What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 174: Instructor Hu's Possession

Latest website: Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

Crime Unit.

Instructor Hu came over and reported to Li Er: "Li sir, I have received a case about a transnational case..."

"Push it off!" Before Instructor Hu finished speaking, Li Er interrupted irritably, shaking his hand.

"But I have already agreed." Instructor Hu said in a low voice.

"I promised you to report me a Mao report?" Li Er scolded angrily with a smile.

"The person in charge of this case is my mentor. He came to me personally, and it's hard for me to refuse." Instructor Hu said with a bitter face.

"Then you go! You can't forget your roots in life." Li Er nodded and said.

Instructor Hu hurriedly said, "Thank you, Sir Li."

"Hmm--! If you need anything, you can handle it yourself! I'm not in the mood to care about you." Li Er said listlessly.

"Uh—! Then I want to bring some helpers." Instructor Hu laughed.

"It's said that you made up your own mind, and you can call whoever you want. Anyway, if there is another case, I will definitely push it outside. The next day of the serious crime team will be very leisurely." Li Er said indifferently, spreading his hands.

Instructor Hu's eyes flashed: "Li sir, the person I want to secondment needs your nod."

"You don't want me to act with you!" Li Er looked up at Instructor Hu and reprimanded: "Put away your lewd eyes, I am the famous Liu Xiahui, known as the little man who sits in his arms .”

Instructor Hu gave Li Er a speechless look, and you are so perverted.

"I want to invite Li Xianying to participate in this operation with me." Instructor Hu said seriously: "This operation is an undercover plan. Li Xianying's murder of criminal suspects is well known, and it can be used to take advantage of his disobedience to the police. The police will be punished, giving away the false image of the police force.”

"The eagle is now taken away by people from the internal investigation department. You think it is possible—!" Li Er suddenly stopped at this point: "Wait, who is that mentor of yours?"

"Cao Dahua, the director of Hong Kong Island's foreign intelligence department, also serves as the commander-in-chief of the special police team." Instructor Hu said with a serious face.


Li Er's head is full of black lines,

Cao Dahua? As soon as Instructor Hu mentioned this name, the image of Uncle Da with a beer belly and hard food for soft food immediately appeared in Li Er's head.

Li Er shook his head coldly. He knew that the Cao Dahua that Instructor Hu was talking about was definitely not Uncle Da who was still working as a janitor at the school.

"Can he keep Li Xianying?" Li Er asked suspiciously.

Instructor Hu smiled and said, "At least the investigation by the Internal Investigation Section can be stopped. Superintendent Cao is only responsible to the ancestors."

Li Er's eyes sharpened, he raised his hand and scratched his forehead to cover up the strangeness in his eyes, and then he remembered that Instructor Hu was also a master at obtaining information.

"Say it earlier!" Li Er was already smiling when he raised his hand.

"I'll treat you to dinner!" Li Er sat on Instructor Hu's shoulder with great satisfaction.

Instructor Hu quietly tilted his shoulder, and slid Li Er's hand away to prevent Li Er from taking advantage of him.

"Mr. Li, that's fine. I'm really done with the food at Liji Tea Restaurant." Instructor Hu smiled awkwardly. No one would treat someone to fast food every time he treats guests.

"No, no, I'm bleeding heavily this time, please have a big meal." Li Erhao waved his hand angrily.

Instructor Hu did a good job this time. She and Li Xianying are competitors, and now is a good opportunity to make trouble. However, instead of doing so, Instructor Hu wants to help Li Xianying. If Li Xianying is lost, it will definitely be a big loss to the serious crime team. A woman is so magnanimous, of course Li Er, the leader, must be magnanimous once.

"Thank you, Sir Li, for your kindness. I don't want it anymore." Instructor Hu refused with a smile. She still knows Li Er. If he is really taken advantage of by you, he will definitely find a way to take advantage of him from other aspects. return.

Therefore, it is best to avoid Li Sir's big meal. Didn't you see that Li Xianying and Ma Jun are now obeying Li Er's orders almost mindlessly?

"Okay! Then act quickly!" Li Er urged.

