"Thirty thousand?" Li Er's voice was shrill.

Chen Jiaju nodded.

Bai Anni sat on the sofa behind her master and covered her mouth and smiled secretly.

"No!" Li Er said with certainty.

"I really need it urgently. I can calculate the interest for you and pay it back to you in one year, no, in two years, or it can be deducted from the rent." Chen Jiaju said anxiously.

"I really didn't!" Li Er lied without blinking an eye.

Chen Jiaju: "..."

"Besides, the rent is 300 a month, 3,000 a year, isn't 30,000 yuan worth ten years' rent?" Li Er frowned and said, "It's been too long, you won't see me living in a village for the rest of my life. Bar!"

Chen Jiaju gave Li Er a sideways look, and cursed inwardly: "Did dogs eat the last two months of the year? Three hundred a month, how could it be three thousand a year?"

"You can sublease it!" Chen Jiaju said with a bitter face. He asked Ding Jianguo's buddy to ask someone to guarantee that the money spent on the land would definitely not be refunded.

Li Er was moved when he heard Chen Jiaju's words, the prices on Hong Kong Island are rising every day, and the rent level will definitely not be the current level in a few years, 30,000 yuan is not a good deal for ten years' rent.

"Take it away, take it away, you are in trouble, how could I stand idly by, and you saw through it, your eyes are so vicious." Li Er, who was sure he had no money just now, stuffed 30,000 yuan into Chen Jiaju's hand in the next second , and added a sentence at the end: "It's true to see people!"

"..." Chen Jiaju was pushed out of the room by Li Er in a daze. He looked down at the 30,000 yuan in his hand, feeling faintly that something was wrong.

After Chen Jiaju returned the money to Ding Jianguo, he finally came to his senses and threw himself into the street. The bastard Li Er was really treacherous. The 30,000 yuan he gave him was in Japanese yen. This time he really lost money to the Pacific Ocean.

"Master, I found the license plate number. The Mercedes-Benz with this license plate number belongs to a Kamikaze Travel Service Co., Ltd., and the person in charge is Okamoto." Bai Anni in the room reported to Li Er.

"Okamoto?" Li Er's face was a little strange: "Has the eagle returned?"

Bai Anni shook her head: "No, but Instructor Hu sent a text message at nine o'clock, saying that he had entered the enemy's interior, and asked us to prepare 10 million cash as an entrance fee for them to join the 'Scarecrow Club'."

"The eagle is cautious!" Li Er nodded, and his face suddenly became gloomy when he heard Instructor Hu.

"This must not be a ransom! Damn, this life is dangerous!" Li Er said angrily.

"Master, how about I get the money for you." Bai Anni smiled.

"No!" Li Er gave Bai Anni a hard look.

"Didn't the special police team send other special police members? Let them go." Li Er said with a curled lip.

Bai Anni: "Oh!"

"Knock, knock!" There was a knock on the door.

Li Er immediately gave Bai Anni a wink, and Bai Anni immediately jumped up from the sofa and quickly went up to the side behind the door. Li Er shook his right hand and held a small pocket pistol in his hand.

"Which one?" Li Er asked.

"Partridge, 'Bawanghua' called me." It was indeed Partridge's voice that spoke.

Li Er gestured to Bo Anni, and Bo Anni took a quick glance at the cat's eye on the door. There was no problem, and there was only Partridge outside the door.

"Open the door!" Li Er said.

Partridge entered the door and saw Li Er stunned for a moment.

"Spare ribs two, why are you here? No way, you are the wise and powerful police detective that 'Bawanghua' said!" Partridge laughed exaggeratedly.

"Sparse ribs two?" Bo Anni laughed so hard that her eyes bowed when she heard that her master had such a funny nickname.

"Who is this chick? She's so beautiful, Rib Er, this can't be your girlfriend!" Partridge looked at Bai Anni and asked Li Er.

"Yes! You must be the most loyal friend my master often mentions, Partridge." Bai Anni said with a smile.

When Partridge heard Bo Anni said that he was loyal, he immediately straightened his back.

"No no,

Ribs 2 is too much to praise, I just prefer to help my friends, and it is my duty to be a friend! "Partridge said with a serious face, he finally learned an idiom of 'obligation' in prison.

Bai Anni couldn't help laughing secretly as she saw Partridge's bright and secret but indifferent complacent expression.

"What did 'Bawanghua' ask you to do to me?" Li Er asked.

