The pig clone smiled faintly, pointed at the light eclipse saint and said: "Master Fengshen doesn't believe it, just ask this handsome bald guy from another world."

Commander Deep Blue interrupted again, "The stone of the sage is infinitely useful. It is a miracle stone of a plane, and it can naturally revive a life."

The eyes of the Light Eclipse Saint looking at the Hai Pig clone became more and more impatient, "Stop talking nonsense, if you still want to live, then obediently hand over the sages, or don't say resurrection of Lao Shi Zi Chen Long, even your one called The adjudication organization, I will also uproot it."

The pig clone is not annoyed, "Haha, you have a big tone."

"If it's our deep blue family, what about helping the fourth-tier Alfonso family? Haizhu, don't forget, the grievances between the adjudication organization and our deep blue family."

The dark blue commander's eyes are faint, and he already has the intention to kill. It is not worthwhile to be able to kill a zodiac.

Ouyang Guanhe and Hai Zhu's clones stood together faintly, "This sage's stone is originally our human beings. Before, I gave you the opportunity to grab it according to your ability. Now the treasure has been obtained by Brother Hai Zhu. What happened to the two of you? I want to grab it!"

The reason why humans have been able to resist the colonial invasion of the Ossed plane for so long is that they are extremely united when they are external.

Although Ouyang Guanhe is also very interested in the Sage's Stone at this moment, he still chooses to stand on the side of the Hai Pig clone.

This made Yang Xi a little moved.

Ahem, it seems that there is no white teaching Ouyang Xuan's magic hunting meditation.

The killing intent of the Light Eclipse Saint became stronger, "You want to stop me?"

Although he could not see through the strength of the Hai Pig clone, the Light Eclipse Saint did not perceive the fluctuation of the profound meaning of the law from him.

Then there are two possibilities left. One is that this masked man named Hai Pig has far surpassed him in the understanding of the profound meaning of the law, so he has no way to perceive his strength.

But if this pig really had such strength, I am afraid that they would have killed them long ago. How could they have had such a long time to wrestle?

Therefore, there is a high possibility that this guy has not reached the fourth rank.

A guy who has not even reached the fourth rank, in the eyes of the Light Eclipse Saint, does not have the qualifications for the Sage's Stone.

Commander Deep Lan also grinned, intending to take advantage of the fisherman.

Although Ouyang Guanhe felt that there should be a fourth-order powerhouse in the adjudication organization, but he also felt that it would not be this Haizhu, so he took a step forward and blocked the fourth-order power of the Light Eclipse Saint for Haizhu.

Facing the coercion of the fourth-order powerhouse, although the Haizhu clone was a little difficult, it was fortunate that he was wearing a mask and wrapped in black robes, and outsiders would not be able to see the abnormality for a while.

Shi Shiran, the pig clone, said: "I understand the kindness of Lord Fengshen, but I can't do anything to me with only two fourth-orders."

A mere two fourth-order?

Ouyang Guanhe is like the white pig. The tone of this zodiac decision is too big!

Tier 4, but the strongest level known to human beings at present!

And he is also a fourth-order, this is not to despise him together.

"Since Brother Haizhu has the bottom line in his heart, it seems that I'm superfluous." Ouyang Guanhe stepped aside, "You two, please feel free."

The fearless Yang Xi, the pig clone, really frightened the Light Eclipse Saint and the Deep Blue Commander.

Could it be that this Hai Pig is really a master at hiding his strength. The reason why he didn't make a move is because of his personality, like to talk, and like to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

The pig clone sighed secretly: "You two, if you don't do it again, I'll take a step first."

He started activating space anchors.

The Light Eclipse Saint sensed the fluctuations in space, and no longer hesitated at the moment, and shot out a light that contained the profound meaning of purification.

This ray of light hit the body of Hai Zhu's clone without the slightest obstruction, purifying half of his body.

But the pig clone successfully launched the teleportation.

Before leaving, while the clone had not dissipated, the pig clone said as if nothing had happened: "The profound meaning you understand is quite good, but unfortunately, it can't cause any substantial damage to me, the opportunity is given to you, since you stay If you don’t let me down, then we will have a period later.”