"Understood! I'll go to Superintendent Cao now." Instructor Hu nodded and replied.

At this time, the Superintendent Cao that Instructor Hu was talking about was cheating people.


"1663, you can be released from prison today." The warden looked at the fat prisoner in front of him and said seriously.

"Ah! No way!" The fat prisoner was stunned for a moment and smiled, "Sir, don't play with me, I count the days, deducting public holidays and Saturdays, I won't be released from prison until the Mid-Autumn Festival at least. "

"Because you performed well in the prison, you are released early, so let's go!" the warden said seriously.

"No way! Are you so hasty?" The fat prisoner gave the warden a suspicious look, and he faintly felt that something was wrong.

"Have you been sloppy? Forget it, you'd better make it to the Mid-Autumn Festival!" the warden said regretfully.

"Huh? Not sloppy, not sloppy!" The fat prisoner hurriedly smiled flatteringly, "Then I'll go get back the lighters and watches I kept when I came in."

"No need!" The warden took out a five hundred yuan bill from his pocket: "The five hundred yuan is our police compensation for your loss, get out!"

"That's great!" The fat prisoner quickly took the five hundred yuan and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Sir, can I have a few words with my brothers?" the fat prisoner asked.

Warden: "Forty seconds for you!"

The fat prisoner ran out quickly.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Several subordinates of the fat prisoner asked.

The fat prisoner gestured for them to come closer, and then whispered, "I'm going to be released from prison today. I have four packs of Marlboro hidden under the flower pot. You take them out and share them with your brothers. Ah, remember to keep Zhong Chuhong, Hu Yinmeng and Maggie Cheung away for me, don't use them secretly!"

"Understood, boss!"

"1663, it's time!" the prison guard shouted loudly.

"Understood! Goodbye Sir!" The fat prisoner stood at attention and replied loudly.

goodbye? The fat prisoner's subordinates all had black lines.

The fat prisoner left the labor camp and passed an old parking lot. There were two cars parked in the parking lot, and there was no one around. It happened that there was a bunch of wires on the road. The fat prisoner picked up the wire and straightened it, walking towards the car. , Insert the wire through the gap of the window glass, and hook the door switch, and the door is opened.

The fat prisoner smiled smugly, and suddenly the alarm bell rang loudly, and a dozen police cars surrounded him, and the fat prisoner quickly lay on the ground with his head in his hands.

"Everyone, sir, what crime have I committed? Such a battle." The fat prisoner held his head in his hands, looked up and saw dozens of guns pointing at his head and cried bitterly.

"Prison break!" An old guy dressed as a Sherlock Holmes detective stood up and laughed.

Fat prisoner: "Ah—!"

"Inspector Cao, you're making it clear that you're wronging me!" The fat prisoner obviously knew this old guy.

"Well! Qu is Ming Qu. It depends on whether you can get on the road and escape from prison! Don't expect to come out during the Mid-Autumn Festival next year." Detective Cao said with a shameless smile: "However, if you are willing to cooperate with the police, escape from prison will be replaced by release from prison." , and a bonus of two million."

"Inspector Cao, you will take special care of me for such a good thing? Don't play with me, I'm afraid I will spend my life earning this money!" The fat prisoner said soberly.

"Do you have a choice?" Inspector Cao asked.

Fat prisoner: "Uh——!"

"What case is it? Your police department is full of talents, and you want to find a habitual criminal like me." The fat prisoner asked.

Inspector Cao waved his hand to get all the policemen around him back thirty steps away, and then said in a low voice, "The tree has dead branches, our special police team has a traitor, and he is carrying a batch of 100 million dollars worth of money seized by our police." Jewelry fled to Japan, this traitor has all the special police lists of our special police team, so I had to ask black hands like you for help."

"Then why don't you ask the Japanese police for help?" the fat prisoner asked.

"This is a matter for our Hong Kong Island police. If it gets out, do we have to face it?" Detective Cao scolded angrily.

Fat prisoner: "Understood, understood!"

"I want to find some of my partners to help!" The fat prisoner made a condition.

Detective Cao immediately agreed: "This is no problem!"

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