"Are you ready?" Song Shanyan squeezed Aoki Si's shoulder. Aoki Si chewed his braces, calmly shook his hand and nodded.

"Then let's go!" Song Shanyan opened the door to the locker room.

In front of the door, a noisy wave of enthusiasm rushed in. The crowded crowd cleared a passage with the support of other coaches and assistant coaches. People looked excitedly at Aokiji who was wearing only shorts and boxing gloves inside the door, and let out harsh screams. cheer.


"It looks so fierce."

"Come on!"

Aokiji was bouncing freely to relax his body, while also high-fiving the onlookers who stretched out their hands. He had a faint smile on his lips and looked very confident.

Entering the octagonal cage, Aokiji looked at the crowd of spectators outside the octagonal cage, waved to them, leaned against the fence of the iron cage, twisted his neck, bit his braces, and looked at his opponent. Slowly walked into the Octagon.

"Death spider! Come on!" Someone in the audience shouted. The tall and thin man who walked into the octagonal cage grinned, waved to the cheering crowd, and looked down slightly, like a beast staring at its prey. Aokiji stared at him and grinned.

The death spider lowered his head, moved his body, and narrowed his eyes slightly: This bald man is very fierce.

But Death Spider is a professional fighter after all, and the most basic requirement for a fighter is to be able to overcome the negative effects in his heart and concentrate on hitting his opponent when facing any player.

So, he just took a few deep breaths, raised his head, and stared directly at Aoki Tsukasa.

Aokiji chewed his braces and observed his opponent.

The height and wingspan should be better than mine, but the strength should be lower than mine. Aokiji analyzed calmly: He had a fight with Aaron last time and subdued Aaron on the ground.

Is the advantage ground technology?

Aokiji grinned.

"Players are in position!" Songshanyan put on a set of black half-sleeves. His thick and powerful arms covered with tattoos raised his hands in front of him. Seeing Aokiji and Death Spider coming to both sides of him, Songshanyan said seriously. : "No hitting on the lower body, no hitting on the back of the head. Pay attention to the referee's decision. Do you understand?"

Aokiji and Death Spider both nodded.

"Get ready! Start!" Song Shanyan waved his hand and announced the start of the game without any ink marks.

Aokiji stretched out his right fist and collided with his opponent. The two distanced themselves and moved their steps nimbly. For a while, neither of them took the initiative to attack.

Death Spider's caution lies in the fact that he doesn't know how strong his opponent is. He can only judge Aoki Si's strength through his tight and distinct muscles and his dangerous temperament.

Aokiji, on the other hand, was at a disadvantage because of his height, and knowing that the opponent was proficient in ground techniques, he did not want to rush into the opponent's inner circle immediately, giving him the opportunity to drag the fight to the ground.

The two were in a stalemate for a while, but in the end, it was Aokiji who took the lead in launching the attack.

Jab, jab. Continuous left jabs hit the empty space. This is not because Aokiji can't hit the opponent, but because he wants to deceive the opponent's movements through such feints.

"Opportunity!" Aokiji's eyes suddenly widened. As the Death Spider moved its center of gravity, he exerted force on his back toes, dived forward, and threw a fierce right straight punch over his shoulder.

The right straight punch is a very threatening move among heavy punches. It has sufficient power and short attack time. Especially Aokiji's punch has sufficient power from the back foot. The whole person rushes forward as if there is a propeller behind his back, almost instantly. When people saw Aokiji move, his right fist had already hit the death spider holding his face to parry.

so close! Death Spider felt his scalp numb for a moment, and he almost didn't react! When Aokiji's heavy punch hit his parry, he felt as if he was hit by a big hammer on his forearm. After the sting, he felt that his arm was shaking slightly and was unable to exert strength!

Seeing Aokiji rushing in front of him in a very threatening manner, the Death Spider's rich experience told him that when faced with a heavy gunner with outstanding standing skills, once he entered the standing confrontation stage, it would be difficult to find the initiative again.

So the Death Spider dived down in time and tried to trip Aoki Tsukasa using the hook leg technique.

Aokiji didn't panic when faced with the death spider's grappling and wrestling moves. He just sneered and threw a sharp uppercut in a very small range.

This punch did not exert all of Aokiji's power due to insufficient force, but it was enough to frighten the Death Spider who was about to get close to him. He hurriedly tried to dodge, but was still knocked aside.

Even though this punch only hit half of the target, this kind of close-fitting uppercut was already very threatening. Death Spider felt that his vision was darkened, and he took a few steps back top-heavy based on experience, but was blocked by the iron of the octagonal cage. The net blocked the way back.

When he came back to his senses slightly, the blurry figures in his field of vision became clearer, and he saw Aokiji with extremely cold eyes rushing in front of him.

"This kid!" As the referee, Matsuyama Iwa was simply dumbfounded. As Aoki's coach, he couldn't understand Aoki's technical strength. But precisely because of his understanding, he found it incredible - in just one day, his standing kickboxing skills had simply reached a higher level! This close-fitting and concealed uppercut, thinking from his perspective, even he was not absolutely sure that he could avoid it! And whether it was the jab or the straight punch, both the rhythm and the force were perfect!

The death spider instinctively stretched out its legs, trying to use this move to gain space to wake up from the dizziness.

But how could Aokiji do what he wanted?

Amid the excited cheers of the surrounding audience, he jumped high, with his right knee almost in the air parallel to the face of the Death Spider. If the extremely ferocious flying knee hit, let alone the Death Spider, he would have to be a world champion. Kneel on the ground on the spot!

Fortunately, this attack was too obvious, giving the Death Spider enough reaction time to save his life. He moved his head desperately and parried with both hands at the same time. After the two forearms violently collided with Aokiji's knees, he let out a A tragic crisp sound.

"Are the bones broken?!" The audience let out a somewhat frightened but fanatical cry.

The Death Spider felt as if his left arm was being torn apart. He gritted his teeth, and regardless of the pain, he hugged Aokiji who had just fallen from the sky and used all his strength to pull him towards him.

As long as you hold him, you can buy time and buy time to recover!

The death spider's eyes were red with pain, and he knew that there was an 80% chance that his arm had some broken bones. If you don't want to admit defeat, you must never give Aokiji another chance to fight again.

The prize money from this competition is not enough for medical expenses!

The Death Spider even thought of surrendering.

Aokiji didn't know what his opponent was thinking. Whether it was what the coach told him or the lesson he learned in his dream, it was very similar, that is, never stop attacking before the opponent falls.

Therefore, when the death spider wanted to hug him tightly, he began to struggle violently.

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