"Amin, I have something to tell you. Your cousin reported to the police station today, but I don't think he is suitable for the serious crime team. I transferred him to another department." Li Er relied Said to He Min at the bedside.

Good fare and fuel, good girl Fei Han, the car friends do not deceive me, Li Er feels a little sore in his waist.

"Fuck——, you decide for yourself, and I don't understand the rules of your police force. You can be transferred anywhere, as long as you don't cause trouble!" He Min said with a blushing face.

Sure enough, to conquer a woman, the simplest and most direct method is the most effective. At this moment, He Min's mind went blank, and she forgot to ask Li Er where her cousin was transferred.

After exercising, He Min's breathing was a little unsteady, and there was some water mist on her short-sighted glasses. She reached out to take off the glasses.

"Don't take it off, I like to see you wearing glasses." Li Er said with a bad smile.

He Min blushed immediately, just now Li Er called her teacher.

For some unknown reason, the recent traffic department is very hot. Not only Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baile were kicked into the traffic group, but another police officer was also working hard in the traffic group.

"Pull over, turn off the engine, driver's license, driving license and ID card!" Chen Jiaju stopped a car and said seriously.

Although Chen Jiaju, the unlucky ghost, has been cleared of the suspicion of killing Wen Jianren, the fact that he held the director hostage is an iron-clad fact. Even if Lin Leimeng, the director of the Central District, is not a small belly, he must do something to show his attitude , Then, Chen Jiaju changed from the team leader of the serious crime team to the team leader of the traffic team.

The driver of the violating car stuck his head out of the car window and said flatteringly to Chen Jiaju: "Sir, I'm really in a hurry, can you give me a chance, next time I promise I won't dare to speed again."

"I'm sorry, I have always enforced the law impartially!" Chen Jiaju said with a straight face: "You have to obey the traffic rules even if you are in a hurry."

The driver took out his driver's license and driving license with a look of helplessness.

"There is also an ID card!" Chen Jiaju said meticulously.

The driver took out his ID again.

Chen Jiaju carefully copied the cards and quickly let him go.

"Hmph! Copying cards is great, and you traffic policemen are so desperate to catch thieves." The driver who was copied said indignantly, looking at the ticket in his hand.

Chen Jiaju's stern face suddenly collapsed, and the unlucky man said in pain: "I became like this because I worked so hard to catch thieves, do you understand?"

The driver had already driven the car away, so he would not believe Chen Jiaju's words, a traffic policeman would catch any thief, and he would be involved in plagiarism.

"Jiaju, here! I brought you a cold drink." Ah Mei stood on the sidewalk and waved to Chen Jiaju and shouted.

Chen Jiaju looked left and right, there were no vehicles, and hurried over.

"Amei, what are you doing here? I'm very busy now." Chen Jiaju said with a bitter face. It was such a failure for a man to be seen by his girlfriend at the worst time.

"I don't have class in the afternoon, so I came to see you at work, Ka Kui, you look really stylish in a traffic police uniform!" A Mei said happily.

It seems that uniform temptation is irrespective of gender.

"I look more stylish in the uniform of the Chief Superintendent!" Chen Jiaju said affirmatively.

Ah Mei didn't understand at all that in Hong Kong Island's police force system, being a traffic policeman is the least promising, and firefighters are paid better than them. This time, Chen Jiaju was pushed to the end.

"Jia Kui, I brought a cold drink to quench your thirst!" Amei smiled and handed Chen Jia Kui a bottle of drink.

Chen Jiaju picked up a cold drink and took a big gulp. Performing it under such a bright sun would really burn people.

"Amei, find a place to sit under the shade of the tree. I still have two hours before my shift." Chen Jiaju handed the empty bottle of drink to Amei and said.

"Brother Mengjun, have you become a traffic policeman like this? Don't you police reward you for your merits?" A Mercedes-Benz drove up in front of Chen Jiaju, with the windows rolled down, it turned out to be Charlie Cao.

"Charlie Cao, why are you alright?" Chen Jiaju looked at Charlie Cao in disbelief.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a poor ghost without imagination, don't you know that in Hong Kong Island, as long as you have money, nothing is impossible?" Charlie Cao said with a strange smile.

"Hmph! Do you think you can do whatever you want if you have money?" Amei snorted coldly.

"Ouch! Brother Mengjun, your girlfriend is really innocent and lively." Charlie Cao looked Amei up and down with a mean smile: "Little beauty, in Hong Kong Island, you can do whatever you want with money!"

"You are lucky, you don't have to go to jail with Zhu Tao, but if you are in my hands, I can still send you in." Chen Jiaju said confidently.

"My boss is going to jail? Hehehe!" Charlie Cao gave up the seat of the car window with a cheap smile, and an old guy Chen Jiaju was familiar with appeared in front of him.

"Zhu Tao, aren't you in jail?" Chen Jiaju said in disbelief.

Zhu Tao stared at Chen Jiaju coldly and said: "Three Swiss doctors have proved together that I have cancer and only have three months to live. Now I am waiting to die, do you want to come together?"

"Oh! So it is like this!" Chen Jiaju smiled: "Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle, three months have passed in the blink of an eye."

"Hey, my boss won't even die if you die." Charlie Cao said with a smile.

Chen Jiaju's face froze.

"Hey, your words are a bit intimidating!" Zhu Tao said to Charlie Cao.

Charlie Cao smiled, and looked at Chen Jiaju and A Mei with a sinister look: "You two, be careful and drive."

Chen Jiaju looked at Zhu Tao's car butt, his face was very ugly.

"Jia Kui, what should we do?" A Mei asked worriedly.

Chen Jiaju frowned: "I'm not worried about my own safety, I'm only worried that those bastards will harm you."

"Then what should we do?" A Mei was even more worried by Chen Jiaju's words.

Chen Jiaju thought for a while: "I'll call Li Er to see if he has any good ideas."

"Hey, that bastard is looking for me?" Li Er's voice seemed dry.

"It's me, Chen Jiaju! Zhu Tao has been released from prison, do you know?" Chen Jiaju said quickly.

"Hold—!" Li Er snorted, "Hasn't Zhu Tao been sentenced to more than ten years in prison? How did he get out of prison?"

"I'm not very clear about this yet. It seems that someone guaranteed his release from prison." Chen Jiaju felt that Li Er's tone of voice was strange.

"Huh? You can still be guaranteed in prison, can you do this?" Li Er was stunned for a moment, and his movements also stopped.

"Don't bother with these details. He's out of prison anyway. I just met him. I'm worried that he will retaliate against me for hurting Ah Mei. What do you think?" Chen Jiaju asked.

Li Er finally remembered that there was such a thing. Zhu Tao's second part was indeed released from prison, and later died of illness in his villa.

"Oh! I see, we will be released as soon as we get out of prison. We are the police, and we are afraid that these hooligans will fail." Li Er said perfunctorily, lowered his head and kissed He Min who was covering his mouth.

"What are you doing? Did you listen to me? I'm not afraid of hooligans, I'm worried about Amei's safety." Chen Jiaju said angrily.

"I'm doing exercise!" Li Er said affirmatively: "If there is anything to do, we will discuss it in detail at the tea restaurant in the afternoon. I'm going to be busy."

Li Er said that he had already hung up the phone.

"Jia Kui, Li Er said that?" A Mei asked.

Chen Jiaju shook his head: "He said that after work was over, he would go to Li Kee Cafe and chat slowly. He seems to be busy with something."

Li Er is really busy at this time.

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