[Fan Ziruo's favorability changed from 30 to 32]

[Fan Ziruo's favorability changed from 32 to 33]

This afternoon literature class is still fresh in the memory of all the students who attended this class.

Their biggest question is, why does He Yunxiao have so many questions?

Mr. Yuhe talked for a total of one hour, and half of the time was spent explaining various strange questions to He Yunxiao.

You say He Yunxiao is stupid, right? He can always ask very sharp and tricky questions.

You say he is smart, right? It feels like he can't do anything, just asking questions.

In fact, He Yunxiao himself is also difficult.

This Fan Ziruo is really worthy of [Strategy Difficulty: Difficult].

It's the same trick of asking questions. The first time I used it, I gained a full 5 points of favorability. The second time I used it, I only gave 2 points. The third time I only gave 1 point. Later, I didn't give any at all.

In terms of preventing the brushing of favorability, it can be said that the system has figured it out.

The course schedule of Lujiao Academy is generally two classes in the morning for two hours, and two classes in the afternoon for two hours.

So after Fan Ziruo finished a class, the students in the classroom had to wait for the next teacher to come to the classroom and give them another lesson.

He Yunxiao obviously would not let others teach him.

After Fan Ziruo picked up the book and walked out of the classroom, He Yunxiao also packed up his books and pens and prepared to leave.

After several times of getting along, He Yunxiao and Li Jin were already quite familiar with each other. When Li Jin saw He Yunxiao was leaving, he asked: "He Yunxiao, where are you going? Let's go to the toilet together, do you want to go?"

Li Jin's words reminded He Yunxiao of his school days. At that time, if you wanted to go to the toilet, it was not far away, but you had to call your friends and gather a large group of people to go.

The student days that are gone forever...

He Yunxiao has grown up now.

If you have to go together, you can go with girls, not boys.

He Yunxiao said, "You go by yourself. I only go with girls."

Li Jin immediately laughed at him and said, "You are such a fool. What's the point of you going with girls?"

He Yunxiao patted Li Jin's shoulder earnestly, "Brother Li, when you get married, be nice to the girl."

Li Jin was wondering what He Yunxiao meant. When he came to his senses, He Yunxiao had run away.

So he turned around and asked Meng Yan, "Meng Yan, together?"

Meng Yan: "Let's go."

The break between the two classes was as long as two quarters of an hour. Many young masters took this opportunity to go to other classrooms to meet their friends privately. Many young masters' houses were strictly controlled, and it was not easy to go out to play. The academy was a rare gathering time for brothers.

Huang Buren did not go out. He just sat in his seat and said nothing.

The younger brother next to him said, "Boss, don't we take revenge?"

Huang Bu Ren's eyes were fierce and resolute, and he said, "We must take revenge."

Younger brother: "When will we start!"

After being taught a lesson by He Yunxiao, Huang Bu Ren has evolved and is no longer the impulsive and brainless playboy he used to be.

"He Yunxiao is a martial arts master, and his family is also very powerful. We can't fight against the stone with an egg. We must endure and continue to endure."

"Boss, how long do we have to endure?"

"Humph! The He family has a large number of troops and stands on the side of the prime minister. They are the main targets of the Meng royal family. We will endure until the day when the princess takes action against He Yuanhao. When the time comes, the He family will fall and everyone will push them down. We will take advantage of the situation and directly press He Yunxiao to death!"

The younger brother's eyes lit up and he said, "Boss, great!"


He Yunxiao knew how to walk from the academy to the Fan Mansion, so he didn't follow Fan Ziruo very closely. Far behind, watching the female teacher holding the book, walking all the way back home with an almost unchanged pace.

This woman, not only is her temperament too peaceful, but she also talks and walks like this.

He Yunxiao worked hard for a whole morning and half an afternoon, but his favorability is only 33.

If it weren't for the fact that it has been increasing, He Yunxiao would even begin to doubt whether Fan Ziruo likes men.

There is a circle of small bamboo fences between Fan Mansion and Lujiao Academy. The bamboo fences are very low, obviously to prevent gentlemen but not He Yunxiao.

Fan Ziruo pushed open the small wooden door built on the fence and walked into the area of ​​Fan Mansion. This time, He Yunxiao didn't keep up.

He realized one thing, Fan Ziruo's favorability towards Sister Du is as high as 96, she doesn't really dislike men, right?

Soon, He Yunxiao gave up this idea.

When they first met, Fan Ziruo's favorability towards Chu Fan increased wildly, which scared Laozi to jump out and act like a clown.

If she didn't like men, there was no reason for her to have such a high favorability towards Chu Fan.

He Yunxiao felt that there must be some secret in this, which he had overlooked.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without defeat.

He Yunxiao used his Qinggong to sneak into Fan's house from another direction.

After being blessed with the "agility improvement" reward from Nanzhu's wife, He Yunxiao's Qinggong has become unrivaled in the world. It is estimated that only a top master like Chu Xiaoxiao can compete with him.

Ordinary ninth-grade masters are not his opponents at all.

Although it was daytime, He Yunxiao walked into Fan's house without being noticed.

Fan's house was not big. He Yunxiao walked around several rooms and found where Fan Ziruo was.

Fan's study.

It was understandable that people with Fan Ziruo's personality would either stay in the study or in the boudoir. In short, they would stay wherever it was quiet.

If you asked her to go to the street to make a fuss, it would probably be like torture, and her favorability would drop to the bottom.

He Yunxiao touched the roof of the study and gently moved the tiles away. A hole appeared in the roof, so he could see directly into the house.

Even when no one was around, Fan Ziruo was still calm and indifferent.

She was reading in the study, and He Yunxiao lay on the roof to watch her reading in the study.

She kept reading, and He Yunxiao kept reading too.

The words on the book were small, and even though He Yunxiao had good eyesight, he couldn't see what Fan Ziruo was reading, so he was really just watching Fan Ziruo reading.

I don't know how long he watched, but the originally cool tiles on the roof had been heated up into a "human" shape.

Finally... finally! Fan Ziruo started something else!

Her simple action of closing the book made He Yunxiao's heart surge.

Finally, I'm going to do something else!

Then, He Yunxiao found that she got up and brought back another book.

He Yunxiao:?

Fortunately, Fan Ziruo closed the book after reading it for a short time, and then she made a very strange but reasonable action - lying on the table and sleeping.

He Yunxiao was relieved to see this action.

He originally thought that a genius girl like Fan Ziruo did not need to rest, but unexpectedly, she was actually like others, and would get tired after reading too much.

He Yunxiao closed the tiles, quietly walked down from the roof, and then gently pushed open the door of Fan's study.

He Yunxiao was as careful as possible, for fear of waking up Fan Ziruo who had just fallen asleep.

In the end, he didn't expect that the door of Fan's study was not oiled!

Squeak~ Snap~



Fan Ziruo raised his head from the desk, his big eyes that were usually energetic were half open and half closed, and he looked sleepy.

The plan failed, and He Yunxiao could only reluctantly say: "Mr. Ziruo, I'm here for after-school tutoring."

"Who are you?"

"I'm He Yunxiao. Mr. Ziruo? Mr. Yuhe?"

Fan Ziruo's head shook.

"Who is He Yunxiao?"

He Yunxiao:?

Looking at the somewhat stupid Fan Ziruo now, He Yunxiao exclaimed, "Wow!"

Wow! This girl boots up slower than others!

The plan failed, but it didn't fail completely!

To be honest, it's normal to boot up slower than others if you install a lot of software.

He Yunxiao seized the opportunity and ran to Fan Ziruo's side in two steps.

He lowered his head and looked at Fan Ziruo's desk!

Martial arts novel!

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