What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 101 The bad relationship with the TV series

"Qiong! Come out to eat!" Aokiji shouted to the upstairs, took off his apron, washed his hands, and sat at the dining table.

Qiong's silver hair was a little messy, and he slowly walked downstairs listlessly, pulled out a chair and sat down without saying a word.

As soon as school was over, Aokiji went to feed the three puppies, namely Natto, Kuroko, and Shiro. Then he ran to the seafood market non-stop, bought the freshest fish and came back to make sweet and sour fish. He packed the fish and added Cooking made him very tired.

"Go wash your hands!" Aokiji wanted to hit her on the head with chopsticks, but Qiong moved his head away dissatisfied and hummed: "Trouble."

After finishing speaking, he went to the sink to wash his hands impatiently, then casually wiped the water stains on his pajamas, and sat back at the dining table.

Seeing that she was obviously much more distant from him than before, Aoki Si sighed and said with a smile: "How are you today? Qiong? Is the lunch lunch delicious?"

Qiong put a piece of sweet and sour fish to his mouth with an expressionless face, took a bite, and replied casually: "Just average."

Aokiji blinked and warned: "Leave the dishes and chopsticks in the room after you finish eating. I will take them out later and wash them together. Put the change of clothes in the washing machine. I will wash them when I get home in the evening."

"Yeah." Qiong hummed and didn't say much.

Seeing her look like this, Aokiji pursed his lips and had no choice but to raise his chopsticks and try his best to find a topic while eating.

"I heard they said there was a TV series called, uh, The Ultimate Storm recently. It seemed quite good. Have you watched it?"

Aoki Tsukasa's near-zero entertainment style destined him to have no topics to talk about. After racking his brains, he could only think of this TV series that Maeda Tora was talking about crazily.

"The bad boy? Boring." After Qiong finished speaking, it seemed that this topic made her a little upset. Her fingers suddenly trembled uncontrollably a few times, she put down her chopsticks and said calmly: "I'm full."

Looking at Qiong who had only eaten less than half a bowl of rice, Aokiji frowned: "Eat more. If you eat less, you will feel uncomfortable."

Qiong didn't reply to him, but just stepped on the floor with her little feet, making a clicking sound, and went straight back upstairs.

Aokiji looked at the meal that he had worked hard for two hours to make, took a deep breath, and finished his meal silently. I took out the chocolate bar from the refrigerator and walked upstairs.

"Knock, knock." Aokiji knocked on the door, but there was no response, so he pushed it open. Qiong Zheng wrapped himself in the quilt and watched the anime on the computer intently.

Aokiji put the chocolate bar on her bedside table, held the leftover bowls and chopsticks from lunch in her bedroom, picked up the snack bag on the ground, and watched Qiong staring at the anime with great interest, not wanting to look at him at all. With one glance, he turned and left silently.

As Aoki Siguang walked in the door, Qiongcai looked away from the computer and looked at the chocolate bar on the bedside table in a daze.

"If I keep doing this," Qiong murmured to himself, "Si will give up on his own initiative."

"Then I can no longer rely on him so much. Whether he wants to fight with others or be a bad boy, it has nothing to do with me."

Qiong picked up the chocolate bar, tore open the packaging bag, took out one and put it into his mouth to bite it, his expression was a little gloomy.

"It's just..." She sighed faintly, turned around, not wanting to look at the happy protagonists on the computer anymore, and hugged the black bunny doll: "Obviously I have made up my mind, but I still feel so uncomfortable. "

"Qiong, I'm going to work. Remember to put the water on and take a shower first! Just eat less chocolate bars. If you're hungry, text me and I'll bring you midnight snacks." Aokiji's shout from downstairs reminded her. His brows wrinkled slightly, and his expression became a little more melancholy.

As the door closed, Qiong sat up and leaned against the window, watching Aokiji trotting away from the door of the house wearing the sportswear he had bought with her, his eyes indescribably complicated.

Lying back on the bed, Qiong took out the small photo sticker he had treasured from under the pillow. Seeing the appearance of the two of them at that time, especially the way he looked disgusted but actually approached quietly with a blushing face, Qiong was silent for a long time without being able to take the photo away from his sight.


There were a lot of people in the fight club today. Aokiji struggled to squeeze through the crowd. He didn't know why these people were crowded here without boxing. When he walked into the locker room, he saw someone talking on the phone inside. Songshan Rock.

Song Shanyan saw Aoki Si, waved to him, hung up the phone with a few words, looked at the scars on Aoki Si's face that had not gone away and snorted: "You kid, can't you save me some trouble!"

Aokiji chuckled and tried to get away with it. He opened his own special cabinet and was about to put his coat in when Matsuyama Iwa slapped Aokiji on the shoulder.

Aokiji, who was still a little injured, grinned in pain: "What's wrong?"

