After all the dust settled, the scene in the classroom was that He Yunxiao and Li Jin were sitting in the first row. Meng Yan, Huang Buren and other dandies sat in the second row, and so on.

In fact, there were not only a lot of dandies in Fan Ziruo's classroom, but also half of the serious students.

Like Li Jin, they all came for Fan Ziruo's level.

After all, she is the most talented woman in Yin Jing. At a young age, her level is comparable to that of a great scholar.

If it were not that women could not take the imperial examination, it would not be a big problem for Fan Ziwei to become an official and prime minister, given his weak ability. The reason why I was able to achieve the rank of prime minister is because no one can go up further by relying on hard work and talent through study.

It’s not necessarily impossible to get up.

If her father Fan Changshu was willing to work harder and become a marquis or duke, Fan Ziruo might really be able to become the queen. Her dignified, knowledgeable, and beautiful image, coupled with her quiet, generous, smart, and non-jealous character, are most suitable for commanding the harem.

In addition, the Meng family now needs Fan Changshu as a military flag the most to help them regain military power.

Therefore, the probability of Fan Ziruo becoming the queen is almost infinite, and it is basically certain.

Fan Ziruo is 19 years old and is only 11 years old. He is only eight years older. Still very appropriate.

Of course, this is all speculation based on the fact that He Yunxiao does not exist.

If Fan Ziruo says to He Yunxiao one day in the future: "I want to be the queen," then He Yunxiao's answer will definitely be: "May I ask, madam, when will it be more appropriate for me to rebel?"

It's not that far yet. Now He Yunxiao doesn't dare to be naughty at all. He is a good student under Teacher Fan who is motivated and loves to learn.

He Yunxiao regained half of the energy he used to study when he was in school, not because he didn't want to regain all of his energy, but because the other half of his energy when he was in school was thinking about how to bring his mobile phone into school without being discovered.

He Yunxiao, who was sitting in the first row, after Fan Ziruo finished speaking an article, waited carefully for Teacher Fan to tuck the scattered hair behind his ears with his delicate hands, and then raised his hand at the right time and said: "I am right. There is something puzzling about the article "Zheng Feng: Out of the East Gate" that Teacher Fan just talked about. "

"Zheng Feng: Out of the East Gate" is a poem in the Book of Songs praising the pure love between men and women.

The main idea is: I went out and saw a cloud of beauties. Although there are a cloud of beauties, I only like the simple you.

Fan Ziruo rarely encounters students who take the initiative to express their doubts.

So I am quite concerned about He Yunxiao's move.

She was sitting upright, so she put down the book she was holding, folded her two delicate hands and placed them on her lap. Turning sideways, he looked at He Yunxiao and said, "Say."

He Yunxiao said something extremely serious and unserious.

He first said: "The author of this poem said, 'Although I appreciate the beauty of women, I only like you in simple clothes.'"

Fan Zi said weakly: "Yeah."

He Yunxiao continued: "Isn't this just a scumbag?"

The unfamiliar vocabulary stunned Fan Ziruo for a moment.

"What is a 'scumbag'?"

He Yunxiao danced and explained: "'Scumbag' is a lustful person, and he likes the kind of scum who always messes with women and then abandons them!"

Fan Ziruo looked at He Yunxiao inexplicably. It seems that if this word is applied to He Yunxiao, the "chief villain of Yin Jing", it will be good.

He Yunxiao quickly proved his innocence: "Sir, don't look at me like this! I, He Yunxiao, am not a 'scumbag'. I'm just very good at appreciating the beauty of the world."

Fan Ziruo didn't want to dwell on this. She explained: "The poem "Zheng Feng: Out of the East Gate" has been judged by poet critics since ancient times as a poem that "praises loyal love."

He Yunxiao said persistently: "I just want to ask, sir, what do you think of this poem?"

Fan Ziruo frowned and said, "My opinion is consistent with the previous poetry critics."

Having said this, He Yunxiao showed a smile as if his treacherous plan had succeeded.

Previously, he made a plan to be a good student who loves learning and is diligent and motivated in front of Fan Ziruo. This is correct.

But this plan has a fatal flaw.

That is, although it can close the distance between two people at extremely fast speeds, it can also limit their identities to death.

