What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 177 Surveillance, I'm serious.

The latest website: An old villa building.

"Let me introduce myself first. My surname is Cao, and my full name is Cao Dahua. I am the Chief Superintendent of the Special Police Unit of the Hong Kong Island Police Force." Detective Cao said proudly.

"Partridge, is this old guy looking for us to do something?" Before Inspector Cao finished speaking, Rhino Pi raised his hand and interrupted: "That's nothing to talk about, what I hate the most is the police, especially those with high ranks. of those."

American Ginseng and Mangosteen also expressed that they are not interested in working with the police.

Partridge turned his head and looked at Inspector Cao with a wry smile. He had already received Inspector Cao's reservation money. They didn't care about the rhinoceros hide, but if Partridge didn't help the police, his release from prison would become a prison escape. I know Inspector Cao can say and do it.

Inspector Cao spread his hands and smiled, "It seems that you have a deep misunderstanding of our police officers?"

"It's not just a misunderstanding, it's a hatred!" Rhino Pi shouted angrily.

Inspector Cao nodded: "Differences do not conspire with each other, okay! Twisted melons are not sweet. In this case, everyone might as well read a piece of news first, and feel free after reading it."

Inspector Cao said as he turned on the TV, and a piece of news was being broadcast live on the TV.

"Dear viewers, a special news report is now broadcasting. At 3:50 this afternoon, six masked men and women stormed into HSBC Bank in Tsim Sha Tsui, threatened the bank staff with guns, and robbed 20 million Hong Kong dollars in cash. The following is our Screenshots of interviews with reporters at the scene.”

The TV screen switched to the scene, and a senior inspector in police uniform appeared on the TV.

"Although the six robbers who robbed covered their faces, our police have obtained the information of the six masked robbers based on reliable reports. Shengdi, as well as Bawanghua, I hope that citizens who find these six dangerous people can notify our police in time, our police hotline is 3838438."

Rhino hide and American ginseng stared angrily at Partridge after reading the news report.

"It's none of my business. As you can see, I'm also on the list." Partridge quickly explained.

"Guess we believe you or not?" Rhino Hide loosened his fingers and said angrily, and the rest of the guys also gathered around, they knew that rhino hide alone could not defeat partridge.

Well--! In fact,

Even if the four of them served together, they would definitely not be able to defeat this nimble, fat man like Partridge.

"Don't be so impulsive, it really has nothing to do with partridges, this matter is completely arranged by me." Inspector Cao said with a smile: "You are now wanted by the police, whether you want to cooperate or not, you should weigh it yourself !"

"Humph! My rhinoceros hide is always soft and not hard. I'm wanted! I'll show you, otherwise you'd think there's something great about Hong Kong Island." Rhinoceros made a gesture to Luo Han Guo: "Luo Han Guo, let's go !"

"Let's run together!" American ginseng also stood up, following the rhinoceros hide and monk fruit.

"Hmph, I curse you for giving birth to a son with only two eyes." Dasheng drew a circle at Inspector Cao in a spirited manner.

"Don't people only have two eyes?" Inspector Cao frowned suspiciously.

"No shit!" Dasheng cursed.

"Inspector Cao, I also want to help you, but if our friends don't help, I really can't handle it alone." Partridge said to Inspector Cao with a bitter face.

Inspector Cao nodded understandingly.

The rhino hide that had just opened the door stopped, Luo Han Guo couldn't brake enough, and hit the rhino hide's back.

"Hi! Beauty, who are you looking for?" Rhinoceros asked with a warm smile after tidying up the wrinkled collar corners.

"Hello! I'm looking for Superintendent Cao." Standing at the door was Instructor Hu.

"Oh! Superintendent Cao is inside, please come in! Please come in quickly, I will help you carry your luggage!" Rhino Pi smiled graciously.

"Hi! My name is American Ginseng!"

"My name is Luo Han Guo!"

After Citi participated in Luo Han Guo, seeing Instructor Hu, he hurriedly greeted him enthusiastically without falling behind, and Da Shengdi also squeezed in desperately.

