What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 137 Traffic Group Warning

Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

"Li Er, boss, boss, I really don't know what went wrong and let him see the flaw." Zhou Xingxing followed behind Li Er and kept explaining.

Li Er suddenly stopped, Zhou Xingxing quickly stopped, and looked at Li Er nervously.

"Are you busy tonight?" Li Er asked.

Zhou Xingxing really had something to do, but he shook his head decisively: "I'm fine!"

"Okay, then you will guard the police station tonight, and ask for a useful statement by the way." Li Er grinned.

Zhou Xingxing said seriously: "No problem! Guaranteed that they will recruit even the eighteenth generation of their ancestors."

Li Er frowned: "I don't care what method you use, but don't let me help you take the blame."

"Don't worry, Boss! I have a hundred ways to make them cry, and I guarantee that the forensic doctor won't see anything." Zhou Xingxing said confidently, looking up at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle. He thought about raising his head too high, as if If you don't respect Li Er, quickly lower your head a few degrees.

Li Er looked at the exaggerated Zhou Xingxing speechlessly, then turned and left.

Zhou Xingxing walked into the detention room.

"Zhang Zihao, come out, I want to ask you for a statement." Zhou Xingxing opened the iron door of the detention room and waved to Zhang Zihao.

"I'm sorry, I won't answer any of your questions until my lawyer comes." Zhang Zihao smiled.

"Very attractive!" Zhou Xingxing sneered.

"So-so!" Zhang Zihao still smiled.

Zhou Xingxing grabbed Zhang Zihao's collar.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Zihao glared at Zhou Xingxing angrily, and several of his subordinates also stood up.

Zhou Xingxing grabbed Zhang Zihao with one hand, and unbuttoned the holster around his waist with the other hand.

"What? Are you going to attack the police and escape from prison?" Zhou Xingxing sneered and said, "Come on, grab the police gun first, so the chance of success will be higher."

Zhang Zihao raised his hand to stop his subordinates: "Sir, do you want to have fun like this? This is a detention room, not a prison. What kind of prison do you want to escape?"

Zhou Xingxing sneered: "As long as you know, let's go, otherwise there will be a police and robber fight later. Of course, if you only get beaten and don't fight back, then just pretend I didn't say it."

Zhang Zihao gave his subordinates a wink.

"Okay! I'll go with you to the interrogation room."

Zhou Xingxing nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, although I don't read much, I still understand the reason why people who know current affairs are a bear. You are a bear."

"You are all idiots!" Zhou Xingxing then pointed to Zhang Zihao's subordinates and said seriously.

Zhou Xingxing spoke so seriously that Zhang Zihao couldn't understand whether he really didn't read much, or he was pretending to be confused.

When Zhang Zihao followed Zhou Xingxing to the interrogation room, Li Er had already returned home.

While taking a shower, Li Er turned on the system and checked it. The assassin task in the system task bar has been completed, and the harvested 5,000 experience points have also arrived in the account. Li Er was scared by the system. He saw that there was no middleman to make the difference. This guy is very satisfied with the 5,000 experience points reward. Although he doesn't know what the experience points are for the time being, this does not prevent him from saving them first.

the second day.

"Li Er, it's just in time for you to come back. I have something to look for you!" Superintendent Chen was making trouble in the serious crime team. When he saw Li Er coming back,

Don't hit one place when you are angry.

"Is this Zhou Xingxing one of your subordinates?" Superintendent Chen shouted angrily.

Li Er glanced at the unlucky Zhou Xingxing, Zhou Xingxing stared at the two dark circles, looking dejected from lack of sleep.

"What's the situation?" Li Er asked.

"He beat the suspect, and was photographed by the other party's lawyer and reporters." Superintendent Chen pointed at Zhou Xingxing's nose and cursed.

Li Er smiled happily when he heard Superintendent Chen's words: "There is such a thing, it's impossible, our serious crime team has always handled cases in a civilized manner."

Superintendent Chen glared at Li Er, Li Er's words made him want to vomit.

