
Shalena screamed, because Li Er moved a step to the left, Shalena couldn't hug Li Er, and threw herself on the floor fiercely. The tiled floor in the shopping mall was indeed very smooth, and Shalena's body collapsed. He slid on the floor until he reached the glass door of the boutique before being stopped by his own chest.

Salina's pretty face was pressed tightly against the glass door, looking very embarrassed and funny.

Zhu Wanfang: "..."

Li Shiya: "..."

Tong Keren: "..."

Salina raised her hand and patted the glass door.

Zhu Wanfang was about to open the glass door to let Shalena in.

The boutique clerk hurriedly said: "Don't let her in, those young and Dangerous boys are going to kill her, and she will implicate us if she comes in."

This boutique clerk is really very smart.

Tong Keren turned her head and glared at the clerk of the boutique, and said to Zhu Wanfang, "Open the door!"

Zhu Wanfang was a little too kind, and when she heard Tong Keren supporting her, she immediately opened the glass door and helped Selina in.

"Thank you!" After entering the boutique, Salina quickly turned her head to look at Li Er. Since she was first arrested by Li Er, she has been following Li Er's news on the news.

Although Li Er's nickname of "Death Inspector" was very bluffing, but her own safety was at stake, Salina still looked out of the glass door nervously.

After Li Er shot and killed the two swordsmen without blinking, the remaining three swordsmen froze for a moment. They had never seen a policeman as ruthless as Li Er. Shouldn't the police be trembling at this time? Hold your gun up and warn them not to mess around?

The swordsman didn't attack again, and Li Er couldn't continue to shoot. Although Li Er didn't look up to search carefully, there must be surveillance cameras in such a large shopping mall, otherwise Li Er wouldn't have shot before shooting. Mouth pointlessly into the air.

"Police, put down your weapons immediately!" Li Er yelled loudly, but he yelled these words to the people behind him and the citizens who hadn't finished running in time.

These brainless gangsters did not realize the seriousness of the matter. The nature of killing people in the downtown area is completely different from that of killing people in the alleys. Their current behavior can be completely classified as a terrorist crime that caused social panic.

Li Er's pager suddenly rang.

For the first time, Li Er was very active in checking the pager information, and he immediately lowered his head.

When the three swordsmen saw Li Er bowing his head, their faces became serious. The opportunity was right in front of them. Without any discussion, the swordsmen rushed forward immediately, vowing to hack Li Er to death.

"Ah——! Be careful, second brother!" Zhu Wanfang turned pale with fright, and pushed open the glass door forcefully, but was held back by Selena. Selena was very sorry for her life, and she tightly grasped the handle of the glass door with both hands. Nobody wants to open the door.

Although Li Er lowered his head, he could vaguely see the figure of the knife hand through the bright ceramic floor.

All opponents who don't have a gun in their hands are rubbish to Li Er, who has 'shooting skills' in long-range attacks and 'sweeping legs' in melee attacks. (There should be a hot review here!)


Before Li Er raised his head, a bullet was shot out, and a knife hand was covering his neck forcefully, which was of no avail at all.

The next moment he lay down on the floor.

The remaining two swordsmen had already reached the machete, chopping at Li Er's head one from the left and the other from the right.

"Second brother!" Zhu Wanfang and Li Shiya screamed.

Li Er suddenly squatted down.

'Sweep the legs. '

The two swordsmen immediately fell to the ground on all fours. At this moment, they were still holding machetes, and the threat had not been lifted. According to police regulations, Li Er could shoot.

Li Er has never been a person who has the right not to use it, and he immediately holds the gun in both hands.


"Don't—!" Chen Jiaju and Zhang Dazui rushed over.

"I vote—!" The last swordsman was killed by Li Er without saying the word "surrender".

Li Er put away his police gun, and preemptively yelled at Chen Jiaju: "Why didn't you come earlier, I was almost besieged to death."

Chen Jiaju and Zhang Dazui looked at the unscathed Li Er: "..."

Not long after, the Tsim Sha Tsui police and ambulance also arrived. Kou Shuihua was on duty. He took four CID police officers to salute Li Er before asking about the case.

"Head, what's the matter with these guys?"

Li Er shook his head: "Call more men over here, and first help the ambulance personnel rescue the injured citizens. These gangsters killed people with knives, and I killed them all,"

Although the knifemen who killed Selina did not slash Selena, the riot they caused caused the citizens in the mall to trample on each other and injured many wounded people while fleeing. Jumped off the second floor and fell directly on his leg.

"Li Er, Salina may still be in danger, I want to take her back to the Central District Police Station." Chen Jiaju said.

"Ah! Brother Jiaju, why is it you?" Chen Jiaju spoke, and Li Shiya recognized the black ghost in front of him as Chen Jiaju.

Chen Jiaju nodded awkwardly.

"No problem, just make up a copy of today's case and provide it to our police station!" Li Er said indifferently.

"I don't want to go to the Central District Police Station, you are not capable of protecting witnesses." Selena objected sharply.

"Li sir, can you please protect me from the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, it is best to have you!" Salina said flatteringly, she had just witnessed Li Er's clean and decisive attack against the enemy.

Sha Lianna instinctively felt that to deal with criminals like Zhu Tao, traditional policemen like Chen Jiaju were useless, and policemen like Li Er who didn't play by routine were the most effective.

Kou Shuihua and other Tsim Sha Tsui CID police officers, when they heard that Selena was demoted to the Central District Police Station and praised the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, they immediately straightened their backs proudly and their faces glowed.

"You have a good idea! Your case has been handed over to the Central District Police Station." Li Er resolutely refused, and no one went back to do meaningless things.

"Well, Sir Li, can I go?" Tong Keren glanced at the corpse on the ground with some fear, then turned to Li Er and asked.

"Xiao Shuihua, help Ms. Tong record a statement!" Li Er waved to Kou Shuihua, and then said to Tong Keren: "You can leave after recording the statement!"

"Okay!" Tong Keren said timidly. Although she was a strong business woman, this was the first time she saw a dead person, and she also witnessed the shooting.

After Li Er briefly dealt with the scene, he handed over the command of the scene to Kou Shuihua, and soon Li Xianying also brought people to arrive.

"It's very late, you don't want me to live in the police station tonight, do you? I'm a witness, not a criminal, and I will definitely not agree." Salina pointed at Chen Jiaju's big nose angrily and said.

For bullying traditional and honest policemen like Chen Jiaju, Salina has her own set of methods.

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