What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 127: The Invisible Li 2

"Are you tired today!" He Min asked with concern.

Li Er smiled.

"Not tired, by the way, don't get too close to Zhou Xingxing. Since he sneaked into the school as an undercover agent, he must have a mission and may be dangerous." Li Er reminded.

"I know, there is no danger in the school." He Min gave Li Er a white look. This guy is always worried that he will lose money. Am I that stupid?

Li Er curled his lips, Li Er didn't need to investigate what kind of morality the schools on Hong Kong Island unified, he could imagine how dirty it was with his toes, especially the school where He Min taught was still an all-boys school.

"What's the matter!" Seeing that Li Er's expression was a bit wrong, He Min asked with a frown.

"It's nothing, I was wondering if I should tell you something." Li Er was obviously plotting against He Min.

"What's the matter, tell me!" He Min was really fooled, and asked with a smile while holding Li Er's arm.

Li Er took a deep breath. If his hand wasn't for shifting gears, he really wanted to be held by He Min all the time.

Really soft.

"Many students in your school have gangster behavior." Li Er followed He Min's words and said "reluctantly".

"It's impossible!" He Min said excitedly.

Li Er shrugged his shoulders.

"It's not that I don't believe you." He Min thought that he had refuted Li Er, and Li Er was unhappy, so he quickly explained: "I mean, they are just students, how could they possibly participate in any underworld activities."

Li Er smiled indifferently: "Then if I didn't say it, Zhou Xingxing might really go to school to improve his cultural level."

He Min's heart trembled, not every woman with big breasts would be brainless, of course Zhou Xingxing couldn't have come to school to study.

He Min looked at Li Er seriously, but Li Er was driving seriously, not talking about the topic just now.

Of course He Min and Zhu Wanfang are different. If it was Zhu Wanfang, let alone Li Er telling the truth, no matter how absurd Li Er's lies, Zhu Wanfang would believe her second brother unconditionally. Believe in Li Er.

Li Er sent He Min downstairs to the apartment, and the anti-triad group Huang Sir hero's plan to save the beauty fell through.

"It's still early." He Min raised her hand and looked at her watch and asked charmingly, "Would you like to come up and sit down?"

Li Er shook his head with difficulty: "No, the tea restaurant still has a lot of things to do today."

"Press——, then I'll go up, you drive slowly." He Min said with some disappointment.

"Okay!" Li Er hugged He Min and kissed him hard, and there was an immediate reaction, He Min's body was really too soft.

"Someone is there!" He Min looked out of the car nervously and got out of the car quickly.

"Did you write down the license plate?" Sir Huang of the anti-gangster group asked with a gloomy face. Li Er didn't get out of the car, so he couldn't see who was in the car.

"Remember it!" Huang Sir's subordinate said, and then he was stunned for a moment: "This... this license plate seems to be Li Sir's car."

"That Li sir?" Huang sir frowned.

Huang sir's subordinates took a deep breath: "Li Er."

Huang sir and another subordinate also gasped: "Li Er."

There is only one Li Er in Tsim Sha Tsui,

That is the head of the CID Department and the Crime Squad, the most promising young inspector of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

In terms of who has the most limelight in the entire Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, absolutely no one can compete with Li Er. Although Li Er is very low-key, none of the things he did was low-key.

The 'Death Detective' was not created by the public relations department of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. It was Li Er, who fought every step of the way.

"Huang sir, let's forget it. There are so many beauties in the world. Go to the rich man for a drink tonight. Let me buy both drinks and beauties." Huang sir's subordinates persuaded that there are many ways for the anti-mafia group to get money. As long as you put your heart into it, everyone's wallet will be bulging.

Huang sir turned and left without saying a word.


Li Er is really busy tonight. He wants to discuss the issue of food delivery trucks with the staff of the tea restaurant. Although Li Shan has not yet calculated the specific figures for today's food delivery volume, it is estimated that there are more than 600 food boxes. On Sunday, tomorrow this number is likely to double.

"Second brother is back!" Zhu Wanfang kept looking out on tiptoe, and recognized Li Er's car from a distance.

At this time, all the staff in the tea restaurant had finished their meal and were waiting for Li Er.

"Second brother, according to your instructions, each envelope is packed with a hundred yuan." Li Shan handed a stack of red envelopes to Li Er, hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but said: "Second brother, is it too much?" .”

"Not too much, not too much, today is a good day for the opening." Li Er took the thick stack of red envelopes handed over by Li Shan, looked at the employees who were about to fill up the tea restaurant, and unknowingly the two tea restaurants added up. Thirty or forty people have been hired.

