What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 166 Li 2 was plagiarized

After Li Er listened to Instructor Hu's analysis, he was in a daze.

"So, Cai Yuanqi and we are on the same side as Chen Jiaju and Lin Leimeng are the opposite," Li Er asked with a strange expression.

Instructor Hu shook his head and said, "Chen Jiaju is also a low-level patrolman. He should be supporting Xu Sir from the Operations Department. I don't know why he joined Lin Leimeng from the Management Department."

Li Er nodded. He guessed that Chen Jiaju must have not figured out the twists and turns, so he would support Lin Leimeng. In fact, if instructor Hu hadn't reminded him, Li Er himself wouldn't have understood. Being a policeman is okay. complicated.

The police only catch thieves, it's bullshit.

The police department is mainly divided into two camps. One is the action department headed by Xu Rulin. Xu Rulin is the deputy director of the police department. The operations department he is in charge of includes the operations department and the criminal and security departments. The police have risen to the high position of the deputy department of the police force, and they are absolute hawks.

Huang Bingyao, chief of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, used to work with Xu Rulin, and belonged to the camp of the Operations Department of Genzheng Miaohong. Huang Bingyao is a faction of the Operations Department, and Li Er naturally became a member of the Operations Department. Pass.

The other camp of the police force is the management department that is opposite to the operation department. The director is a ghost named Pete, who is also the deputy director. He is on the same level as Xu Rulin. The management department under this ghost has the supervision department, personnel, training Most of the executives in the management department are airborne from the police school. These cases are extremely high-level, but when it comes to doing practical things, they are often dissatisfied. However, most of them are masters of management, and Lin Leimeng is One of the best.

The Central District Police Department is a staunch supporter of Pete, the management department.

It's really rushing to the street, so I have to stand in line, Li Er suddenly felt a chill in his heart when he thought about it.

No, I'm the successor of socialism, so I'm fighting alone here, alone and helpless.

"Li sir, what's the matter with you?" Instructor Hu asked worriedly when he saw Li Er's face suddenly turned pale.

Li Er looked at Instructor Hu vigilantly: "I didn't say what was on my mind just now."

"What's in your heart?" Instructor Hu gave Li Er a strange look.

Li Er secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a shy smile on his face: "It's okay, I want to say that I love Hong Kong Island, I love the government, and I want to devote myself to the Queen's daughter-in-law, it's emotional."

Instructor Hu: ""

She always felt that there was something wrong with Li Er's words, but after thinking about it carefully, there was nothing wrong.

Huang Bingyao quickly called Li Er to the director's office.

As expected by Li Er, Huang Bingyao showed deep concern for Li Er as soon as the door was closed, especially caring about whether Li Er had any problems with his brain, and kept yelling until Li Er couldn't stand it anymore, Li Er shouted to call in the broom star After admitting their mistakes together, Huang Bingyao quickly kicked Li Er out of the office.

"Temporarily cancel the vacation. I will ask the people from the public relations department to arrange a press conference. People from the Central District Police Station can't take advantage of all this case." Huang Bingyao shouted at Li Er's back.

"" Li Er yelled and ran away without looking back.

Crime Unit.

"Li sir, your Yintang is black, and you may be involved in evil things. Be careful recently." Lin Haiying said to Li Er for no reason.

"No way!" Li Er was taken aback: "This kind of feudal superstition,

Can you guess if I can do it?"

Lin Haiying frowned and dared not answer.

After Li Er turned around, he immediately had a bitter face, I really believe it.

"Annie, call the internal investigation department. How long will Li Xianying and Ma Jun be suspended for investigation? Our serious crime team is seriously understaffed. If something happens, will their internal investigation department be responsible?" Li Er Go to Bai Anni's desk.

Li Er was a little disturbed by Lin Haiying's unprovoked black comments from Yintang. At this time, it is of course necessary to recall the two super thugs Li Xianying and Ma Jun to his side to be safe.

"Good master" Bai Anni saw Li Er's face was not looking good, she quickly replied in a low voice, and then picked up the phone to do something.

After Li Er returned to his desk, he racked his brains to guess where his danger came from. Why did he not feel any strange this time, or maybe Lin Haiying misunderstood

On the other hand, after Shalena felt that she had seen through the management of Liji Tea Restaurant, she began to choose a location to open a store according to the plan, and even named it a side-by-side with Liji Tea Restaurant.

Lin Kee Tea Restaurant is ready to open.

"Salena, there is still such a wide space here, don't you want to put a seat?" He Min asked with great interest, she hadn't realized who's business would be threatened by Salina's opening of a tea restaurant.

Shalena patted the dust on her clothes and walked to the door of the tea restaurant.

"I don't want to put a table anymore. I want to put a few pots of green plants here to make the environment of the tea restaurant look more lively." Salina laughed.

"Oh" He Min muttered frowning: "It looks good like this, but it's a waste of space, and you need to spend more money to buy potted plants."

Salina also didn't explain that the tea restaurant she opened had to compete with Li Ji Tea Restaurant. First of all, it was better than Li Ji Tea Restaurant in terms of dining environment, and then the tableware was also higher-end than Li Ji Tea Restaurant, widening the gap. .

