What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 176: The 5 Lucky Stars Appear

The latest website: Pheasant and Da Tian Er supported Chen Haonan and fled outside the door before finally remembering who Li Er was.

"Ah——! He's that death detective!" Da Tian Er exclaimed with a pale face, "No wonder Liang Kun is so kind, asking Brother B to collect protection fees from these stores, it's really fucking."

"Hahaha, I just said that this guy is very wicked, and he definitely doesn't need help!" A proud voice came from the dining table in the corner.

Li Er turned his head to look, and saw a fat man walking towards him, followed by four fellows.

"Instructor Jane?" Li Er was taken aback for a moment.

"Jane, what Jane, I'm Rhinoceros, hey! It seems that you know Jianfan." Behind the fat man, a guy who looks exactly like the instructor of the Flying Tigers shouted arrogantly.

"It's really annoying?" Li Er was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't know what the real name of Instructor Jane was.

"Hey! Ribs Two, look there, you don't say hello to old friends? You won't pretend you don't know me!" The fat man shook his hand in front of Li Er.

Li Er's memory flooded his mind instantly.

"'Partridge', shouldn't you have a public meal in Stanley?" Li Er asked strangely.

"Hey, I'm doing well, come out early." Partridge spread his hands proudly and smiled.

"'Partridge', this guy is what you called 'rib two', his piece looks like a rib." A tall guy looked at Li Er and asked Partridge.

"Uh--! Spare ribs two, I haven't seen you in two or three years, how come you are so strong." Partridge looked at Li Er and asked strangely. He had seen Li Er a long time ago, and it took him a long time to recognize him. When he came out, although Li Er didn't have explosive muscles like Chen Jiaju, he was definitely no longer thin.

"The heart is wide and the body is fat!" Li Er said with a curled lip.

"No!" Partridge frowned, and then stared: "You don't overeat after breaking up with your love, do you?"

Li Er: "...".

The paralyzed Chen Jiaju has a big mouth.

"By the way, where's 'Chicken Bone Grass'? He couldn't be fired!" Partridge asked with a smile.

"He is now transferred to the Central District Police Station,

Got promoted. "Li Er knew that Partridge was talking about Chen Jiaju.

"No way! He can be promoted even with his kind of guy?" Partridge said in surprise, and then expressed dissatisfaction: "If it weren't for my overweight and unable to pass the standards for applying for the police, I would definitely be better than the 'chicken bone'. Grass' excellent."

"By the way, how do you know I'm here?" Li Er didn't want to discuss these issues with Partridge, so he looked at the people behind him and asked.

"Of course I'm asking the neighbors!" Partridge said naturally, "By the way, let me introduce you to some of my good friends."

"This is 'Rhinoceros Hide', this 'American Ginseng', 'Dashengdi', and 'Mangosteen'." After finishing speaking, Partridge pointed to Li Er and introduced to the friend behind him: "This is what I told you. 'Rib Two'."

"Since we are friends, today's meal is free!" American Ginseng looked at Li Er and said with a bad smile.

"No, no, no, I'll treat you to this meal. I have money!" Partridge said hurriedly. He just got the initial funds from Inspector Cao. character, I'm afraid it won't take long.

Rhinopi reached out to stop Partridge who wanted to take out his wallet, and looked at Li Er together with American Ginseng, Mangosteen, and Dashengdi.

"Okay! This meal is free, to celebrate Partridge's release from prison." Li Er shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

"Hahaha, I just said that my friends are very generous." Partridge immediately laughed proudly.

Hearing the free order, Rhino immediately took two extra bottles of cold drinks into his pocket, and Dashengdi also ordered a takeaway.

"A pack of Marlboro!" American Ginseng made what he thought was the most handsome pose, and smiled at Zhu Wanfang.

Zhu Wanfang frowned slightly, she didn't like her second brother having this kind of friend.

"Aren't you a policeman? How come you opened a tea restaurant and haven't seen your elder brother?" Partridge asked. He had been in prison for three years and felt that the outside world was changing so fast.

"I'm still dawdling in the police force, just opening a tea restaurant to get a bite to eat." Li Er didn't know what he remembered, and looked at Partridge and the others with very strange expressions.

"Haha, I told you a long time ago that you are not suitable to be a policeman. If the wind blows, you will fall down. You can't fight and fight. If you work hard and have no courage, you will definitely not be able to get along in the police station." Partridge proudly patted his generous chest : "Resign and do it with me! I have a big deal, and I will reserve it for you."

Li Er: "..."

"Second brother, don't listen to this fat man's nonsense, he has no future."

Before Li Er could speak, Zhu Wanfang yelled anxiously when she heard that Partridge bewitched Li Er to do bad things.

"Huh! Isn't this Rourouxiong's daughter? I haven't seen her for a few years, how come she looks so beautiful?" Partridge, who had been watching for half a year before recognizing Zhu Wanfang, was immediately surprised.

Partridge praised Zhu Wanfang for her beauty, but Zhu Wanfang didn't appreciate it at all. She tried her best to grumble and yelled, "Damn Partridge, you like to be a thief, so you can be a thief yourself. Why do you always ask your second brother to come with you?" .”

"Hey, more people are more powerful! Besides, I'm also good for ribs!" Partridge laughed.