"Zhou Xingxing, come here, have I told you that you have to bear the burden of your own troubles?" Li Er asked Zhou Xingxing.

Zhou Xingxing lowered his head with a wry smile: "Yes!"

"Then what do you say now?" Li Er asked again.

Zhou Xingxing said in a low voice: "It can't be that you kicked me to the traffic team!"

Li Er laughed awkwardly: "Hehe——!"

Thirty minutes later, Zhou Xingxing was wearing a bright traffic police uniform and reported from the traffic team on the first floor.

In fact, when Li Er learned that the buyer was Zhang Zihao, he knew that this guy was not simple, but Zhou Xingxing wanted to actively hit the gun, so Li Er would not remind him, and finally threw Zhou Xingxing away justifiably.

"Xingzi, here you are!" Li Xianying handed a breakfast to Zhou Xingxing. Li Er despised Zhou Xingxing, but Li Xianying admired Zhou Xingxing very much.

"Thank you, sir!" Zhou Xingxing accepted the breakfast gratefully.

"Xingzi, it's not a big deal to be transferred to the traffic team. I also worked in the traffic team before. You are capable, and you will be able to succeed no matter where you are." Li Xianying said seriously.

"Isn't it?" Zhou Xingxing asked a little excitedly: "You were transferred from the traffic team to the serious crime team?"

Li Xianying nodded affirmatively and said: "What's the matter, as long as you work hard, you can achieve good results in any position. The transportation team is all my good brothers. I will introduce you one by one later."

"That's what I said, but who doesn't want to work in the serious crime team!" Zhou Xingxing sighed.

Li Xianying patted Zhou Xingxing on the shoulder: "I will find an opportunity to tell you, with your ability, you are really inferior in the transportation team."

"Really? Thank you so much." Zhou Xingxing held Li Xianying's hand and said gratefully: "From now on, you will be my big brother, a big brother for a day, and a big brother for life!"

Li Xianying: "..."

"Who wants to worship big brother? Together! I like burning yellow paper the most!" A guy with big eyes interrupted suddenly.

"Who are you!" Zhou Xingxing turned his head and frowned at the guy behind him.

"Hey, let me shine!" The big-eyed guy coughed twice, and said in a loose voice: "I am Chen Baile, nicknamed Duolong, you can call me Brother Le, who is best at It’s about betting on horses, by the way, have you bet this time? Do you want a tip?”

"..." Zhou Xingxing looked at Chen Baila like an idiot.

"Which department are you from?" Li Xianying glanced at Chen Baila with an unfriendly expression.

"Crime crime team!" Chen Baila said with a proud smile, "Don't be afraid! Looking at your distinctive uniform, it goes without saying that it is a traffic suit."

When Zhou Xingxing heard Chen Baile say that he was a traffic suit, he immediately withered.

'That guy Li Er must have a problem with me, maybe he is jealous of my handsome appearance, otherwise such a low-intelligence ugly man would be able to enter the serious crime team, there is no reason why I should go to the traffic team because I am so handsome. ’ Zhou Xingxing slandered Li Er in his heart.

"Are you from the Serious Crime Squad?" Li Xianying looked at Chen Baila coldly: "Then do you know which department I am from?"

Chen Baile spread his hands and said, "Didn't ask for advice?"

"Li Xianying from Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad!"

Chen Baila's stern face collapsed, and he said with a smile on his face: "So it's senior brother, hello senior brother, have you had breakfast? I invite you!"

"Who is your senior brother?" Li Xianying's face turned cold: "We don't have someone like you in our serious crime team!"

Chen Baila was about to explain, but was suddenly interrupted.

"Hi! Isn't this the crime buster Zhou sir last night? Is this a job transfer?"

Zhang Zihao and his party swaggered out of the police station, just in time to meet Li Xianying and Zhou Xingxing.

"Who is this guy? He's so arrogant!" Chen Baila looked at Zhang Zihao and asked.

No one answered Chen Baila.

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