The latest website: Tsim Sha Tsui, Peace Hospital.

Li Er looked at Ma Jun coldly with his death staring eyes. It was because of this idiot's mistake that Zhu Tao almost ran away. However, a traffic police officer was seriously injured.

Ma Jun's right cheek was swollen like a pig's head, his eyes were almost gone, no one beat him, when Ma Jun and Chen Jiaju rushed down the slope, he lost his balance and rolled down the hill to the driveway , He hit himself in the face during the rollover.

Li Er didn't want to scold Ma Jun in front of other subordinates, and Li Er couldn't scold Ma Jun for his miserable state.

"Everyone who is injured should go to the doctor to see it! The medical bills should be handed over to Jian Huizhen of the CID department, and I will deal with them as soon as possible." Li Er said and turned to look at Instructor Hu and Hui Yinghong.

Instructor Hu was shot in the abdomen. Although it was blocked by a bulletproof vest, he must have injured his body. Hui Yinghong fought with the opponent in close quarters while chasing the gangster, and was kicked in the chest several times. Of course, the opponent Has been knocked down by Hui Yinghong.

Bai Anni was well protected by her master and was unscathed.

Li Xianying walked over quickly.

As soon as Ma Jun saw Li Xianying, he stood up quickly and asked, "Ying, how is that traffic policeman doing?"

Li Xianying looked at Li Er and shook his head: "I just crossed the danger zone, it's just—"

Ma Jun hurriedly asked, "Just what?"

"The doctor said that the bullet got stuck in his back. His life was saved, but he could only lie in bed for the rest of his life." Li Xianying said sadly.

Of the few people here, Li Xianying is the most familiar with Brother Tao. Li Xianying recommended Brother Tao to participate in today's operation. Otherwise, Brother Tao should maintain traffic order at the central intersection as usual, and get off work early at this point Accompanied by wife and children.

Li Er was somewhat responsible for this matter. He only remembered to urge the police officers in the serious crime team to wear bullet-proof vests, but he forgot to give a bullet-proof vest to the guy in the traffic team.

A body armor is like a fire extinguisher, it's either useless and in the way, or it can save your life.

"Can't the bullet be taken out?" Li Er asked after being silent for a long time.

Li Xianying shook his head,

In the face of firearms, human life is too fragile.

"Li Er, didn't we agree a long time ago that this case is centered on our Central District Serious Crime Squad? Why are all the suspects from Zhu Tao locked up in your Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station?" Chen Jiaju walked away with Li Wenbin with his mouth wide open. Come over and question Li Er.

Li Er looked at Chen Jiaju coldly.

"I don't want to talk to you about this right now!"

Li Er stood up, turned around and walked out of the hospital. Chen Jiaju was about to catch up, but was grabbed by Li Xianying.

"What's wrong with Li Erfa?" Chen Jiaju asked.

Li Xianying shook his head.

It was already late at night when Li Er returned home.

Zhu Wanfang fell asleep lying on the table, and Li Er walked over and picked her up.

"Second brother, you're back." Zhu Wanfang stared at the wall clock on the wall: "It's so late, the dishes on the table are cold. Second brother, let me heat it up for you."

Li Er didn't go back to the tea restaurant for dinner this afternoon, Zhu Wanfang was worried that Li Er didn't eat, so she packed a dinner from the tea restaurant and came back.

"No need! Second brother is not hungry!" Li Er said and carried Zhu Wanfang back to the room.

"Oh! Then I'll go and put the food in the refrigerator, or it will go bad tomorrow." Zhu Wanfang rubbed her eyes and said.

"It's okay, it's rotten!" Li Er said and turned on the air conditioner in the room, and put Zhu Wanfang on the bed.

"In the future, if you are too sleepy, go back to your room and sleep. Don't keep sleeping on the table. It's not good for your health."

"Press—!" Zhu Wanfang blushed slightly, hummed obediently, and then um, um—!

