What is the experience of simulating a fairy?

Chapter 277: Insufficient performance, dismissed

Shen looked at his wrist subconsciously:

"If it's as I guessed, the role this little light-emitting device can play is probably very limited."

Emitting sunlight in the dark night will indeed fundamentally affect the survival of ghosts.

But Wuxian will definitely think of countermeasures.

It is true that the Tao is one foot higher and the devil is one foot higher.

My grandson Zenitsu held his cheek with both hands:

"Don't scare me!

"If it's true, how should the Demon Slayers deal with it?"

Shen thought for a while:

Immune to sunlight, immune to the Nichirin Sword, immune to wisteria flower poison, able to regenerate infinitely, never ages, and whose strength alone can crush all swordsmen.

“There seems to be no solution.


"We can nip the plan in the cradle before Wuhan can cultivate such ghosts and eat them to obtain the corresponding abilities."

The young Huicong monk touched his head:

"So we have to take the initiative to deal with the ghosts hiding in Tengxi Mountain who are immune to wisteria flower poison?"

Shen slightly nodded:

"That's right."



As soon as they finished speaking, the three of them heard a loud sonic boom in the distance.

I saw two rattan tentacles coming quickly from the darkness. The speed of the rattan this time was much faster than the previous times. Even in the transparent world, it was not easy to capture their whereabouts.


The little Huicong monk did not avoid it and was slapped on the cheek.

The left side of his face suddenly swelled up, and the burning pain made him grin:

“Who is that ghost?

"So unethical.

"As the saying goes, you don't slap someone in the face, and you don't look at the monk's face to look at the Buddha's face. Doesn't the donor understand this?"


After Teng Tiao received the verbal stimulation, he pulled over again.

But this time Hui Cong was fully prepared. He pulled out the emerald green sun blade: "Wind Breathing Technique, Land Type, Black Wind Yanlan!"

He slashed out a black wind blade.

When the vine hits the wind blade, it's like encountering a mirror with zero friction.


The cane whip was instantly deflected.

This is the effect of Black Wind Yanlan, which can use skill to deviate a local single-target attack from its original trajectory.

Huicong took out a string of Buddhist beads from his arms and put them on his wrist:

"That's it.

"Don't blame the little monk for saving the benefactor!"

Hey hey~

A woman's light laughter came from the depths of the darkness.

In an instant, more and more vines came from all directions.

Shen Lue quickly prepared for battle, but the countless vines just made a false shot, then quickly retracted and gathered a hundred meters away from them.

Soon, a large number of vines formed a five-meter-high cocoon.

"Let me see, which one of you wants to save this girl?"

The giant cocoon slowly opened.

A woman's body with snow-white skin poked out from inside. Only the upper body was exposed, and you could see that her figure was slender, tall, and plump.

Zenitsu's eyes were twinkling with little stars:

"Yeah, it's quite beautiful."

But he soon regretted his compliment.


The woman pursed her lips and smiled, and the huge vine cocoon spread completely. Only then did Shen Lue and others see clearly:

She has no legs!

The female ghost's waist is tightly bonded with those rattans, and there are even plant branches hanging down to the ground from her back. She is a true vegetative person.

She twisted her waist, and the vines under her body rustled:

"This friend.

"Do you still think this girl is beautiful?"

Shan Yi's face turned pale with fright, he moved with difficulty, and hid behind Shen Lue and Hui Cong, trembling:


"Beautiful ass!"


The woman clearly disapproved of Zenitsu's change of words. She looked at her dark green nails and said, "Men who go back on their word are not good things.

“However, this girl is used to it.

"Of course I'm not looking for you to talk about love today, you guys."


The vines suddenly stood up, lifting the woman's body to more than 5 meters, looking down at them:

"My name is Teng Yaozi."

Then she raised her hand and brushed away the bangs blocking her right eye.

On the pupils, two words are engraved:

Next six.

Just two simple words made Shen Lue immediately alert, and every muscle in his body tensed instantly.


The Fujiyaoko in front of me is really the Sixth Sixth of the Twelve Ghost Moons!

Although the sixth number in the last quarter ranks last in the twelve ghost months.

But Yusui Tianyuan had clearly warned that the newly created Xiaxian ghosts of Wuhan would definitely be as strong as Zhu, and might even be stronger!

Seeing the expressions of the three people, Teng Yaozi smiled proudly:

“I love seeing you ants look so shocked.

"You are honored to meet me as the Twelve Ghost Moon. Your ghost hunter career is complete. I think you should thank me."

Zenitsu suddenly plucked up the courage and said:

"You, you are not Twelve Ghost Moon."

He pointed at Teng Yaozi’s pupils:

"The two words on your eyeballs were indeed carved by Wuhan himself, but there is also a very light cross on top of the two words.

"That symbol.

"It means you are the Sixth Xixian who has been removed from the list!"

It was quiet.

For a long time, Teng Yaozi looked at Zenitsu with burning eyes:

"You are really smart~

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute~

"Okay, then let me ask you again, even if this girl is temporarily removed from the Twelve Ghost Moon, are you confident that you can beat me?"



Zenitsu was stared at fiercely by Fujiyaozi, and his breathing became more and more rapid due to nervousness.


He finally rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth, and fell straight to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Teng Yaozi suddenly burst out, a vine sharper than a sharp knife pierced Zenitsu's neck, and kept roaring:

"Let you talk more!

"If you dare to reveal my shortcomings, you will never be spared!"

Shen Lue picked up Shanyi and threw it to Monk Huicong:

"He left it to you."

Then Shen Lue stood up and easily cut off the sharp-edged vines with the Sun Lun Dao:

"He just told the truth.

"See how anxious you are."

Teng Yaozi withdrew the cane, brought it to his mouth and blew in. The cane tentacles' flesh and blood surged, and they quickly returned to their original state.

She pursed her lips and smiled at Shen Lue:

“Hey yo yo~

"So you are the strongest among them?"

Shen Lue raised the red sun blade:

"Wuhan sent you here to develop resistance to wisteria flower poison, right?"

Teng Yaozi frowned:

"It seems that you already know the master's plan.

"That's right."

She readily admitted that it was because in her opinion, these reserve players participating in the finals of Tengxi Mountain were all rookies who could be easily crushed to death and did not require special attention.

“I didn’t eat enough humans back then, so I couldn’t maintain my strength.

“Finally removed from the list by adults.

“So I came to this place, hoping to be the first ghost to gain resistance to the wisteria flower, so that I can join the Twelve Ghost Moons again.

"Become your most powerful assistant!"

When Shen Lue heard this, he felt something was wrong.

He blinked:


"You have gained resistance to flower poison, shouldn't Wuhan eat you directly and transfer the resistance to himself? Only in this way can the benefits be maximized.

"Why do I want you to return to the Twelve Ghost Moons?"


Teng Yaozi, who was about to take action, suddenly froze:

ah? this.

This girl seems to have never thought about this issue.

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