"My goal in life is also to open a small shop to help men with breast augmentation and women's kidneys. It will definitely not include being a policeman." Li Er said seriously.

Bai Qianni's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"I was wrong. I was talking about the dream of our housing estate neighbor Ah Hui. My dream is to be an outstanding policeman and serve the people." Li Er said with a full face of reverence.

"..." Bai Qianni looked at Li Er like a fool.

"Shouldn't your royal police be loyal to the Queen of England? When did it become serving the people?" Bai Qianni asked.

"Ugh!" Li Er was dumbfounded, what Bai Qianni said could not be true!

Bai Qianni frowned when she heard that Li Er was still living in the housing estate.

"Li Er, you may be a good policeman, but Annie is not suitable for you. Annie has been pampered since she was a child. She may see something new and be interested in it for a few days, but she will regret it after a while." Bai Qianni continued talking.

"Madam Ni, what exactly do you want to say? You don't need to go around in circles like me." Li Er spread his hands and said, "You said it was too complicated, but I didn't understand it."

"Okay! Refreshing, I like you a little bit." Bai Qianni smiled, and suddenly said with a straight face: "I don't want you to get entangled with Annie."

Li Er also turned cold: "And then?"

"You make a price!" Bai Qianni was even more forthright.

Li Er shook his head: "Did you misunderstand something, my relationship with Annie..."

Before Li could finish his second sentence, Bai Qianni interrupted irritably: "One million, I didn't misunderstand, and I don't want you to do anything difficult, as long as you maintain a normal colleague relationship with Annie, and I will give Don't let Annie know about your money."

Bai Qianni didn't know Li Er, but she knew her daughter very well.

Li Er's eyes widened. When Bai Qianni said one million, he almost called his mother. It was the first time that Li Er knew that as long as he had the right connections, the money came so quickly. Half of the sentence let Li Er know that he was wrong.

Seeing that Li Er didn't speak, Bai Qianni took out the check book from her pocket and wrote down the amount of one million. It seemed that she had already prepared for it.

Li Er looked at the one million cash check that Bai Qianni handed over, his face was unpredictable, he didn't think that Bai Qianni insulted himself with money, this kind of insult should be done every day, Li Er wouldn't mind.

Li Er looked at the one million cash check in Bai Qianni's hand. For the first time, he seriously examined whether Bai Anni's position in his heart was really only worth one million?

Bai Anni likes Li Er, does Li Er also like Bai Anni? There is no doubt about it. There is no man in this world who doesn't like beautiful women. Li Er likes Bai Anni. The difference is that if he takes one million in exchange.

Li Er swallowed unconsciously, just as Bai Qianni said, Li Er really doesn't have much confidence to give Bai Anni happiness, and Bai Qianni can definitely do it, instead of doing this, it's better to accept Bai Qianni openly One million, everyone is happy.

Between Bai Anni and one million, it was a very simple multiple-choice question.

"Li Er, my hands are sore." Bai Qianni said confidently, she was sure that an estate boy would not be able to resist one million yuan.

"Are your hands sore? Can I give you a massage?" Li Er looked at Bai Qianni's fair little hands and smiled.

Bai Qianni's face froze,

Looking at Li Er in disbelief, the guy refused.

'I must be fucking crazy! ’ Li Er smiled wryly in his heart: ‘One million, one million! Even if you take it for a glance, you can look from the age of twenty to sixty. '

"Master, does it look good?" Bai Anni came out wearing a purple lace dress, and she happily turned around in a circle, showing her beautiful dress to Li Er.

Bai Qianni's complexion became even uglier, this precious girl, didn't she ask herself first whether this mommy is good-looking or not.

Li Er looked at Bai Anni in amazement, and suddenly realized that the one million yuan was really inferior to Bai Anni, and he was so fucking good at choosing.

"Looks good, looks good, my apprentice is beautiful, he looks good in anything he wears!" Li Er bared his teeth and smiled, then gave Bai Qianni a smug look.

Bai Qianni glared at Li Er with a murderous look, her bones were about to move.

Li Er snorted coldly in his heart, if you dare to come here again, I will knock you down in front of your daughter, a man's head is inviolable, no matter which one it is.

Bai Qianni snorted in a low voice: "Stupid, guess if Annie listens to me, a mummy, or a stranger like you, if I were you, I would accept the check, lest I get nothing in the end."

"I'm happy!" Li Er smiled and turned his head to show his white, er, some yellowed teeth. This guy didn't rinse his mouth after lunch, and there were still some small pieces of vegetable leaves stuck to his teeth.

Bai Qianni had a chill, she would never let Annie be with such a messy person.

"Mommy, can we eat?" Bai Anni smiled coquettishly, "Your baby girl is a little hungry."

Li Er quietly gave Annie a thumbs-up. Of course, Li Er knew that Annie was asking this question for him. Li Er worked hard to practice his gun every day. A man who shoots a lot will naturally be more likely to be hungry.

At the dinner table, Bai Anni celebrated her birthday, and really didn't invite any friends, just Li Er and Wu Feifei, it was even more impossible for Bai Qianni to invite anyone. Annie was her illegitimate daughter, and she didn't even have time to cover it up, so how could people know about it.

Bai Qianni slowly cut off a small piece of steak, slowly put it into his mouth, and ate it slowly. How could Li Er bear these boring western food etiquette? He quickly forked a piece of steak and immediately bit into it. He took off a large piece and ate it, his teeth no sharper than the knife.

Li Er ate a piece of steak in a few mouthfuls. Of course, his appetite was not enough for a piece of steak, so he turned to the chef standing behind him to refill his glass.

"Aunt Wen, my master eats a lot, help him get a few more slices." Bai Anni laughed.

"Good lady!"

Li Er smiled, Bai Qianni stared at Li Er deathly.

Li Er hurriedly put away his smile, bowed his head and concentrated on eating, he admired Bai Anni a lot, Bai Anni ate very casually with Li Er and the others in the tea restaurant, but now she can behave elegantly in front of her mommy.

Li Er turned his head to look at Wu Feifei, and there were only two words: pretentious.

Li Er doesn't know much about Western food. Li Er didn't touch the caviar and foie gras on the table. Eating too fast is already full.

Bai Anni secretly smiled when she saw her master's expression.

"Master, I can also cook Western food!" Bai Anni said in a low voice.

"Ahem!" Bai Qianni glared at Annie, "You know how to cook Western food, but I don't see you cooking it for your mommy once."

On the other side, Chen Jiaju was squatting on the ground eating a boxed lunch when a pistol was suddenly held against the back of his head.

"Chen sir, I'm sorry, if people don't attack me, I won't attack. Why do you follow me so much?" The man with the gun said sullenly.

Chen Jiaju turned his head slowly, it was Wen Jianren, and behind Wen Jianren were two of Zhu Tao's subordinates.

"You really are the ghost!" Chen Jiaju yelled angrily.

"Don't move around, be careful and shoot you dead." Wen Jianren said viciously.

"Everyone is just grabbing food, why are you so stubborn." Wen Jianren scolded angrily.

"Tell me, where did you hide Salina?" Wen Jianren asked.

Chen Jiaju sneered, wanting to get news about Shalena from his own mouth, it was a dream.

"I'll count to three!" Wen Jianren knocked off the hammer on the pistol.





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