The latest website: Ueno Martial Arts.

"Master, are you really good at kung fu?" Bai Anni asked curiously.

"Uh--! Does sweeping the legs count?" Li Er said in a cold sweat.

Bai Anni stuck out her tongue: "Just one move?"

"Just one move!" Li Er smiled wryly, and then immediately changed his face. This guy said with a serious face: "One move is enough. To deal with these scumbag Japanese boys, do I need to use a second move?"

"..." Bai Anni looked at her master amusedly, you don't know how to do the second trick! Annie knew that her master's fighting skills were excellent, but in traditional martial arts, she seemed to have only seen her master perform a "sweeping leg".

"Don't laugh at Master, be careful I will spank your ass!" Li Er snorted coldly.

Bai Anni squinted her eyes, leaned close to Li Er's side, and said softly, "Okay! Master, I'll let you play again at night!"

"..." Li Er's face turned dark, he missed He Min's goji berry pork bone soup, otherwise his waist would hurt.

"Brother, you are the expert recommended by Brother Jia Kui, are you sure?" Ding Jianguo asked Li Er familiarly.

After he learned that Chen Jiaju didn't have time to attend the meeting, he was very nervous. Everyone has witnessed Chen Jiaju's ability, but the Li Er in front of him seems to have no ability except for his handsome face to please women.

"If the opponent is someone else, it's hard to say, but when we beat the Japanese devils, when they invaded our country, my ancestors were not afraid of brutal killings. Do you think I should embarrass the motherland?" Li Er said solemnly. Said, this guy's acting skills are much better than Chen Jiaju's, and he immediately aroused the emotions of Ding Jianguo and other Chinese who came to cheer.

"Yes, don't be afraid of them, fuck it!"

"That's right, we can't embarrass our ancestors, fuck it."

"Brother, come on, there's nothing to be afraid of if you lose, anyway, they always charge us protection fees." A stocky fat man clenched his fist and said.

Li Er: "..."

Ding Jianguo and the others glared at the little fat man in unison.

"Fat Mantis,

Can you fucking say something nicer? How do you know that we will lose before we fight? Back then, our ancestors with millet and rifles were not equally capable and defeated Little Japan. Ding Jianguo cursed loudly.

Of course, although these guys shouted loudly, they really didn't have much confidence in Li Er, because usually good-looking guys didn't have much ability, and such people were often embroidered pillows.

If Li Er knew that Ding Jianguo and others had slandered him, he would definitely go mad. He would rather have a sore waist than be a silver pewter gun head.

"Hey! Why isn't it the person from yesterday?" A Japanese asked Ding Jianguo.

Ding Jianguo turned his head to look at Li Er, and said loudly, "He is the master of that warrior yesterday."

The Japanese in Ueno Martial Arts were in an uproar. The news that Chen Jiaju beat seven or eight of them by himself yesterday had already spread in the martial arts. Unexpectedly, the other party seemed to be on guard, and even sent a 'master-level' figure.

The Japanese warriors in the Ueno Martial Art Museum looked at Li Er one after another, and their expressions were very strange. In any case, Li Er's age did not seem like a master at the 'master level'.

"What did Little Japan say?" Li Er asked with a frown.

Bai Anni laughed and said, "They asked if it was a big-nosed horse, and the big man said that you are better than a big-nosed horse, and everyone is the same."

Li Er nodded. During the fight, he really thought he was better than Chen Jiaju. Even if he didn't have to sweep his legs, he was better than Chen Jiaju in terms of strength and speed.

The only thing Chen Jiaju can beat Li Er is probably only the ability to be beaten. Don't underestimate the ability to be beaten. Chen Jiaju often makes his opponent cry with his unbeatable physique.

"Karate, Kazuo Funakoshi, please enlighten me!" A middle-aged Japanese man took off his shoes and walked onto the martial arts arena barefoot.

"What did he say?" Li Er asked.

Annie immediately translated: "He is reporting himself to you, he said his name is Kazuo Funakoshi, he is a karate practitioner, master, you have to be careful, karate pays attention to one-hit kills, beware of being released by him in the first round fall down."

"Self-report?" Li Er was taken aback for a moment.

‘How can I repay my mother with no family or sect? Is it a perfect shot? '

Li Er saw that his opponent was posing very chicly, so he also went to the field, and made a hand gesture like Huang Feihong.

"Uh--! Penathlon, Li Er!" Li Er said seriously.

People from the 'Chinese Team' scratched their heads one after another, what kind of school is the 'Pentathlon'?


The Japanese were indeed very pragmatic. Seeing that Li Er was ready, Kazuo Funakoshi immediately attacked Li Er's waist with a cross kick, which is the most common karate technique, and took the lead in attacking.

"I'm going, this Japanese devil is so fast!" Li Er saw that Kazuo Funakoshi had just lifted his foot, and the instep was about to kick him in front of him. This guy was worried that he would not be in a hurry to dodge, so he decisively launched the "sweeping kick".

The people watching the battle at the Ueno Martial Art Museum only saw that Li Er suddenly squatted down and dodged Kazuo Funakoshi's attack. The members of the 'Chinese team' were taken aback. Although Li Er's dodging posture was very weird, it was still a way to deal with the opponent's attack. A good way to recruit.

The people in the Yamada group were stunned. They had seen many kinds of moves to deal with the horizontal kick.

But they have never seen or even heard of someone squatting down to dodge a horizontal kick attack. Once squatting down, the back move will definitely not be able to get up in time. This is a stupid dead move. face of disappointment.


Li Er didn't get up, but Kazuo Funakoshi fell down.

It's sweeping legs.


The audience in the martial arts hall all looked at Li Er, except Bai Anni, who was full of pride at the moment, and couldn't stop the smile from the corner of her mouth.

'The man I fancy is not that simple! ’ Bo Anni held a pair of small hands, very proud of herself.

Kazuo Funakoshi, who was recruited, suppressed the shock in his heart, rolled back immediately after falling, and looked at Li Er in horror.

Li Er didn't take the opportunity to attack, but just waited calmly for Kazuo Funakoshi to recover.

The members of the 'Japanese team' looked at Li Er with admiration. Kazuo Funakoshi fell to the ground just now, and it was the best chance for a combo, but the opponent did not take advantage of the situation to attack. This demeanor is indeed like a master.

Kazuo Funakoshi heaved a sigh of relief when he realized that Li Er had no intention of attacking. The sweeping kick just now came too suddenly, and he was really defenseless. When he realized it, he had tripped over.

A young man in the 'Japanese team' looked at Li Er solemnly, and he couldn't see through Li Er's motives. When Kazuo Funakoshi made a side kick, the young man clearly saw that Li Er's eyes were flustered. , It should be Kazuo Funakoshi's side kick that was unexpected. Who knew that Kazuo Funakoshi would fall into his attack trap in the next second, which is really unpredictable.

"Koizumi, you are the candidate for the second competition, what do you think of this Chinese warrior's moves?" An old guy next to the young man asked in a low voice.

"I don't know!" Koizumi replied honestly.

He really didn't know, Kazuo Funakoshi in the arena couldn't understand Li Er, so he could only pry cautiously step by step.

Li Er made another Huang Feihong's signature opening gesture. This guy found that this pretentious posture was very suitable for him to launch the "sweeping legs".

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