What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 156 Don't Follow People

In a dilapidated unfinished building.

"We planned so carefully and acted so quickly, how could we be discovered by the police?" A gangster from the bomb gang clenched his fists and shouted angrily.

The gangster who was shot gritted his teeth and groaned: "Do you still think about it? The Yinhe Group must have called the police. They deliberately found excuses to delay the time, just to let the police find my location."

"Mute, is there a way to get wireless communication, and I can no longer use wired phones in the future." The gangster who hadn't spoken all this time suddenly asked a silent guy.

"Aba, Aba!" The silent guy made a no problem gesture.

"Stop talking about that, take out the bullet for me first." The middle-length haired gangster who was shot in the shoulder by Li Er raised his hand and said.

"Mute! You help Ah Bin get the warhead." The gangster who spoke angrily slammed the table: "Damn, you dare to call the police, this matter can't be left alone."

On the other side, Chen Jiaju and others are summing up the reasons for the failure and learning lessons.

Li Wenbin walked in quickly: "Sir, I have already found out. There is a guy in Tsim Sha Tsui named Sanghui who specializes in explosives. The gangsters responsible for the explosion at the Galaxy Shopping Center are most likely the ones who got the goods from Sanghui. Sanghui today Show up at the Neptune Bar for the party."

"Very good!" Chen Jiaju was overjoyed: "Dazui, I'll go with you tonight to meet this mourner."

"Chen sir, do you want help from our Tsim Sha Tsui crime squad? We are more familiar with Tsim Sha Tsui." Instructor Hu said.

Chen Jiaju shook his hands and smiled, "Instructor Hu, you don't know. Da Zui and I grew up in Tsim Sha Tsui. We used to be employees of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. We both know every street and alley in Tsim Sha Tsui like the back of our hands."

Instructor Hu nodded: "Then we are off work, and we will see what you have learned tomorrow."

Chen Jiaju shook his hand again and said: "We can't relax yet. Li Er shot a gangster. He may have to find a clinic to dig out bullets. Everyone work harder tonight and check all small clinics that have licenses and no licenses."

Instructor Hu nodded in agreement and began to arrange the search area under the responsibility of the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad.

Bai Anni's plan to find Li Er for supper in the evening is in vain.

"Chen sir, everyone must be careful during the search operation, the other party has a gun in his hand now." Li Wenbin reminded.

Instructor Hu took a few more glances at Li Wenbin.


On the other hand, Salina has been very attentive to Li Ji Tea Restaurant recently, and often gave Li Shiya some gadgets, which made Li Er feel bad about chasing people away.

"Xiaoya, is the business of the tea restaurant's head office also so good every day?" Salina pretended to ask unintentionally.

"That's right, the business is too hot. Fortunately, the second brother is smart and diverted most of the orders to takeaway, otherwise we would definitely be too busy." Li Shiya smiled innocently.

Shalena's eyes lit up, and she asked more attentively: "I see that the takeaway in the tea restaurant is also very popular, so they hired so many delivery people."

Li Shiya smiled.

The little girl spread her hands proudly and said, "Sister Shalena, the food delivery staff you see now is only a part of it! The other food delivery staff are delivering food."

Shalena clicked her tongue secretly. She had already seen the two packers behind the glass window and they never stopped packing fast food.

Moreover, the division of labor of these food delivery staff is very clear and orderly.

They only send the fast food boxes arranged by the dispatcher for themselves, which is very efficient.

Salina silently wrote down the important business links of Li Ji Tea Restaurant in her heart. When Li Shiya said that these things were all set by her second brother, Salina looked at Li Er's back as if she was looking at a monster.

Shalena frowned and asked in a low voice: "Xiaoya, are you sure your second brother went to the police school, not the business school?"

Li Shiya shook her little head. She had the impression that her second brother never studied. It seemed that Chen Jiaju dragged Li Er to apply for a patrol policeman. It seemed that he became an auxiliary policeman first, and then he took the police training course and then became a regular in the exam.

Li Er raised his head and found that Salina was looking at him, and couldn't help but glared at her fiercely.

"Eagle, did you find it?" Li Er asked in a low voice with a tiny microphone clipped to his collar.

"Hey, I found it, boss, this guy is in my place." It was Ma Jun who answered Li Er.

Then Li Er and Li Xianying heard a scream of 'Oh' at the same time.

Li Xianying hurried to Ma Jun's direction to support Ma Jun.

"Ma Jun, you are rushing to the street and acting without authorization!" Li Xianying cursed while running.

"Don't worry! It's not me who screamed."

When Li Er arrived, Huang Zhicheng had already been beaten like a pig by Ma Jun. With Huang Zhicheng's scumbag fighting power, Ma Jun put his hands in thick plaster several times, and he could knock Huang Zhicheng down time and time again with his own feet. In the end, Huang Zhicheng simply slumped on the floor and couldn't get up.

"What are you doing? Why are you beating someone?" Huang Zhicheng shouted sharply when he saw that Li Xianying wanted to search him, and it seemed that he could not hide it.

"Do I still need a reason for beating you?" Ma Jun snorted coldly, "You'd better tell me honestly who ordered you to follow our boss, otherwise I promise you will cry a lot later."

Huang Zhicheng's face turned pale, and he looked up at Li Er nervously. Of course, a small policeman like him has no right to follow Li Er who is an inspector.

Li Xianying bent down quickly, supported Huang Zhicheng's hands with one hand, and searched for Huang Zhicheng with the other hand. When Li Xianying touched Huang Zhicheng's waist, his expression changed, and he immediately lifted Huang Zhicheng's suit.

"Is it a gun?"

Li Xianying hurriedly took a step back, and at the same time pulled out the gun on his waist, and when Li Er saw Li Xianying lifted Huang Zhicheng's suit jacket, the gun had already appeared in his hand.

Huang Zhicheng saw two guns hitting his head in an instant, so he raised his hands in fright.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, it's a misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding, it's a police gun, I'm also a policeman, and everyone is one of us."

Li Xianying turned to look at Li Er asking for instructions.

"Sir Li, I am Huang Zhicheng from Wan Chai's serious case. My police ID is in the pocket of my suit lining. If you don't believe me, please check it." Huang Zhicheng raised his hands and knelt on the ground, looking like a traitor.

"Huang Zhicheng?" Li Er frowned and looked at the pig-headed man in front of him. The name was a little familiar, but Ma Jun was too sneaky. Li Er really didn't recognize Huang Zhicheng's swollen pig-headed face.

Li Xianying cautiously reached out and took out Huang Zhicheng's police ID card and handed it to Li Er.

Li Er glanced at the photo on Huang Zhicheng's police officer's certificate, isn't this the second ghost?

"Wanchai District Serious Crime Team? The team leader is Lu Qichang, did Lu Qichang send you here?" Li Er asked coldly, "Have you been following me for a few days?"

Huang Zhicheng didn't answer, Lu Qichang didn't know that Huang Zhicheng's stalking of Sarina turned into Li Er, Huang Zhicheng never reported this to Lu Qichang.

It would be better for Huang Zhicheng not to speak. Li Er gave Ma Jun a wink and said only one word: "Beat!"

Ma Jun shrugged his neck with a smirk.

"Ah—! Li, you can explain, you can..."

Li Er turned and walked away, leaving only the violent Ma Jun abusing Huang Zhicheng in the alley, and Li Xianying watched from the sidelines. He knew that Li Er would definitely find out the motive of Huang Zhicheng's stalking.

Huang Zhicheng didn't last long, and soon confessed why he followed Li Er with tears running down his nose.

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