Salina's Linji Tea Restaurant is indeed more refined than Liji Tea Restaurant in terms of the overall decoration style. As for the financial budget, Salina believes that she personally controls the income and expenditure, and the money spent will definitely not be higher than that of Liji Tea Restaurant. Remember that there are many tea restaurants.

However, Selina missed one thing.

A guy in a patterned shirt walked over with three steps, followed by four or five gangsters.

"Hey two beauties, is your boss there?"

Salina frowned: "I'm the boss, what's the matter?"

"Oh." The colored shirt sized Salina up and down, then turned to his subordinates and said with a smile, "Beauty boss."

The man in the patterned shirt of "Hehehe" laughed so hard that his saliva was about to flow out.

"Fuck you stupid street, I don't usually give you money, do you pay attention to the image?" The colorful shirt cursed at his subordinates, then turned to Serena: "Beauty, let me introduce myself first, my name is Liangkun, this street I saw it."

"We will be neighbors in the future. Your restaurant is newly renovated. Let us know when it opens, so that we can cheer for you." Liang Kun laughed very enthusiastically: "By the way, look at your restaurant's renovation. To make the street dirty, we will charge a little cleaning fee to clean the street, so that your restaurant will look more tidy and beautiful, and I wish the boss a prosperous business."

Shalena froze for a moment, then waved her hand embarrassedly and said, "Thank you, thank you, I dare not bother you, our shop assistants will clean up the garbage at the door soon, and it won't block the street for too long."

Liang Kun frowned, and thought to himself: Am I acting too gentlemanly? It's terrible to have a temperament.

"We have fixed the cleaning fee, and the merchants in the whole street here have to pay." Liangkun said seriously: "After paying the cleaning fee, if there is any mess in the future, you can report it to Hongxing Liangkun. Number."

Salina shook her head incomprehensibly: "But we really don't need any cleaning, our own employees will do the cleaning."

Liang Kun's face turned green when he heard what Sha Lianna said.

"Grandmother, don't you understand the situation? We collect protection fees, so you don't really think that we clean it up for you?" Sha Qiang cursed, pointing at Salina's nose.

Liangkun nodded in satisfaction. To maintain his gentlemanly demeanor, he really needs a subordinate like Shaqiang to pretend to be a villain.

"Silly speak clearly to beautiful women, don't spoil my good name, Hong Xing Liangkun," Liangkun immediately taught Shaqiang with a straight face.

Silly Qiang quickly said: "Yes, Brother Kun"

"You are the underworld." Serena was startled, and took a step back instinctively.

Liang Kun smiled, neither admitting nor denying.

At this time, a middle-aged man who worked for Salina came out.

"Boss, this street is for Hong Xing, and all businesses have to pay protection fees," the middle-aged decorator reminded in a low voice.

"Then how much protection fee do you want to charge?" Salina asked Liang Kun nervously.

Liang Kun stretched out two fingers: "Two thousand per month."

Salina sighed, two thousand a month, twenty-four thousand a year, is already a lot of money.

"Salena, they lied to you." He Min interrupted suddenly, "I haven't even heard Li Er say that his tea restaurant has paid any protection fees."

Liang Kun's heart twitched when he heard Li Er's name.

It can't be that Li Er, who runs a tea restaurant and is also called Li Er. Liang Kun felt that he was going to be unlucky, and the more he looked at He Min, the more familiar he looked.

"Beauty don't understand, don't talk nonsense, there are rules in business, if you want to do business well, you must pay protection fees, otherwise we dare not guarantee that something unexpected or bad will happen when your tea restaurant is open. "Liang Kun said carefully.

Salina is very good at observing words and expressions. When she saw He Min mentioning Li Er's name, Liang Kun's face changed, and she immediately said: "I am Li Sir's friend, and this is Li Sir's girlfriend. Do you still want to talk to me?" Do you want to collect protection fees?"

"Which fucking Li sir?" Silly shouted loudly.


Liangkun gave Shaqiang a big mouthful backhand.

"Hehe, it's really flooding the Dragon King Temple, so it's a family." Liangkun laughed awkwardly: "Sir Li is also my friend, so let's not bother, Gong Xi Fa Cai goodbye"

Liang Kun came and left quickly.

"Brother Kun, we were bluffed by the little bitch's words like this." Silly Qiang rubbed his red and swollen cheeks and asked Liang Kun dissatisfied.

Liang Kun slapped her with her true strength, and the pain was so painful that she burst into tears.

"Don't worry, let's investigate the situation first. If they dare to play tricks on me, they will all be dragged to our factory for filming." Liang Kun said angrily.

Salina also felt that Liang Kun would not be fooled by these two words.

"Amin, it's hard for you to be a teacher, don't you want to buy a share of the tea restaurant, and we can make money together."

He Min's heart skipped a beat, but it's a pity that she didn't have much capital to invest, and she was not a little rich woman like Salina who had a little savings.

"If you invest 10,000 yuan, you don't need to participate in the management of your two-tier dry stock, you only get dividends." Salina continued to seduce.

He Min widened his eyes, there is such a good thing

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