What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 141: Assassin's Wrath

Zhu Tao Villa.

The ancients said: When a person is about to die, his words are good.

Zhu Tao was lying on the hospital bed in the living room, his face was ashen. The old guy was really going to die this time, but what he said was not kind.

"I want you all to be buried with me!" Zhu Tao looked at the ceiling weakly, his face was tired, but his eyes were very sharp and vicious.

Suddenly a cool wind blew from the balcony, and Zhu Tao was immediately furious, knowing that another careless nurse must have left the window closed.

Charlie Cao may have said a lot of nonsense, but he was right in saying that in Hong Kong Island, people with money can really do whatever they want. Because Zhu Tao doesn't like to live in the hospital, he was able to hire a team of experts from the hospital to come here to help him personally. cure.

Zhu Tao raised his hand with some difficulty, and was about to press the beeper to call the resting nurse to close the glass window, when suddenly a hand wearing a black glove grabbed the beeper.

A man in black appeared in front of Zhu Tao's hospital bed at some point.

Zhu Tao was stunned for a moment: "Who are you?"

The man in black did not speak, and stretched out his hand to unplug Zhu Tao's respirator trachea. Zhu Tao's breathing suddenly became rapid. The medical equipment monitoring his physical condition was about to give an alarm, and the man in black quickly unplugged the power supply of the instrument.

"You... who are you?" Zhu Tao tremblingly raised his hand to grab the mask of the man in black. The man in black took a step back and didn't answer Zhu Tao's question. Oxygen was struggling in pain on the hospital bed, a dead person didn't need to know too much.

"Hurry up, give me the oxygen... the oxygen tube, I... I only have two months left to live, I... I can't die yet." Zhu Tao scratched his throat in pain.

The man in black stood there calmly, as if standing in another time and space as far away.

Zhu Tao stared at the man in black with wide-eyed eyes, and recalled all the enemies in his life like lightning. He thought of several possibilities, but they were all overthrown by him in an instant. Zhu Tao's heart twitched, and his face turned into a pig With the same color as liver, he couldn't guess who the man in black was, or who sent him to kill him.

I'm already at the terminal stage of cancer, and I don't have a few days to live, so why do I want to kill myself?

"Ding! Assassin mission: Assassinate Zhu Tao successfully, the reward experience value of 5000 will arrive immediately."

The man in black inserted Zhu Tao's oxygen breathing tube back, then plugged in the power of the medical equipment, took two steps back, turned and left.

Zhu Tao's dilated pupils looked at the back of the man in black, and he could not rest in peace.


"Tou, do you see what good things we brought here?"

As soon as Ma Jun entered the room, he proudly shook the two large plastic bags in his hand.

"What?" Li Er wiped his hair with a towel. He had just taken a shower and was wearing a pair of flip-flops. The water under his feet was still wet.

"There are drinks in the refrigerator, take whatever you want!" Li Er said casually, and turned to turn on the electric fan in the living room.

"It's some appetizers for supper, duck neck, duck wings, chicken feet, peanuts, and some barbecue." Li Xianying interrupted Ma Jun, who was about to continue to be nervous.

Ma Jun shrugged his shoulders, opened the refrigerator in the living room, and froze for a moment: "Hey, you don't have beer at home?"

Li Er said with a smile: "I don't drink when I'm alone, what kind of wine do I want to drink?

I'll go buy it! "

Ma Jun quickly shook his head: "No, no, I'll go buy it myself. When I just came up, I saw the commissary downstairs."

"Li Er, I think we are very passive in defending Zhu Tao and Cao Charlie like this. I have a way to make them both honest. I can do this by myself." Li Xianying saw that only he and Li were left in the room. When it was two, he said in a low voice.

Li Er smiled silently. Originally, there is only a thousand days to be a thief. There is no reason to guard against a thief for a thousand days. Li Er did not doubt that Li Xianying had the ability to teach Zhu Tao and Cao Charlie how to behave. He just didn't teach Zhu Tao and Cao Charlie. It's just an opportunity to choose to be human.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence." Li Xianying said in a low voice.

Li Er nodded: "What are you going to do?"

Li Er was a little curious about what Li Xianying could do.

"I just went to investigate Charlie Cao with Ma Jun. This guy lives in Kowloon City." Li Xianying said in a low voice, "I know a guy from the East Kowloon Police Station. Charlie Cao has done so many things. After investigation, let the guys in East Kowloon check casually, and they will definitely shut down Cao Charlie for a day or two."

"Only for a day or two?" Although Li Er said this, he was a little bit tongue-tied in his heart. Li Xianying knew a wide range of people. Has the network expanded to Kowloon City?