"My second brother is fine, so you don't need to worry about it." Zhu Wanfang said with a grim expression.

"Hehe!" Partridge ignored Zhu Wanfang, turned to Li Er with a smile and said, "Park Rib Er, my friend and I are leaving first, and we will meet again at another day, when the time comes, we will call for Chicken Bone Grass."

Li Er suddenly took out a thousand Hong Kong dollars from his pocket and stuffed it into Partridge's hand.

"Partridge, you need money for everything when you first come out, use it first!" Li Er nodded and said.

"No, I'm really rich!" Partridge was about to return the money to Li Er when Rhino Hide held his hand.

"Partridge, if you don't need money, you can keep it for me. When you find a wife, I will marry you a wife." Rhinoceros said solemnly.

When Partridge heard Rhino Pi's words, he quickly put the money into his pocket.

"Just kidding, wait until Partridge finds a wife before giving him money, then he will have no hope in his life." American Ginseng scolded Rhinopi with a smile.

"That's right! I used to work for rhino hides. He said he would save my wages and give it to me when I got married. It's been more than three years now, and I haven't seen a penny." Luo Han Guo immediately removed the rhino. leather table.

Rhino Pi slapped Luo Han Guo on the head: "Didn't I give you money? You can't find a wife. If you have the skills, you can find a wife now. Thirty-eight thousand is a lot of ten cents, and I will give you the bank interest." you."

Although Luo Han Guo is short, his movements are very flexible, and he dodged the slap of the rhinoceros in a flash.

Partridge and his group walked to the opposite street with a smile and noisiness, Partridge stopped suddenly, he turned his head very puzzled, and looked at Li Er's back in the tea restaurant, Li Er in Partridge's memory was very Stingy, how could he become so generous, or the world is changing so fast now.


Li Er came out of the living room after taking a shower, and Zhu Wanfang and Li Shiya were chatting about checking the accounts of the tea restaurant.

"Wow! Several branches of our tea restaurant have made a lot of money this month!" Li Shiya exclaimed in a low voice from time to time.

Zhu Wanfang did the accounting every day, and she had some expectations in her heart, but she didn't expect the combined income to be so much.

"Okay, if you can't finish it, you can do it tomorrow. What time is it?" Li Er said as he wiped his hair with a dry towel.

"It's over." Li Shiya waved her hand triumphantly and said, "Second Brother, Eldest Brother said that he will buy a house next month, so you can't embezzle the money in the account book."

Li Er scratched his head. Li Yi's decision to buy a house was not wrong. Their home was already narrow, but now there was another Wang Gangsheng, which made the narrow living space even worse.

It is impossible for Wang Gangsheng to always sleep in the living room. Li Shan really gave up his small room to Li Yi and Wang Gangsheng the next day, and he slept in the living room by himself, but this is not a long-term solution. It's on the agenda soon.

When Zhu Wanfang heard that Li Er's family was going to buy a house, her face immediately turned pale.

"Second brother knows, go back to sleep!" Li Er glared at Li Shiya angrily: "Do I look like the kind of person who spends money recklessly?"

"Well! You are." Li Shiya hurriedly ran away after speaking.

Zhu Wanfang hesitated and asked in a low voice, "Second Brother, are you moving out?"

"Huh! They always have to move out, don't they?" Li Er looked at Zhu Wanfang who looked like a pissed off daughter-in-law, and said with a forced smile.

Zhu Wanfang's face turned even paler.

"Then...that second brother, will you come back again?" Zhu Wanfang looked at Li Er nervously.

"Well—! I'm afraid it won't happen. People go to high places and water flows to low places. There's nothing to miss about housing estates." Li Er said seriously.

Zhu Wanfang lowered her head, rubbed the corners of her clothes with her hands and did not speak.

Li Er didn't speak either.

At first, Zhu Wanfang couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere, raised her head slightly to glance at Li Er with reddish eyes, and found that Li Er was looking at her with a smile on her face.

"Ah! Second brother, you lied to me!" Zhu Wanfang is so smart, she knew that Li Er was joking with her, and immediately grabbed Li Er with tears of joy.

Where is she an opponent of Li Er, she was immediately hugged by Li Er.

"Second brother wants to move away, but he just can't bear to part with someone." Li Er wiped the corner of Zhu Wanfang's eyes and smiled lightly.

"Your second brother is such a lazy person, moving is not suitable for him." Li Er said with certainty.

This guy is not joking. Although the room in the estate building is small, he lives in a room alone. Someone buys breakfast, cleans the room, washes clothes and underwear, and occasionally waits on him at night. After moving out, there will definitely be no such thing. kind of treatment.

"Press—!" Zhu Wanfang hummed happily.

"Second brother, after my lunar birthday next month, I will be eighteen years old." Zhu Wanfang said in a low voice.

"Isn't it seventeen?" Li Er frowned. Zhu Wanfang is one year older than Li Shiya, so she should be seventeen!

"No, it's eighteen!" Zhu Wanfang insisted with a flushed face.

"Okay! What birthday present do you want? The second brother will give it to you." Li Erxiao asked.

Zhu Wanfang said in a low voice: "Second brother, I'm sleepy, let's sleep!"

Li Er: "..."

This is completely irrelevant! Author's level lowered?

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