What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 126: You Can Be Arrogant If You Have Money

Maurice Finance Company.

"You're a fucking idiot. Let's lend usury all the time. Isn't it good to take pictures of female students? You must encourage me to smuggle arms." Lai Dafei pointed at a long-haired subordinate and cursed.

"No, Boss, it was you who said that there are wars everywhere now, that ammunition is a scarce product, and that there is a way to smuggle ammunition, so I went to buy it for you." Da Fei's subordinate said with a bitter face.

Lai Dafei had a headache: "I drank two too many glasses of wine to brag at that time, and usually called your sister to accompany me but didn't see you taking it seriously. What should I do now? Such a large amount of goods are rotten in my hands. If it's a short shot, it's okay. They were sold to big circle boys to rob, and now this batch of AK47s knows who to sell to.”

"No, boss, Daquanzai also wants an AK47 now." Changmao said.

Lai Dafei was stunned for a moment: "Is the robbery so fierce now?"

Shaggy nodded.

"Is there a way?" Lai Dafei hurriedly asked: "It's better if it's cheaper, this batch of goods is too fucking dangerous to hold in your hands."

"I know that a guy named Jixiong wants to collect the gun, but I don't know what price he offered. They seem to be kidnapped. Can we ship it?" Changmao asked after thinking for a while.

"Going out, why not!" Lai Dafei immediately said: "Whatever they do, even if they go to fight the British army, it has nothing to do with me. Money is king."

"Get in touch right away. You can't delay this matter. You can let go of other things first. At most, I won't miss your sister anymore. Let's do things quickly." Lai Dafei said affirmatively.

"Thank you, Boss, that kid Zhuang Ni is looking for you outside. He has been quite arrogant recently, and he doesn't even raise his head to say hello when he sees me." Changmao said unhappily.

"Arrogance, of course being arrogant if you have money, you can also be arrogant if you have money, call him in!" Lai Dafei snorted coldly.

Longhair went out and called Johnny and George in.

"What are you looking for from me?" Lai Dafei sat on the office chair, looked at Zhuang Ni who lowered his head and asked.

Johnny looked up.

"What's going on? Who hit you." Lai Dafei saw Zhuang Ni's face was swollen like a pig's head at this moment.

"It's a new student named Zhou Xingxing from our school." Zhuang Ni said bitterly.

"Zhou Xingxing? What prefix? Didn't you report my name?" Lai Dafei asked, "If you hit your own subordinates in your own territory, you don't take yourself seriously." '

"We gave you your initials, Boss. What people say is flying in the east, go eat shit!" George said emphatically.

"Shovel!" Lai Dafei slapped his desk hard, stood up and shouted: "Long Mao, go and give me the background of Zhou Xingxing, and see where he came from."

"The boss has stood up for you in this matter and guaranteed to satisfy you. Is there anything else?" Lai Dafei asked.

Johnny pulled out a car key.

"This is my dad's car. He has gone abroad. As usual, it's six or four."

Lai Dafei took the car keys with satisfaction and said with a smile: "How much protection fee has been collected in the school this month, let's settle the account!"

"You can pay the bill. Last time I stole two cars from my brother, you haven't paid me the balance yet." Zhuang Ni stretched out his hand and said.

"Hey, it's a small amount, then we will get married next month, maybe next month." Lai Dafei waved his hand shamelessly and said.

Johnny indifferently took out something wrapped in newspaper from his schoolbag.

"I picked up a thing last month, how much do you think it can sell for?"

George interjected excitedly: "Yes, it's definitely a good thing. We worked so hard in the police station to get it out."

"What?" Lai Dafei opened the newspaper and saw a .38 police gun inside, his face turned pale with fright.

"It's a police gun!" Lai Dafei strangled the two little bastards to death.

"Can't you sell it for money?" George said suspiciously: "Boss, don't cheat the two of us."

"You still want money, take it away quickly, I will give you two hundred yuan." Lai Dafei cursed angrily, these two idiots don't understand the seriousness of stealing police guns, but Lai Dafei knows, when the police react and lose the gun, There must be a lot of searches, and I hope these two idiots stole ordinary cops' guns.

"Boss, the delivery is here!" One of Lai Dafei's men knocked on the door and said.

Lai Dafei took out one hundred yuan and handed it to the subordinate who entered the door: "Give me the rest of the money."

Coincidentally, it was Li Er, a part-time delivery man, who delivered the food to Lai Dafei. The moment Lai Dafei opened the office door, Li Er received the prompt of 'target person found' from the system.

Li Er glanced into the office strangely.

'What a coincidence? '

Li Er was still thinking about going back to the police station ahead of time to check the information of his target Lai Dafei, but unexpectedly he found the target person. It seems that to be a qualified assassin, it is really necessary to change identities.

The five takeaways cost a total of 60 yuan, Li Er took 100 yuan, and asked Lai Dafei's men for 40 yuan.

In addition to the high-end packaged lunch boxes, the takeaway of Liji Tea Restaurant makes people feel that it is worth the money. The biggest feature is that they do not need additional delivery fees, and the delivery speed is very fast.

After Li Er collected the meal fee, he immediately turned around and left. He had already written down the address of Lai Dafei's company.

At the same time, Sir Huang, the team leader of the anti-mafia team, was also investigating his competitors. Unfortunately, He Min only drove Li Er's car once, and never drove it again.

"Huang sir, we have already checked. He Min has just moved. She now lives in the Xinghai apartment building, and she walks home every day after work. She will pass a Cen Dong Road with fewer pedestrians." Said one of Huang sir's subordinates : "If you play the hero to save the beauty, this position is very suitable."

Huang sir shook his head: "Haven't you checked out the car with the AM license plate?"

"We forgot to write down the license plate number at the time. Now we can only wait for the next time we meet. Don't worry, Mr. Huang. I have checked He Min's background. Except for a cousin who is a small patrolman, there are no other relatives and family members who work on errands." Huang sir's subordinates said strictly.

If these guys were so active in handling cases, at least the results of the Anti-Mafia Team would not be as bad as they are now.

"Okay, I'm going to be a hero to save the beauty tonight." Thinking of He Min's hot figure, Sir Huang finally couldn't help but make up his mind.

After Li Er delivered the meal and returned to the tea restaurant, the tables in the tea restaurant were already full of people, and Li Er himself was so hungry that he didn't even have a seat to sit on.

"Master, I'm so hungry." Bai Anni said with a bitter face.

He Min was also hungry.

"I can only go to someone else's restaurant to eat, let's go, I will treat you to a big meal." Li Er smiled generously.

"Okay! I want to eat western food." Bai Anni clapped her hands and said.

Li Er: "..."

He Min looked at Li Er with great interest.

Li Er had to go bankrupt today.

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