"Annie, wait for me at the intersection of Wade Street. I will be there in ten minutes, with a gun and equipment." Li Er always believed in his apprentice the most.

After Bai Anni hung up the phone, she quickly changed the inspection equipment.

"Annie, Sir Li's phone number?" Instructor Hu asked.


Anne let out a 'huh' and stood up. She had already packed up, and after checking the clips for the last time, she put the police gun back into the holster.

"Annie, did Sir Li take action? Didn't he call us?" Instructor Hu hurriedly said.

Instructor Hu and the others all knew that Li Er went to the police station for a meeting and probably had important and critical information.

"I don't know either! Master just told me to wait for him." Bai Anni smiled happily.

Instructor Hu's face froze immediately.

Bai Anni has already walked out.

"Hey! Li Er, I'm almost at my destination, where are you?" Chen Jiaju asked.

"I'm watching you, don't look back, and do your own thing." Li Er's voice came from the mobile phone.

Chen Jiaju hangs up the phone with confidence.

Hongfeng Factory Building.

As soon as Chen Jiaju entered the fire door, someone knocked him out from behind.

"Master, Big Mouth Horse—!" Bai Anni said in the co-pilot.

Li Er shook his head lightly, and the car continued to drive forward, seemingly not seeing Chen Jiaju, Li Er's car drove through an intersection before pulling over.

"Abin, what's going on outside?" asked the polar bear.

A guy on the roof of the Hongfeng factory building stuck his head out of the fence and looked downstairs. After hearing the polar bear's question, he cautiously ran to the other three sides of the factory building to check, and there was no one downstairs on all four sides.

"Brother Xiong, that kid is quite trustworthy. He has no hands. He really came alone." The gangster on the rooftop reported.

"Okay! Keep staring at the entrance and exit. If there is any suspicious situation, please notify us immediately." The polar bear said cautiously.

"no problem!"

At the same time, Chen Jiaju was stripped down to a pair of underwear and tied to a wall. The dumb gangster carefully rummaged through Chen Jiaju's clothes to see if there was a tracker or something.

"How is it?" The polar bear looked at the mute.

"Aba, Aba!" The mute shook his head.

Satisfied, the polar bear picked up a bucket of cold water and poured it over Chen Jiaju's head.

Chen Jiaju immediately woke up from the cold, looked around vigilantly, and only then realized that he had been arrested.

"Where's my girlfriend?" Chen Jiaju tugged on the rope on his wrist.

The polar bear clapped his hands.

Another gangster opened a wooden box and pulled Amei out.

"Jia Kui!" Ah Mei shouted in panic when she saw Chen Jia Kui being tied up: "Jia Kui, how are you doing?"

Chen Jiaju breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm here now, tell me, what do you want to let my girlfriend go?" Chen Jiaju snorted coldly.

"Hey!" Polar Bear nodded, "You're pretty smart! You know we're going to ask you to do something."

"Nonsense! Did you catch my girlfriend,

Just to chat with me? "Chen Jiaju snorted.

"Good!" Polar Bear clapped his hands: "I like dealing with smart people the most. You know we do so many things just to blackmail the Galaxy Group."

Chen Jiaju nodded.

"Then you should also know that the most dangerous part of extortion is the part of collecting ransom." Polar Bear spread his hands and said, "Besides, your police must have laid a net right now, waiting for our brothers to die."

"So you want me to buy the ransom for you?" Chen Jiaju said coldly.

"Very good!" The polar bear couldn't help clapping his hands: "Chen sir is really wise and powerful. We really can't hide this little trick from you. I think you will definitely be willing to help us with this little favor."

Chen Jiaju scolded: "Don't even think about it!"

"Really? It seems that you are not as smart as I thought!" Polar Bear's face turned cold, and he pointed at Ami: "Pull her here!"


Outside the Hongfeng factory building.

"Master, there is a guy on the roof watching downstairs." Bo Anni said and handed the telescope to Li Er.