A minute later, Zhu Wanfang scratched Li Er's back vigorously, and Li Er raised his head.

"Second brother, I can't breathe!" Zhu Wanfang said with a flushed face.

"Breath is done through the nose." Li Er bowed his head again as he spoke, covering Zhu Wanfang's small mouth, and put his palms from the corners of his clothes.

probed in.

Not big, but not small, just enough for one hand.

"Second brother, turn off the lights!" Zhu Wanfang said softly.

Li Er's eyes suddenly became clear, and he looked up at the flushed girl under him. After Li Er grabbed it obsessively, he stretched out his hand.

"Go to bed early! Second brother, go take a shower!" Li Er walked out of the room as if fleeing.

"Press——! Second brother, come back early! I'll wait for you." Zhu Wanfang said in a very low voice, and then, there was no more. After Li Er took a shower, Zhu Wanfang had already fallen asleep.

Crime Unit.

As soon as Li Er arrived at the office, Chen Jiaju was already waiting for him.

"How? I can take away all the suspects involved in the Zhu Tao case now!" Chen Jiaju said quickly.

"Whatever you want!" Li Er said indifferently.

"Okay!" Chen Jiaju was overjoyed, and hurriedly opened his mouth to mention someone, and then encountered trouble, Li Er agreed, but Li Er's immediate supervisor, Superintendent Chen, did not agree to mention someone, let alone mention someone, Chen The superintendent even drove Chen Jiaju out of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. Superintendent Chen believed that Chen Jiaju was not qualified to talk to him.

Superintendent Chen discovered that Li Er had solved another major case, so he hurriedly reported it to Director Huang Bingyao. I can't get anything for myself, which is absolutely unacceptable to him.

After Li Er finished his daily affairs in the office of the CID Department, he went to the Serious Crime Squad.

Today, the number of people in the serious crime team is very full, and the small conference table is full.

Sitting on Li Er's right is Instructor Hu, followed by Bai Anni, Hui Yinghong and Chen Yalun.

On Li Er's left is Lin Haiying who hadn't seen him for a few days, followed by Li Xianying and Ma Jun.

"Haven't passed the exam?" Seeing Lin Haiying's unlucky face, Li Er couldn't help asking.

Lin Haiying sadly replied: "No!"

Li Er didn't know how to comfort others, so he turned his attention to Li Xianying.

"Is that what the hospital said about the fellow in the traffic team?"

Li Xianying said solemnly: "The hospital is not sure, and Brother Tao's family members are not willing to take risks. We can only wait for a miracle."

Li Er was silent.

Miracles are called miracles because they almost never happen.

"I just came back from the hospital. Brother Tao's family has an old man to support, as well as a wife and two children. The traffic team has mobilized all the traffic police officers to donate." Li Xianying said: "I think our serious crime team Donate a little too."

Li Er nodded: "Yes, everyone can donate according to their ability, and try to help as much as possible."

Instructor Hu and others also nodded.

"Eagle, wait a minute and you will talk to the CID department with me, and also mobilize the issue of donations." Li Er said.

"Sir Li! It's best for you to talk to Superintendent Chen about the disability subsidy." Instructor Hu reminded.

Lin Haiying shook her head: "It's useless. The compensation standards for police work-related injuries are clearly regulated, and the maximum disability is only 30 times the subsidy salary."

In the end, the serious crime team and the CID department donated a total of more than 16,000 yuan. Bai Anni donated 5,000 yuan by herself, and Li Xianying bit the bullet and donated 2,000 yuan, which was borrowed from Li Er. The rest of the group was a thousand.

Li Er, Li Xianying and Inspector Tang, the person in charge of the traffic group, went to the hospital to visit Brother Tao, and handed over the donation from the police station to Brother Tao's family.

Taking advantage of Inspector Tang's inattention from the transportation team, Li Er stuffed ten kraft paper envelopes into the donation box of the transportation team. Each kraft paper envelope contained 2,000 yuan, a total of 20,000 yuan.


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