Qi State attaches great importance to etiquette.

Deceiving one's master and destroying one's ancestors is something that is absolutely forbidden in Qi State. Once one does it, one will be despised by all the people.

Therefore, although being a student can quickly bring the two of them closer, once the identity of the student is confirmed, He Yunxiao will no longer have the opportunity to "deceive the teacher".

How can we not "deceive the teacher"?

Only those who don't "deceive the teacher" can truly "deceive the teacher".

Chu Xiaoxiao’s hatchet doesn’t care who you are. As long as any female character has a high opinion of Chu Fan, she will not be able to escape her assassination list.

Otherwise, why would the book "Girl, You Just Want to Practice" have a single female protagonist?

It's scary to think about it.

He Yunxiao must not ignore the situation and must immediately lower Fan Ziruo's favorability towards Chu Fan.

A human version: In order to get closer and increase my favorability, you can let Fan Ziruo be my teacher, but only to a small extent.

Short version: I have to teach Mr. Yuhe something in the field that I am good at.

Final version: Sister Zi Ruo, I will teach you how to fall in love!

If you want to ask what aspects of He Yunxiao can be used as Fan Ziruo's teacher, the list will come up with the one of falling in love.

After all, Fan Ziruo is a blank sheet of paper in this regard, and He Yunxiao is the printing press.

After Fan Ziruo frowned and said, "My opinion is consistent with all the previous poetry critics." After that, He Yunxiao smiled slightly.

He was full of confidence and said politely: "Excuse me, sir, since you said this is a poem praising love, then you must have experienced love?"

Fan Ziruo was stunned for a moment.

She didn't even go out often, how could she have experienced love?

"I haven't experienced it."

He Yunxiao smiled and said: "Without investigation, there is no right to speak. Since you haven't experienced love, how dare you say what love is like? You can quote the words of poetry critics, but it's best not to express your own opinions without authorization. Otherwise, someone will deliberately target you in the future, and you will end up with a lot of talk."

After listening to He Yunxiao's words, Fan Ziruo didn't rush to speak this time, but remained silent for a long time.

Li Jin poked his deskmate He Yunxiao.

"He Yunxiao, what's wrong with you? Why don't you speak?"

He Yunxiao didn't know how to explain to Li Jin.

It's better to teach the gorilla programming than to explain "love" to Li Jin. The latter is more likely to succeed.

He Yunxiao thought of the Chunfeng Tower incident and simply fooled Li Jin by saying, "Sir, she fainted while reading poetry."

Li Jin was delighted when he heard the fainting poem: Another fainting? The most talented woman in Yinjing is just like this. She is still a little inferior to me, Li Jin. I have to write this down and tell my cousin.

Li Jin hurriedly wrote it down with a pen. Halfway through, he suddenly remembered: He Yunxiao didn't read poetry either? How did she faint?

Compared to Li Jin's confusion.

The surprise in the hearts of the classmates was even stronger.

Everyone knew what level Fan Ziruo was.

He was a person who could be on equal terms with octogenarian scholars.

At a young age, he had already studied the works of various authors, and his works have been published in the direction of commenting, explaining, and expanding on the works. He was also proficient in poetry, songs, and essays on various topics. He had literary works that could be shown off in all aspects.

Now he was actually stumped by He Yunxiao's question?

Could it be that... "Daming Lake" really has something?

Then, an even more unbelievable scene appeared.

This first talented woman in Yinjing, a woman with impeccable appearance and figure, slowly stood up from behind the desk and performed a disciple ceremony to He Yunxiao.

"The saint said that there must be a teacher among three people. Mr. He's words 'no investigation, no right to speak' have benefited Ziruo a lot. Thank you, Mr. He. At this moment, you should be my teacher."

Meng Yan, the prince of Qi, half opened his mouth at this moment and couldn't say a word.

Li Jin lowered his head and didn't pay attention to the follow-up. Instead, he planned to compose a poem in the notebook. Saying that Fan Ziruo fainted in poetry and didn't have a poem, it seemed that he was lying. How could he lie to his cousin?

Yang Dong, Yang Zhe's cousin, was full of question marks.

There was only one sentence in his mind: Who am I, where am I, and what's going on?

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