What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 274 Eight Heavenly Dragons

True Monarch, who had just come over because of the Qianlong Army, was shocked: "There are actually people!"

He stared warily at where Song Shi was looking. Dark clouds were rolling in, but there was nothing there.


Next to Song Shi, two people, one black and one white, appeared out of thin air. They were so fast that few people except those present noticed them.

True Monarch originally wanted to delay the attack to create conditions for the Qianlong Army, but when he saw the two of them, he almost lost his voice in fright.

He took two steps back, extremely fearful, and asked in surprise: "Black and White Demon Lord?"

"Sir, it is rumored that the Ghost Sect's ghost land today is full of evil ghosts. I am very interested in it."

Bai Yu'er didn't even look at True Monarch, and looked at the ghost pit with a sense of ridicule.


Song Shi left a word, crossed a thousand feet in one step, and came to the inside of the ghost pit in a blink of an eye, and pointed the secret to nothingness.


A string of electric snakes jumped up at Song Shi's point, twisting rapidly and spreading with dazzling light, forming a terrifying power grid.

Anyone who approaches rashly will be shocked to death.

Gui Sha, who hurriedly followed, saw this scene and looked ugly: "Damn it, there are ambushes inside and outside!"

"The blood-clothed old ghost, the evil True Monarch, you can't run away."

The demon-slayer True Monarch chased after him with confidence. Behind him, there was a black army of monks.

This gave him the confidence: "Even if you two are really the two demon lords from the Snake Clan, you can't get any benefits today."

At this moment, he suspected that the two demon lords were hallucinations. He heard that the old ghost in blood had chosen the ancient fantasy scriptures on the Langya Immortal Fate Platform, and he might have certain attainments.

Besides, there were really two Great Monsters. He thought that the army of monks had already arrived, so he wouldn't be too scared.

"This formation is nothing, but you still want to stop me?"

Song Shi was disdainful, and mobilized his magic power to condense into runes in the secret, just like insects burrowing into the power grid.

The formation containing the power of thunder collapsed partially, revealing a gap.

"Keep them!"

The army of monks fell, and the leading general gave the order, and shot out streams of magic energy.

The techniques practiced by these monks seem to be systematic, with similar attributes, and they work together seamlessly, having been practiced many times.

The power of many people, under the leadership of the general, quickly turned into a huge colorful treasure seal, which alone was more than a thousand meters tall.

The mountain-like treasure seal only floated for a moment before being suppressed heavily, and the oppressive aura was released first.


The combined efforts of thousands of monks were really majestic. The colorful treasure seal shook the void and enveloped Song Shi and everyone else.

Gui Sha's body sank and his face turned pale.

With his level of cultivation, he felt like a catastrophe was coming. The other disciples and elders were even more suppressed and found it difficult to fly. Their chests felt tight and they couldn't use much of their cultivation level.

"What I hate the most is the army of monks. Each one of them is so weak that he can be slapped to death, but when they come together, they can move an elephant like an ant."

The old black monster looks disgusted?

Bai Yu'er showed a solemn look and took the initiative to invite her: "Master, let me come here."

"Not urgent."

Song Shi glanced back, with a flash of light in his eyes: "There is indeed great power in large numbers, but it can also cause the power to be too scattered. No matter how well you cooperate, it is not as good as one person."

His body was gleaming with golden light, and flames were beating. He grabbed the void, and a spiritual sword engraved with golden runes appeared.

True Monarch saw it and frowned: "Why is Ling'er's sword in your hand?"

"She gave me a token of love."

Song Shi is real, the clang sound echoes, and the Spirit Communication sword energy bursts out.

Because the treasure seal covered the sky and the earth, the dark space suddenly lit up.

A fused sword energy containing pure Yang flames and the origin of gold cut through the darkness and struck the treasure seal in reverse.

The latter continued to fall, but trembled at the next moment, and a sword mark appeared, which then caused the power of the combination to become chaotic, breaking each piece, and collapsed with a bang.

The huge treasure seal was like a firework, blooming in mid-air, the light was gorgeous, but its power was not exerted at all, and it was destroyed halfway.

"It actually broke the combined attack of the monk army!"

Gui Sha was sluggish, and his world view was shaken by this unequal change.

He saw with his own eyes that an army of monks used similar means to directly destroy a sect's sect-protecting formation, which was beyond the reach of ordinary individuals.

"How is it possible? Even if the Soul Formation monk came, he wouldn't be able to take this blow so easily."

True Monarch is a bit messy,

Not to mention him, the entire army of monks was frightened by this result. Their progress stopped and they became strangely quiet for a while.

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Do you want to be beaten again?"

Song Shixun glanced at the dumbfounded Luo Chi and others, then passed directly through the broken formation and entered the depths of the ghost pit.

"Young master defeated the Qianlong army's combined attack with ingenuity, I really admire you."

Bai Yu'er smiled sweetly, with a look of amazement in her beautiful eyes, and twisted her waist to follow closely.

"If you know the formations and can break them, this person knows too much."

The old weirdo sighed in his heart, and the reluctance that had always been there dissipated a lot, and he gradually accepted his fate.

True Monarch stopped in front of the formation, looking at the formation barrier that was beginning to recover, with fear in his eyes, and he no longer dared to pursue it.

"The old ghost in blood is actually more powerful than the rumors. This is really beyond my expectation. In so many years, he is the first one to break through the attack of ten thousand people of Qianlong Army with Nascent Soul level strength. He is a true monk. Ten thousand enemies.”

The armored general of the Qianlong Army fell down with a bad expression on his face, and sighed: "Is my country's destiny really on the decline? How could I encounter such a pervert?"

"Hmph, it's just that his strength is not normal. I don't believe he can affect the general trend of the world."

True Monarch was not convinced, and the hand holding the demon pestle was full of veins.

"It doesn't matter whether he can influence Guoyun or not. The key is that he is in trouble now. With his involvement, it will be difficult for the remaining Tiangui Sect to be solved."

The general frowned: "The prince has suffered in his hands. I'm not going to waste my time here. It's better to stay away."

The demon-killing True Monarch's expression changed. He was silent for a moment, and then brought up another matter: "Do you think the two people following him are the Black and White Demon Lords? Wasn't he captured by these two Great Monsters in the first place?"

"It's not like a hallucination, but it's incredible that two demon lords are following him."

The general hesitated, then shook his head: "No matter what happens, it's definitely better for me to stay away from him. Now that the situation is getting worse, it's better for you and me to have more living troops in our hands. If there is a change, there is still a chance to die."

Demon-slayer True Monarch gave the latter a cold look: "You are one of the Eight Heavenly Dragons. It is not good for His Majesty to hear these words."

"The mountains here are high and the emperor is far away, so what are you afraid of? Besides, His Majesty has Soul Formation, and he is probably thinking about Ascension. If he really has to choose between the world and Ascension, he will definitely choose Ascension."

The general means a lot.

The demon-killing True Monarch's expression changed and he said: "Since all the remnants of the Tiangui Sect have been driven to the ghost land, let's seal off the ghost pit and declare that they have been completely wiped out."

"Brother Demon Slayer is wise."

The general smiled. This time to deal with the Tiangui Sect, not only their Qianlong Army was dispatched, but also the Demon Slayer Division to assist. Naturally, this kind of compromise must be negotiated between the two parties before it can be carried out.

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