What is the experience of simulating a fairy?

Chapter 276 Create a perfect existence


The Sun Sword slashed at the vine tentacles, and a huge shock force spread through Shen Lue's wrist:

"So hard!"

However, it can still be cut!

The vines felt the scent of sunlight and quickly avoided it.

The Nichirin Sword still slashed with an indomitable momentum, but the surface of the vine secreted an oily liquid and nimbly avoided the attack.

It waved its body again and drew towards the crystal.

"Where to run."

Transparent world, open!

In Shen Lue's sight, the vine's movement speed immediately became extremely slow.

He turned around and landed another successful hit.

Then he turned his arms and rolled it on the Nichirin knife like rolling noodles with chopsticks.


The vines struggled violently.

But Shen Lue used complicated sword skills to make it tie a knot on the sword.



The vine felt the burning pain of the flame energy condensed by the Sun Breathing Technique. Coupled with the light from the light emitter, the tip trembled violently and the crystals fell to the ground.


At this time, Zenitsu rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth, and collapsed on the ground just like when he encountered ghosts before.

This is definitely not expected.

Huicong quickly ran over, put the crystal in his pocket, and protected it tightly.

Sensing that the crystal had been robbed, Vine became frantic.

Many spikes protruded rapidly from its body surface, and the spikes grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if super-powerful catalytic fertilizer had been applied.


There is a faint green poisonous mist at the tip of the stinger.

It wanted to use its poisonous sting to force Shen Lue to stay away.


"Is it poisonous?"

In the transparent world state, he can see the enemy's muscle blood flow, and at the same time he can see his own, and freely control the blood flow and organ activity.

The virus is usually spread through blood.

So now he can achieve complete poison immunity.

Shen took a deep breath, filtering more oxygen through his alveoli, converting it into energy and integrating it into the Sun Lun Knife.

"The breath of the sun, the shape of the second change, the sun's rays, the blue sky!"


The sea of ​​fire and the silver sun rose at the same time.

"Wall Dance Neon!"

In a flash of fire, the vines had been completely cut to pieces.

"Ah ho ho~~"

The broken vines on the ground let out a painful death, and the body quickly shriveled up and became nothing more than charred dust on the ground.


"Donor Jingze, your swordsmanship is too dazzling, isn't it?

"So strong."

Monk Huicong was so dizzy by the light effect that he couldn't help but applaud.

Shen Lue looked into the darkness.

The ghost lurking in the dark seems to have given up on this tentacle and this crystal, and has not launched another attack.


After the battle, Zenitsu suddenly woke up:

"Ghost, the ghost is here again!"

He wanted to draw out the Nichirin Sword and fight, but found that the surroundings were quiet, with only blackened and shriveled tentacles on the ground.

Huicong curled his lips:

"Benefactor Shanyi, the ghost has left again."

He spread his hand and showed the white crystal:

“Finally I grabbed one from it.

"The young monk only knows that after the eminent monk passes away, he will leave his relics.

"I don't know what this thing is used for."

Shen Lue took the white crystal, brought it to his nose and smelled:

“It has no smell and should not be toxic.

"The difference between these ghosts and normal ghosts is that they often take wisteria flowers. Ordinary ghosts avoid wisteria flowers when they see them, but they are forced to take them.

"Maybe the crystals are related to wisteria flowers?"

The three of them turned around.

They were now on the edge of the foothills of the vine-covered mountain, so there was a wisteria forest behind them.

"I'll try it!"

Zenitsu took the crystal and walked quickly into the flower forest.

"How do I test it? Just lift it up?"

He held the crystal and raised it high, but after waiting for a long time, there was no response:

"Well, it seems like nothing."

Just when Zenitsu retracted his hand, the white crystal accidentally touched a wisteria flower on the tree nearby, and then, a scene that surprised the three of them appeared.


The crystals emitted white eyes, and the bunch of wisteria flowers that were touched quickly withered.

Obviously, this strange crystal has a significant restraining effect on the wisteria flowers.

Zenitsu widened his eyes in surprise:

"How could this happen?"

Shen Lue walked over and looked at the completely withered branches, and said thoughtfully:

"It seems that this crystal is a special antibody formed in the body after these ghosts eat wisteria flowers all year round."


Shanyi and the young monk Huicong looked at each other and shrugged.

In the Taisho era, when modern science had not yet been widely popularized, the general public had almost zero understanding of chemistry and biology.

Shen Lue's explanation of simplifying the complex:

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand.

"It means that the ghost hidden in Tengxi Mountain can only collect enough of these crystals and then digest and absorb them in the body.

"It's likely to be

"The world's first ghost immune to wisteria flower poison."

Zenitsu's face suddenly turned pale, and he repeated word by word:

"Immune, immune to wisteria flower poison?"

Holy shit.

This is a disaster!

Due to the immortal nature of ghosts, the actions of ghost hunters are extremely difficult.

The cunning ghosts only move at night, so killing them using sunlight is usually not practical.

Thus the Nichirin Sword was born.

The reason why the Nichirin Sword can kill ghosts by beheading is because the blade is made of "gorilla crimson sand iron" and "gorilla crimson ore", and they can absorb sunlight.

Essentially, use sunlight.

But the sunlight absorbed is limited after all.

As a result, some extremely powerful ghosts broke through the boundaries, and even if they were beheaded by the Nichirin Sword, they could still be easily resurrected.

There have been three such ghosts in history:

Ghost Dance Tsuji Mukai.

There are also one of the original top strings, Black Death Eye, and one of the original top strings, the Three Yi Nests.

However, the two at the back were already GG in the last decisive battle, and only Ghost King Wumei remained strong.

In order to deal with this kind of ghost who is not afraid of the Nichirin Sword, the Demon Slayer Team came up with an item:

It's wisteria flower poison.

At that time, the top leaders of the Demon Slayer Corps used thousands of concentrated wisteria flower poisons as the core to create various deadly drugs that made the ghosts frightened.

Some of the poisons even made Wu miserable miserable after being hit by them.

Shanyi grabbed his long orange hair and shouted without tears:



“A ghost immune to wisteria flower poison!

"Then if Wu Kuan eats this ghost, won't he also be immune to the flower poison?

"That guy has almost no weaknesses. In the night battle back then, only the special poison made of flower venom could effectively suppress him. Now...

"It's over, it's over, it's over!"

Hearing this, Shen Lue's eyes lit up:

Maybe this is Wu Mei's plan?

Cultivate various ghosts, such as Teng Xishan, which is immune to flower poison. As long as Wu Mei eats it, he can also gain immunity to flower poison.

Of course, it’s definitely more than that!

So Shen Lue patted Shan Yi on the shoulder:


"The ghost hidden in Fujisei Mountain might be a younger brother. In other places in Japan, Muzan must be cultivating more terrifying ghosts."

Zenitsu's expression was almost petrified:

"Compared to, for example?"

Shen Lue groped his chin:

"For example. Ghosts that are immune to sunlight."

After finishing speaking, Shen Lue himself became enlightened.

It turns out there is no misfortune

I want to build myself into a truly immortal and flawless existence!

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