"We adjudicate the organization, waiting for your presence."

Leaving the last scene, the remnant of Hai Pig's clone disappeared in place.

Ouyang Guanhe wondered, "Is this guy dead?"

The Light Eclipse Saint's confidence was shaken, and he clearly hit the opponent and purified half of his body. Why didn't this guy even change his face?

He said bitterly: "Is it really like what he said, I can't even cause substantial damage to him? That's why he doesn't bother to shoot me?"

"There is such a terrifying existence in this little blue star plane!"

Commander Deep Lan was also a little suspicious: "Are all the zodiacs so powerful? Or is it just this pig?"

On Scarlet Frost Island, Yang Xi, disguised as Duran, watched the three fourth-order bigwigs fall into a strange silence with a bit of laughter.

On the other side, the Haizhu clone had just returned to the commander's mansion in the direction of Yang Xi 05. The powerful purification force completely defeated the clone, and the super virtual cube ability also returned to Yang Xi's body through a special dimension. middle.

Perceiving the Sage's Stone in the Void Realm Cube, Yang Xi breathed a sigh of relief. After so many experiences and the death of so many strong men, this Sage's Stone finally fell into his hands.

Moreover, it is still taking food from the mouths of the three fourth-order powerhouses!

The next step is to make good use of this sage's stone.

329 Abilities of the Sage's Stone

"Haha, as expected of a ruling organization."

Now that the Sage's Stone has fallen into the hands of the Judgment Organization, Ouyang Guan Helan will stay here again.

The military power on Scarlet Frost Island accounts for about one-third of the defense line of the outsiders in the Free Alliance waters. After this incident, the human side will not take the opportunity to recover a wave of lost ground, which is somewhat unreasonable.

Therefore, compared to this sage's stone, Ouyang Guanhe is more anxious to organize an army, and give a ruthless attack to the aliens who have no military strength!

"Then two of you, goodbye."

After Ouyang Guanhe said goodbye to the two fourth-order powerhouses, he rose into the sky.

The Light Eclipse Saint and the Deep Blue Commander did not pursue them.

Just kidding, unless it is a rookie like the White Snake Sword Master who has just broken through, can any veteran fourth-order powerhouse have no trump cards?

What's more, the sage's stone has been snatched away, and they have no reason to take action.

After all, the Light Eclipse Saint has been rolling and crawling on the Ossed plane for many years. After coming to the Azure Star plane, he has also experienced a lot, and his will is not comparable to that of ordinary power users.

The reason why he had doubts about himself just now was that in addition to being shown off by Yang Xi's pig clone, the loss of the Sage's Stone also had a major impact on his emotions.

"Is it being fooled, or whether the so-called Haizhu is really that strong, I won't know if I go to the Judgment Organization!"

The Sage's Stone is a treasure to resurrect his daughter, and even if there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up.

Commander Deep Blue looked at the eclipse saint and grinned: "Do you want to go to the four seas and find trouble with the ruling? If so, I can provide some small help."

The Light Eclipse Saint glanced at the dark blue commander and snorted, "Sorry, I think you dark blue bugs are even more unhappy than the ruling!"

A white light shone through the surroundings, and Yang Xi couldn't help squinting her eyes.

When the surroundings fell back into darkness, the dazzling figure of the Light Eclipse Saint had disappeared from the sky.

The dark blue commander was in a defensive stance. Before leaving, the eclipse saint still gave him a little bit of white smoke on his right arm guard.

Commander Deep Lan shook his head with a wry smile, and looked at Du Lan who was disguised by Yang Xi.

At this sight, Yang Xi had the illusion that he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and the hairs all over his body exploded!

Could it be that this guy saw through me?

Fortunately, the deep blue commander just said lightly: "Boy, pick up the bones of your elders. As a fourth-order powerhouse, although he is weak, he also needs a decent finish."

The deep blue commander looked up at the sky and muttered: "There are countless planes who can understand the profound meaning of the law and eventually become a fourth-order life. After all, they are all rare existences."

Then a blue light shot into the sky.

Yang Xi walked to the body of the White Snake Sword Master and saw that there was no one around, so he put it away with the virtual world cube.

The low-level power warriors who were watching the battle from the outside world had already run away.

