The White Snake Sword Master, who was hit by the pink glare, was dazed and did not realize that the terrifying fist was about to come to his body.


As if there was a pleasant breeze blowing across his cheeks, Ouyang Guanhe's fist passed over the Light Eclipse Saint and the Dark Blue Commander. He naturally used a false move against these two veteran Tier 4s!

All the punches poured out on the White Snake Sword Master!

In an instant, this mighty newcomer to the fourth rank looks like a sculpture that has been weathered for thousands of years in the Gobi Desert. The skin, muscles, and bones of the whole body are all turned into fine powder in the direction of fist strength!

This punch was extremely slow and extremely terrifying!


The Light Eclipse Saint snorted coldly, raised his hands, his eyes were occupied by white light, and in the night sky, he looked like a god.

Above the sky, the skirt composed of holy light fell, covering the Sword Master White Snake who was about to be wiped out by Qingfeng Fist, and also covering Ouyang Guanhe who punched!

"Holy Light Skirt!"

Based on the moves created by the Profound Truth of Purification, the purifying power it stimulates is enough to wipe out the sins of the life of a city!

Under the special care of the Light Eclipse Saint, those small wind elements that destroyed the body of the White Snake Sword Master were offset by the light elements arranged in the same mysterious way!

The profound meaning of the rules cancels the profound meaning of the rules!

At the same time, on a subtle level, the light elements arranged and combined in this way also roared towards Ouyang Guanhe.

"Good come!"

Ouyang Guanhe laughed and punched again.

It seems that the breeze is blowing on the face, but if a third-order alien beast is involved in this gentle fist wind, it will be instantly turned into a powder!

The breeze and the skirt cancel each other out in the air. The profound meaning of the law of entanglement drives the free dark energy to tremble at the same time, and an invisible wave spreads. Among the low-level warriors and beasts watching the battle, some of them are in high altitude. Landing without the slightest resistance.

Those companions looked over and saw that these unlucky **** had already lost their vitality!

The White Snake Sword Master took a small life. He knew that the Light Eclipse Saint saved him, and immediately clasped his fists and said, "Brother Light Eclipse, let's write off the grievances just now, and I White Snake owe you a favor!"

Light Eclipse Saint nodded slightly, the favor of a fourth-order powerhouse was not worth his effort.

Sword Master White Snake yelled at the Stone of Sages: "Well, you are a broken stone, you dare to plot against Lao Tzu, and when I get you, I will definitely throw you into the cesspool to soak for seven days and seven nights, so as to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

He was stabbed with blood and flesh on his waist, and wanted to spray Ouyang Guanhe a few more words, but a dark shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

The blue light blade burns the eyes!

Looking at the constantly beating and changing lifeline on the Sword Master White Snake, Commander Deep Lan cut him with a deadly knife!

As a fourth-order powerhouse, he transformed the first blade according to his own understanding.

But the first blade is a skill bestowed by the mother plant after all. In fact, it has been very perfect, and it also coincides with the rules under the dark blue, so this move still retains the basic characteristics of the first blade.

However, the first blade of the dark blue commander is brighter, the blue ground is purer, and at the same time, it can also cause huge damage to the entity!

This knife did not seem to hit the White Snake Sword Master.

But after the sword's momentum disappeared, the White Snake Sword Master was stunned!

The words he wanted to scold just came to his mouth


Hundreds of wounds burst open on the Sword Master White Snake!

Knowing that his vitality was exhausted, he opened and closed his mouth a few times in the direction of Yang Xi!

Pong! ! !

The Sword Master of the White Snake exploded into a puddle of minced meat!

Yang Xi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, because Yang Xi used his lips to read some of the common Osed words "Run!"

Although he knew that the words of the White Snake Sword Master were addressed to the Du Lan who had been slaughtered by him long ago, Yang Xi was still a little embarrassed. He did not expect that the White Snake Sword Master could be considered a qualified elder.

"Forget it, you and I have become uncles and nephews for a long time. In the future, I will definitely kill Commander Deep Blue and avenge you!"

The three major and fourth-order powerhouses all used their own proud moves, and the alchemy matrix that sealed the sage's stone finally showed a flaw under the shock of this level of law!

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Sharp and crazy laughter erupted, and the Sage's Stone emitted a burst of pink light, exhausting the power it had accumulated for a long time, and began to break out!

At the moment when the seal was loosened, Yang Xi suddenly sensed that in the cube of his virtual world, the Codex left by Damon also lit up!

