was shouting. Logically speaking, Gu Xing couldn't hear it.

But Gu Xing looked towards the area where his family was, extending his hand and showing his thumb as a greeting.

As soon as the Summoner's Trophy was placed back on the high platform, the Roaring Emperor in a suit strode onto the stage.

"Let us once again shout out the name of the 2018 Global Finals Champion!" He was full of enthusiasm and handed the microphone to the audience.


The shouts of mountains and tsunamis gathered together to form a huge surging wave!

"Congratulations to VG for being crowned king!" Roaring Emperor waved his hand, "I would like to invite Riot Games co-founders Tryndamere and Ryze to come on stage to present awards to the champion members!"

Gu Xing received medals from these brothers more than once, and they even became somewhat familiar with each other.

"Virtue, I'm very lucky to have a player like you in League of Legends," Ryze said with a hint of helplessness in his smile, "But I'm also very scared."

What I'm afraid of is that he keeps winning.

LOL needs a flag to promote externally and gather fans, but this flag cannot truly be invincible.

Otherwise, the various monopoly event awards will make others feel no sense of participation, and other fans will not be willing to watch the game.

In short, you can be strong, but not too strong.

"It's okay, you don't need to worry," Gu Xing, now feeling refreshed, joked humorously, "I believe the situation will improve next year."

The two founders were so happy that they hung up the medal for Gu Xing.

"Next, let's ask the two to announce the FMVP award winners of this World Championship..." Roaring Emperor guided the process.

Before he could finish his words, fans in the audience started shouting.


This call was like a spark, setting off a prairie fire in Wenhe Stadium!

Countless spectators shouted the same ID.

Gu Xing was flattered.

When he won the trophy at the Bird's Nest last year, it was reasonable for him to get the unanimous vote as the host.

Things are completely different this year!

He bowed in thanks and his smile grew brighter.

Ruiz opened the envelope and saw an expected answer.

"Yes, it's VG Virtue, congratulations!"

The excitement in the audience reached a new level!

Gu Xing's makeup photo was shown on the big screen at the scene. The young man clutched his team uniform on his chest and showed a rebellious look. The two gold stars were extremely dazzling on the silver-white team uniform!

The side shows Gu Xing's various data performance in the finals.

Game1: Qianjue KDA8/0/6, average damage 811, team participation rate 5%, opponent economy leading +1998

Game3: Blind Monk KDA 13/2/6, average damage 880, team participation rate 100%, opponent economy leading +4399

Game 4: Sword Demon KDA 7/0/7, average damage per point 646, team participation rate 4%, opponent economy leading +3946

It's so scary to be able to say it!

The major live broadcast rooms have already exploded, and the number of barrages has increased sharply!

[Nothing to say, I definitely deserve the title! 】

[Three consecutive FMVPs, I asked who else? ! 】

[Guigui really doesn’t mix up in a game. In the finals, he turns on the king mode and takes away the game! 】

[Brother Xing: Let’s have some fun with the semi-finals of the quarter-finals and let the brothers win a few more MVPs. In the finals, the brothers will be merciless and start buying FMVP trophies wholesale! 】

【King Qianjue? Blind Monk King? Sword Demon King! 】

[The first person in LOL history, leading the way! 】

[The pride of CN eSports, I’m proud of you! 】

Chaowei and Kuro were the first to applaud. One of them pushed Gu Xing and asked his jungler to step forward and receive the FMVP trophy.

"Virtue player, please accept a brief interview," Quan Yongquan said with a smile, "I just won another Summoner's Trophy, my third consecutive championship and three consecutive FMVPs. It is very possible to achieve something unprecedented in the history of League of Legends. How do you feel about this unprecedented great achievement?"

The Roaring Emperor is very personable. Although it is a bit embarrassing not to see Han in Incheon this World Championship, he still completes the interview task with all his heart.

"I'm very happy. If I use words to describe it, it will seem too pale..." Gu Xing hugged the FMVP trophy, his tone revealing unparalleled joy.

"Before the game, I once said that as long as I am still in VG, we will always be the number one team in the world. Now I have fulfilled my promise."

Gu Xing patted the Summoner's Trophy beside him, "No team can take it away from us."

The audience burst into laughter one after another.

"In addition, I must thank my teammates and coaches who work side by side day and night. Without your dedication and dedication, I would not have three FMVP trophies." Gu Xing looked back at his mid laners, "I must express my special thanks here. Kuro and Chovy.”

"Every single one of them is a top mid laner, but they have to be rotated in VG and have to modify their playing style to adapt to my rhythm. This is not easy. I appreciate all the hard work you have done." I see it all... I'm really honored to work with you, you are all great, great mid laners."

Gu Xing expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

Kuro and Zheng Zhixun both showed shy smiles.

"So what are Virtue's plans for the future?" Roaring Emperor asked the last question.

Gu Xing answered without thinking, "After three consecutive championships, League of Legends is a bit too easy for me..."

He could hardly hold back his lips and was still trying to hold the cup. "I plan to go to a university class to study mathematics. This may be a good challenge."

As soon as these words came out, the restless scene fell silent for a moment.

Then an even more astonishing noise erupted!

There are still two or three chapters to go in the main text, not much more.

PS: EDG’s new assistant is still a success

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