
Li Xianying and Zhou Xingxing looked at Chen Baila as if they had seen a ghost.

Zhang Zihao's right eye socket instantly turned black, and Chen Baile put away his fist.

"Admiration!" Zhou Xingxing gave Chen Baile a thumbs up.

"You fucking—!" Zhang Zihao's subordinates immediately surrounded him.

Chen Baila smiled cheaply: "Are you going to attack the police at the gate of the police station?"

Zhang Zihao took a deep breath: "Lawyer Liu, I will leave this to you."

Lawyer Liu: "Understood!"

Zhang Zihao walked away with the rest of his men.

"Hey! Duolong, you're in serious trouble. Before they know your name, hide your face and escape." Zhou Xingxing suggested.

Chen Baila looked at Zhou Xingxing contemptuously and said with a sneer, "I'm not the same as you, do you have a relationship with the backstage, do you understand?"

Zhou Xingxing: "..."

Thirty minutes later, Chen Baile, who had connections with the backstage, and Zhou Xingxing, the black boy, appeared in the traffic team wearing the same distinctive uniform. Shoulders, turned around and shoulders shrugged violently.

Director's Office.

"Knock, knock—!" Li Er knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

When Li Er walked into the office, he saw Huang Bingyao sitting on the office chair at first sight, wiping his police gun in a good mood. I dripped maintenance oil on it, and then slowly wiped it again.

Li Er squinted his eyes and despised Huang Bingyao secretly. In Li Er's eyes, even the best gun is just a tool. Do you want to pretend like this? Especially that guy Peng Yixing, who sublimated his gun to the height of his partner, he was so weak.

"Morning Director, what's the matter?" Li Er had to interrupt Huang Bingyao, otherwise the old fat man would keep cleaning the police gun in his hand.

"Go back and review carefully and prepare for the exam!" Huang Bingyao said without raising his head.

"Ah?" Li Er was stunned for a moment: "What test?"

"Advanced exam!" Huang Bingyao said lightly.

"So fast?" Li Er frowned.

"You think it's fast?" Huang Bingyao looked up at Li Er: "Okay, then I will withdraw the recommendation letter."

"Don't!" Li Er hurriedly said with a smile: "I will definitely not disappoint the director."

Huang Bingyao nodded with satisfaction, Li Er had never let him down.

Li Er went back to the serious crime team to deal with some necessary matters and then left. This guy is still on vacation, and with his stingy personality, it is impossible for him to work for the government for nothing.

Li Er checked the time and was going to invite He Min to dinner. He had a ghost in his heart. He just kicked He Min’s cousin to the traffic team. Well, Li Er naturally wants to follow the good example.

"Hey, Duolong, that seems to be Li Er's car?"

Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baila were alone pushing an old motorcycle. When they were sweating profusely from exhaustion, Li Er drove a car whizzing by.

"Don't mention him to me, I'm going to challenge him one-on-one sooner or later!" Chen Baila said angrily.

Zhou Xingxing looked at Chen Baila strangely: "You're not telling the truth, are you?"

"I never tell lies!" Chen Baila shouted forcefully.

The corners of Zhou Xingxing's eyes twitched, he thought of Li Er's bizarre 'sweeping legs', and then turned his head to look at Chen Baile, who was panting like a cow pushing a motorcycle, this kind of guy is really going to be singled out by Li Er, I'm afraid It is to be abused to doubt life.

"Don't push it, that mi sir must be targeting us, why should there be a problem with our motorcycle?" Chen Baile said cursingly.

"Zhou Xingxing, what do you want to drink, I'll treat you!" Chen Baile walked towards a canteen.

"You please? Then I want a bottle of Coke, a bottle of Sprite, and a bottle of Wanglaoji." Zhou Xingxing said quickly.

"..." Chen Baila looked at Zhou Xingxing with disdain, and then suddenly laughed cheaply: "Shameless enough, I like it, huh!"

Zhou Xingxing: "..."

'Is this guy gay? ’ Zhou Xingxing looked at Chen Baila with a cold smile.

Chen Baila also suddenly felt cold all over.

At the same time, Zhang Zihao was sitting in the large luxury car, blowing air-conditioning.

"Brother Hao, do you want me to ask someone to kill those two little policemen?" Ji Xiong gritted his teeth and made a gesture of scratching his neck.

Zhang Zihao thought for a while and shook his head.