Li Xianying said in a low voice: "The dumb dog in Wanchai owed me a favor last time. He was willing to help me when he went to Kowloon City to do something in the detention room for a few days. He promised to beat Charlie Cao until he couldn't get out of prison for a month or two." Bed, Zhu Tao himself will die of illness by then, and Charlie Cao is just doing things with money. idiot."

Li Er glanced at Li Xianying in a daze. Charlie Cao was beaten in the detention room of the Kowloon City Police Station. It really had nothing to do with Li Er. It seems that Li Xianying really thought about this poisonous plan. of.

Li Er was brought out by Li Xianying. He knew very well that Li Xianying was the kind of guy who was honest with honest people, and even more bastard than the other bastard.

"Okay! Arrangement!" Li Er said quickly when he saw that Ma Jun was coming back soon.

Li Xianying made a clear gesture: "I will go to work tomorrow."

Li Er smiled and nodded.

Li Xianying didn't know that he absolutely didn't need to do anything tomorrow.

Li Er has finished the matter.

The role of Li Xianying and Ma Jun tonight is only to provide evidence of Li Er's alibi.

"Tou, the beers in the canteens downstairs are not iced, so they need to be chilled in the refrigerator first." Ma Jun came back with two dozen beers in his hands.

"Did you drink so much?" Li Xianying scolded, "I have to do something tonight."

Ma Jun laughed proudly: "You little fools, I can kill them all when I get drunk."

Li Xianying shook his head and smiled wryly. Li Er asked Ma Jun to partner with Li Xianying. Li Xianying was really in pain.

In the past, when Li Xianying and Li Er were partners, Li Xianying was aggressive in doing things, and Li Er helped to do things, which made Li Xianying very handy in doing things.

Now Ma Jun is more likely to get into trouble than Li Xianying himself, making Li Xianying timid in doing things, but also always on guard against Ma Jun causing trouble and letting everyone take the blame together, Li Xianying is so angry that he beats Ma Jun violently every time , but couldn't beat the opponent, Li Xianying felt that if he partnered with Ma Jun, his life would definitely be short for more than ten years.

Ma Jun emptied out all the beverages in Li Er's refrigerator, put beer in it, and left a few cans of beer on the tea table. Li Er's house only had one sofa. Ma Jun simply sat on the floor and opened the beer quickly. with snack box.

"Tou, try this chicken feet, it's very delicious." Ma Jun took a big gulp of beer as soon as he sat down.

Li Er was also sitting on the floor, the beer was not cold and Li Er was not used to drinking it, so he took a sip and grabbed a piece of chicken feet that Ma Jun said was delicious.

"I'm going! It's so spicy!" Li Er screamed, and quickly took a big gulp of beer.

"Not spicy!" Ma Jun took a mouthful of spicy chicken feet with relish.

"Hahahahaha!" Li Xianying slapped his legs and laughed loudly. He was also sitting on the floor, pointing at Ma Jun and scolding with a smile, "Of course you don't think it's spicy. You dare to drink spicy hot pot soup. When we Are they all the same as you?"

“Duck wings and roast pork are not spicy.”

Li Er took another big gulp of beer before stopping the spicy taste. It's not that Li Er doesn't like spicy food, but he can't bear this kind of abnormal spicy taste.

"Tou, Zhou Xingxing is actually a bit capable. It's a waste of talents in the traffic team. I heard that he is still from the Flying Tigers." After drinking for two rounds, Li Xianying said to Li Er When other people were around, Li Xianying called Li Er Atou or Li sir.

"Zhou Xingxing is not good!" Before Li Er could speak, Ma Jun interjected, "That guy is lewd and his eyes are twinkling. It's not a good thing."

Li Xianying gave Ma Jun a hard look and warned him not to talk nonsense. Unfortunately, Ma Jun didn't have the eyesight to understand Li Xianying's meaning. Seeing that Li Xianying's wine glass was empty, he hurriedly filled it up.

Li Er smiled, Ma Jun said whatever he thought of, there was no plan by the city government, Li Er didn't mind Ma Jun interjecting.

"Zhou Xingxing told you that he was from the Flying Tigers?" Li Er asked.

Li Xianying nodded.

Li Er smiled: "I don't know which department Zhou Xingxing is from, but he definitely can't be the Flying Tigers. He joined the Flying Tigers special training with me, and they are all just interned trainees."

"But it is undeniable that Zhou Xingxing is very capable and clever." Li Xianying insisted.

Li Er nodded. He also admitted that Zhou Xingxing's individual combat ability is undoubtedly in the first echelon, and his ability to adapt to changes is very strong. It is very rare to do something. Ma Jun's personal combat ability is also very strong, but If it was a matter of chance, he would definitely be rubbed against the ground by Zhou Xingxing.