"This is"

Yang Xi had a guess in his heart, and taking advantage of everyone's attention, he was attracted by the sage's stone escape, and quickly separated his own pig clone!

Although the whole body is wrapped in black robes, and the metal Hai pig mask is still on his face, he can still perceive an inexplicable affinity from the Hai pig.

In the light of the sky, three fourth-order sages are chasing the stone of the sage.

A warm voice sounded in the air: "Hehe, this sage's stone, our ruling organization accepts it."

327 We want to resurrect Chenlong!

The moment when the Sage's Stone escaped.

The remnants of the seal matrix dragged it so that it could only rapidly rise in the pink beam of light.

As the sealed alchemy matrix continues to be broken free, the speed of the Sage's Stone is getting faster and faster!

The three fourth-order powerhouses also showed their magical powers and followed it.

Ouyang Guanhe, who had understood the mystery of speed, took the lead and was the one closest to the Sage's Stone. What he didn't expect was that the speed of the Light Eclipse Saint was not weak, but only one position behind him.

Only the speed of the deep blue commander, which is one step behind them, hangs far below.

"If this goes on, the Sage's Stone is destined to miss me!" Commander Shen Lan gritted his teeth. Since the speed cannot be compared, let others slow down!

The first blue blade bloomed, and the red eyes of the dark blue commander gave off a breathtaking red glow. In a matter of seconds, he seized the opportunity and slashed towards Ouyang Guanhe without hesitation!

Ouyang Guanhe, who was flying fast in front of him, had a big alarm bell, and he secretly said that it was not good!

The dark blue blade struck, and he who had seen this move did not dare to neglect it at all.

Although this light blade did not appear, the threat it brought him was heavier than touching his forehead!

Without hesitation, he used his strong legs and kicked the blue light blade fiercely.

The speed of this leg is too fast!

Compared with the gentle and elegant Qingfengquan before, it is completely two extremes!

With a bang, the surrounding air was extremely compressed!

This leg gave the deep blue commander the feeling that "the sky is falling"!

The originally clear line of life suddenly collapsed and ceased to exist the moment Ouyang Guanhe used his strong legs.

The deep blue commander had to give up this attack and fully open the black shield to defend.

Lie Gang's legs slammed on the black shield, and Gang Feng instantly destroyed the black shield, wrapping the dark blue commander into a spinning top and falling toward the ground.

Although he had the upper hand in the fight, Ouyang Guanhe was not happy at all, because at this moment of delay, the Light Eclipse Saint had already taken the opportunity to surpass him.

"You two, I'm sorry, I laughed at this sage's stone!"

The Light Eclipse Saint laughed and reached out to pick up the Sage's Stone.

But at this moment, below them, there was the warm voice of the pig clone.

At the same time, there is also the Alchemy Matrix that Daemon's Alchemy Codex has turned into!

"Damn Damon, you are plotting against me again!!!"

The screams of the Sage's Stone appeared in everyone's mind. It just got out of trouble and had no resistance at all. It turned at an acute angle, streaked across the night sky at a faster speed, and accurately fell into the alchemy matrix.

This matrix turned into a golden light line, which was firmly tied, and could no longer be jumped.

The Hai Pig clone held the Sage Stone in his hand, and after feeling its slightly cold touch, he put it into the virtual world.

In this way, even if this clone is destroyed, the Sage's Stone will not be taken away.

brush brush

The figures of the three fourth-order powerhouses surrounded the Haizhu clone from three directions.

The Light Eclipse Sage's face turned ashen and said, "Who are you? If you are wise, hand over the Sage's Stone obediently!"

Commander Shen Lan knew the zodiac of the adjudication organization, looked at the pig clone for a few seconds, and frowned: "Are you the zodiac of the adjudication organization?"

Ouyang Guanhe's face was much more relaxed than the other two. He had also lost the first chance. At this moment, it was a good thing that the stone of the sage fell into the hands of the same human beings.

Lord Fengshen coughed and said with a smile: "You should be a pig, but you haven't seen your face in the four seas. I will judge the organization with you, but it is a cooperative relationship. If you agree to share this sage's stone with me, I will help you. How are you getting out of trouble?"

If it is Yang Xi's deity who is surrounded now, maybe he will consider Ouyang Guanhe's suggestion.

But now it's just a clone. After being killed, Yang Xi won't lose the slightest, so Ouyang Guanhe's idea of ​​​​wanting to get a piece of the pie is probably going to waste.

The so-called bare-legged people are not afraid of wearing shoes. Surrounded by these three Tier 4s, the Hai Pig clone only has Tier 3 virtual world cube abilities, but it does not have the nervousness of other Tier 3 powerhouses when they encounter Tier 4 bosses.

