The mute among the bombers had a very sensitive intuition. When he was targeted by Li Er's gun, he instinctively felt uncomfortable and panicked.

Li Er desperately concealed his killing intent, and then pulled the trigger instantly.


As soon as Li Er made a move, four bullets were fired, and four bullets were fired in succession. This was already the limit of Li Er's level, and his fingers would not be able to bear it any sooner.

"Boom-boom!" At the same time, two gunshots sounded outside the factory building, but it was inconspicuous under the cover of Li Er's gunshots.

The first shot was the mute, and Li Er felt that the mute was the most dangerous. Li Er specially took care of the dumb with two bullets. Li Er's first bullet hit the back of the mute's neck, and the second bullet penetrated the back of the mute's head. past.

Li Er's shooting speed was too fast, the polar bear just had time to turn his head when he heard the gunshot, and felt that the sky was cold, and Li Er's third bullet flew off a large piece of the polar bear's bloody scalp.

A fourth bullet hit the other gangster's cheek, and the bullet passed through the man's mouth, removing several teeth.



Two screams sounded, one of the two gangsters held his head, the other covered his mouth, and the other was already lying in a pool of blood.

Only then did Chen Jiaju and Ah Mei realize what had happened.

"Raise your hands where I can see them!" Li Er yelled loudly while shifting his position.

"Li Er!" Chen Jiaju was overjoyed.

The polar bear glanced at the mute lying in a pool of blood, and winked at the gangster who was also shot and covered his mouth.

"Cover me!" whispered the polar bear.

"Ah——! It hurts!" The gangster who was shot in the mouth immediately increased his body language and screamed in pain. Although he raised his hands high, he moved lightly and quietly moved to the direction of the bullet, blocking the direction of the polar bear. Body.

The polar bear bent down and was about to reach out and pull out the pistol behind his waist.


The gunshot rang out, and a bullet penetrated the gangster's left temple from the mouth, pierced through the right temple, and a mist of blood sprayed out from the bullet hole.


Seeing this scene, Amei screamed and fainted from fright.

The polar bear immediately raised its hands and must not dare to move again.

Li Eryin didn't appear in the darkness, he changed his position and walked around behind the polar bear.

The polar bear couldn't see Li Er, but felt even more frightened.

"Which hero is playing the autumn wind? You came early, we haven't got the money yet, what about 82, you 8 us, or 91." Polar Bear swallowed his saliva and shouted nervously, letting him think about breaking his head No one would believe that the other party was a policeman. How can there be a policeman who shoots and kills without saying a word.

Li Er saw the pistol stuck in the back of the polar bear, and began to aim at the back of the polar bear's head.

What the polar bear said woke up Li Er.


"Ah!" The polar bear screamed, and fell to its knees on the floor. Li Er's marksmanship on stationary targets was almost perfect. Two bullets hit the polar bear's back knee, and the pistol rushed out from behind and grabbed the polar bear. .

Chen Jiaju stared at Li Er dumbfounded,

It was as if he didn't know Li Er.

From shooting to ending the battle, Li Er was extremely sharp and calm, ruthless.

This time, Chen Jiaju was really shocked by Li Er. Although the major newspapers in Hong Kong Island have always reported Li Er's resoluteness and decisiveness, but Chen Jiaju always thought that the reports were exaggerated. Only today did he know that those reports were still true. To put it mildly.

Li Er took out a small knife and cut the rope tied to Chen Jiaju's hand.

"Why did you shoot without warning?" Chen Jiaju said in a low voice.

Li Er's face changed, and he cursed in a low voice: "Are you kidding me? I'm worried that the gangsters will tear up the ticket. I came alone. You think I'm as fierce as you. One-on-three. I'm dead set. Of course I will sneak attack."

Chen Jiaju was suddenly embarrassed, he was caught because he was not good enough.

"One to three?" Chen Jiaju was stunned for a moment, and then immediately pulled Li Er to squat down: "Li Er, be careful, they still have one person."

"Don't worry, that person has been taken care of by me." A brisk voice laughed.

Chen Jiaju looked up at the door.

A little beauty walked in.

"Master, I have already notified Instructor Hu and the others, and the members of the joint team are also on their way." Bai Anni proudly gestured victory to Li Er: "Master, my result just now was a headshot! How are you going to reward me?"

When Polar Bear heard Bai Anni's words, his face turned even paler, and he immediately understood that He Bin, who was on guard on the rooftop, also sank.

Li Er glared at Bai Anni: "It was a headshot. I heard two gunshots just now."

