What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 129 Zhang 3 Molestation Case


An incomparably shrill scream came from the office.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Lai Dafei's subordinates rushed into the office one after another.

Lai Dafei seemed to be wheeled by someone, his face was pale and limp on the floor, the black safe door was closed.

"Who did it? Who the hell did it!" Lai Dafei roared with red eyes.

All the subordinates looked at Lai Dafei anxiously, complaining in their hearts, fearing that it had been delayed for half a year and said that this month's salary would be wasted again.

A few suspicious subordinates even suspected that Lai Dafei was acting in order to continue to default on everyone's wages. Thinking of this, they couldn't help but look at Lai Dafei suspiciously, and then secretly applauded their boss's acting skills. The boss's expression of despair and fury It was so vivid that they even saw the teardrops in the corners of Boss Lai's eyes.

Fortunately, Lai Dafei didn't know about the mental activities of his subordinates, otherwise he might really be pissed off.

"Boss, this safe was not pried open." One of Lai Dafei's men whispered.

Of course Lai Dafei had discovered this a long time ago, and then he became even more sad. He was used to swords and swords. Who would have thought that someone would use such indecent means of theft.

"Who was the last to leave last night?" Lai Dafei shouted angrily.

Changmao pointed to himself and Lai Dafei: "Boss, it seems like the two of us were the last to leave."

Lai Dafei: "..."

"Boss, hurry up and call the police! A stupid thief dared to steal from us." Said one of Lai Dafei's subordinates.

Lai Dafei looked at this subordinate with the eyes of an idiot: "Are you a pig? What do we do? It is already stupid to be stolen, and you still have to call the police. Will I come out to mess around after Dafei?"

"Long Mao, find out who on the black market has low-priced gold and silver jewelry to ship, you know our batch of goods, whoever I catch, I'll kill him." Lai Dafei gritted his teeth.

"Understood!" Changmao asked carefully, "Boss, besides the gold and silver ornaments, is there anything missing?"

Lai Dafei gave Changmao a sideways look, then looked up at a group of subordinates, and cursed angrily: "You shovels, do you still think I've been hollowed out? You have all the IOUs owed to the company, so don't even think about running away. Give it all to me before going out to work.”

Lai Dafei's subordinates were all disappointed. The thief who killed thousands of dollars didn't even pack up the IOUs. A considerable part of Lai Dafei's subordinates borrowed Lai Dafei's usury and couldn't pay back, so they were forced to work for Lai Dafei Pay off the debt.

Lai Dafei was already short of funds, but now that he has been stolen, it is even worse.

"Changmao, hurry up and get in touch with that Jixiong, and hurry up to deliver that batch of goods, otherwise everyone will have nothing to eat this month!" Lai Dafei said to Changmao after sending out the other men.

"Boss, I've already made an appointment for you, but the other party's boss wants to meet you first, and take a look at the samples by the way." Changmao said.

Lai Dafei nodded knowingly. Although he doesn't do arms smuggling business, he still understands the rules of looking at the goods first and building a foundation of trust.

"Then hurry up and make an appointment! By the way, what's the name of the other party's boss?" Lai Dafei hurriedly asked.

Changmao said, "Zhang Zihao!"

Lai Dafei frowned: "Zhang Zihao? Never heard of it!"

"They used to do small cases,

But I heard from Ji Xiong that they are going to make a big deal. "Long Mao said in a low voice.

Lai Dafei immediately became vigilant: "It has nothing to do with me what kind of big case they want to do, whether they can afford the money or not, I will not pay on credit."

Chang Mao said affirmatively: "Ji Xiong said money is fine, as long as the goods are strong enough."

Lai Dafei nodded with satisfaction: "It's not too bad, let's ask them to meet tonight."


Li Er didn't go to work today, and he didn't get up until twelve o'clock in the noon. He just got up to wash up when he received a call from Bai Qianni.

Li Er came to 'Huameng Music Company' without eating lunch. The entertainment company was different. Li Er came up from downstairs, and there were all kinds of beauties along the way, which made Li sir dazzled.

Bai Qianni's assistant brought Li Er into Bai Qianni's office. Li Er looked at the heinously large office in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He was afraid that the entire CID department and the serious crime team would not have Bai Qianni. an office large.

"Li Er, you are here, sit down!" Bai Qianni sat behind the large desk, asking Li Er to sit down and talk like a queen.