"Good evening, everyone. Today is a good day for our Liji Tea Restaurant to open its first branch. Thank you very much for your hard work for the Tea Restaurant, especially the old employees who have been working since the main store. Everyone has worked hard. I I would like to say thank you to everyone here first." Li Er raised his hand and smiled grandly.

"Hehe, the boss is being polite!"

"No hard work!"

"Boss, just deliver the food on time."

The employees of Liji Tea Restaurant all laughed.

Li Er only comes to the tea restaurant occasionally, and he has a kind face. The employees of the tea restaurant can't help but feel that Li Er is easy to get along with. In fact, compared with the serious-faced Li Yi and the rigorous Li Shan, Li Er It's really easy to talk about.

"Regarding the issue of payroll, please rest assured. Paying wages on time is the lowest bottom line for a boss. It is only right and proper to get money for work." Li Er said affirmatively.

"Okay!" The employees of the tea restaurant applauded one after another. Working in the catering industry on Hong Kong Island, it is common to not receive wages. When business is good, the boss will of course pay wages on time, but when business is bad, The boss is about to default on wages for various reasons to tide over the difficulties.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense. In short, as long as everyone works hard, the company will never treat you badly." After Li Er finished speaking, he looked at Li Yi, who shook his head.

"Today is a happy day, although there is no precedent, but in order to thank everyone for their efforts, the company has prepared a small red envelope for each employee, and I hope everyone will continue to work hard in the future." Li Er handed the red envelope to Li Shiya and Zhu Wanfang.

"One for each person, send it to everyone."

"Okay, second brother!" Zhu Wanfang happily took half a stack of red envelopes from Li's second hand, and distributed them to the staff together with Li Shiya.

The employees of the tea restaurant were overjoyed. They had just heard Li Shan say that the red envelope contained 100 yuan, and their salary was only more than 1,000 yuan. 100 yuan is a lot, especially the new employees who just came to work today. Excited, listen to the meaning of the boss, they also have a share.

"thank you boss!"

"Thank you boss, the boss's business is booming!"

"Second brother, there are still five left!" After Zhu Wanfang and Li Shiya distributed red envelopes to all the employees, there were still five left.

"Don't you two want it? What about me, elder brother and third child?" Li Er smiled and reached out to Li Shiya: "Hurry up and give me one, I also delivered a day's takeaway today."

Li Shiya pouted and gave a red envelope to Li Er, then happily gave the other two red envelopes to Li Yi and Li Shan.

Although it is said that there are already a lot of red envelopes of 100 yuan, some old employees feel that they should not get the same as new employees. Now that the boss is also 100 yuan, their hearts are immediately balanced.

"Okay, now that everyone has received the red envelopes, I'll start talking about my request." Li Er clapped his hands and said, "My request is very simple, that is, everyone should do their own thing well, and if there is any problem at work, You must bring it up." Li Er turned to Li Shan and said, "Third brother, you will register everyone's questions for the time being."

When the employees of the tea restaurant heard that Li Er wanted to make a request, they all felt nervous, thinking that Li Er would increase everyone's workload, but now they heard that it was still the same as before, and they could also raise opinions, so they all laughed.

"Boss, since you said that, I would like to make a suggestion." A chef in the back kitchen raised his hand and said, "I think the packing of takeaway bags should be done by the delivery staff. It’s tight, I have to order so many takeaways, and after I’m done, I have to pack them into bags, which wastes a lot of time, and at this time, the delivery staff is idle waiting for the food.”

Li Er nodded. The chef in the back kitchen had to pack the lunch box after packing it, which really reduced the efficiency, and the delivery staff was indeed idle while waiting for the meal.

"What's your opinion on the food delivery department?" Li Er turned to ask the delivery person in the food delivery department.

"Boss, what do you say?"

Hehe, although these food delivery staff are not well-educated, they are very charismatic. They just took Li Er's wallet, and even if they really have opinions, they are embarrassed to mention them. It's very high, but it's just for food delivery.

At present, there is no professional food delivery job in the whole Hong Kong Island, mainly because the takeaway orders in the tea restaurant are not enough to pay for the labor. Membership is much lower.

"Okay, from then on, whoever orders the takeaway will be responsible for packaging. I have a requirement for packaging. The soup, soup, water and water must be carefully packaged, at least not too ugly." Li Er said seriously.

"No problem!" the food delivery staff said one after another.

"Do you have any comments?" Li Er continued to ask.

A food delivery man raised his hand: "Boss, now only He Jinyin has a motorcycle among our food delivery staff, can we all be equipped with motorcycles, so that food delivery will be faster."

"Who is He Jinyin?" Li Er was taken aback for a moment: "Why do you have a motorcycle?"