"Put on your shorts today, prepare yourself, and warm up in the locker room. You will go out to play a training match soon." Song Shanyan said firmly.

Song Shanyan felt that if Aokiji continued to mess around like this, he would be finished sooner or later. After practicing boxing for a few days, I only got into two fights. Is this still okay? Today he must let Aokiji know how far behind he is compared to professional players, and let him know that he must calm down and practice boxing instead of fighting with bad students outside all day long.

Aokiji raised his eyebrows: "So sudden? Are you going to fight as soon as you arrive?"

"Now you can sit here and prepare yourself mentally. It will take ten minutes for the other party to come. He has to warm up first when he comes." After Matsuyama Yan finished speaking, he released his hand from patting Aoki Si's shoulder, his expression Seriously: "The opponent is very strong. You have to be prepared today. Did you see so many people outside? You played well today and those people outside can see it at a glance. If you don't want to make a fool of yourself in public, just be serious." Cheer up."

Qingmu Sifeng smiled lightly: "I understand, don't worry."

In the Dream Practice Room, Tsukasa Aoki is someone who has been on a big stage. Even if the third floor of this club is packed, the number of people in the club would be as high as the sky. Compared to the tens of thousands of spectators in the Dream Practice Room, this It can only be said to be a small scene.

Seeing Aokiji's unusually calm look, Songshan Yan felt a little appreciative: This kid has a big heart! If he doesn't cause trouble and fights outside, I really can't find any shortcomings in him.

But after today, after seeing the gap between the master and himself, he should know what he should do.

In Songshanyan's view, Aokiji still had the heart to fight with others all day long, just because he was lucky enough to survive for a minute under Aaron's hands last time and gave him the wrong impression. This time he invited someone to come, just to make Aoki Si looks at how far behind he is.

Realizing the gap and suppressing this kid's arrogance, so as not to praise him all day long, he really feels that he is a genius.

Song Shanyan watched Aokiji take off his coat, and there were traces of bruises on his strong arms outside the tight vest. He frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

Anyway, he didn't expect Aokiji to win.

He just hoped that Aokiji would feel good pain this time, so as to improve his memory.

"Okay, then prepare yourself first!"

Songshanyan walked out of the locker room.

The club is huge, with two locker rooms on the third floor alone. One is for ordinary guests, and the other is specifically for coaches, sparring partners, and players.

In the empty locker room where Aokiji was, he was the only one warming up by himself. The LCD TV hanging on the wall also plays TV programs.

"Oh la oh la! Bad boy A Hu! Oh la oh la! A proud man of steel!" Suddenly violent heavy metal music came from the TV, and Aokiji raised his head speechlessly. Sure enough, it was the red-haired bad boy A Hu again. Appeared on TV.

The rock music of the opening song made Aokiji feel that his ears were seriously polluted, but he couldn't find the remote control after turning over and over, and the crowd outside the dressing room was as crowded as a nightclub dance floor. Aokiji could only sigh and forcefully I endured it until the opening song ended.

At the beginning of the TV series, a red-haired Ahu was riding on a motorcycle, flying into the wind. The red hair was blown by the strong wind, but it could not blow at all on his back. There was also a narration of the previous story on the TV.

"Ahu rushed to the enemy's base camp without hesitation, where his beloved woman was. He knew that even if he had a narrow escape, he could not give in."

"However, a dragnet has been set up there. Can Ahu escape this time?"

Listening to the narration, Aokiji chuckled feebly: "I not only guessed that he could escape, but he could also escape with his woman. I also guessed that his enemies couldn't kill him even with rocket launchers. I am Do you have a fate with this crappy TV show of yours? Do you rely on this fate to maintain your ratings?"

Sighing, Aokiji began to warm up seriously. Watching Ah Hu on the TV, he drove his motorcycle into the base camp of the Yakuza organization. He started drifting on the motorcycle, lifted the front tire and hit people. He just acted like a member of the railway guerrillas playing with bicycles. Make the enemy look confused with a motorcycle show. As he watched it, Aokiji gradually felt as if - as long as he was willing to lose his mind, it was really fun to watch.


PS: Please recommend. Recently, my collection has become less and less. QAQ. I have been thinking about Qiong Mei’s emotional line for a long time. I suddenly realized that there is a lack of foreshadowing. You don’t know why Qiong Mei is suddenly like this, but you think she is annoying. I will explain it clearly, including revising the previous article. You can pay attention to the chapter changes, 94 chapters have been modified.

Oh, by the way, three updates starting from today.

Gee, I know you like to read the sentence above. It’s guaranteed to be four times in the first month after it’s released. It’s okay. I ask because I love you. It can be regarded as a kind of compensation for readers who have fought against previous poisonous points. The third update is at 6pm, I love you all.

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