"She asked me to get the money, and said you knew it!" Partridge said.

Li Er frowned, I know? I know what the fuck?

"Knock, knock—!" There was another knock on the door.

Li Er casually picked up a crystal ashtray on the table and threw it to Partridge, beckoning him to open the door.

‘Aren’t you being loyal? The opportunity has come. '

Partridge was really brave, picked up the ashtray and ran to the door.

"Which one?" Li Er blocked Bai Anni behind him, and the pistol appeared in his palm again.

"Chen Jiaju!" said Chen Jiaju outside the door.

"Chicken bone grass?" Partridge heard Chen Jiaju's voice, and immediately opened the door.

"Haha! Chicken bone grass, it's really you, why are you all in Japan?" Partridge happily hugged Chen Jiaju and smiled.

"Partridge, long time no see!" Chen Jiaju broke away Partridge's hands in embarrassment. He and Li Er had just beaten Partridge in the villa on Hong Kong Island. Seeing Partridge's enthusiasm, he felt uncomfortable.

"Why aren't you surprised to see me?" Partridge asked strangely.

"Haha! I'm very surprised, Partridge, why are you here, shouldn't you be in Stanley?" Chen Jiaju laughed exaggeratedly, this guy's scumbag acting skills, there is no emotional progression at all, fortunately Partridge was also a rough fellow, and saw nothing wrong with it at all.

"Hey, I performed well inside and was released early. I'm helping the police now, you can't imagine it!" Partridge smiled proudly.

"Oh! Really? Congratulations!" Chen Jiaju smiled exaggeratedly.

Partridge frowned, he always felt that Chen Jiaju was weird.

"Okay! Don't talk about the past, let's get down to business, Jiaju, do you know what Instructor Hu means by 10 million?" Li Er asked Chen Jiaju.

"Oh! Instructor Hu and the others have successfully sneaked into the 'Scarecrow Club'?" Chen Jiaju was overjoyed: "I heard from my partners in the special police team that 10 million is the membership fee to join the 'Scarecrow Club'."

"The 'Scarecrow Club' is very mysterious in Japan. They eat black and white. Anyone who joins their club, no matter how big a crime they commit, will be protected by their organization and will not be afraid of being hunted by the police." Chen Jiaju explained.

Li Er glanced at Chen Jiaju, this big nose seemed to know a lot of information that he didn't know.

"And then?" Li Er asked.

Chen Jiaju clapped his hands and said confidently: "Then it will be easy. We will go to Instructor Hu with the membership fee, and we will definitely find their lair, and I probably already know where the 'Scarecrow Club' lair is, and we will catch them all."

"..." Li Er couldn't help asking: "Is it that simple?"

"It's that simple!" Chen Jiaju said confidently.

"Where is that money?" Bai Anni couldn't help asking, she also found that instructor Hu didn't share a lot of information with her master.

"The money is with a liaison officer of the special police team stationed in Tokyo. I know the address." Chen Jiaju nodded.

After Li Er and Bai Anni looked at each other, they knew that they had really become soy saucers.

"By the way, Partridge, did they say when they will pay them the membership fee?" Chen Jiaju asked Partridge.

"Tomorrow at noon! Mount Fuji Platinum Playground!" Partridge said honestly.

After Chen Jiaju's face became happy, he froze soon.

"Tomorrow at noon, what about the martial arts competition at Ueno Martial Arts?" Chen Jiaju looked at Li Er.

Li Er originally made up his mind that he would never help, but now he must help. Dealing with gangsters is safer than professional criminal organizations, and he feels that the actions of the special police team are too unreliable.

"You and Partridge go to send money! I will take care of difficult things like martial arts competitions." Li Er also felt obliged to wait a while.

Chen Jiaju was overjoyed: "That's great! It's decided like this, Partridge and I will deal with the 'Scarecrow Organization', and Li Er, you and Annie will compete in martial arts."

After Chen Jiaju and Partridge left, Bai Anni couldn't help but asked Li Er: "Master, why do I always feel that Big Nose Ju thinks things too simply? Since this scarecrow organization has the ability to protect international crimes, how could it be possible to see it?" Don't wear such a clumsy move?"

"Uh——!" Li Er scratched his brows in embarrassment, as if in the original plot, Chen Jiaju and Partridge really succeeded in bringing down the criminal organization, with a happy ending.

"Which bastard made up the plot, isn't it too childish?" Li Er didn't answer Bai Anni, and muttered to himself.

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