A cowardly guy stood up: "Boss, I'm He Jinyin."

"Second brother, He Jinyin rides me on the motorcycle. He delivers the food faster. I don't have time to deliver the food now, so I will lend him the bike to deliver the food." Li Shan stood up and said.

"Okay! Please don't worry about the motorcycle. I have ordered ten motorcycles from the garage, and they will arrive in a few days. Please bear with me for a few days. I guarantee that every food delivery person will have one. Motorcycle." Li Er raised a finger and said solemnly.

"The boss is mighty!" The food delivery staff shouted one after another.

They originally wanted to complain, but they didn’t expect that Li Er would really provide motorcycles to the food delivery staff. Just think about the car.

Li Yi looked at Li Er with a frown. Li Er seemed to be very concerned about the takeaway of the tea restaurant, which made Li Yi feel that Li Er was not doing his job properly. Although the takeaway business is very good, the customers who come to the door are the main business!

"I also have a request for food delivery by motorcycle, that is, you must pay attention to safety. Although food delivery must be efficient, you must also obey the traffic rules."

The delivery staff nodded.

"Boss, the takeaway boxes we deliver are not neat. Can you change to a square box so that the takeaways are not easy to shake when placed in it, and more takeaways can be placed in it?" He Jinyin saw that everyone raised their hands, and asked He also mustered up the courage to raise his hand and said.

Li Er asked Li Shan to push the motorcycle in. He was going to discuss with the delivery man tonight what size takeaway box would be most suitable.

"Let's start with the length of the takeaway box. How long do you think the takeaway box will not affect walking around?" Li Er asked.

Some people point to the back seat of the motorcycle and say 1.5 meters, some say 1.3 meters, some say 1.2 meters, and some say 80.

"I think one meter is the best. The length of our lunch box is 20 centimeters, which can fit five lunch boxes." He Jinyin suggested.

Li Er nodded: "This proposal is very good. The length of the takeaway box is set at 1.05 centimeters, and the space of 5 centimeters is used as a partition to prevent the takeaway from shaking inside the box."



The delivery staff nodded one after another. These things are related to their vital interests. If one step is in place, their future work will be easier.

"Boss, you need to buy a better rope for the takeaway box, or the box will still shake." Another deliveryman suggested that only the real first-line deliverymen will understand these things, and other laymen will not understand. of.

"Don't worry about that!" Li Er raised his hand and said, "I'll ask the people in the garage to weld the takeaway box to the rear frame of the motorcycle so it won't shake."

The people in the food delivery department applauded excitedly again.

At the all-staff meeting that night, Li Er adjusted and corrected many problems in the tea restaurant in time. Although this guy has never run a tea restaurant, he has a vision half a century ahead. As long as someone can raise a problem, he can make corresponding improvements.

After the meeting, all the employees of the tea restaurant knew that although the second boss did not interfere in the operation of the tea restaurant, he was definitely a good businessman.

"Second brother, you are amazing!" Both Li Shan and Li Shiya looked at Li Er with admiration.

Standing behind Li Shiya, Zhu Wanfang was full of little stars.

"Second brother, do you still want to open a branch?" Li Yi said suddenly.

Li Shan and Li Shiya looked at Li Er in shock. They just opened a branch, and they wanted to open another branch.

Li Er bared his teeth and smiled: "The boss is the boss, I really can't hide anything from you."

"Second brother, if you walk too fast, you will easily lose your pace." Li Yi reminded.

"Unfortunately, even if this branch can have the turnover of the main store, we will wait until next month to plan the second branch." Li Er said with his hands outstretched.

The three brothers and sisters of the Li family stared at Li Er with wide eyes. They will open another branch next month, isn't it too soon? ?

Li Er nodded innocently, and then said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of being tired, you just want to be lazy!"

"Second brother, you do the least thing! You are not tired." Li Shiya immediately retorted delicately.

Li Shan shook his head immediately: "You don't understand Shiya, what the second brother does is all big things, he is even more tired than us."

"Really?" Li Shiya pouted: "I feel that the three of you are the most tired. You come to the store at the earliest to open the door every day, and you settle accounts at night before closing at the latest."

Li Shan smiled shyly.

"Third brother, hire an accountant as soon as possible. There will be more and more branches in the future. You can't do it alone. Just watch others do things!" Li Er said seriously.

Li Shan nodded: "Second brother, I know."

"Second brother, big brother really can't see through you." Li Yi finally said a word.

Li Er rolled his eyes: "You call me the second child, and you still can't understand me. My idea is very simple, to make money, buy a house, buy a car, and marry a wife."

Li Yi gave Li Er a weak look.

From this night, Liji Catering Management Company really started.

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