Instructor Hu nodded and walked towards Inspector Cao.

"Hey! Bawanghua, you have made this trip in vain. The operation has been cancelled. I will inform you after I re-plan a new operation!" Inspector Cao said, shaking his hand.

"Which bastard said the operation was cancelled?" Rhinopi shouted loudly, as if he wasn't the one who just shouted to run away.

"You said it!" Luo Han Guo decisively tore down the rhino hide.

"You short winter melon, are you looking for a fight?" Rhinopi slapped Luo Han Guo, and Luo Han Guo walked around behind Instructor Hu, sneaking a lewd glance at Instructor Hu's ass.

"Luo Han Guo, don't talk nonsense if you have a hard ear. I mean we are good citizens who are most willing to cooperate with the police. For justice, it is our duty." Rhino Pi searched his only few idioms and said righteously.

"Yes, yes, it is everyone's responsibility to do things for the police!" Citigroup said in agreement.

"Oh! So this is the partner Inspector Cao arranged for us, so this operation will definitely be a complete success." Partridge clapped his hands and laughed.

"It's the team leader!" Instructor Hu said seriously.

"Hehe, team leader, you are the team leader!" The five Partridges nodded and laughed in agreement.

Inspector Cao also laughed.

"Well! Since you all have such a high level of awareness, then I can rest assured that Bawanghua will inform you of the details of the operation, and I am going to leave in advance."

"Hurry up, hurry up, be careful to miss the last train." Since the rhinoceros hide and American ginseng waved their hands one after another, they seemed to be chasing flies.

"Oh! By the way, Bawanghua, isn't there another team member?" After taking two steps, Detective Cao stopped and turned to Instructor Hu.

Instructor Hu raised his hand and looked at his watch: "Five o'clock, he should be here soon."

Inspector Cao nodded.

The doorbell rang.

"Another beautiful team member?" Rhino Pi's eyes lit up, and he shouted loudly, "I'll open the door, whoever fights with me is my enemy."

Rhinopi ran to open the door, and it was Li Xianying who came in. Rhinopi stared at Li Xianying coldly, but Li Xianying ignored him.

"Hello, sir!" Li Xianying saluted Inspector Cao, obviously Instructor Hu had reminded Li Xianying.

"You are Bawanghua's colleague? Very good! You really are a good-looking talent. Bawanghua rarely recommends others. I hope you don't let me down." Inspector Cao looked Li Xianying up and down and nodded.

"YES, SIR!" Li Xianying replied seriously.

After Inspector Cao left, the rhinoceros and the five men showed their courtesy to Instructor Hu while glaring at Li Xianying hostilely.

"Yingying, you should choose a room to store your luggage first! We may stay here for a few days and discuss the detailed plan." Instructor Hu turned to Li Xianying and said.

Instructor Hu always likes to make decisions before making moves. It is completely opposite to Li Xianying, a guy like Li Xianying who fights and thinks about where to go. As for Li Er, Li Er has never had a fixed style. , he will swing the guy in any way. After all, the great man said that it doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it can eat, it is a good cat.

"Understood!" Li Xianying went upstairs with the luggage bag.

Seeing that Li Xianying was so knowledgeable, the five people, Partridge and Rhinoceros, surrounded Instructor Hu one after another, bragging about their arrogance noisily.

Outside the villa building.

"You are Li Er?" Inspector Cao asked.

"YES, SIR!" Li Er saluted blankly.

"You are Chen Jiaju!"

"YES, SIR!" Chen Jiaju raised his head and raised his chest and buttocks and shouted.

"Very good! Bawanghua led those five wonderful flowers to attract firepower in the open. You two are watching in the dark. You must work together to achieve good results." Inspector Cao said and turned to Li Er: "Especially you , Li Er, Director Huang admires your case-handling ability very much, let me see what real skills the person praised by Niu Pihuang has."

"YES, SIR!" Li Er saluted solemnly again, there was no way, the old guy in front of him was the chief superintendent, and Li Er was just a small inspector.


