The latest website: Zhu Tao fled in a hurry under the cover of his subordinates. Not to mention, this old guy was really lucky. He turned left and right in the shantytown, but he didn't meet a policeman, and rushed to the police like shit. Parking outside the shed area.

"Boss, I'm going to drive!" one of Zhu Tao's subordinates said nervously.

Instructor Hu just finished releasing the tire pressure of all the vehicles, when he found someone walking towards him, he got up quickly.

"Stinky Sanba, what are you doing?" Zhu Tao's subordinates were stunned for a moment, and then their faces turned green when they saw that the cars on their side had all been deflated.

Before Li Er set off, he naturally showed Zhu Tao's information and photos to every police officer. Instructor Hu recognized Zhu Tao who was about to walk over at a glance, and secretly called several teams to round up him. Tao rushed out.

Instructor Hu moved slowly and backed away quietly.

"Boss, this stinky man has deflated our tires." Zhu Tao's subordinate said.

"She's a policeman!" Although Zhu Tao was also deceived by Instructor Hu's disguise, he immediately judged Instructor Hu's identity from the perspective of profit.

Instructor Hu immediately drew his gun.

"Bang bang—!"


Instructor Hu drew his guns very quickly, but Zhu Tao's subordinates already had guns in their hands. After hearing Zhu Tao's reminder, they raised their guns one after another. A gangster hit the abdomen, and instructor Hu turned around and ran to the side of the car without hesitation.

"Come out!" Zhu Tao's subordinates cursed angrily.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Zhu Tao's subordinates shot at the car. Instructor Hu curled up and hid on the side of the car tires. Zhu Tao's subordinates lay on the ground and could not see Instructor Hu. They thought she ran into the shed area on the other side.

"Report, report, Zhu Tao ran out of the shed area and is now in the parking lot. They have a total of five gunmen, asking for support, urgent support is needed!" Instructor Hu quickly reported in a low voice.

"Got it, I'll rush over there right away. If I can hold them back, I'll try to hold them back as much as I can, and if I can't hold them off, I'll withdraw decisively!" Li Er said immediately.

Instructor Hu took out a flash bomb,

He pulled off the safety ring and threw it behind him.

"Bomb, get down!" Zhu Tao's subordinates couldn't tell the difference between a flash bomb and a bomb, so they hurriedly got down.

"Peng—!" A bright light flashed.

Instructor Hu decisively took the opportunity to run into the opposite shanty town to hide.

"Tou, I'll go to support!" As soon as Ma Jun heard that the bandit leader had run out of the shanty town, he immediately volunteered to turn around and turn back.

"Da Zui, you and Wen Bin continue to round up other criminals, I'll go after Zhu Tao!" Chen Jiaju was also anxious, he didn't know that Li Er had killed Lin Tai, and thought to himself that if the two chief criminals ran away, no matter how many more criminals were caught. Drug dealers are failures.

Li Er walked towards the parking place unhurriedly, he was used to ambush others, he was most wary of being ambushed by others, he did not dare to gallop like Ma Jun and Chen Jiaju.

"Li sir, I have safely retreated into the shanty town." Instructor Hu knows how to update information at any time, and immediately reported to Li Er: "All the enemy's vehicles have been destroyed by me, and they cannot escape."

"Very good!" Li Er was very satisfied with Instructor Hu's performance.

As soon as Instructor Hu's words fell, she was immediately slapped in the face, and she heard the sound of the car engine starting.

"Oh! It's Ma Jun's car, no, Li sir, Zhu Tao got into Ma Jun's car." Instructor Hu shouted palely.

Li Er told her to destroy all the vehicles. She missed Ma Jun's car. Instructor Hu rushed out and shot Ma Jun's car ass.

Ma Jun touched his hand to his pocket while running, it's too bad.

"Ma Jun, I'll hit your lungs, did you forget to pull out the car key again?" Li Er scolded angrily.

Ma Jun didn't dare to answer, and just galloped blindly. When he just ran to the parking place, the car had already driven forward.


Ma Jun fired while running, and Chen Jiaju also ran to the parking lot, and immediately shot to stop Zhu Tao. When instructor Hu saw the reinforcements arriving, he also rushed out, and the three of them chased Zhu Tao together.

"Drive, drive fast!" Zhu Tao shouted nervously.

Zhu Tao's men slammed on the accelerator, and the car rushed forward.

A gangster in the car turned around and stuck half of his body out of the car window, raised his gun and shot at Ma Jun and Chen Jiaju who were chasing the car.

Instructor Hu immediately stopped in his tracks. Shooting while running was bullshit. After Instructor Hu stopped, he quickly aimed his guns with both hands.


Instructor Hu fired three shots, but none of them hit the opponent. However, Instructor Hu's confidence is getting stronger and stronger. Don't think that it is meaningless to shoot empty shots. Although Instructor Hu missed three shots, she roughly judged that Where is the error, continue to pull the trigger.


"Ah!" The gangster, whose body was sticking out of the car window, was hit in the chest by Instructor Hu, and his companion immediately threw him out of the car window to reduce the weight of the car.

