Chen Jiaju rushed into Li Er's house, and as soon as he broke open the door, he was kicked out by Ma Jun. He really flew out. If it wasn't for Chen Jiaju's sharp eyesight and hands to grab the handrail of the corridor outside the door, Chen Jiaju would have jumped out of the building. fell.

"Why is it you?" Ma Jun was stunned when he realized that it was Chen Jiaju who kicked him out, and ran out quickly, pulling Chen Jiaju up.

"Are you blind?" Chen Jiaju rubbed his chest in pain.

"I'm sorry Sir Chen, I was too sleepy, I really didn't see it was you." Ma Jun corrected his mistake and immediately apologized.

He was really sleepy. Li Er and Li Xianying guarded the first half of the night, and Ma Jun guarded the second half of the night. But in the first half of the night, when Li Er and Li Xianying kept watch and chatted, Ma Jun couldn't sleep either. This guy is very energetic and bragging to everyone , In the middle of the night, Li Er and Li Xianying both fell asleep, and Ma Jun was too sleepy to die by himself, but he couldn't really fall asleep. Eyelids.

As soon as Chen Jiaju entered the door, Ma Jun mistook it as a swordsman sent by Charlie Cao, and immediately fought back in response.

Fortunately, it was Chen Jiaju. If Zhu Wanfang had entered the door, she might have been kicked downstairs by Ma Jun.

Li Xianying didn't fall asleep, and immediately jumped up from the sofa when he heard the movement. Only Li Er, who knew there was no danger, had already fallen asleep.

"Jiaju, what's the matter?" Li Xianying yawned and beckoned to Ma Jun at the same time: "It's dawn, go to sleep!"

"Okay!" Ma Jun fell asleep as soon as he lay down on the sofa, snoring.

"Ying, where's Li Er? Something big happened." Chen Jiaju said something big happened, but his face was filled with surprise.

"Sleeping in the room, what's the big deal?" Li Xianying asked.

Li Er was originally laying the floor in the living room, but in the middle of the night it was so hot that he couldn't stand it, so he ran to the room to turn on the air conditioner.

Chen Jiaju walked quickly to the room and shook Li Er awake: "Li Er, Charlie Cao and his group were killed last night."

"What?" Li Er looked at Chen Jiaju in a daze, then closed his eyes again.

"Charlie Cao and his gang were killed!" Chen Jiaju repeated.

Li Xianying froze for a moment after hearing Chen Jiaju's words: "Who did it?"

Li Xianying was going to fuck Charlie Cao today.

"I don't know yet."

"Li Er, did you listen to what I said?" Chen Jiaju found that Li Er's eyes could not be opened, so he shook Li Er vigorously to wake him up.

"I fucking heard it. Charlie Cao was killed. It wasn't the Queen of England's concubine who was killed. Why are you rushing to make a fool of yourself? I'm almost sleepy. If you mess with me again, I'll freak out." Li Er's strength was no weaker than Chen Jiaju's, and he stretched out his hand and pushed Chen Jiaju's palm away, and as soon as his body fell down, he retracted sideways into the thin blanket.

"What's wrong with him?" Chen Jiaju turned to Li Xianying and asked.

"Last night's vigil, I only slept for two or three hours." Li Xianying also yawned again and again, but he was a man with something to do, so he held back his sleepiness and asked Chen Jiaju: "What happened, please tell me carefully." .”

"Charlie Cao and his party were killed in Wan Chai last night. I don't know the exact situation, but I saw the scene of carrying the dead body on TV in the morning news." Chen Jiaju said with certainty: "It is Charlie Cao who came here yesterday A few thugs who caused trouble in the tea restaurant."

Li Xianying smiled, so he doesn't have to do anything.

"Heaven has eyes, and I don't know which hero did it. The Wanchai Police Station is busy." Li Xianying said gloatingly, Cao Charlie, the best of the scum, naturally would not regret his death.

Chen Jiaju nodded.

"No, I'm going to be late, Li Er got up and asked him to call me." Chen Jiaju came and left quickly.

On the other side, Huang Zhicheng stared at a pair of annoying dead fish eyes, and looked suspiciously at the crowd watching the police carry out the corpse. According to the theory of criminology, eighty to ninety percent of murderers have the habit of returning to the crime scene. In order to confirm whether there are any omissions in the method of committing the crime, that is to say, there is a high possibility that the real murderer is hidden in the crowd.

It's a pity that some assassins are obviously not that professional. He has no interest in returning to the scene to watch the works. At this time, he is sleeping like a pig weighing more than 100 catties.

"Huang Zhicheng, didn't I ask you to investigate Zhu Tao? Why are you still here, you bastard?" Lu Qichang couldn't help cursing when he saw Huang Zhicheng monitoring the crowd coldly like a traitor.

"Ah! Sir Lu, I have already called to check, but they haven't responded to my message yet." Huang Zhicheng quickly replied.

"I'll let you check it yourself, what's your phone number?" Lu Qichang scolded angrily.

Obviously, the relationship between Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng is not as strong as it was later.

"Lu sir, do you think there is something wrong with that tall man." Huang Zhicheng pointed to a tall man in the crowd and said.

Lu Qichang looked in the direction Huang Zhicheng was pointing at, and couldn't help cursing again: "Of course there will be people watching the dead. Are you reading a book to make your mind look bad? You will treat everyone as a bad person."

Huang Zhicheng retorted in a low voice: "There is no harm in reading a lot, and how can there be truth if you don't doubt it."

Huang Zhicheng is a royal policeman who came from an academy school. The most rare thing is that he still has half of British blood. As long as he works hard, his future achievements will definitely be higher than Lu Qichang.

"What? Okay, let's go there right away!" Huang Zhicheng received a call and hurriedly turned his head to report to Lu Qichang: "Lu sir, the Zhu Tao you asked me to check is dead, and he died only last night."

Lu Qichang's eyes were fixed: "I'm afraid these two cases are related, you come to the scene with me."

Huang Zhicheng: "!"

"Lu sir, I think that Selena is very suspicious. Judging from the fighting signs at the crime scene, the murderer is very calm and professional. It is impossible for him not to know that there is still one alive when he kills, but he let Sally. Na, this makes no sense." Huang Zhicheng analyzed after getting into Lu Qichang's car.

"I think you are really sick. Do you have to die a few more people to be happy?" Lu Qichang scolded: "I have asked Xiao Miao to check Shalena's social circle. The murderer may have done it to save Shalena. of."

"You don't need to kill people to save people!" Huang Zhicheng still had a face full of disbelief.

Lu Qichang took a deep breath. He swore that if Huang Zhicheng hadn't got a backer, he would have kicked this bastard out of the car. Based on the situation at the time, could he still reason with the other party and ask him to let him go?

Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng soon arrived at Zhu Tao's villa.

"Normal death!" The doctor replied.

"Impossible!" Huang Zhicheng was still habitually skeptical.

"Your major or mine, how about I give you clothes and let you be a doctor?" The doctor who spoke was very angry. He was not used to Huang Zhicheng's stink, so he immediately retorted.

Lu Qichang gave the doctor a thumbs up.

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