What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 143: A Disaster From Heaven

It was already noon when Li Er woke up, and Li Xianying and Ma Jun were also kicked awake by Li Er. These two guys had already been absent from the morning shift, but Bai Anni was the one who registered for attendance in the serious crime team, and Li Er beat his precious apprentice. With just one phone call, Bai Anni changed the absence of Li Xianying and Ma Jun to outside work. Li Er has never been a clean and honest guy, and he will naturally mess up when he has power.

"Get up and eat."

Li Er looked at his watch, and was very happy with the fact that it was already lunch time and he saved another breakfast.

Li Xianying told Li Er about Chen Jiaju's visit in the morning and Cao Charlie's killing. Li Er showed a moderate surprise and ignored it.

Li Er thought he had done it very meticulously, and he was very relieved, but he sneezed suddenly.

"Lu sir, look, there are footprints. Zhu Tao definitely did not die a natural death. The murderer climbed in from this wall." Huang Zhicheng pointed to a footprint outside the villa.

Huang Zhicheng is definitely a very stubborn guy. After he intuited that Zhu Tao did not die naturally, without any evidence, he insisted on searching every corner of the villa building. There was no clue in the villa building. Huang Zhicheng expanded the search area. Finally found a footprint on the exterior wall of the villa.

Lu Qichang's face was serious: "Check out Zhu Tao's enemies, if there is anything, he must be put to death."

Lu Qichang learned from the doctor that Zhu Tao's condition had reached the terminal stage of cancer. Apart from reducing the pain, there was no cure. If this kind of person didn't kill him, he wouldn't survive two months.

If it weren't for the deep hatred, who would take this risk.

"Understood!" Huang Zhicheng nodded, then took out a tape measure from his pocket, and measured the length and width of the shoe print.

"Lu sir, I think the case of Zhu Tao's murder is integrated with the case of Cao Charlie's murder," Huang Zhicheng said.

Lu Qichang frowned: "Immediately notify the forensics department to come to the scene. I want to know how the murderer killed Zhu Tao, and why the doctor couldn't see it."

At this time, Lu Qichang also felt that Huang Zhicheng was right.

The people from the forensic department of Wanchai District soon arrived at Zhu Tao's villa.

At the same time, Li Er, Li Xianying, and Ma Jun also arrived at Liji Tea Restaurant.

"Three servings of roasted duck and roasted chicken."

The main store of Liji Tea Restaurant is now being watched by Li Shan alone. Li Yi has transferred most of the old employees to the new store. Li Shiya and Zhu Wanfang are also helping in the new store now. The new store has a bigger storefront and busier business.

"Second brother, I have a class reunion tomorrow and I'm going out for an outing, can you help me look at the store for a day." Li Shan came over suddenly and whispered to Li Er.

Li Er was taken aback for a moment. Although Li Shan had come out for an internship, he was still a college student who hadn't graduated strictly.

Li Shan visits the tea restaurant every day, which is not good for his communication and the expansion of his horizons. Li Shiya occasionally brings a few female classmates to play at home, but Li Er has never seen or even heard of Li Shan. What friends.

"You go! The second brother sponsors you a thousand dollars." Li Er took out a thousand dollars and handed it to Li Shan with a smile. This guy is not picky on his younger siblings.

Li Er knew that although Li Shan was good at reading, his personality was a little dull and he didn't know how to adapt. If he didn't give him money, Li Shan would really stick to the money box and don't know how to use the money first.

"Thank you second brother!" Li Shan readily took Li Er's money.

Li Er looked at Li Shan who returned to the cashier to continue working, and he was already thinking about recruiting people. After all, people are not machines, and it is impossible for Li Shan to go to work every day.

"Tou, are you okay after dinner? I want to practice with you." Ma Jun said while eating: "I thought of your unique trick of 'sweeping the legs'."

Li Er shrugged his shoulders: "It's good that you really think about it, otherwise don't blame me for being black."

"I will definitely defeat you this time." Ma Jun is so confident before every challenge, and then...

Li Er and Li Xianying looked at each other and shook their heads together, bowing their heads and ignoring Ma Jun.

Ma Jun is the kind of guy who still has the courage to challenge and has the confidence to defeat his opponent even if he loses a hundred times. Li Er is happy to have someone to practice with him, and he doesn't bother to remind Ma Jun, and he has learned a lot from Ma Jun Practical fighting skills.

Li Er now understands that his personal secret technique 'Sweeping Legs' is different from other physical attacks. It is an attack on the spiritual system level. As long as the target enters the attackable range of 'Sweeping Legs', it will be attacked by Li Er His mental power is passively locked, no matter how strong the power is, no matter how fast the speed is, it will be in vain.

However, Ma Jun still didn't understand, nor would he believe the real reason why he was so depressed after breaking free from Li Er's "sweeping legs" for the first time. He thinks that as long as his strength is strong enough and his speed is fast enough, he can avoid Li Er's "sweeping legs".

As everyone knows, Li Er's use of "sweeping legs" against Ma Jun is to concentrate his attention and increase the output of mental power. Ma Jun can clearly dodge Li Er's "sweeping legs" in terms of moves, but when Li Er The moment Ma Jun's sweeping legs really swept out, Ma Jun's feet softened first. This had nothing to do with his personal strength, but was actually restrained by the system.

Li Er's mobile phone rang.

It was the mother-in-law, Bai Qianni. She was not so much urging Li Er to find someone, as she was urging Li Er's manuscript. Zhang San, it was impossible for Li Er to help Bai Qianni find him in this life, so he had to continue to perfunctory.

I don't know if there will be retribution if you do too many bad things, Li Er received another call for no reason, this time it was from the broom star.

"Boss, I have a class reunion tomorrow, and I have to ask for a day off." Sao Baxing said briskly.

With the attributes of Esau Baxing, she should have little chance to attend any class reunion.

"Okay, you can rest as you like, if one day is not enough, just add an extra week, have fun! Finally, I would like to ask." Li Er's face was a little dignified: "Is there a kid wearing glasses named Li Shan among your classmates? ?”

Just as Li Er finished speaking, he heard the roar of an engine.

Li Er raised his head quickly, and saw a white sports car rushing towards the tea restaurant from the road.


Li Er roared and quickly backed away.

Li Xianying jumped up immediately after hearing Li Er's warning.

Ma Jun picked up the dining table in front of him.


Ma Jun shook the front of the sports car with a table, and was knocked out as soon as he touched it. Ma Jun's arms were broken, and his body volleyed backwards just in front of Li Er. Li Er probably thought of this moment to catch Ma Jun forcefully. When both of them were injured, Li Er resolutely turned sideways to avoid Ma Jun, and Ma Jun continued to fly backwards.

Then the sports car had already crashed into Li Er's front.

It's off the street.

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