What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 107 Li who is not interested in money 2

Central Crime Unit.

Money can turn ghosts around. Usually, if there is one thing that money can't do, it must be that there is not enough money.

The evidence room of the serious crime team suddenly caught fire, where the materials and disks of Zhu Tao's criminal evidence were stored. Obviously, Zhu Tao's money was in place.

"Put out the fire, put out the fire!" Chen Jiaju roared when he found out that the evidence room was on fire, picked up the bucket on the water dispenser, poured it on his head, soaked himself, and then carried a fire extinguisher and rushed into it regardless of the danger. Archives in firelight.

The fire in the archives room was so intense that the other police officers did not dare to rush in, so they could only stand at the door and worry.

Zhang Dazui saw that Chen Jiaju had already rushed into the fire, and hurriedly ran to the fire box in the corridor, smashed the plastic panel of the fire box with his elbow, and rushed towards the archives room while dragging the fire hose.

"Dazui, don't turn on the fire hydrant!" Li Wenbin hurriedly stopped Zhang Dazui: "There are all important documents in the archive room, flushing them with water will destroy them all!"

"Everyone go find a fire extinguisher."

Chen Jiaju had already left the archives room, Zhang Dazui would not listen to Li Wenbin, he decisively turned on the switch of the fire hose.

When the firefighters from the fire brigade rushed to the archives room, they opened their mouths wide and put out the fire.

"Who asked you to use the fire hose to put out the fire?" The director had already arrived, pointing at the nose with its mouth open and yelling.

"I, I....I!" Zhang Dazu didn't know how to answer, and Chen Jiaju walked out of the file room with his whole body blackened.

"Jia Kui, are you okay!" Zhang Dazui turned around and asked Chen Jiaju worriedly.

If he hadn't opened his mouth and decisively used the fire hose to put out the fire, Chen Jiaju might have been burned to death in the police station.

Chen Jiaju handed a floppy disk snatched from the archives to Li Wenbin: "Quickly use the computer to see if it still works?"

"Understood!" Li Wenbin quickly took the floppy disk from Chen Jiaju's hand, turned around and ran to the office.

"Call an ambulance!" Biao Shu also came, he saw Chen Jiaju's miserable situation, and immediately shouted loudly.

Chen Jiaju turned his head and seemed to be looking for someone in the crowd.

"Wen Jianren, did you bastard set the fire?" Chen Jiaju pointed at Wen Jianren and shouted angrily.

Wen Jianren's expression changed: "Chen Jiaju, are you crazy? I've been in the office all the time. If you continue to talk nonsense without evidence, I will definitely sue you for defamation."

"Why did the archives catch fire for no reason? And it just happened to be on fire when Zhu Tao's criminal evidence was put into the warehouse?" Chen Jiaju roared angrily: "During the process of arresting Zhu Tao, there were two operations that leaked secrets. What do you think?" , are you an inner ghost?"

"Ka Kui, shut up!" Seeing the director's unkind expression, Uncle Biao quickly restrained Chen Jia Kui, saying something about the insider in front of everyone would definitely destroy the unity of the police force.

"You two come with me!" The director pointed to Chen Jiaju and Wen Jianren and said.

"Chen sir, that Salina, the witness for the prosecution!" Li Wenbin went and returned, urgently reminding Chen Jiaju.

Chen Jiaju's eyes sharpened. If Zhu Tao ordered someone to burn the criminal evidence in the file room, then he would definitely not let Shalena go. Chen Jiaju immediately rushed into the office and dialed Shalena's mobile phone number.

"Salena, where are you now? Alright, stand in a crowded place and don't move, you are in danger now, I'll go find you right away!" Chen Jiaju hung up the phone as he said.


"Go! Be careful!" said the Director, turning his head to look at Uncle Biao.

Uncle Biao hurriedly took off his coat and handed it to Chen Jiaju. Chen Jiaju's coat had been burned to pieces and he couldn't wear it anymore.

"Big mouth, come with me!" After Chen Jiaju took Uncle Biao's coat, he turned and ran outside regardless of his scorched face.

Tsim Sha Tsui, shopping plaza.

Of course, Li Er would not really not give Bo Anni any presents, but he really didn't know what to give.

In his previous life, Li Er had no chance to practice giving gifts to girls. In this life, he has received many gifts, but he has never given gifts to others.

"Shiya, you've been shopping for so long, why haven't you thought of any birthday present for Annie?" Li Er said with a headache.

Li Shiya raised her head triumphantly: "Of course you have to choose the gift for Sister Anne carefully! Can I just pick one at random?"

"It's right to be selective, but why do you always buy your own things?" Li Er gave Li Shiya a cold look, and he carried two bags in each hand, both of which were bought by Li Shiya.