He said in an unhurried tone: "Three, treasures, of course, those who are destined to obtain them. Since this stone of sages has fallen into the hands of our adjudication organization, where is there any reason to spit it out?"

"It's you, will you do it?"

At the same time, Hai Zhu's clone also glanced at Ouyang Guanhe, "Naturally, it is unlikely that Lord Fengshen wants to share some profits, because this sage's stone is of great use to our organization."

Ouyang Guanhe was not annoyed, but asked curiously, "What is the use of this sage's stone by your adjudication organization?"

The pig clone threw out an excuse that had been prepared for a long time, "Lord Fengshen should know about Chenlong's affairs, right?"

Ouyang Guanhe hadn't spoken yet, but Commander Shen Lan spoke up, "Didn't this Chen Long die in Lugang City?"

The dark blue alien that Li Canyang became, its destructive power, the dark blue commander has also heard the story of the man who escaped.

It was a pity for him at the time, that guy was very suitable for the transformation of their dark blue clan, but it was a pity that he suddenly changed into a dark blue alien by accident.

Ouyang Guanhe also said: "Yes, this kid, I remember that in order to save the inland Lugang City, he chose to die with the deep blue alien."

"Speaking of which, isn't this kid an experiment that you pushed out to demonstrate against our big forces? Why did you suddenly mention him?"

The pig clone continued to fudge according to the script, "No, no, Chen Long has never been an experiment."

"He is the most enchanting genius in our adjudication organization, and the leader even regards him as his successor. What we didn't expect is that sending him to Lukang City to perform a particularly simple task actually made us lose. he."

Hearing this, Ouyang Guanhe couldn't help but doubt: "Is this true?"

The pig clone nodded: "Although the potion of supernatural powers can make people have supernatural powers, so far, only Chenlong can concentrate four superpowers on one person at the same time!"

This is also a new setting added by Yang Xi in order to make the routine of power medicine more convincing after he understands more about the essence of power.

Ability needs to etch the soul circuit in the body. With Ouyang Xuan's natural resources, if he wants to cultivate his ability through meditation, he has already struggled. It is conceivable that he wants to cultivate the second type of ability through normal methods. How difficult it is.

Not to mention the third and fourth.

After this setting appeared, Tiangang members would get Suzaku's risk warning when they exchanged the ability potion after possessing two abilities, so that they could do what they could.

Yang Xi is also ready. If he really does not believe in evil, he will randomly let a few disobedient tool people explode and die, so as to create the fact that it is very risky to obtain the third power.

Ouyang Guanhe said: "According to you, you have been eyeing this sage's stone for a long time? Is this the purpose?"

The Light Eclipse Saint looked at the Hai Pig clone angrily: "Your purpose, I'm afraid, is the same as me, but also to resurrect someone!"

328 The Powers of Self-doubt

Haizhu's clone pretended to be revealing the secret, and glanced at the Light Eclipse Saint with some "shocked", "This bald brother is right, we are looking for the Sage's Stone to resurrect Chenlong. "

Although the real purpose of this sage's stone on Yang Xi's side is to first turn his sister into a pure human being, and secondly to make him a breakthrough in strength.

But neither of these uses is visible.

Yang Xi wants to maintain the powerful and mysterious character of the adjudication organization in front of the world. Based on the information he has learned so far, it is embarrassing that the adjudication does not have a fourth-order rank.

Today, Haizhu clone took the Sage's Stone under the eyes of Ouyang Guanhe. Presumably after returning, the higher-level human beings will be curious as to what the ruling organization did with the Sage's Stone, and whether it would cause damage or something. .

Using Easter Dragon as an excuse is a plan that kills two birds with one stone.

On the one hand, it satisfies the curiosity of the outside world, and on the other hand, it can also smoothly let Xiao Chenlong, who has been finished, return.

To be honest, although Yang Xi planned to create a Chenlong clone with a different character before, but for some reason, he always felt that the peerless genius in this setting had to be Xiao Chenlong with a bit of a naughty personality in his arrogance.

This time, it is used to fool the high-level human beings, and it can be regarded as a smooth sailing.

Even, in order to better create the verdict, Yang Xi is considering whether to hold a live resurrection ceremony in front of all the people of the four seas. Anyway, Yang Xi has so many abilities, and it is still possible to simulate a scene of Chenlong resurrection. .

When Ouyang Guanhe heard this, he was a little stunned, "Just this broken stone, can you really be resurrected from the dead?"

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