What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 157 Understand a little bit

"Li Er, Huang Zhicheng is following Salina. They suspect that Zhu Tao was assassinated, not a natural death. Salina is one of the suspects." Li Xianying reported to Li Er.

Li Er's heart shuddered, and after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he was being followed only after Sha Lianna moved to He Min's next door.

‘No, this guy is following me. There were times when Serena wasn’t by my side, but I still felt like I was being followed. ’ Li Er’s eyes sharpened as he thought about it.

"Search for anything on him, and call Lu Qichang to question him." Li Er said.

Li Xianying nodded: "No problem, I'll take care of it."

Even though Huang Zhicheng knew Li Er's identity, he still chose to follow him. This must be the fault of the Wanchai Police Station.

Li Xianying understood that what Li Er meant was that he hit someone, and he wanted Lu Qichang to take the initiative to apologize.

Li Xianying found a miniature camera on Huang Zhicheng's body, but Huang Zhicheng suddenly snatched the camera when Li Xianying relaxed his vigilance, opened the camera compartment, and stuffed the film into his mouth.

"Spit it out, shovel it out, spit it out for me." Li Xianying angrily elbowed Huang Zhicheng on the back. Huang Zhicheng vomited painfully, and he had already swallowed the film.

"Damn it, there must be something wrong!" Li Xianying kicked Huang Zhicheng with a dark face.

Li Er's face also darkened. Although he thought that his actions as an assassin were flawless, but being followed suddenly, Li Er always felt stabbed in his heart.

Lu Qichang arrived soon.

"Li Er, what do you mean?" Lu Qichang became angry when he saw that Huang Zhicheng was beaten so badly by Li Er that Li Er was hitting him in the face.

"I want to ask what you mean?" Li Er said coldly with a dark face.

"Your men are following us, Boss." Ma Jun stared at Lu Qichang and said.

One of Lu Qichang's men supported Huang Zhicheng.

"Following Sir Li?" Lu Qichang froze for a moment.

Although Li Er looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle with a haughty attitude, in fact, he kept paying attention to Lu Qichang from the corner of his eyes. After Li Er found that Lu Qichang seemed to be really ignorant of Huang Zhicheng's actions, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Li sir, this is definitely a misunderstanding, absolutely!" Lu Qichang suddenly became nervous, even the ICAC has no right to follow and investigate the police casually, let alone Li Er is the supervisor of the department.

"Huang Zhicheng, tell me the fucking truth, when did I ask you to follow Li sir?" Lu Qichang picked up the limp Huang Zhicheng and shouted: "Damn, no, I didn't tell you to follow anyone at all? You bastard Is the shovel biting me indiscriminately?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Huang Zhicheng's teeth were knocked out by Ma Jun's plaster fist.

Lu Qichang suddenly came to his senses, turned to Li Er and said, "Oh! That's right, Li sir, I misunderstood, I sent Huang Zhicheng to follow Sarina, because there was a case involving this female witness, I swear to God, I Lu Qichang will definitely not be so boring as to follow his colleagues."

Li Er nodded.

Li Xianying sneered and threw the miniature camera found on Huang Zhicheng to Lu Qichang: "How do you explain it?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Qichang frowned and turned on the camera, only to find that there was no film.

Lu Qichang: "What about the film?"

"The negatives were eaten by your men,

Do you dare to say that this matter is not tricky? "As soon as Li Xianying finished speaking, Lu Qichang's face turned green, and he turned to stare fiercely at Huang Zhicheng.

"Lu sir, we are Brother Police Department, I hope you can give me a satisfactory explanation." Li Er said, turned and left.

As Li Er said, the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station and the Wan Chai Police Station are adjacent sub-stations, so there is no problem with some small competition in the dark, but this incident is really big, and it is not good for everyone.

The next day, Huang Zhicheng was demoted to Shatoujiao to guard the pond. He never said what photos he took.

On the other side, Instructor Hu and the others searched all clinics, big and small, but they didn't find the gangster who was shot. Instead, Chen Jiaju and Dazui arrested Sanghui, who was a dynamite worker. Sanghui's mouth was very hard. People took turns interrogating each other all night without any clues.

The next day, Instructor Hu transferred Lin Haiying. Looking at the upright Lin Haiying, it only took five minutes to dig out from Sanghui's mouth the suspicious buyer who recently bought explosives from him.

Chen Jiaju was really jealous of Li Er. Li Er was lazy and sloppy in his work, and he was not self-motivated. However, he had a successful official career, and all his subordinates were so capable. He had all kinds of special talents. It was really annoying.

"Instructor Hu, you're not good at following you, are you?" Chen Jiaju asked in a low voice.

Instructor Hu said with a smile: "A little bit!"

Chen Jiaju: "..."

Po Tsai Billiard Room in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Chen Jiaju quickly found Sanghui to confess the polar bear.

"Let's not rush to do it yet. This is not the gangster who was shot. They should have a criminal gang tracking the target person." Chen Jiaju said.

An operation command vehicle disguised as an operation vehicle was parked on the side of the road, with Chen Jiaju, Li Wenbin, Instructor Hu, Bai Anni, Hui Yinghong, Chen Yalun and a group of people inside.

"Annie, you and Ah Hong should keep up with each other, be careful." Instructor Hu said to Bai Anni: "Report the location of the target in real time."

"M!" Bai Anni put on a backpack and a peaked cap, disguised as a tourist, and got off the command vehicle with Hui Yinghong.

The target being tracked was very vigilant. After reaching the entrance of the Tsim Sha Tsui subway station, he did not enter immediately. Instead, he lit a cigarette and leaned on the iron pole to observe the pedestrians coming and going, so as to beware of being followed.

Bai Anni was seen, so she had no choice but to walk down the subway station.

"Report to Instructor Hu. The target person is very cunning. I failed to track him and entered the subway station. The target task is at the entrance and exit outside the subway station." Bo Anni immediately reported.

"It's okay, Annie, you change your clothes and wait on the platform of the subway station. The goal may not be to get off the subway station, Ah Hong, keep up." Instructor Hu said.

Bo Anni took off her peaked cap and stuffed it into her backpack, then turned the backpack to her chest and carried it on her chest, pulled on her coat, and instantly pretended to be a young woman with a big belly.

Hui Yinghong hurriedly walked towards the subway station, and suddenly the bracelet on her hand broke, and the small beads on the bracelet were scattered all over the ground. Hui Yinghong squatted down to pick up the beads with an 'annoyed' face.

The polar bear stood at the entrance and exit of the subway station and smoked a whole cigarette before suddenly flashing into the subway station.

Hui Yinghong also picked up a small bead of cigarette time.

"Report, the target person has entered the subway station." Hui Yinghong reported.

"Annie is here!" Instructor Hu continued to order: "Yalun, go to the subway station to support Annie."

The police officers in the Central District in the command vehicle couldn't help but gave Instructor Hu a thumbs up.

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