What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 105 Brother, listen to me once

Li Kee Tea Restaurant.

Li Er was discussing a major matter with Li Yi, and Li Shan and Li Shiya also participated.

"Ah! Opening a branch, won't it be too soon?" Li Shan looked at Li Er as if she didn't know Li Er, her pimple face was full of shock.

Li Shiya also looked at her second brother in surprise. The little girl used to show off and tell people how my eldest brother was, but now she has become my eldest brother and second brother. It can be seen that Li Er's status has risen in a straight line.

Li Yi also felt that Li Er left too hastily.

"Second brother, the business of our tea restaurant is too busy now, why don't we open a branch after a while!" Li Yi thought for a while and said steadily.

"No, no, it's because the business is booming that we need to open a branch. You have to strike while the iron is hot. Everything can be delayed, but the matter of making money must not be delayed." Li Er immediately objected, shaking his hands.

"Third brother, please tell the boss about the financial statements of our tea restaurant." Li Er turned to Li Shan and said.

"Okay, second brother!" Li Shan pushed the myopia glasses on his face: "The average number of customers in our tea restaurant is 326 people every day, and the average consumption per person is 19 yuan. The income is six thousand one hundred and ninety-four yuan."

"Wow! How can there be so much money?" Li Shiya whispered in surprise.

"Third brother, did you make a mistake in your calculations? Then, didn't our tea restaurant earn 180,000 yuan a month?" Li Shiya blushed with excitement.

Li Shan gave Li Shiya a white look: "Shiya, how did you study, who told you that income is pure profit?"

Li Shiya blushed with shame, she felt that her three elder brothers could do something, but she couldn't do anything.

"There are so few dine-in customers? I thought there would be more?" Li Er frowned. Li Ji Tea Restaurant serves three meals a day, with a flow of 300 customers a day. There were only a hundred guests eating.

"More than three hundred guests are quite a lot." Li Yi shook his hand and said: "There are only so many tables in our restaurant, and it is full of customers for several rounds every day."

"That's why we have to expand!" Li Er said firmly.

Li Shan went on to say: "Second Brother, there are fewer dine-in customers in our tea restaurant, but there are a lot of take-away customers. The workers on the construction site alone order more than two hundred meals a day, but they all order five. The one that delivers regular soup for 1 yuan has a daily turnover of 1,000 yuan, and a monthly income of more than 30,000 yuan."

"The takeaway orders in the office building average more than one hundred orders per day." Li Shan continued.

"Why are there so few food orders in the office building?" Li Er asked, interrupting Li Shan.

"Second brother, the amount of food ordered in the office building was less before. After our tea restaurant replaced the new packaging box, the delivery volume increased. Moreover, most of the office buildings only eat one meal at noon, and dinner is at home. Food." Seeing that Li Er didn't understand, Li Shan quickly explained: "However, customers in office buildings order a lot of food, and usually they order set meals, and they also add some cold drinks. The per capita consumption is about 11 yuan."

"That's not a lot of money. Multiply 100 meals by 11 yuan, and you will have an income of 1,100 yuan a day. That month will be 33,000 yuan." Li Shiya clapped her hands happily.

"Are there many customers who come to the store to pack?" Li Er asked.

Li Shan smiled.

"There are a lot of customers for packing, second brother, the way you think of packing a fast food and giving a coupon for one yuan is really great,

After those first-time packing customers receive the coupons, they will definitely come back the next day to spend a coupon worth 1 yuan, and then we give him another coupon, and they come to pack almost every day. "

Li Shan said happily: "There are more than 200 customers who pack lunch and dinner every day, and the average consumption per person is about 8 yuan. The total is 1,600 yuan per day, and the monthly income is 48,000."

Li Shiya has already taken out her ballpoint pen and started calculating in the exercise book.

"Forty-eight thousand plus thirty-three plus..., third brother, isn't the monthly income of our tea restaurant 291,000 yuan?" The little girl Li Shiya's thinking has stagnated. Too much money.

Li Yi was not too surprised. He works in the tea restaurant every day. Even if he is not specific enough to count every order, he still has a rough count in his heart.

Li Shan directly flipped the accounting book to the last month: "The total income of our tea restaurant last month was 352,000 yuan, after deducting the cost of purchasing the dishes, 118,000 yuan, and Shop rent, utilities, gas, staff wages..."

"Net profit is one hundred and fifty-one thousand six hundred and thirty-two dollars."