But to be on the safe side, Yang Xi still found a sheltered cave, sensed the space anchor, and returned to the commander's mansion at the 05 line of defense.

"Huh? The power of the Cangmu Yanlong bloodline ability beads is weakening?"

Yang Xi stayed in the room for a few minutes, and found that pink light began to escape from his body, and the power that had just been increased by the Sage's Stone gradually disappeared.

Yang Xi felt that the power beads were slowly returning to the dark energy unit at the bottom of the valley, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "The old thing of the sage's stone is really fooling us."

"However, since so many powerhouses died just now, the escaping energy should have been absorbed by the Sage's Stone. Where did it go?"

With curiosity, Yang Xi took the Sage's Stone out of the virtual space.

"Hey, old man, don't pretend to be dead, and answer my question quickly."

Yang Xi informed the Stone of the Sage of the question just now, but he didn't know that the stone was silent.

Hehe, play dead with me?

Yang Xi input mental power, and the alchemy matrix bound on the surface of the Sage's Stone shrank for a while.

"Hey, don't, don't, don't, I admit it, Yang boy, hurry up and let me loose, and strangle your stone ancestors!"

Yang Xi ignored him and continued to input mental power, "What are you?"

"Xingxingxing, people are knives, I am fish, I admit it! You are my ancestor!"

Forced by Yang Xi's lewd power, the Stone of the Sage obediently answered Yang Xi's doubts.

"Most of those abilities were used by me to repair your body and get out of trouble, and a few were transformed into the power of the source by me."

Yang Xi asked, "What is the power of the source?"

Sage's Stone proudly said: "I can't tell you for a while, this is not something you humans can cultivate."

Yang Xi snorted coldly and inspired the Alchemy Matrix again.

After the Sage's Stone screamed for a while, he obediently explained it to Yang Xi.

It turns out that the reason why the Stone of the Sage is called a miracle stone of a plane is that it can absorb all kinds of energy and convert it into the power of the source.

The magic of this source of power, even he himself is not clear, to put it simply, can achieve to a certain extent "what you want to achieve".

"Back then, that kid Damon spent one-third of my source power and gained the heaven-defying magic talent."

The voice of the sage's stone continued in Yang Xi's mind: "Boy Yang, since I fell into your hands, it is considered that we are destined. In this way, I will be generous and give you one-third of the power of the source. To fulfill your wish, how about you let me go?"

The Sage's Stone also knows that it is unrealistic for him to get out of trouble without cutting some meat.

Yang Xi slowly scrutinized the concept of "what you want to achieve" to a certain extent.

"Try it first!"

"Stone, let me make a small wish first."

The Sage's Stone was delighted, "You said, no matter if you want to enhance your magical talent or your understanding, I can help you."

Hehe, just use the power of the source to fool this boy Yang, the ancestors don't say, who knows how much energy I used!

Yang Xi said: "I want to become the strongest in countless planes."

The Sage's Stone was speechless, "I am a small stone in a plane, do you think this wish can be fulfilled?"

Yang Xi looked at the Sage's Stone with contempt, and just pretended to be Aladdin's magic lamp?

"Then it will be changed so that the colonists of the plane of Osed will never step into the plane of the blue star."

Sage's Stone: ""

After testing many exaggerated wishes, Yang Xi probably knew the range of abilities of this Sage Stone.

"Okay, I was teasing you before. Next, you have to work hard for me. If something goes wrong, I will grind you into powder to make tea!"

After Yang Xi threatened, she brought her sister to the room.

"Let my sister turn back into a normal human!"

The wish came into effect, and a pink light suddenly appeared on the Sage's Stone, covering Yang Feifei's body!

330 The Profound Principles of Yang Xi’s Comprehension

"elder brother!"

Yang Feifei, who was shrouded in pink light, was a little nervous, and she cried out involuntarily.

Yang Xi smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, you will be able to completely change back to an ordinary human soon!"

Yang Feifei blushed and turned his head, "Can you hold me!"

She was still a little scared, and made this request hesitantly.

After coming to the four seas with her brother, she has been disguising as Hanyue, so she doesn't have many opportunities to act like a spoiled child.

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