What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 175: Li Sir's Ultimate Skill

The latest website: Lee Kee Tea Restaurant.

"Second, come here!"

As soon as Li Er returned to the tea restaurant, Li Yi called him over.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Li Er took a bottle of cold drink casually.

"What's the matter with the eagle? How did I hear that he would be dismissed." Li Yi asked with concern.

"Shooting and killing the suspect, and with so many people watching, it's not surprising that he was dismissed. The Internal Investigation Division is already preparing to sue him for deliberately murdering the suspect." Li Er said angrily.

"Ah! Well, second brother, Officer Li is a good guy." Wang Gangsheng, who was standing at the front desk while cashiering and eavesdropping on the conversation between Li Yi and Li Er, said anxiously.

Li Er pouted.

"Didn't it be reported on the TV news and newspapers? That smuggler is a murderer. He killed so many people. Police Officer Li was killing harm for the people. How could he be arrested? It's too unfair." He turned his head and said to Li Yi as if asking for help.

After Wang Gangsheng saw the report on the news that Snakehead Wei tortured and killed so many victims, he was terrified on the spot and his face turned pale. If Li Yi hadn't saved him that day, he might have been killed too. , Wang Gangsheng is very grateful to Li Xianying who avenged the victimized compatriots.

Li Yi seems to have a little understanding of the reward and punishment mechanism of the police station, and understands that eliminating harm for the people may not be a good thing in the eyes of the senior police force.

"Can the eagle keep it?" Li Yi asked seriously: "You know his kind of guy, not being able to work is worse than killing him."

"It's hard!" Li Er pretended to say deeply.

Li Yi and Wang Gangsheng were about to speak, but Li Er immediately smiled confidently: "But with your second brother, I will take action, it will be very difficult."

Wang Gangsheng looked at Li Er with great joy.

"You found the way, didn't you pay much?" Li Yi asked with a sideways glance at Li Er. He knew very well that there was a price for doing anything, especially asking for help.

"Mao Shi, Mao Shi!" Li Er waved his hands in shock and said, "Your brother is handsome, you just sacrificed a little bit of color, you don't need to do anything."

The faces of Li Yi and Wang Gangsheng are very strange,

There are still people who say that betraying their hue is so open and aboveboard.

Li Er's mobile phone rang suddenly.

It's Instructor Hu's call.

"Ah——! What? I want to participate too. He said yes, but I said no!" Li Er glanced at his eldest brother and sister-in-law who were curiously looking at him on the phone, with a very tough attitude.

next second.

"Okay, okay! Let me reserve one."

Li sir was weak.

Wang Gangsheng hurriedly lowered his head to settle the accounts, Li Yi went to the back kitchen, the two of them tacitly pretended not to hear Li Er's call, Li Er rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and walked upstairs with an iced drink.

"Hello! Li Er, I'm coming out. I have to go home first and report to you later." This time it was Li Xianying who called Li Er. Li Xianying was worried that his old mother was worried about him. Really should go home first.

Instructor Hu had just agreed to join the action, and Li Xianying was released here. Li Erzhen suddenly felt like betraying his appearance, but if the target of betrayal was Instructor Hu, Li Er was still very willing in his heart. .

The fourth branch of Lee Kee Tea Restaurant.

Zhu Wanfang at the cashier saw Li Er walking in from a distance, so she trotted over.

"Second brother, the gangsters at that table often play tricks on me." Zhu Wanfang complained while hugging Li Er's arm. She was the only one in charge of this branch store, and Li Shiya was not around, so she inevitably became more courageous.

"Who?" Li Er's face turned cold.

Now that Zhu Wanfang is becoming more and more beautiful, it is impossible for Li Er not to worry.

"Hmm! It's their table." Zhu Wanfang said proudly as she brought Li Er to the second table.

There were five punks sitting at the second table, and three of them sat in a very arrogant posture, with one foot raised on the chair.

"You are the boss?" Little Huang Mao looked at Li Er in a daze. Li Er was too young to want a boss at all.

"Our Brother Nan has taken a fancy to your sweetheart, so we will quit automatically, otherwise we will smash your shop." Xiao Huangmao shouted with a toothpick in his mouth.

"Peasant, shut up!" Chen Haonan hurriedly cursed, he felt that Li Er looked vaguely familiar.

Li Er looked at the young and Dangerous teenagers in front of him, feeling a little mixed in his heart. These are the typical young and Dangerous teenagers in Hong Kong Island.

"Chen Haonan, right! You're a pheasant, with foreskin, banana skin, and Da Tianer."

Chen Haonan, Pheasant and the others felt a little strange when they heard Li Er point out their names. They clearly didn't know each other, so could it be that their names are already so famous.

"Get out, don't let me see you in this area in the future, or you will pay the consequences." Li Er shouted angrily with cold eyes.

"Crack!" Pheasant blushed when he heard Li Er's words, threw the teacup in his hand onto the floor, and stood up abruptly.

"What the hell did you say, say it again if you have the guts!" Pheasant pointed at Li Er's nose and cursed, but unfortunately Li Er grabbed his finger as soon as he stretched out his finger.

"Let go, you fucking let go." Pheasant faintly felt a bad premonition, and hurriedly shouted.

Li Er was coerced by Cao Dahua to take part in the action, and he was holding back his breath all the time. When he saw a few low-level gangsters dare to ride on his head to shit, he immediately lit the explosive barrel.

"Crack——!" Pheasant's fingers were broken, and the ten fingers connected to the heart. Pheasant was so painful that tears and snot flew together.

"Fuck your mother." Pheasant angrily picked up a beer bottle on the table, and was about to smash Li Er's head head-on.

"Boom!" Li Er punched faster, hitting the pheasant in the face.

"Boom-boom-boom!" Li Er punched continuously, and the pheasant's nose immediately sunken.

The pheasant instinctively let go of the beer bottle and clasped its head in both hands, attacking without attack.

"Fuck him!" Seeing the pheasant being beaten, Chen Haonan turned around and was about to pick up a chair and hit Li Er.

Datianer, Bananapi, and Foreskin also picked up the bottles and bowls on the table one after another, intending to beat up Li Er, everyone is young, why should this guy be rich and handsome.

Li Er's marksmanship rivaled Peng Yixing's, and he often practiced against Ma Jun in terms of fighting skills. He had a lot of combat experience. As soon as this guy saw Chen Haonan turn around and bend over, he knew that the other party wanted to copy a chair.

Li Er's speed was much faster than those punks like Chen Haonan, he had time to slap Chen Haonan unconscious, but he didn't, he wanted to give these punks an unforgettable memory.

Li Er clasped his palms together, crossed his little finger and index finger.

Li Sir's "Ultimate Millennium Killing"


A dull voice sounded.

The air in the tea restaurant suddenly became abnormally quiet, and the whole picture seemed to freeze.

Chen Haonan pouted his buttocks and held a chair with both hands. Da Tianer, Banana Pi, and Foreskin were about to pounce on a beer bottle in their left hand and a teacup in their right. Pheasant covered his bleeding nose with both hands.

As for Li Er, Li Er's "Ultimate Millennium Kill" hit the center of Chen Haonan's butt with precision. Zhu Wanfang covered her mouth and stood behind Li Er in horror.

Chen Haonan's face was purple. He opened his mouth to the maximum, but he didn't make a sound. He was afraid that he would cry out shit.

The deterrent effect of Li Er's "Ultimate Millennium Kill" move was too terrifying, Pheasant Ji and Da Tian Er felt scared just looking at it, and they dared not make any more moves.

Many years later, Chen Haonan and others who had already stepped out were still terrified of Li Er's name.

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