Li Er took a look at the binoculars and recognized that he was indeed one of the suspects in the explosion gang.

"Master, we have locked their location, the unit on the east side of the sixth floor of the building." Bai Anni turned her head and said to Li Er.

Li Er: "How many people can measure it?"

Bai Anni frowned: "Judging from the radio audio, there are five people, excluding Chen Jiaju and A Mei, there should be three of them are gangsters."

In the sudden attack of the enemy, with one against three, Li Er is very sure that no matter how bad he is, he will be able to retreat completely.

"Okay! Help me distract that guy on the roof, and inform Instructor Hu and the others to prepare for action." Li Er took out his pistol and checked it.

"I see, Master, please be careful. In addition to the police gun on Chen Jiaju's body, this group of gangsters already have two police guns on their bodies." Bai Anni said.

Li Er glanced sideways at Bo Anni who was pouting, hugged the little girl angrily and kissed her hard.

Bai Anni admired Li Er very much, and believed in his ability even more than Li Er himself, so she was not really worried about Li Er's safety. At this time, her goal was achieved, and she immediately kissed back with a smile on her face.

"Hey——! That's it! Start to act." Li Er opened the door and got out of the car.

Bo Anni drove the car to the front door of the factory building, and then suddenly pinned the anti-theft window exposed on the wall. Bo Anni honked the horn and wipers in a 'frantic manner'. grinned.

At the same time, Li Er entered through the back door of the factory building.

"Okay, your task is complete!" Li Er whispered.

When Bai Anni received the message from her master, she pretended to look left and right, then trotted back into the car, and drove away, with a gesture of guilt and escape.

Bai Anni drove the car to a building opposite the Hongfeng Factory Building, took out a backpack from the back seat of the car and went upstairs.

"Stop it, you people rushing to the street, come at me for something, what kind of skill is bullying a woman!" Chen Jiaju roared angrily.

"You can handle it, right?" The polar bear sneered and took a stack of homemade earthen cannons from the mute's hand, and smashed them at Chen Jiaju one by one.


"Canopy - canopy - canopy..."

The self-made earthen cannon exploded in front of Chen Jiaju's chest, and Chen Jiaju's skin was immediately scorched black by the earthen cannon. The pain caused Chen Jiaju to burst into tears. This guy just held back his silence.

"Oh! It seems that you are really a fierce general? Then we need you to help us get the ransom." The polar bear laughed.

Chen Jiaju took a deep breath and wondered in his heart whether Li Er had come or not, he was in so much pain that he was about to urinate.

Li Er had already arrived at the door. When he saw the thick iron door in front of him, he decisively chose to give up.

"Annie, where are the gangsters on guard?" Li Er asked Bai Anni.

Bai Anni: "Nan!"

Li Er immediately climbed out of the outer wall of the building from the window at the stairway, and then quickly climbed to a glass window in the room along the water pipe on the outer wall.

This group of gangsters were very cautious, and the glass windows were all locked from the inside, but this did not bother Li Er. Li Er pointed his finger like a knife, and the mustard space suddenly appeared, and a hole about one centimeter in size appeared in the glass window.

Li Er kept opening and closing the mustard space, and soon nibbled away a fist-sized hole in the glass window. He reached into the window with one hand, opened the glass window, and Li Er lurked in.

When Chen Jiaju was thinking about Li Er, Li Er had locked on three targets in the room.

"Annie, I've arrived. Have you locked your target yet?" Li Er whispered.

"Master, the distance is a bit far. I don't have confidence. Is the chest of the target okay?" Bai Anni asked in a low voice. Compared with headshots, it is naturally easier to aim at the chest with a larger area.

On the tall building opposite Hongfeng Factory Building, Bo Anni held a sniper rifle and aimed at the unsuspecting gangsters on the opposite rooftop.

"Okay! Listen to my order and shoot together, three, two, one."

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