What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 273 Why Are You So Weak?

The anxious Gui Sha saw Song Shi coming from a distance and said with great joy: "Old ghost in blood clothes!"

He sensed Song Shi's cultivation level and was shocked: "You have made a breakthrough, it's incredible!"

Luo Chi, who was following Gui Sha, was vomiting blood, but his eyes widened when he heard the master's words.

"Swallowing Ye Wenzhong's soul and gaining Nascent Soul enlightenment, a breakthrough is nothing."

Song Shi said modestly.

The demon-killing True Monarch stood firm, glanced at his chest burned by the flames, and looked at Song Shi coldly: "Old ghost in blood clothes, didn't you announce your separation from the Tiangui Sect at the Langya Immortal Fate Meeting?"

"I left the Tiangui Sect, but the favor has not been repaid yet. Isn't this the time to repay it?"

Song Shi said calmly: "You lead the people back, I can't beat you."

"Hahaha, what did I hear?"

"This guy asked the boss of our Demon Slayer Department to retire. Does he really think he is comparable to a Soul Formation monk?"

"Even the Soul Formation monks wouldn't dare to do this, right?"

The surrounding Demon Slayer monks laughed. This was their territory. There were tens of thousands of monks stationed there. Could it be that they were still afraid of a lone wolf.

"Shut up!"

The True Monarch glared at the laughing monk, and the scene immediately became quiet.

He looked at Song Shi: "Are you really going to go against us?"

"I'm not here to discuss with you, just to tell you the results."

Song Shi's body began to glow, the air twisted, and the scorching flames jumped, forming nine rounds of blazing suns that circled around him.

The strong pressure spread, and the face of the person who had just started to taunt turned pale. He understood why the boss wanted them to shut up. This really provoked this person to do something. Except for True Monarch, the lives of everyone else present were in danger.

"Under the emperor's favor, I cannot retreat."

Demon-killing True Monarch clenched the demon-subduing pestle, and the thunderous mana surged out with a buzzing sound. The cassock expanded in a circle, standing there like a Dharma Protector Vajra.

His voice was like thunder: "Demon-killing formation!"

Dozens of monks nearby formed seals, and after the mana poured out, they combined together. In the colorful light, various mana formed a big net and fell towards Song Shi.

"Then let's fight."

Song Shi waved his hands, and the fireballs condensed by the nine rounds separated and hit everyone like the sun falling.

The demon-killing pestle in True Monarch's hand grew larger, and suddenly Ten Thousand Tons of Thunder, shining brightly, smashed into a fireball.

With a bang, the fireball shattered and formed a circle of fire waves after the explosion, blowing up the mana net and melting it into pieces of turbulent energy on the spot.

Other fireballs hit the demon-killing formation, releasing high temperatures that destroyed everything and ignited the formation.

Everyone exclaimed and quickly backed away. Song Shi chuckled. On the same spot, endless golden light poured out from the palm of his hand, and the flames rolled and condensed into a dragon-shaped palm print.

Before True Monarch could be surprised by the explosive power of the fireball, a large dragon-shaped handprint flew towards him.

The power contained in this handprint was terrifying, like a real dragon flying in, covering him, trying to suppress everything, and there was no way to avoid it.

Demon-killing True Monarch performed the secret, lightning flashed on his body, mana surged out, stimulating the power of the demon-subduing pestle with all his strength, and stood in front of the dragon.

A deafening collision broke out, the void shook, and there was no stalemate. The thunderous power of the Demonic Pestle was suppressed on the spot by the Dragon Subduing Mahamudra.

True Monarch groaned. He felt that the opponent's attack was like an erupting volcano, with terrifying explosive power, and almost knocked his demon-suppressing pestle away.


After the other monks received the burst of Nine Yang Mana Fireball, they breathed a sigh of relief and immediately attacked.

In an instant, all kinds of Law Treasures rushed out, flying swords, silver knives, golden bells, pagodas... Law Treasure Law Weapons came in all kinds, their real energy and mana surged, and they attacked Song Shi with the most powerful means.

Song Shi took a step forward, and the spiritual light on his body formed a huge spherical barrier. His energy and blood boiled all over his body, and the golden light was dazzling, making the surrounding area suddenly brighter.

His protective aura collided with the combined attack, the deafening sound of the collision echoed continuously, and various Law Treasures were directly knocked away in a tremor.

Many low-level Law Weapons were smashed to pieces, causing their owners to suffer backlash and scream in agony.

Seeing this, True Monarch, the ghost demon who originally wanted to help, was a little dumbfounded. How could this guy's physical body be so terrifying? He even broke the Law Treasure.

Before he could finish his shock, True Monarch was approached by Song Shi.

With a bang, Song Shi was beaten on the spot until he vomited blood, his cassock was broken, and a palm print was dented on his chest. He saw that many bones were broken, and he was defeated miserably.

"To beat the demon-slayer True Monarch so quickly, I'm afraid he can run rampant in the realm of Nascent Soul!"

Gui Sha murmured, unable to calm down in his heart, this man was still as fierce as ever.

In the Langya Secret Realm, with the strength of Gold Core, he defeated the descendants of the major nations and suffered heavy losses. Now that he has advanced to Nascent Soul, he can do this, which seems even more rare.

Song Shi's body is full of divine light, his energy and blood are like a dragon, and his magic power forms a nine-wheeled sun phenomenon, which is mysterious and powerful.

Looking at True Monarch, who was clutching his chest and falling to the ground, vomiting blood and unable to get up, he frowned: "Why are you so weak?"

He was quite dissatisfied. He had just exerted his full strength, but this guy couldn't stand it. As expected, Nascent Soul was still not as good as Soul Formation.


True Monarch vomited a mouthful of blood and pointed at Song Shi: "Why are you so scary just after arriving at Nascent Soul? This is against the rules."

He was indeed beaten to the point where he had some doubts about his life. As the boss of the Demon Slayer Division, his own cultivation was also famous in Daqian. However, he was captured by Refraction in just one round. How could he meet anyone in the future?

"It's rare to see many strange things. I have no interest in killing a weakling like you. If you don't want to die, just get out of here!"

Song Shi was too lazy to take action again, firstly because it would be boring to fight, and secondly because he didn't want to kill someone who had never killed him before.

Demon Slayer True Monarch looked ugly. In all these years of slaying demons and demons, he had never encountered such a humiliating thing.

"Elder Guisha, where is Lu Youyou? I will fulfill my promise. She won't die, right?"

Song Shi looked back at Gui Sha who was in a daze.


Gui Sha was stunned for a moment and shook his head: "No, Miss, we successfully entered the Ghost Land before. We came here also because we want to join the large army. We will be safe in the Ghost Land and we will be chased outside."

A few words explained the general situation, and Song Shi basically understood it. He said: "So, when we were besieged at the beginning, the loss of personnel was too serious. The sect leader is not dead, right?"

"Severely injured."

The ghost sighed, and then his pupils shrank, staring into the distance as a group of monks came over to kill him.

He immediately showed a look of panic: "Elder in Blood Clothes, the Qianlong Army is coming. Let's leave quickly. Let's meet up with the large army in the Ghost Land first."

Song Shi glanced at it, and saw a mighty army of ten thousand people coming over. The momentum alone made the heaven and earth eclipse, the dark clouds retreated, and the Soul Formation also changed color when it saw it.

"Okay, let's go. I won't waste time with them for now."

Song Shi nodded and glanced at Wu Yun: "Follow me too."

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