Although Li Er had checked the books once, he was still shocked. A 50% net profit is definitely a miracle in the catering industry. Even in any industry, this is a huge profit. No wonder Li Er This guy will be jealous.

"Second brother, you are not in the catering business. You don't understand some things. A large part of our tea restaurant's income comes from the takeaway orders left by Fei Laodong before. Newly opened restaurants will lose half of their income in this area. " Li Yi said.

Li Er nodded, the boss is the boss, and he hit the point right away, but Li Er's target customers are those takeaway orders, and he plans to be the best takeaway restaurant on Hong Kong Island.

"Brother, if you don't take the opportunity to expand your business, with a monthly net income of more than 100,000 yuan, you don't plan to save it in the bank for interest!" Li Er looked at Li Yi and smiled.

"What's wrong with saving interest in the bank!" Li Shiya immediately retorted to her second brother: "Brother, don't listen to the nonsense of the second brother, he spends a lot of money now, so he doesn't want the tape recorder he just bought, and the motorcycle he bought , I gave it to the third brother after riding for less than a month."

Li Er: "..."

Li Yi looked at Li Er, then turned his head to look at Li Shan, Li Shan's eyes dodged a little.

Li Yi is too familiar with his brother.

"You two guys have already discussed it!" Li Yi glared at Li Er and Li Shan angrily.

Li Shan was timid, and immediately confessed: "Yes...it was the second brother who told me that he insisted on me counting the number of people in the store at the street corner. I refused to go, so he said he would beat me up."

Li Er was even more speechless. It seemed that he was really the second child, and the family was actually dominated by Li Yi.

Li Yi gave Li Er a hard look, and it took a long time before he said: "Second brother, have you ever thought about it, if we open a new store, who will go to the new store, can the third child do it alone?"

Li Er shook his head, Li Shan and Li Shiya also shook their heads.

"Who said to let the third child go? The third child is more than enough to keep the success. Don't count on him to open up. My idea is this. The new store still needs to be opened by you. The third child looks at the main store. Our tea restaurant now has four in the account. More than 100,000 yuan, brother, if you think I am radical, you can only use 300,000 yuan to build a new store, so it will be fine!" Li Er spread his hands and laughed.

Li Yi nodded.

"Old man, are you confident looking at the main store?" Li Yi turned to Li Shan and asked.

"Brother, if you and the second brother help me, I will be able to see it." Li Shan said excitedly. He is only eighteen years old this year, and he has to look at a store with an annual income of one million. Reserved.

"Huh!" Li Yi turned his head and gave Li Er a hard look: "I see that you are so active, is the store already sold?"

"Hehe!" Li Er laughed awkwardly: "I really can't hide anything from the boss. The transfer fee is 150,000 yuan. It's just on the other side of our street. I've already paid 10,000 yuan as a deposit."

Li Yi nodded again. Their street has a lot of traffic, and it is close to residential areas, so it is really suitable for catering.

"Brother, the second branch, I think so. We focus on the development of takeaway, expand the team of takeaway employees to 15 takeaways, improve the service quality of food delivery, and then share the takeaways between the two stores."

"Second brother, that labor is a big expense..."

Li Er raised his hand to interrupt Li Shan's words: "Listen to me first, I want to make the menu in the store into a delicate little list with pictures, and then companies of all sizes in every office building will take the initiative to visit , In companies in office buildings, it is usually the front desk that orders food. Each company puts up a few ordering leaflets at the front desk. For every six fast food orders they order, we will give away a fast food specified by the customer. The more they order, the more they will deliver. "

"In this way, our profit will be thin." Li Shiya muttered in a low voice.

Li Yi's eyes brightened when he heard Li Er's words. He has been doing catering for so many years, and of course he knew that if Li Er really messed with him, those front office ladies who ordered the meal would be very enthusiastic about their "free lunch". Ordered meals for other colleagues in their company.

Li Er: "Also, I think the takeaway lunch box delivered to the office building should be more exquisite. It's okay to spend a few cents more, and we can earn it back from the meal fee."

Li Shan couldn't help it: "Second brother, our takeaway boxes are already the best."

Li Er shook his hand: "That's better, I want to see the logo of our Liji Tea Restaurant on the box."

Neither Li Yi nor Li Shan understand this.

"Brother, listen to me once."

Li Yi glared at Li Er angrily: "I have heard you several times."

"That's not bad this time!" Li Er said with a smile.

Li Yi: "..."

In the end, Li Yi agreed to eight of the ten proposals proposed by Li Er.

Preparations for the first branch of Lee Kee Tea Restaurant have begun.

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