It's dark.

Li Er and Chen Jiaju sat in the car outside the villa and fed the mosquitoes.

"Li Er, do you think there is something wrong with Superintendent Cao? He seems to really think that looking for partridges and other thieves can help our police solve the case?" Chen Jiaju asked in a low voice.

"How do I know!" Li Er put down the night vision binoculars, shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "Anyway, I've made up my mind to make soy sauce for the whole process."

Chen Jiaju touched his big nose: "Li Er, tell me, is Superintendent Cao deliberately unable to solve the case, allowing that traitor in the special police team to successfully launder 100 million dollars of stolen money, I always feel that the special police team can do it alone." Stealing $100 million is kind of bizarre."

Li Er turned his head to look at Chen Jiaju in some surprise, who the hell said Chen Jiaju had no brains, this guy is very quick-witted.

"It's fine to suspect casually in private, don't take it seriously, the ghost knows what the people above them are planning." Li Er said in a low voice.

Chen Jiaju nodded knowingly: "Superintendent Cao asked me to fly to Tokyo tomorrow to prepare with a special police officer from their special police team."

Li Er frowned. He didn't quite remember the original plot of the Fuxing series. It seemed that Chen Jiaju was arrested in Japan, or who was arrested.

"In short, safety comes first. If something goes wrong, dodge immediately!" Li Er reminded.

Chen Jiaju suddenly had a toothache. Li Er is a crow mouth. When he reminds you seriously, usually something will happen.

"You go to bed first! You will be on guard in the second half of the night." Li Er said while picking up the night vision glasses while monitoring.

"Wow, you bastard is really picky, it's already ten o'clock, and it will be midnight in two hours." Chen Jiaju said contemptuously.

"So you still have two or three hours to sleep, unless you want to stay up all night." Li Er laughed.

Chen Jiaju cast a sideways glance at Li Er speechlessly, put down the seat in the car, lay down and fell asleep.

Two minutes later.

Chen Jiaju suddenly heard Li Er swallowing his saliva.

"Li Er, what's the matter?" Chen Jiaju looked at Li Er and asked strangely.

"It's okay!" Li Er tugged at the collar of his jacket. The weather is really hot.

"No problem? Then why are you staring at the binoculars?" Chen Jiaju was even more surprised.

"I'm not worried about the situation! Go to sleep." Li Er said motionlessly, holding the binoculars in both hands.

"No!" Chen Jiaju immediately sat up and picked up another night vision binoculars beside him.

Instructor Hu's room is on the east side of the second floor, and the bathroom in her room is also on the east side. The window is facing the surveillance cars of Li Er and Chen Jiaju.

Instructor Hu knew that Li Er and Chen Jiaju were secretly assisting in this operation, but she didn't know that Li Er's surveillance car happened to be on this side of her room.

After Instructor Hu put the hot water in, she began to take off her clothes and take a bath. The most terrible thing was that she took off her clothes without closing the curtain of the bathroom.

Women don't necessarily have to have big breasts and upturned buttocks to be attractive, especially the oriental aesthetics, thin waist and snow skin, red lips and white teeth, full of grips, tsk tsk tsk, Li Er is obviously looking at the face.

Chen Jiaju was not very lucky. When he picked up the binoculars, Instructor Hu had already sat in the bathtub, and he could only see a beautiful white back.

"You bastard! You didn't tell me about this kind of scene earlier." Chen Jiaju's face flushed red with anger.

Li Er did not answer.


Li Er and Chen Jiaju were lying on the window of the car, carefully monitoring the villa building without moving, er, the focus of attention was the window of the bathroom in Instructor Hu's room.

"Li Er, how long do you think she will take a bath?" Chen Jiaju swallowed unconsciously and asked.

It is undoubtedly women, especially beautiful women, who can most make men find a common topic.

"I don't know how long it takes a woman to take a bath, but I know that you can't give up halfway. If you persist to the end, you will definitely see good things." Li Er was talking nonsense seriously.

Chen Jiaju nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, there is no man who does not make mistakes.

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