Li Er glanced at Bai Qianni.

"Madam Ni, please tell me what you want from me? I'm very busy."

Bai Qianni gave Li Er a reproachful look: "I asked Annie, your police station gave you more than ten days of vacation, tell me what are you busy with?"

Li Er shrugged his shoulders: "This is my personal matter, it's okay to be busy anyway."

"Li Er, you can't be so stingy! I'm Annie's mother. Annie has never brought a male friend home. Is there anything wrong with me helping her daughter?" Things are not right for me.

Li Er nodded: "There's nothing wrong, I'm just used to speaking directly and don't like to beat around the bush."

Bai Qianni also nodded, she actually believed it, that bastard Li Er often talked so that people became dizzy.

"I want you to help me find someone!" Bai Qianni said straight to the point.

"Who are you looking for?" Li Er frowned.

"Zhang San!" Bai Qianni spat out two words bitterly.

Li Er's heart trembled, and she rushed to the street. She didn't know that I was Zhang San, did she? Li Er carefully looked at Bai Qianni's expression, she didn't seem to know the truth.

"It's true that I'm a policeman, but I'm not good at finding people!" Li Er secretly paid attention to Bai Qianni's expression, and said probingly.

Bai Qianni was stunned for a moment: "Didn't the newspaper say that you have all the cases?"

"Uh——!" Li Er looked at Bai Qianni seriously, and asked strangely: "You don't believe this kind of nonsense, do you?"

Bai Qianni's face turned red, she realized that she was really sick and went to the doctor in a hurry, of course, you can't believe everything in the newspaper, but the report is not groundless, Li Er is indeed very good at solving cases.

"Just tell me! Can you help me find this person." Bai Qianni said domineeringly.

"No!" Li Er really said it bluntly, rejecting it bluntly, this guy doesn't even give face to the future mother-in-law with a high probability.

Bai Qianni: "Why?"

Li Er spread his hands: "What's the reason for this? It's not a case to find someone. If the police take care of everything, they won't be exhausted."

"Okay! Then I will report to the police!" Bai Qianni said affirmatively.

"What case are you reporting?" Li Er frowned.

Without even thinking about it, Bai Qianni blurted out: "That bastard Zhang San molested me, cheating money and sex!"

"..." Li Er stared at Bai Qianni who opened his eyes and told nonsense with his eyes wide open.

When did I insult you?

"Madam Ni, are you kidding me! If I really file a case for investigation, will your reputation be ruined?" Li Er reminded.

Bai Qianni's face was flushed, she was indeed too impulsive, for some reason, she was very easy to get angry about anything related to the bastard Zhang San.

Bai Qianni took a deep breath to calm down.

"Make an offer! How much will you be willing to find someone for me!" Bai Qianni said with a cold face.

Li Er smiled: "It should have been like this a long time ago, talk about how much money is practical."

This guy has seen that Bai Qianni is determined to dig Zhang San out. If she doesn't agree to Bai Qianni looking for someone, she will definitely find someone else to help her. If she really finds out something Cool.

As a last resort, Li Er, as an assassin, did not want to bear the title of a talented musician.

When Bai Qianni heard Li Er's agreement, she hurriedly told Li Er about Zhang San's body features, voice details and other aspects. Bai Qianni even wrote down every word Zhang San said.

"Ugh! Lame and hunchbacked, people with this characteristic should be easy to find!" Li Er pretended to think seriously.

"Yeah, I also think it's easy to find. Hong Kong Island is only so big, but I hired the world's most famous private detective team and searched the entire 18 districts of Hong Kong Island, but I couldn't find Zhang San." Bai Qian Ni shook his head and said.

Li Er's heart trembled, Bai Qianni actually invited a private detective.

"I heard from Edward that Zhang San may be pretending to be hunchbacked and lame. He may be a normal person who is hiding in a certain music company." Bai Qianni said seriously.

Li Er secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since you have already hired someone else, forget it! I have no interest in competing with others." Li Er pretended to be proud and said.

Bai Qianni gave Li Er a sideways glance: "..."

"One million!" Bai Qianni raised a finger.

Li looked up at the ceiling at an angle of forty-five degrees, with a gesture of being too wealthy.

Bai Qianni: "Two hundred!"

"Deal!" Li Er was very excited, but he knew that he would never get the money.

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