Bai Anni blushed, then proudly said, "I hit the first shot, and the second shot was just for insurance."

"It's not that I don't have confidence in my marksmanship!" Li Er passed on the words that Peng Yixing often criticized him to Bai Anni.

Bai Anni snorted tenderly, feeling very unconvinced.

The mobile phone that Polar Bear placed on the table suddenly rang.

"Take—!" Li Er gestured to Bai Anni.

Bai Anni pressed the answer button.

"Hey! Brother Xiong, the police dogs are on the move, heading towards Hongfeng Road." A man on the mobile phone said.

Li Er and Chen Jiaju's expressions changed.

Is there a ghost in the police force?

This passage clearly refers to the joint task force who rushed over.

Li Er picked up the mobile phone and walked towards the polar bear, and shot the polar bear's forehead with the muzzle of his gun.

"I see, keep in touch!" Polar Bear said with his right eyelid jumping up and down.

Li Er hung up the phone.

Chen Jiaju's face turned dark, and the polar bear was actually monitoring the police force. He suddenly remembered that if Li Er had brought a large force to rescue people just now, he and A Mei would be dead now.

"Tell me! Who is that?" Li Er asked calmly.

"I don't know, it's the person He Bin contacted. I only know that as long as you give enough money, he can sell information, all kinds of information." The polar bear replied.

Li Er and Chen Jiaju looked at each other, this 'he' is really powerful.

The Tsim Sha Tsui Serious Crime Squad and the Central District Serious Crime Squad arrived one after another. Lin Leimeng heard the wind and said that it seemed that Li Er had taken action and had successfully arrested all the bombers. He hurriedly dressed and rushed to the factory building.

Cai Yuanqi from the Operations Department of the Police Force also led a team to arrive.

"You are fine!"

Cai Yuanqi looked at the scene of the gun battle with a gloomy face, and there were boxes of explosives and detonators seized by the joint team, and gave Li Er a thumbs up.

Li Er smiled shyly: "So-so!"

"Why didn't you notify the police first if you have information?" Cai Yuanqi asked resolutely.

"Hahaha, Li Er, I did not misunderstand the person." Lin Leimeng walked over laughing from a distance, interrupting Cai Yuanqi's words.

"I have something important to tell Li Er, everyone give way!" Lin Leimeng waved bullyingly.

Cai Yuanqi gave Li Er a meaningful look, then turned and walked towards the rooftop.

"Jiaju come here!" Lin Leimeng called to stop Chen Jiaju who was about to leave.

"Li Er, I need your help in this case. Jia Kui used his body to lure the enemy, and the two of you jointly solved the case." Lin Leimeng said to Li Er.

Li Er didn't speak yet.

Lin Leimeng hurriedly said: "Jia Kui made a lot of mistakes before, if I didn't have this credit, I wouldn't be able to protect him."

Chen Jiaju's face froze, and he shook his head slightly at Li Er, he didn't want Li Er to agree.

Li Er's face was very ugly, he knew very well that if Chen Jiaju was really going to be liquidated, Chen Jiaju might not be able to survive this test.

"Director Lin, I don't understand what you're talking about?" Li Er said.

Chen Jiaju smiled, although it was a bit miserable.

This time it was Lin Leimeng's turn to look extremely ugly.

"This time, it was Jia Kui who informed me to jointly handle the case. Jia Kui was in charge of luring the enemy, and I will attack." Li Er said seriously.

"Hahahaha!" Lin Leimeng laughed out loud.

Lin Leimeng patted Li Er's shoulder excitedly. It wasn't that Chen Jiaju needed this credit, but that the Central District Police Department needed it too much to save the face of the police station being bombed.

"Are you interested in being transferred to the Central District Police Station? I will guarantee you at least the rank of superintendent." Lin Leimeng said in a low voice.

Chen Jiaju's eyes widened instantly, and he looked at Lin Leimeng and Li Er in shock.

Li Er shook his head: "No! I'm lazy! The kind of lazy mud that can't support the wall."

Li Er actually refused.

Chen Jiaju looked at Li Er in disbelief.

Li Er sneered in his heart, the boss of the police force is trustworthy, sows can climb trees, especially Lin Leimeng and Uncle Biao.

Li Er turned around and left.

Lin Leimeng looked at Li Er's back with some disappointment. This Li Er is definitely a rare talent, brave and resourceful, and knows how to advance and retreat.

Chen Jiaju also looked at Li Er's back, he suddenly realized that he couldn't understand Li Er.

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