"Hee hee, second brother, am I going to be called sister Annie and second sister-in-law from now on?" Li Shiya changed the subject with a smile.

Zhu Wanfang's face turned pale, and she stared at Li Er pitifully.

Li Er glared at Li Shiya fiercely: "You are the only one who talks too much, and you will go back if you can't find a gift."

Li Shiya stuck out her tongue, pointed to a store with a prominent sign in front and said, "Second brother, there is a gift shop in front, but the items inside are so expensive! Are you willing to spend money?"

Li Er subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch the 5,000 yuan in his pocket, and poked his head confidently: "Don't talk about money with me, I'm not interested in money."

Li Shiya and Zhu Wanfang looked at each other, and the two little girls covered their mouths and laughed 'giggling'.

Li Er doesn't care about money, just as hypocritical as men don't like driving.

"Second brother, look at this women's watch is very good-looking!" Li Shiya happily encouraged, pointing to a silver-white watch in the glass cabinet.

Bai Anni is generous and has a good temperament. Regardless of whether Li Erxi likes it or not, the three Li family brothers and sisters all like Bai Anni. The key is that Bai Anni seems to have a good family background. Although Li Shiya is still young, she also knows how to match her second brother.

"Didn't you see that Annie already has a watch?" Li Er rolled his eyes and raised his hand to signal the clerk not to take out the watch.

"It doesn't matter whether you buy it or not, you can take a look!" The clerk took out the watch skillfully and handed it to the happy Li Shiya.

"Sister Wanfang, do you think this watch looks good?" Li Shiya ignored her second brother and asked Zhu Wanfang with a smile.

"Hmm! No...it's okay!" Zhu Wanfang said reluctantly.

Li Er shook his head, and started to walk around by himself. Bai Anni must have a lot of these ordinary things, and they will be even better. Li Er wants to buy some interesting things.

Li Er searched for a long time, and found an interesting ornament that looked very delicate. It was a fish basket carved out of jade strands. I know some art, but this thing looks pretty bluffing.

"How did the little fish and shrimp in the jade basket get carved out?" Li Er asked curiously.

"Hello, sir. This is a hollow carving of the southern school. It is carved with a small carving knife to the inside. It is a test of patience and eyes. It is carved by a master in the interior. This is the only one. Sir, since If you like it, you shouldn't miss it." This clerk is really good at talking.

Li Er glanced at the price, his face turned green.

"Aren't you joking! Such a small thing costs 3,000 yuan?" Li Er hurriedly put it down.

"Sir, this is a jade carving art!" The clerk explained with a smile.

Li Er: "You won't tell me this is Hetian jade, will you?"

The clerk shook his head and smiled: "Sir, this is indeed Hetian jade. This piece of Hetian jade is a very common material. Jade is not expensive, but the carving is expensive. This is really carved by a master in Guangfu. It costs two thousand yuan. Really good value for money."

Li Er was still thinking about how to bargain, when a voice beside him suddenly said, "Since you don't want it, then give it to me, this thing is really delicate."

Li Er quickly turned his head, she was a very beautiful woman.

"You can't be a trustee?" Li Er said vigilantly.

The beautiful woman gave Li Er an angry look.

"You are the trustee?" The beauty said, reaching out to pick up the jade basket that Li Er put on the table.

Li Er quickly snatched it away.

"Didn't you want it? Give it to me!" the beauty stretched out her hand and said.

"Who said I don't want it anymore, I want to bargain!" Li Er said without changing his face.


"Hello, sir! All the products in our boutique are clearly priced, no bargaining, thank you!" the clerk said with a smile.

"There must be a reduction of two hundred yuan, right?" Li Er said cheekily.

Clerk: "Excuse me, sir, no bargaining."

The beautiful woman on the side looked at Li Er with a smile.

"Then is there any smaller and cheaper jade basket like this?" Li Er asked.

The clerk shook his head: "This is a handmade product, and this is the only one. If you want to customize it, you have to wait at least a month, and people may not take orders."

Li Er's face was very dark, and he asked again: "I really can't reduce the price, let's reduce it by a hundred, or fifty less!"

The clerk couldn't help but give Li Er a supercilious look. How can there be such a person, with a beautiful woman standing beside him, wouldn't he be more generous?

"I'm sorry, sir, I really don't want to bargain!" The clerk was quite high-quality, slandering Li Er in his heart, but still smiled politely on his face.

Li Er gritted his teeth, forget it, he is just a precious apprentice, this time he has the right to bleed, and he will slowly pick her back in the future, anyway, he can't suffer such a big loss, three thousand yuan, two months It's terrible.

"Okay! Wrap it up!" Li Er said with a bitter face.