As long as a guy like Zhou Xingxing is not too unlucky, with his quick wit, he will be able to climb to the middle and high levels of the police force sooner or later.

It's a pity that there can be no two tigers in one mountain, and Li Er is also very clever, so he doesn't like Zhou Xingxing, who is equally smart, especially when Zhou Xingxing is also very capable.

"I'm sure Zhou Xingxing can't beat me." Ma Jun couldn't help objecting when Li Xianying said that Zhou Xingxing was very capable.

Li Xianying glared at Ma Jun coldly again: "Can't chicken feet stop your mouth? If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

Ma Jun understood now. Li Xianying didn't want to talk by himself, so he quickly lowered his head and kept drinking.

"Ma Jun is right." Li Er looked at Ma Jun and said with a smile: "Zhou Xingxing may be very capable, but our serious crime team does not lack talents. Ma Jun can fight and handle cases. You, Lin Haiying, and Instructor Hu can also do some things."

When Ma Jun heard Li Er's name calling and saying that he could fight, he immediately straightened his back.

Li Xianying also understood that Li Er didn't want Zhou Xingxing to join the serious crime team.

"Even if Zhou Xingxing doesn't join the serious crime team, he shouldn't be a traffic policeman. I suggest that Zhou Xingxing work in the CID department. Neither Tietou nor Bold can be alone." Li Xianying continued to persuade, it seems that he is real I admire Zhou Xingxing very much. Li Er has never seen Li Xianying recommend someone so hard, and it is not good to continue to reject Li Xianying.

"Okay, let Zhou Xingxing train in the traffic team for a month first, and then he can join the CID department if he wants to. His skills are more than enough to be a team leader." Li Er promised.

"Okay! Then it's settled." Li Xianying said happily on behalf of Zhou Xingxing.

On the other side, Salina curled up in the wardrobe and fell asleep in fear. It was already midnight when she woke up.

Salina carefully listened to the movement outside, without any sound, she slowly opened the closet door, the room was cut off, and Salina could only faintly see the situation of the room through the moonlight outside the window.

The door of the room had been knocked half open, but it was strange that Charlie Cao and the others did not rush in. Salina hurried over, closed the door, and then pushed the dressing table to block the door.

Salina didn't know what was going on outside and didn't dare to go out, so she ran back into the closet and curled up to hide. She planned to go out after dawn tomorrow.

The next day, when the sky was only slightly brighter, Selina got up. She held a stainless steel support rod for the mosquito net in both hands, and opened the door tremblingly.


A soprano voice woke up the residents of the entire residential building.

The police car came soon.

Detectives from the serious crime team of Wanchai Police Station began to block the scene of the crime. Salina lived in a community building in Wanchai District.

Lu Qichang frowned and glanced at Salina who was crouching in the corner, trembling all over.

"Do you know the deceased?" Lu Qichang asked.

Salina nodded with blank eyes: "Yes, the one wearing glasses is called Charlie Cao. I don't know the names of the others. I only know that they all work for Zhu Tao."

"Zhu Tao?" Lu Qichang thought for a while, it seemed that the main culprit in a drug trafficking case handled by the Central District Police Station was also named Zhu Tao.

"Could you tell me in detail what happened?" Lu Qichang continued to ask. At this time, his subordinates had already found out the cause of death of the deceased. All of them were killed with a knife. The murderer was a master with a knife.

Salina recounted what happened last night in detail.

"Sir, I was in the room at the time, and then suddenly the power went out."

"Lu sir, the switch in the room was turned off." Lu Qichang's subordinates interrupted.

Lu Qichang nodded, motioning for Salina to continue.

"After the power outage, I heard a little cry, but I hid in the closet and couldn't hear it very clearly. I thought it was Charlie Cao and the others coming in, and then fell asleep for no reason."

"Asleep? There are five corpses lying outside your room, and you fell asleep in the room?" Lu Qichang looked at Selina suspiciously.

Salina was very sensitive, she immediately sensed that Lu Qichang doubted herself, and couldn't help but raise her voice and shouted: "Don't you doubt that one woman of mine can kill five men?"

"Ahem!" Lu Qichang coughed twice, I didn't suspect that you killed someone, I just found it incredible.

Salina didn't speak, she was also wondering who killed Charlie Cao and his party to save herself.

"Huang Zhicheng, go and check Zhu Tao's information. If Salina's confession is true, then Zhu Tao is an important clue." Lu Qichang turned his head and whispered to one of his subordinates.

"Understood!" Huang Zhicheng replied.

At this time, Zhu Tao's nurse found that Zhu Tao no longer had the characteristics of life.

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