What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 113: The Mother-in-Law's Main Dish

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts, let go!" Li Er screamed.

How could Li Er have imagined that a mature beauty like Bai Qianni would do such a thing as twisting someone's ears.

Li Er was unprepared, and Bai Qianni pinched his ears all at once. Ears are not only sensitive to women, but men are also very sensitive. Bai Qianni twisted Li Er's left ear, but Li Er's right ear It also turned red, especially when he smelled the perfume on Bai Qianni's body at a close distance, Li Er lowered his head and inadvertently saw Bai Qianni's figure that was even plumper than He Min, and he became shamefully stiff.

"Damn you!" Bai Qianni was not a simple girl like Bai Anni, she immediately noticed Li Er's strangeness, angrily slapped Li Er's head, and at the same time let go of Li Er's ears.

Li Er immediately took a step back and rubbed his ears desperately.

Bo Anni hurried up and asked worriedly, "Master, is it hurting? I'll get you some medicine to wipe it off."

"No, no, no!" Li Er gave Bai Qianni a vigilant look, and he swore that if this woman came again, he would "sweep the legs" and bring her down.

Bai Qianni gave Li Er a hard look, she was so mad that she made such an outrageous move.

"Ahem, Annie!" Bai Qianni grabbed Bai Anni, where did this precious girl's usual reserve go?

"Li Er, right? You can call me Mrs. Ni just like Feifei!" Bai Qianni said, she was really annoyed by Li Er's 'aunt' and 'aunt'.

"Okay, Mrs. Ni!" Li Er said quickly.

"Feifei, when did you come, why didn't you tell me to pick you up?" Bai Anni asked with a smile when she saw Wu Feifei walking behind Bai Qianni.

Li Er looked at Wu Feifei suspiciously, and wondered in his heart that it must be Wu Feifei, a bastard woman who said something bad about him, otherwise, with his handsome face with a jade face and flying dragon, he wouldn't make people's ears tug at the first meeting.

"Li Er, is your name 'two' in one, two, three, four?" Bai Qianni looked at Li Er and asked strangely.

Li Er nodded and said, "Yes, it's the number 'two' in one, two, three, four."

"You don't have any relatives named Zhang San, do you?" Bai Qianni's expression became even weirder. These two people were the ones who made him very angry.

Li Er felt cold, I'll go, this woman doesn't have some kind of magical sixth sense!

"No, absolutely not!" Li Er resolutely shook his head in denial.

Bai Qianni smiled silently, she was really stunned, everything could be connected with that Zhang San, how could it be such a coincidence!

"Li Er, what do your family do?" Bai Qianni asked Li Er, "Why have I never heard Annie mention you as a friend before?"

"I'm a little policeman, and my family runs a tea restaurant." Li Erduo was alert, and instantly understood why Bai Qianni didn't like her, and immediately said, "I haven't known Annie for long, and she didn't mention me before. It's normal."

"Oh! I haven't known you for long!" Bai Qianni breathed a sigh of relief, and her hostility towards Li Er dropped sharply.

"Why did I hear Annie call you master." Bai Qianni asked again.

"It's like this. When I was in the training camp of the Flying Tigers, I taught Annie to practice gun shooting!" Li Er said lightly.

Bai Qianni nodded, and continued to ask: "Did Annie tell you before that I belonged to her mommy?"

"It's not,

I just found out, and to my surprise, you're almost as young as Anne's sister. "Good opportunity," Li Er immediately remedied.

Bai Qianni smiled, there is no woman in this world who doesn't like to listen to flattery from the age of eighteen to eighty, especially the flattery that praises their youth.

Bai Qianni smiled, it doesn't mean she likes Li Er, she just doesn't hate Li Er that much, in fact, she will never let Annie be with a little policeman, Bai Qianni seems to be asking Li Er In terms of Er's family background, it was actually all about Bai Anni.

"Mommy, this is the small jade carving basket my master gave me. Does it look good?" Bo Anni worried that her mommy would keep asking Li Er, and Li Er would be unhappy, so she quickly shook the small jade basket in her hand and said braggingly.

Sure enough, Bai Qianni was distracted by her precious daughter, she took the small jade basket from Bai Anni's hand and looked through it.

"This little thing is really exquisite." Bai Qianni smiled and returned the small jade basket to Annie. She had seen too many good things. This little jade basket is indeed not a rare item, but it just took up the word "exquisite". .

"Feifei, go back to your room with Annie and change your clothes. We will have dinner together later. It's Annie's birthday today. I've hired a southern chef to cook." Bai Qianni said while rubbing Annie's hair.

"Okay, Mrs. Ni!" Wu Feifei replied with a sideways glance at Li Er, she knew that Bai Qianni must have something to say to Li Er, and she didn't want Annie to hear it, it would definitely not be a good thing.

Wu Feifei's IQ guessed that Bai Qianni had something to say to Li Er, and Bai Anni naturally guessed better, she hurried to Li Er's side, and whispered: "Master, my mommy loves me very much, and she is also very talkative. Yes, don't worry."

"so easy!"

Li Er habitually raised his hand, and before he touched Bai Anni's hair, he found a cold gaze staring at him, and Li Er awkwardly grabbed his head.

"Li Er, this way." Bai Qianni led Li Er to a rattan chair by the swimming pool and sat down.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"No need!" Li Er shook his head.

"I am Annie, who is sixteen years old. I was young and ignorant at that time, and thought that liking a man was a lifetime. You must have heard the rumors spread by the news media. I am the third party who destroys other people's families. The rumor of having an illegitimate child, right? " Bai Qianni said.

"Uh——!" Li Er rubbed his nose. In fact, he had never heard of it. Li Er never watched the entertainment news. He knew that Bai Qianni was very popular, but he didn't know about Bai Qianni's past affairs.

"Annie has never brought a male friend home. I have never even heard that she has any very good male friends. She brought you home today and told you that I am her mother. You can see that she I trust you very much." Bai Qianni looked into Li Er's eyes.

Li Er's eyes were a little dull. It was undeniable that Bai Qianni was a top-notch singer, but her acting skills were terrible. There was no way to see any useful information from the eyes of Li Er, the master of "Actor's Self-cultivation".

"It's also the first time I've officially visited a female friend's house." Li Er said honestly.

"Annie is very smart. Since she believes in you, it is naturally because you are a trustworthy person. I hope you can keep my relationship with Annie a secret. This is for my own good and for Annie's!" Bai Qianni said.

Of course Li Er nodded in cooperation, waiting for Bai Qianni's main dish to express something.

Bai Qianni looked at Li Er with satisfaction.

"I only have one daughter, Annie. Annie is very important to me. I hope she can be happy, and I believe she will be happy, but she is too young now, and girls who are too young always have too many beautiful fantasies. Will mistakenly think 'I like you, what does it matter to you'”

I have to say that Bai Qianni really knows her daughter very well, and Bai Anni really has this kind of personality. She should be able to feel the ambiguity between Li Er and Zhu Wanfang, but she never speaks out.

"I hope that Annie can marry a good man in the future, or a doctor, or a lawyer, but definitely not a little policeman." Bai Qianni said.

Li Er's face froze, knowing that the main dish was coming.


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