The face of the beauty at the side changed, and she said with some embarrassment: "Hello, sir! Can you give me this jade basket, I really like this thing."

Li Er turned his head and gave him a sideways glance: "Whatever you like, I like it too."

The beauty hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, then I will add more money, can you give it to me?"

"How much more?" Li Er said casually.

"Is five thousand dollars okay?" The beauty laughed when she heard that Li Er was willing to add more money.

Li Er took a deep breath, and then seriously looked at the beauty in front of him, this beauty looked familiar!

Li Er stretched out his hand and said, "Hi, my name is Li Er, you—!"

"My name is Tong Keren!" Tong Keren shook hands with Li Er generously and said, "Can you give it to me?"

"No!" Li Er immediately changed his expression.

Tong Keren: "..."


"There's no reason, I didn't agree to you!" Li Er shrugged his shoulders, pretending to be cool and said.

'Annie! I just missed five thousand yuan because of you. ’ Li Er yelled in his heart.

Tong Keren frowned: "Then what if I offer 10,000 yuan?"

Li Er's breath became short of breath, this woman is either a fool or a super rich woman.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in money!" Li Er's heart was dripping with blood, and he tried to put on a gesture of a horse sir, and paid the bill smartly.

Tong Keren: "..."

Boutique clerk: "..."

Who just asked others to cut the price by 50 yuan?

"Okay! I'll look for it in other boutiques." Tong Keren said with a big smile.

Li Shiya and Zhu Wanfang walked over.

"Second brother, have you bought a gift? What is it?" Li Shiya asked while looking at the gift box that Li Er put in the bag.

"A little thing." Li Er said lightly.

"What am I looking for?" Li Shiya asked curiously.

"No!" Li Er resolutely refused: "Let's go, go back."

Originally I wanted Li Shiya and Zhu Wanfang to help choose gifts, but in the end Li Er had to choose by himself. In fact, this can only be blamed on Li Er not thinking carefully. How could Bai Anni have the same aesthetic preferences as Li Shiya and Zhu Wanfang.

"Okay!" Li Shiya said angrily.

Zhu Wanfang looked back at the silver-white women's watch in the glass cabinet, and followed Li Er's buttocks out.

"Ah! Help!"

Just as Li Ercai walked out of the door, he heard a scream, and the crowd in the shopping mall suddenly became agitated, and people ran towards the elevator.

Li Er has a height advantage, and from a distance, he saw four or five gangsters chasing a woman in a dress with a knife.

Li Er's face was so ugly that he dared to cut people in the trouble.

"Second brother!" Li Shiya and Zhu Wanfang hid behind Li Er in fear.

"You hide in the boutique!" Li Er turned around and said, he had already seen several people chasing him running towards him.

"Okay, second brother!" Li Shiya and Zhu Wanfang said obediently.

"Hello!" Li Shiya saw Tong Keren standing at the door with a pale face of fright, and stretched out her hand to give him a hand, leading Tong Keren into the boutique.

"Shiya, close the door!" Zhu Wanfang said to Li Shiya while pushing the glass door.

Li Shiya hurriedly pushed the glass door on the other side, and quickly closed the door.

Only then did Tong Keren come to his senses, and screamed, "Quick, quickly get the lock and lock the door!"

"Don't lock the door, my second brother is still outside!" Zhu Wanfang shouted immediately.

"Call the police!" The clerk of the boutique reacted very quickly and immediately called the police.

Li Shiya said proudly: "My second brother is a policeman."

Li Er drew his gun, he had already seen that the woman running over was Sha Lianna.

Salina also saw Li Er, and she ran to Li Er desperately, and the high heels under her feet had already run away.

"Li sir, save me!" Salina shouted loudly, "Zhu Tao is going to send someone to kill me."

Li Er raised his gun to aim. According to the usual practice, before the police shoot, they must first open their mouths to warn the other party.

Of course Li Er yelled like other policemen: 'I'm a policeman, don't move'

It's just that Li Er's voice is so low that unless you put your ear against his mouth, you will never hear his warning sound.

"Boom!" Li Er shot.

When a knifeman's machete was about to hit Salina's neck, Li Er's bullet flew over Salina's head and hit the forehead of the knifeman who raised the knife.

The knife hand who was shot fell down while running and couldn't get up again.

"Police!" Li Er shouted loudly.

Shalena turned her head and slashed, her face turned pale with fright.

"Li sir, save me!"

"Damn it, it's Tiao Zi, hack him to death!" Instead of running away, the remaining four fierce swordsmen rushed towards Li Er with machetes in hand.

Li Er moved a step to the left, avoiding Sha Lianna who was running into him in a panic, and then the second bullet was fired.


Another swordsman with a gun.

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