Li Er also ran to the parking lot, but he only had time to see Zhu Tao's car buttocks sped away.

Li Er's face changed. He wasn't sure if the traffic team was eye-catching enough. After hearing the gunshots, he should drive to block the road.

"Brother Tao, the target vehicle is heading in your direction, immediately block the road." Li Er shouted loudly.

"Oh! Got it, I'll act right away!" Brother Tao from the transportation team replied.

Li Er's face darkened suddenly, he was indeed a guy who only moved a step after shouting, and he hoped he could make it in time.

"Hey! The shovel is blocking the road." Zhu Tao's subordinates cursed angrily when they saw Brother Tao turn the truck across the road and block it in the middle of the road.

Regardless of Zhu Tao's men shouting and cursing, Brother Tao pulled out the car key and ran to the other side of the truck desperately.

"Ayong, get down and get the truck away!" Zhu Tao shouted urgently.

One of Zhu Tao's subordinates got out of the car in a hurry, and after jumping into the truck, they found that the car key had been pulled out.

"Damn it!" Zhu Tao's men raised their guns and aimed at Brother Tao's back.


Zhu Tao's men shot Brother Tao in the back with the last shot, and Brother Tao fell to the side of the road.

Ma Jun and Chen Jiaju had already rushed over, and the two guys were running extremely fast with all their strength.

"Go, go, go directly down the mountain from the guardrail!" Zhu Tao saw the pursuers coming again, his face turned hard, and he roared loudly.

Zhu Tao's driver stepped on the accelerator, turned the front of the car to the guardrail, and rushed straight down the hillside, crashing into the driveway down the hill by chance.

The gangster who got out of the car was dumbfounded. Before he could get in the car in a hurry, Zhu Tao rushed the car down the mountain.

"Put the gun down!" Chen Jiaju shouted loudly while running.

"Bang bang bang!" Zhu Tao's men answered Chen Jiaju with gunshots.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Chen Jiaju and Ma Jun immediately fired back.

Zhu Tao's subordinates lay down straight. Chen Jiaju's marksmanship was average, but the bullets had no eyes. Chen Jiaju hit Zhu Tao's subordinates on the bridge of the nose with a shot by accident, killing him with one shot.


Chen Jiaju could no longer see Zhu Tao's car, but he still refused to give up and rushed down the slope. He dared to rush, but Ma Jun naturally refused to admit defeat. He also followed Chen Jiaju's footsteps and rushed down with his feet. Chasing four wheels can only be done by these two guys.

After Chen Jiaju and Ma Jun rushed down a slope, they still didn't see Zhu Tao's car. They continued to rush down a slope, and finally saw the car.

Chen Jiaju looked down at the next section of the road, and saw a car beside the driveway.

"Go, let's stop them from below!"

Chen Jiaju and Ma Jun rushed to the car, only to find that it was Sha Lianna's car.

Salina watched in a daze as Chen Jiaju got into her car and started it, blocking the car in the middle of the road. Salina was overjoyed. Her car was obviously broken down. Unexpectedly, this man with a big nose started her car all of a sudden. It's so strange.

Salina was all smiles, and then saw a car turning a corner and rushed over.

Zhu Tao's face changed. He saw Chen Jiaju and Ma Jun who were blocking him, and at the same time saw Selena who was smiling all over his face. His thoughts changed instantly.

"Kill them to death!" Zhu Tao shouted angrily.

Chen Jiaju and Ma Jun stood in the middle of the road, ignoring Zhu Tao's rushing car, and aimed their guns at the driver.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The two guys fired more than a dozen shots but failed to hit the driver. The car was about to collide. Chen Jiaju and Ma Jun quickly jumped to the sides. Zhu Tao's car knocked over Salina's car, and Zhu Tao's The car turns off.

"Don't shoot, I surrender, don't shoot!" Zhu Tao shouted quickly.

Chen Jiaju and Ma Jun approached slowly, the driver had already passed out, the other two shooters were also fainted, but Zhu Tao was in the best state of mind, Chen Jiaju and Ma Jun worked together to get Zhu Tao and others out of the carriage Inside pulled out.

Zhu Tao gave Selena a hard look.

"You betrayed me!"

Salina's face was pale: "I didn't! I came to watch the sunset on the mountain."

"Do you think I'm a fool? You must have supported Zhu Tao." Ma Jun also handcuffed Sha Lianna.

Salina wanted to cry but had no tears, why was she so unlucky.

Li Er on the mountain found that he could not catch up with Zhu Tao, so he simply turned around to clean up the fish that slipped through the shanty town. After he joined the battle group with Bai Anni and instructor Hu, he quickly caught all the miscellaneous fish.

"Report! We have successfully captured Zhu Tao. A guy was shot and injured. Please call an ambulance!" Ma Jun reported.

Li Er's face relaxed when he heard that Ma Jun had caught Zhu Tao, and then he heard the news that the man had been shot, and his face suddenly became gloomy.


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