"No, we are doing big things, don't waste time on these small characters." Zhang Zihao smiled generously even though his eyes were blackened by Chen Baile.

Another employee wearing glasses in the carriage nodded: "Brother Hao is right, if we want to make a lot of money, we shouldn't get angry with these little people, so as not to cause trouble."

But Ji Xiong couldn't get angry, and secretly thought about when to give Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baile a break.

"Brother Hao, this is today's morning paper. It turns out that Lai Dafei was uprooted by the police last night." Zhang Zihao's bespectacled subordinate handed a newspaper to Zhang Zihao.

Zhang Zihao took the newspaper and smiled before opening it: "I figured this out last night. Recently, the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station is very good, and there are frequent good news. It seems that if we set a goal, we must take the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. Just think about it."

Ji Xiong said unhappily: "I think these scouts are only good at sneak attacks. As long as we have guns in our hands, we are afraid of them being a bird."

Zhang Zihao's bespectacled subordinate shook his head: "The Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station pulled out all of Tan Cheng's flags, and they definitely don't only know about sneak attacks."

"Ji Xiong, you are only released on bail now, don't play so many tricks, and follow Lawyer Liu through the process honestly." Zhang Zihao warned.

Ji Xiong was the only one carrying a gun last night. If the lawyer couldn't get an official gun license for Ji Xiong, Ji Xiong would really have to go to Stanley for a year or so apart from jumping bail and fleeing.

"Four Eyes, tell Lawyer Liu that no matter how much money is spent, Ji Xiong must not be allowed to enter Stanley." Zhang Zihao said.

"I've said it a long time ago. Nowadays, many bodyguards of rich people have gun licenses, so there should be room for manipulation." The man wearing glasses nodded.

Zhang Zihao thought for a while, and felt that there was no need to investigate Li Er, the leader of the Serious Crime Squad. As long as he did not make mistakes, the other party would have nothing to do with him.

On the other side, Li Er arrived at He Min's house. Li Er originally wanted to invite He Min out for dinner, but He Min preferred to cook at home.

"Amin, open the door!" Li Er hid the gift box behind him before knocking on the door.

"Just right, I have all the dishes ready." He Min smiled happily, then bent down and took a pair of slippers for Li Er to change into.

The home clothes He Min wears at home are very loose, and when she bends down, Li Er is really hungry.

After Li Er put on his slippers, He Min gave Li Er a white look: "I haven't seen enough yet!"

"I can't see enough!" Li Er replied honestly.

He Min closed the door with a blushing face.

"What are you hiding around?"

Li Er immediately took out the gift box: "It's for you."

"Give it to me?" He Min was overjoyed, but he didn't know what a good day it was, and it wasn't his birthday either!

Li Er nodded, and then couldn't help biting He Min hard. Few men could hold back this peachy woman.

"What is it?" He Min asked out of breath.

"Take it apart and have a look yourself." Li Er said with a smile.

He Min opened the gift box, and it was a beautiful golden necklace.

"It can't be real gold!" He Min looked at Li Er happily.

"Of course it's true." Li Er pointed to the ticket in the box and said, "Their store can clean and replace it for free forever with the ticket."

"It must be very expensive!" He Min knew that the necklace was not cheap just by the feeling of the weight in his hand.

"As long as you like it, it doesn't matter if it's more expensive." Li Er's latest psychological research book was not in vain.

He Min immediately smiled happily: "Put it on for me!"

"Does it look good?"

"Good-looking, people are even more beautiful!" Li Er said with a smile.

Sure enough, all women want to be coaxed. He Min's smile is really charming, and Li Er's bleeding heartache suddenly eased a little. In fact, the jewelry store recommended platinum and other diamond and crystal jewelry to Li Er, but Li Er is Li Er, determined not to be taken advantage of, insisted on buying gold jewelry that preserves value.

Li Er washes his hands and eats. I have to say that He Min's cooking skills are really good. At least Li Er's food tastes no worse than those of those big hotels. It is also unlikely to be able to eat it.

After Li Er finished his meal, He Min served Li Er soup.

"Hey, why is it wolfberry pork rib soup again?"

He Min blushed: "Don't you like it?"


Li Er quickly finished the soup, picked up He Min and walked to the room.

"Ah! Is it daytime now?"

"Don't be afraid, let's keep our voices quiet."

The sound was really low, and the residents downstairs could hardly feel that the upstairs was reviewing the renovation, only a few muffled hums.

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