Zhou Xingxing returned to the police station with a dejected look on his face.

Huang Bingyao looked at Zhou Xingxing and Cao Dahua angrily, while Cao Dahua was indifferent, as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Is there something wrong with you two? I asked you to look up the lost gun, and you look it up in the dictionary for me?" Huang Bingyao scolded.

Zhou Xingxing put down his homework and was about to explain when Cao Dahua had already spoken.

"Director, Xingzi hasn't handed in his homework for a week, and he is punished to stand like a mallet every day. He has no way to enter the classroom to investigate the case."

Huang Bingyao scolded angrily: "Do you have to enter the classroom to investigate the case? You can investigate the case without entering the classroom!"

"If I can't hand in my homework anymore, I won't even be able to enter the school gate soon, and then I will really check the stick." Zhou Xingxing said irritably.

Huang Bingyao scratched his dandruff with a headache, and now he regretted finding these two idiots to investigate the case.

Zhou Xingxing picked up the homework and handed it to Huang Bingyao.

"Director, help me see, can you do this question?"

Huang Bingyao only glanced at it, and threw Zhou Xingxing's homework back: "What kind of triangle relationship is this? I don't know! I will finally give you two a week. If you can't find the missing gun again, you will be killed." Give me all to guard the pond."

"Okay, okay! Thank you!" Cao Dahua nodded his thanks and said, "Guarding the pond is quiet and leisurely, which suits me!"

Zhou Xingxing looked at Cao Dahua speechlessly.

Huang Bingyao raised his iron sand palm, wanting to slap the two bastards to death.

"Director, you didn't have this attitude when you asked me to investigate the case!" Zhou Xingxing looked at Huang Bingyao.

Huang Bingyao scolded: "What kind of attitude do you want? I have always..."

"He has always been like this." Before Huang Bingyao finished speaking, Cao Dahua interjected.

"I've always been like this. You heard me. If I hadn't been humble, how could I have tricked you into the game? Do you really think you are an elite of the Flying Tigers? Best actor? I, the director, will ask you?" Huang Bingyao pointed at Zhou Star's Nose cursed.

"Yes yes yes yes!" Zhou Xingxing smiled wryly and nodded frequently. He had already vaguely guessed how such a good thing would hit him. Sure enough, if this matter is done well, both sides will be cleared, and if it can't be done, he will be blamed.

"The two of you had better find the missing gun, or I'll crush your head with scissors." Huang Bingyao made a V gesture and poked Zhou Xingxing's head.

Zhou Xingxing was stunned: "What kind of feet?"

"Scissors! The deadly scissors flying in the air will crush your head." Huang Bingyao poked Zhou Xingxing's head angrily and said, "Are you scared?"

"Ugh!" Zhou Xingxing's stomach was about to cramp from laughter, and he said with a serious face, "I'm so scared!"

"Scissors Kicks, you're so ridiculous." After Huang Bingyao left, Zhou Xingxing sneered while packing up his things.

"Shh! It's true, he used to be really good." Cao Dahua glanced carefully at the door, and said in a low voice, "He used to be able to beat ten."

"Tch!" Zhou Xingxing curled his lips: "Look at how fat he is, he can take ten planes."

As soon as Zhou Xingxing and Cao Dahua went down to the first floor, they ran into Bo Anni and Instructor Hu who had returned from a mission.

"Zhou Xingxing,

Why are you here? "Bo Anni asked curiously.

"Hi!" Zhou Xingxing didn't expect to meet so many "Bawanghua" beauties here, and smiled with bright eyes: "Have you all transferred to the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station?"

Zhou Xingxing secretly praised himself for transferring to the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station as the wisest decision in life.

"Yes! We are from the Serious Crime Squad." Bai Anni smiled happily: "You haven't answered my question yet?"

Instructor Hu has already seen the school uniform jacket Zhou Xingxing is holding in his hand.

When Zhou Xingxing heard that Bai Anni and the others were both members of the serious crime team, his excited eyes were choked up. Isn't the serious crime team in Tsim Sha Tsui the department of Li Er? This bastard, who monopolizes so many beauties by himself and turns everyone else into a single dog, is really a bastard who hinders the normal reproduction of human beings.

"I'm here to interview the traffic police." Zhou Xingxing casually said in a low mood.

Bai Anni frowned. She felt that with Zhou Xingxing's ability, no matter how bad she was, she should not be a traffic policeman.

Instructor Hu tugged on Labanne's sleeve.

Bai Anni turned her head.

Instructor Hu slightly shook his head at Bai Anni.

"By the way, I have to go to the next company for an interview, so we can drink tea together when I have time!" Zhou Xingxing left with a smile.

"Annie, there's something wrong with Zhou Xingxing this week. The coat he's holding in his hand is the school uniform of Edinburgh. It may be an undercover police officer from our police station." Instructor Hu said knowledgeably.

"Undercover police officer? Why didn't I know?" Bai Anni was stunned for a moment. Whether it was the CID department or the serious crime team's official duties, Li Er didn't hide it from Bai Anni. If Zhou Xingxing was sent by the CID or the serious crime team, Bai Anni couldn't help Know.

"Maybe it's from the anti-mafia group!" Instructor Hu nodded and said.

They still had a case to deal with, and they didn't pay much attention to the weird Zhou Xingxing, so they went upstairs.

Edinburgh schools.

Although Li Er just casually mentioned that there are gangsters in Danburg School, He Min remembered it in her heart. She has been carefully observing the students in the school for the past few days, and finally found out that Zhuang Ni and George often bully other students , and collect protection fees from other students in the school.

If He Min hadn't found out about this, she wouldn't have been troubled. Now that she found out that there were gangsters infiltrating the school, she was about to start worrying. She first reported it to the dean, but the dean didn't believe it at all, and turned back. He Min scolded.

Call the police? This is the internal affairs of the school. If you call the police, the way the police handle things is not persuasion and education.

"Zhou Xingxing!" He Min happened to see Zhou Xingxing and Cao Dahua walking in from the school gate.

"Good morning, Teacher He! What's the matter?" Zhou Xingxing smiled, then tilted his head and gave Cao Dahua a wink, telling Cao Dahua not to be a light bulb.

Cao Dahua walked away knowingly.

"Zhou Xingxing, I have something to tell you!" He Min said in a low voice.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Xingxing quickly took the opportunity to walk into He Min and asked happily.

"Our school's Zhuang Ni and George collect protection fees in the school!" He Min said seriously.

Zhou Xingxing was stunned for a moment: "This is normal. If the two of them don't accept it, other students will accept it."

He Min stared at Zhou Xingxing with wide eyes: "Students are extorted for protection fees, do you police not care?"

Zhou Xingxing blushed: "I'm just a small character, I can't manage it, but Li Er should take care of it, he is the management of the police station."

"So you all know about these campus problems?" He Min was a little dumbfounded.

Zhou Xingxing spread his hands and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the brats like Zhuang Ni and George are just extorting a few packs of cigarettes in school, and the worst is limited. Let them try after graduation and come out of the society. We will definitely teach them to be human. .”

He Min left silently.

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