What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 104 Everyone is hypocritical

The latest website: Li Er looked out of the glass window in a daze.

Li Xiner looked at the man in front of him curiously. As an excellent psychiatrist, Li Xiner's way of observing a person is completely different from ordinary people. Even if Li Er tried his best to cover it up, Li Xiner could still see the difference between Li Er and others. , very different, Li Er is so different that he hardly looks like a person in this world.

"You seem to like listening to Bai Qianni's "Silence is Golden"?" Li Xin'er watched Li Er's expression from the corner of her eyes.

The corners of Li Er's eyes twitched. It is very difficult for a person to change the world, but it is very easy for the world to erase a person's mark. Li Er has been in this world for more than half a year, and gradually became a local in terms of living habits, but Li Er Deep in his heart, he knew very well that he did not belong to this world, and the people here would never be the same as Li Er.

If it weren't for Li Yi, Li Shan, and Li Shiya, Li Er, who absorbed part of Li Er's memory, would not have any sense of belonging to this world.

"Silence is Golden" is a song that belongs to my world!" Li Er said with deep meaning.

It's a pity that Li Xin'er couldn't understand what Li Er was saying, no one could understand Li Er.

"I read in the newspaper that you killed more than a dozen people." Li Xin'er changed the subject, looked Li Er straight in the eyes and said, Li Xiner once asked Li Er's subordinates what he thought of Li Er, Lin Haiying said, Li Er is a god Of course, Li Xin'er is not superstitious about descending evil stars, but Li Er really must be accompanied by swords, swords, shadows and blood wherever he goes.

"It killed more than a dozen drug dealers!" Li Er seriously corrected.

"It's all the same!" Li Xin'er retorted to Li Er: "It's all about murder."

Li Er spread his hands and said, "It's not speculative."

Li Xin'er smiled wryly.

"Let's not talk about this case first, let's talk about the gun battle at Tan Cheng's villa. It's not right for gangsters to kill people. Are you right to kill people?" Li Xin'er asked, "You don't become a policeman to kill legally, do you?"

Li Er's heart trembled, and he quickly glanced at Li Xin'er.

If being a policeman is not for the purpose of killing legally, then this profession will be meaningless for Li Er, an assassin.

"Of course not. I became a policeman to uphold law and order and fight crime." Li Eryi said righteously.

Li Xin'er stared at Li Er's eyes with contempt,

Spit out two words: "Hypocrisy!"

Li Er shrugged his shoulders indifferently, hypocrisy doesn't break the law.

"You have asked me so many questions, can I ask you a question?" Li Er suddenly asked Li Xin'er.

"Of course, just ask any question!" Li Xin'er said grandly.

Li Er immediately asked: "If you know something is wrong, but you have to do it, what will you do?"

Li Xin'er shook her head and said with a smile: "There is no such thing. If I know something is wrong, I won't do it."

"If you don't do it, you will have to pay with your life?" Li Er calmly looked into Li Xin'er's eyes.

Li Xin'er's eyes flustered: "You are making an assumption."

"Yes, please answer my hypothesis." Li Er continued, this is a hypothesis for Li Xin'er, but it is a compulsory question for Li Er, and he has even done it once.

"I will uphold justice and do the right thing, even if it costs me my life." Li Xin'er said righteously.

Li Er looked at Li Xin'er's pretty face, and clearly uttered two words: "Hypocrisy!"

Li Xin'er's face turned green.

"I feel that what you are talking about is not a hypothesis. I am really curious, what is it that makes a person like you unwilling to do it but insists on doing it." Li Xin'er gossiped.

"Oh! I'm talking about masturbation!" Li Er said seriously.

"Pfft!" Li Xin'er took a sip of coffee just now, and immediately spit it out.

"Ahem!" Li Xin'er coughed and glared at Li Er: "Will you die if you don't hit me?"

Li Er seriously replied: "Yes, I will suffocate to death!"

"Have you ever used cucumbers?" Li Er also asked gossipingly.

"Get out!" Li Xin'er yelled angrily.

Li Er left immediately and escaped another disaster.


Central Crime Unit.

Chen Jiaju took Sha Lianna, who was determined to break away from Zhu Tao's criminal group, and got Zhu Tao's criminal evidence very smoothly.

At the same time, Zhu Tao also met his lawyer in the detention room.

"Lawyer Zhang, can you help me get rid of this crime this time? You know that I am a human being. As long as you help me, I will definitely satisfy you." Zhu Tao looked at the bars and there were no policemen outside, and said in a low voice Said.

Lawyer Zhang shook his head: "Boss Zhu, the situation this time is very complicated. You were stolen by the police and captured."

Zhu Tao's expression changed.

Lawyer Zhang said in a low voice, "Unless someone among you takes the initiative to plead guilty and shoulder everything, then I will have more room to maneuver in court."

Zhu Tao's eyes brightened: "Understood, I will definitely let someone take the matter off. Help me to tell Ah Hai in the No. 3 detention room that if he is willing, I can pay one million for relocation."

Lawyer Zhang clearly made an OK gesture. There is no death penalty on Hong Kong Island, and the maximum sentence is life imprisonment. Lawyer Zhang is sure to control the sentence within 20 years. It is not impossible to come out in ten years during the holidays. Most people will agree to exchange ten years of youth for one million to the family.

Lawyer Zhang confidently walked out of the detention room where Zhu Tao was held.

Zhu Tao leaned on the wall of the detention room with peace of mind. Auspicious people have their own nature. Zhu Tao believes that as long as he is willing to spend money, nothing is unfair, police? justice? snort!

The broom star's bad luck attack seems to be ineffective against Zhu Tao?

Not long after lawyer Zhang walked out of the detention room, he rushed in.

"Boss Zhu, it's not good! Serena is the police witness for the prosecution. She led the police to open your office, and it is said that they found your secret account book." Lawyer Zhang said in a panic.

Zhu Tao's face immediately turned black. He didn't deliberately hide many things from Salina. Salina had seen him enter the computer password. As long as she put her heart into it, she would definitely be able to remember it.

"Then what should we do now?" Zhu Tao asked in a daze.

Lawyer Zhang also had a headache: "I don't know how many illegal things are involved in your books, it's hard to start doing things accordingly."

Zhu Tao suddenly calmed down, and asked, "My account books are all encrypted with replacement words. Although Salina can understand these things, they can't be directly used as evidence, right?"

"I can't tell. Even if the court denies it, these ledgers will definitely affect the attitude of the jury. To be on the safe side, we should either destroy the ledgers or Selena!" Attorney Zhang secretly scratched his neck.

"The police didn't catch Charlie this time. Go find him, and he will know what to do." Zhu Tao said viciously.

Lawyer Zhang: "Understood!"

On the way home, Selina felt a chill in her heart for no reason.


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